The American media's greatest lies.

Link to Quote: All the Adam Schiff Transcripts - WSJ
I'm not going to go into the government's violation of the First Amendment via social media censorship. I'm only going to focus on the tremendous lies the left-wing media has perpetrated on the American public in the past few decades. Here is what I consider to be the top seven.
We shall start with the Great Lie:
1) Donald Trump colluded with Russia:
Numerous legacy newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post as well as media outlets CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS were actively perpetuating a myth created by the Hillary Clinton campaign that Donald Trump had colluded with Russia. They all cited unnamed sources to keep the false story going. The FBI launched two investigations without predicate and it's director lied numerous times to congress as to how & why those investigations were launched. He also lied to then President Trump about the fact that there indeed was an investigation of the President underway. Comey also admitted to leaking a story to the New York Times which was published by one of the Times leading reporters Michael Schmidt. Eventually after democrats managed to get the AG to recuse himself from all things involving the President, the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein went along with democrats call to appoint a Special Counsel. The visibly impaired Robert Mueller was appointed, and he assembled a team of Trump hating activists who conducted a two-year investigation which prosecuted and, in some cases, framed individuals for process crimes, but could find on evidence of Donald Trump colluding with Russia. The author of the Steele Dossier was offered a million dollars by the FBI if he could substantiate any bit of his notorious dossier. He politely turned down the offer. Only one individual was ever held accountable for the hoax: an FBI lawyer who fudged a FISA warrant application and even after he confessed, he was given zero jail time. Remember how we were told right here about the severity of lying on a FISA application? The worst part is that a good many Americans still believe that Trump colluded with Russia.
2) Trump ordered police to clear Lafayette Park protestors:
"The NYT and other corporate media outlets pushed a narrative in 2020 claiming that former President Donald Trump ordered police to clear out protesters near Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in order to let him pose for a photo-op. In its coverage of the matter , the NYT cited an “official familiar with the events” who said Trump’s advisers “hatched a plan” to have him visit the nearby St. John’s Church. “It was because the president, who spent part of the weekend in a secure bunker as protests roiled, wanted to have his picture taken holding a Bible at a battered church just beyond the gates,” the outlet reported. But a June report by Interior Department inspector Mark Greenblatt concluded that Trump was not involved in the decision to clear the protesters. The report noted that Park Police were given permission to and carried out the clearing around two days before the president had planned to visit the church."
ANALYSIS: Top 10 Biggest Whoppers Published By The New York Times | The Daily Caller
3) Hands up Don't Shoot:
In 2014 a criminal by the name of Michael Brown tried to take a police officer's gun and was shot in the process. A few people immediately lied about it claiming that Brown had his hands up saying "don't shoot. They were contradicted by many other witnesses and nevertheless the media ran with the false narrative that a black man was murdered by a white police officer. Not only was the officer cleared at trial but then activist DA Eric Holder had rushed in to investigate the local police department. Even the radical Holder had to admit that it was a justified shooting. However, the lie caused riots and was the starting point for the terror group known as Black Lives Matter. As with the Russia/collusion hoax there are many who still believe the lie.
4) Trump ignored bounties on US soldiers:
"A June 2020 NYT report claimed Trump had received intelligence that a Russian military spy unit was paying Taliban forces a “bounty” to attack U.S. service members in Afghanistan. The report suggested there was a consensus in the intelligence community regarding the veracity of the information. Trump dismissed the reporting, which cited unnamed “officials briefed on the matter” as its sources. Top U.S. officials later corroborated the former president’s claims that there was no evidence he was briefed about the bounties. Then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper similarly denied getting briefed about the situation, NPR reported . The veracity of the intelligence was also called into question after Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of the U.S. Central Command, told NBC News that the information “had not been proved to a level of certainty.” The Biden administration noted months later in April it has only “low to medium” confidence that Russia placed the bounties. The NYT published a follow-up report several days later, replacing its definitive statements about Trump being directly briefed about the alleged bounties with more nuanced reporting on White House briefings and U.S. intelligence related to Russia. Although the thrust of the original Times story had been disproven, they did not issue a correction.
ANALYSIS: Top 10 Biggest Whoppers Published By The New York Times | The Daily Caller
5) Natural immunity offers little protection from covid compared to vaccination:
This was one of many great lies told during the pandemic response. It's amazing that it got so much tracking since it was so illogical. Many medical experts who tried to counter the claim were censored. This lie was the cause of many Americans losing their jobs. It wasn't until a A Lancet study looked at 65 major studies in 19 countries on natural immunity, that this obvious lie was finally debunked. How many Americans even know that the lie was debunked?
6) Brian Sicknick was killed by Jan 6th rioters
"The NYT published an article Jan. 8 that originally claimed Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick died after he “was struck with a fire extinguisher” amid the chaos of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. The article cited “two law enforcement officials,” although the Capitol Police did not note this in their statement and only said Sicknick “was injured while physically engaging with protestors.”
It was later revealed that Sicknick died from natural causes, suffering from two strokes following the Capitol riot. Medical examiner Francisco Diaz said an autopsy showed no evidence Sicknick suffered from any internal or external injuries, nor that he had an allergic reaction to chemical irritants that were dispersed during the riot, The Washington Post reported . The NYT quietly updated its article in February to note “new information has emerged” regarding the officer’s death, though the outlet did not explicitly correct the article’s original claim and no editor’s note was included in the follow-up piece.
ANALYSIS: Top 10 Biggest Whoppers Published By The New York Times | The Daily Caller
7) Covid originating from the Wuhan Lab is a conspiracy theory.
This lie was initiated by Dr Fauci when he ordered up a study with a predetermined result that covid was most likely emanating from nature. The media quickly created the narrative that anyone who even asked if covid was man-made was a conspiracy theorist. The phrase conspiracy theorist was repeated over and over by talking heads on CNN & MSNBC. A massive coverup took place in China which involved Wuhan scientists disappearing and documentation from the Wuhan Lab being destroyed. Ultimately, overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak origin, evidence which seems to implicate Dr Fauci in funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab.
So, for those in the echo chamber who want to talk about lies: you can start with these.
"There are lies, there are outrageous lies, and there are statistics."
Arthur James Balfour – Quote Investigator®
And then there are the media's great lies!
gee, funny how there's no mention of the biggest media lie, by FOX...
Is that the latest from the echo chamber?
FOX isn't reporting on it which in light of their stunning ability to circle wagons and aim inwards is understandable.
Your buddy has done a good job of circling wagons. This place is just about dead because of it.
John 8:7
meh, I would've already revoked their white house press credentials...
no it isn't, it just smells like it because my opposition is decomposing too slowly...
Spent the last 3 years dealing with long haul COVID. Hopefully life doesn't get worse than this.
that sucks. my Dr suspected I had gotten it, but 2 weeks before the blood test, I got it again.
trumpski's truth social and jr are about to get sucked into another russian legal vortex...
Brown was many feet away from the police officer who killed him and was not in a position to take away the cops gun. AT BEST, your conclusion is disingenuous, at worst, well.....
That's another lie:
Forensic tests have found the blood of Michael Brown on the gun, uniform and police cruiser belonging to Officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot the unarmed teen two months ago in Ferguson, Missouri, The New York Times reported.
Michael Brown's blood found in officer's car, on gun | CNN
It was just past noon on August 9 when Wilson and Brown’s paths first crossed in Ferguson’s Canfield Green apartment complex. Wilson had just finished responding to a call regarding a sick infant. Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson, 22, were walking in a two-lane residential street when Wilson approached in his sport utility patrol vehicle and told them to get on the sidewalk. The precise details of what happened next have been at the center of months of protest and outrage.
Most agree on the following: There was some sort of physical struggle between Brown and Wilson while Wilson was still in his vehicle; Brown ran from the confrontation ; Wilson got out of the vehicle and fatally shot Brown at least six times from a distance; Brown was unarmed; and his bleeding body lay in the hot summer sun for four hours , much of that time uncovered, as the residents of Canfield looked upon his splayed-out corpse in horror.
If Brown bled on Wilson it was from when they struggled inside the officer's vehicle.
There were many eyewitness accounts that contradicted each other.
The evidence proves that thug Brown was shot struggling for the officers gun:
What the forensic evidence says about Michael Brown’s death | PBS NewsHour
Twice you've been given the evidence but you choose to support the lie, Why John?
"Although the official DOJ investigation thoroughly discredited initial claims that Brown had been surrendering when he was shot, left-wing politicians have continued to spread the false narrative."
Eric Holder, Who Resigned in Wake of Ferguson Riots, Touts His Police 'Reform' Record - Headline USA
Really, which is the reason a jury acquitted Wilson and Holder never pressed charges?
Try a more reliable source.
Even Holder had to admit it!
Oh, JR left!
Anyone else?
Brown was killed for being a stupid bastard who picked a fight with the wrong person.
Wasn't Brown first shot while reaching into the cop's window to grab the gun?
I'll grab a cup of coffee while I wait for the answer.
Vic, debating you is fun. Its hard to lose.
In your own mind you're winning. Try to defend those lies that these people here repeated all these years.
Yep, he struck Wilson in the face while going for his gun. And he was facing and charging at Wilson when he received the fatal shot.
The seeded article claims Brown was shot and killed while trying to take the officers gun away. That is, to use the parlance of the seeded article, a lie.
Some people cannot realize they lost before they started.
John prefers to believe Brown's friend who gave fake testimony which was quickly countered by other witnesses.
This was my point: How people hold on to these lies.
And yet you manage to do so often.
The autopsy established that Brown did not sustain gunshot wounds to his back.
The evidence, when viewed as a whole, does not support the conclusion that Wilson’s uses of deadly force were “objectively unreasonable” under the Supreme Court’s definition. Accordingly, under the governing federal law and relevant standards set forth in the USAM, it is not appropriate to present this matter to a federal grand jury for indictment, and it should therefore be closed without prosecution.
Deflecting again
Spreading misinformation again I see.
Right. After already attacking the officer and trying to take his gun and kill him, the "angel" had turned and was coming at the officer again when he was shot.
But again, you and others were claiming that Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot. That was the lie. A lie that's done untold amounts of damage to this country.
The seeded article claims Brown was shot dead trying to take Wilson's gun away.
Uh, no.
No, it says " Michael Brown tried to take a police officer's gun and was shot in the process.." He was, in fact, shot while struggling to take away the officer's gun.
Sorry, but eyewitnesses and ballistic reports say you are wrong!
Even Holder, who had no business in there had to admit it.
It was a justifiable shooting
It was most certainly was.
They desperately want to believe it
There is no doubt that Trump wanted to collude with Russia in 2016. Whether he got that far is an open question. The two most obvious examples - Trumps son and son in law met with a person they believed was a representative of the Russian government in order to get "dirt" on Hillary Clinton from that person. This is incontrovertible. On a technicality Mueller decided this was not the definition of collusion, but to any sensible eye it was. Secondly Trump himself asked Russia to hack Clintons computers and find allegedly damaging emails. At the time the gullible took it as a "joke". Trump was not joking, as can be seen by his later behavior when he asked Zelensky to do something similar as regards Biden, and then again in 2022 when he asked Putin to produce damaging information against Biden.
Oh, we are down to "he wanted to?"
That is not what the media said for 2 years!
Lets put it like this - he was trying hard. I would call the June 9th Trump Tower meeting absolute collusion. The fact that Mueller thought it was a technical matter of law is meaningless.
If all you have to hang onto is an offer by people who were connected to Fusion GPS, you really don't have much.
What happened to the Times & the Post's unnamed sources? What about Maggie Haberman's sources or the evidence tat Adam Schiff said was in plain sight?
What in the world are you talking about? The information about the Trump Tower meeting didnt come from the dossier.
I'm simply answering questions that you prefer not to.
The information about the Trump Tower meeting didnt come from the dossier.
Who made the offer to Trump's son? Exactly who was it that sought him out?
No, it's nota technicality. There was never anything close to an agreement to engage in illegal behavior.
We know Clinton paid foreign agents to dig up information on Trump and used it in the election. The Trump campaign, at most, agreed to receive information which they probably would have used.
Imagine arguing that Clinton or Biden wouldn't use negative information about a Republican in the exact same way.
No. he didn't.
Oh please, the meeting itself represented an "agreement" to collude. At an earlier date Trump Jr was offered an opportunity to meet with someone who was represented as being approved by the Russian government, in order to get dirt on Hillary. There is no doubt whatsoever about this. The fact that a deal did not eventuate at the meeting is irrelevant to the intent.
As far as Trump asking Russia to hack Hillarys computers, there is no doubt about that either. The frosting on the cake came when he tried the same with Zelensky in 2019 and then again with Putin in 2022.
No, it didn't. Meetings are not illegal. What if the Russian had shown up to the meeting with proof of financial crimes by Hillary Clinton and Trump Jr said, "take that information to the Wall Street Journal". What crime would that be?
As far as Trump asking Russia to hack Hillarys computers
As Greg said, that's simply wrong. It was public knowledge that Hillary had deleted her emails after being subpoenaed and the FBI was trying to find them. The worst spin you can put on it is that Trump asked Russia to help the FBI in an investigation.
Your comments are becoming laughable.
The only reason Trump Jr. took the meeting is because he believed he was going to get dirt on Hillary from Russia.
If that is not intent to collude with Russians to effect the election in Trumps favor , then nothing is.
Collusion requires a crime. Simply being shown dirt on Hillary Clinton is not a crime, thankfully.
Not to mention the hypocrisy involved.
Hillary paid for made up dirt on Trump, but somehow when someone makes an offer of dirt to Trump's son, that equals collusion!
"Secondly Trump himself asked Russia to hack Clintons computers and find allegedly damaging emails."
You're wrong again. Those 30,000 deleted Hillary emails were already in the wind if the Russians had wanted to retrieve them. They never hacked Hillary's computers, or needed to.
As Trump jokingly suggested.
And I don't believe there was anything illegal with conferring with their Russian contacts about building a hotel or discussing politics.
Biden's actions in regard to Ukraine haven't been fully explained and remain suspicious....did he collude with anyone there?
was he "joking" when he asked Zelensky to produce dirt on Joe Biden? Or in 2022 when he asked Putin to produce dirt on Biden? Open your eyes for petes sake.
There is no evidence he asked either Zelensky or Putin to provide anything.
Provide documentation if you have it. Otherwise I don't believe anything you say.
You mean when Joe Biden made US aid dependent on killing an investigation into Hunter Biden?
Joe bragged about that:
Only the word of a certain self serving leftist liberal anti Trump US Army LtCol who says he "witnessed" the phone call.
The phone call is on audio, which the world heard. What is wrong with you?
Audios can be doctored. What is wrong with you? Are your opinions the only ones that matter? Wait a minute, yes they are...
Take a hike Greg. I am done providing "proof" to people who deny what is right in front of their face.
When did you provide proof?
He hasn't really.
BS...I have asked you for proof over and over again concerning ALL of your "we got him now" hate Trump seeds over the years. Instead of providing that proof, you went straight to insults.
Just as you do today.
fuck off [Removed, the FO is permitted but rest was a directed personal insult]
[ removed ]
Trump brazenly asks Putin to release dirt about Biden’s family
Web In a new interview published Tuesday, former President Donald Trump called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to release any damaging information he has about the Biden …
You dont know what you are talking about, as always. Your insistence on getting your news from far right sources has ruined your ability to be accurate. Bidens call for firing the prosecutor had nothing to do with his son. It was in alignment with the position of all of NATO. The prosecutor was corrupt and it was not Bidens opinion, it was a widely held opinion.
Biden sucks just like his son
There is more coming btw:
FOX? gee, it must be true... /s
we've had enough of your 'bombshells'.
Using CNN, that is currently the most untrusted name in news lately as a source. That is definitely comical!
... hilarious. just how many billion dollar defamation lawsuits is CNN facing, ed?
The conservative comments on this seed demonstrate the widespread prevalence of "gaslighting".
With you holding the lighter?
It is hilarious that there are still people making this claim.
This one kills me. There were bounties on the heads of US Servicemembers LONG before Trump even thought of running for President. I sat in briefings in Iraq in 2005 and Afghanistan in 2007 that stated the same thing.
And the terror group's "motives" proved to be as false as the "hands up don't shoot" narrative.
If the results of this "bombshell" go the route of the seeder's previous predictions, well, yawn.
I read stuff like this and remember that Noah was a conspiracy theorist to everyone around him , and then it started raining.........
there were green alligators and long necked geese , some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees , some cats and rats and elephants , and sure as your born , the loveliest of all was the unicorn , happy St Pattys day all.
Wow, you've been around a long time.
my common reply to my grandkids when they say that is that i helped design dirt , so no need to recite the "OLD " magic to me , i was there when it was written .
My contribution to "dirt"? a load of manoodarre.....BULLSHITE
My response to my grandkids when they tell me I am old is that "I started my Navy career as a mess cook on Noah's Ark.".
The Daily Caller is a right-wing news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C. [7] It was founded by now- Fox News host Tucker Carlson and political pundit Neil Patel in 2010. The DAILY CALLER The Daily Caller has published false stories on multiple occasions, and declined to correct them when they were shown to be untrue. [16] The website publishes false and misleading articles that contradict the scientific consensus on climate change . In 2017 and 2018, the website cut ties with an editor and two contributors linked to white supremacist causes.
Sources matter and this one sucks!
According to a study by Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society , The Daily Caller was among the most popular right-wing news sites during the 2016 United States presidential election . The study also found that The Daily Caller provided "amplification and legitimation" for "the most extreme conspiracy sites", such as Truthfeed , InfoWars , The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse .
Until 2017, [18] the website had also published pieces by Peter Brimelow , founder of the white supremacist website VDARE, [113] [120] and by David Hilton, an anti-Semite who has pushed conspiracy theories that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks. In his articles for The Daily Caller , Hilton promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about George Soros, as well as conspiracy theories about " Cultural Marxism ". [18]
The Mueller report found that the Russian government "interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion" and "violated U.S. criminal law". The report relayed two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.
The DOJ under Barr wrongly withheld parts of a Russia probe memo, a court rules
SO what? The Barr AND Garland DOJ made a privilege claim on a legal document and lost. The substance of the memo itself is hardly worth commenting on, which is why no ever does.
Nothing illegal about trying to "influence" an election. Everybody does it.
There is no evidence of actual "interference" in our election process.