Pierre Poilievre wishes traitorous dictator who hates the country he is PM of would stop being so divisive
Category: Satire
Via: hallux • 2 years ago • 30 commentsBy: LUKE GORDON FIELD - The Beaverton

OTTAWA – Leader of the opposition Pierre Poilievre is calling on “left-wing scum” Justin Trudeau to stop dividing Canadians on political lines.
“Canadians don’t need a leader who puts down his fellow countrymen by calling them ‘a fringe minority,’ just because they hold extreme views shared by only a small percentage of the population,” said Poilievre. “And I wish that Communist boot licker would understand he’s supposed to be bringing people together.”
“Honestly it’s just emblematic of woke communist globalists like Trudeau and every member of the Canada destroying Liberal and NDP parties to be mean to people who happen to disagree with them politically.”
Poilievre has repeatedly accused “known Cuck” Trudeau of using harsh language and name calling towards members of the Freedom Convoy and their supporters, indicating that is something he will never do when he is PM.
“I don’t care whether you’re a bra burning Lesby, an Avocado toast eating snowflake, or a bagel with locks eating ‘elite’, as your Prime Minister I’ll always treat you with respect.”
As part of his campaign to unite all Canadians Poilievre has announced immediate plans to set Toronto on fire.
Different country, same shit.
True enough
f'n knuckle draggers are deaf to their own hypocrisy...
The only difference I can see is one of us has an accent...
the only accent you can actually see is an italian accent...
Sometimes I think that anyone that could bring us Michael J Fox isn't all bad.
Then I remember Bieber.
I would agree if this were NOT satire.
Typical of beedy eyed binary minded rightwing nunus everywhere!
He's going to need a lot of matches
he's a conservative. he'll start with a masonry building...
“he's a conservative. he'll start with a masonry building...”
….and if that should fail, there is always a promised wall to be built (or at least funds to be raised).
As long as it keeps the cold air in Canada in January...I'm fine with that
Thanks ... not!
meh, all the white walkers are already on the wrong side of it...
Okay, as long as he stays away from the building my daughter lives in, besides its being where my storage unit is, and my bank branch where my Canadian bank account is.
Really? Burn Canada, except your kid, your stuff and your money?
Burn Canada? Did the quote not say Toronto? This is a SATIRE article, not a serious one, so....