Change has come to America

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How much chaos and violence will the citizens of Chicago tolerate?
In Chicago savagery and chaos have arrived and it has been fostered by left wing ideologues. After a weekend of violence and looting by mobs of teenagers, the new Chicago mayor tried to make excuses for it. The radical progressive mayor-elect said:
It “is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities,”
Johnson was a defund the police advocate and despite all that Chicago has gone through, the left managed to get him elected. This past weekend the city's famous loop district saw unrestrained random violence and looting, completely unanswered by local law enforcement. Johnson made an absurd claim on local news shows that the kids rioted to eat. The fact is that Johnson is a radical racist and he wants to allow it as a form of reparations. All of this was unimaginable 50 years ago. Three people were shot and many beaten. There were a few arrests but no federal involvement.
"Officers made 15 arrests during Saturday’s mayhem, though Hopkins said there could have been “dozens more” if not for the “hostility and violence” that confronted officers who attempted to move into the crowd. That included numerous reports of officers being punched, kicked and pelted with bottles and other objects."
It was on November 4th 2008 that Barack Obama gave his famous victory speech in Chicago:
And change has come to America. It is not progress. It is the evil ideology that has been taught at American universities for the past 60 years as America slept. Thus, it is only fitting that the DNC has selected the city of Chicago to hold it's 2024 election convention
All that is missing is the meme declaring that Chicago is the safest city in America.
I'm sure one of the Meme Masters will some come in to grace us with one...
Some of them are striving so hard to be "woke".
There it is!
The ridiculous meme.
The left caused all this crime and violence and you can't talk it away.
There are almost three million people in Chicago. I dont object to discussing what happened Friday and saturday night, but you, as a fanatic, are determined to say things like "In Chicago savagery and chaos have arrived " as if this sort of "wilding" is a constant occurrence. Every week tens of thousands of people visit Chicago from elsewhere. Almost none of them report seeing "savages". You just dont know how to talk about things in a reasonable way.
I have always said that social dysfunction among inner city blacks is a multifaceted problem. Part of it stems from 400 years of racism which continues to this minute. Part of it stems from lax disciplinary attitudes within the black community itself. A lot of these "kids" are alienated from mainstream society. The current sad state of affairs we have in this country with the constant lying, celebrity obsession, and criminal ex-presidents is not helping a damn thing.
All U.S. extremist mass killings in 2022 linked to far righ t
"Right-wing extremists committed every ideologically driven mass killing identified in the U.S. in 2022, with an "unusually high" proportion perpetrated by white supremacists, according to a new report published Thursday."
Don't worry about me John.
Take it from those who have to live there. They are moving out:
PS: The crime problem has exacerbated becauce progressives want to empty the jails and defund police.
The topic is crime & violence in the big cities.
You are off topic
Four hundred years of racism? Please stop parroting the atrocious ignorance of Sheila Jackson Lee. The USA isn't even 300 years old!
One thing you failed to mention was the decline ... almost absence ... of a nuclear family - a two parent home.
Chicago grew slightly in population between 2010 and 2020 according the US Census. Youve been saying that Chicago is a hellhole for years. Lets just say you get carried away with yourself.
By the mid 1600's race based slavery was instituted in Virginia. Only idiots do not consider the colonial era to be part of AMERICAN history.
Ya but Trump is gone now.
Youve been saying that Chicago is a hellhole for years.
And I think that just about the entire universe would agree with me.
Lets just say you get carried away with yourself.
Lets just say that I'm not the topic.
Youi live in a universe of people that dont know what they are talking about.
They don't.. but someone who thought Biden was shaking hands with someone 40 feet away does?
I won't stoop down to your pathetic name-calling level. All I will say, again, is that the USA didn't exist 400 years ago ... and you cannot prove that it did.
my comment stands.
Suit yourself. If you want to believe that the USA has existed for 400 years, that's on you.
Have it your way Jasper. America hasnt been racist for 400 years. Its been racist for "only" 247 years. Feel better now?
The "kids" involved in this were almost all probably born after 2000. They are probably six to eight generations removed from slavery..
Moreover, given the black immigration to Chicago pretty much ended about 60 years ago and reverse migration became dominate as black people starting fleeing to red states in the south, they are almost certainly are descendants of people who've been in Chicago for generations. They are created by the culture of Chicago, not 17th century Virginia.
Serious people understand the toll that hundreds of years of racism has on a people. It is not an excuse, but it is a not inconsiderable part of the explanation.
The critical caveat is ideological driven as most mass killings aren't.
Mob violence happens more frequently than storming the Capitol. We're focusing a lot more attention on rare events and ignoring more common events. The reality is that what happened in Chicago is actually worse because people on the streets were attacked. The mob violence in Chicago has much more in common with terrorism than did storming the Capitol.
You'd think that even in a segregated community, people would learn to live with each other. Chicago has its own Chinatown which had its roots in being a segregated community. Now its a tourist destination.
Why does the blathering about racism only apply to Blacks? Blacks weren't the only people in the US that have experienced racism. Asians and Jews, in particular, experienced racism and were forced into segregated communities. Yet, they seem to be able to live with each other and have built stable communities. American Indians experienced racism, almost to the point of genocidal extinction. Yet, they seem to be able to live with each other and have built stable communities.
Asian Americans should let their Black brothers in on their secrets to success.
My cousins have lived there for 40 years and raised their child there. They love Chicago.
Is there still substantial racism in the very blue Cook County?
why do you ask pointless questions? do you amuse yourself?
Chinatown has been a tourist destination for all of my life, and I'm not young anymore.
Had America stopped racism at the end of the Civil War we would be in a much different place today. But America doubled down on racism for the next hundred plus years. Sooner or later karma gonna get you.
NT has taught me that Dems aren't racists, so it surprises me that Chicago still has substantial racism, nothing amusing about that.
How did that happen? Chinatown wouldn't be Chinatown if it weren't segregated. Somehow Chinatown turned segregation into an advantage. And there weren't any government sponsors to make that happen; the government actually encouraged segregation.
Should the government have forced the freed slaves onto a reservation? There were attempts to integrate the Indians into the general population. But the reality is that forcing Indians onto reservations seems to have worked to their advantage in the end. Indian communities are stable and they seem able to live with each other. And the stability of the communities seems to facilitate any government assistance and support.
Black people were forced into segregated communities just like other minorities. So, why the different outcomes?
Derp! Chicago is not 100% Democratic...
You know, within the white population there is classism which works the same way as racism. There are many more class distinctions within the white population than there are races. And the classes within the white population are often forced into segregated communities, too. Yet the various classes within the white population were able to live with each other and establish stable communities. Nowadays that seems to be falling apart.
Have you considered that the white population is becoming more like the Black population?
Chicago has always been a city steeped in violence. Remember Al Capone?
Blaming it all on democrats is highly disingenuous.
It is the far right that has a history of violence.
"Had America stopped racism at the end of the Civil War "
How would they have done that?
Maybe if this song had been written one hundred years earlier.
Most blacks are doing fine nowadays John...the succed in all fields and all levels of society.
Although individual and small group racism still exists and always will, slavery does not.
The sorry and long discredited theory that racism is the driving force behind this youth violence just doesn't wash.
Being a perpetual race hustler is not something to be proud about....
The city government is historically blue for decades and Biden won by 82% there - derp!
"That would be the democrat party
It is on topic based on your own statement which I refuted. I'm sorry if you feel the facts are off topic to your claims.
Our Bicentennial celebrations in 1975 and 1976 honored the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War.
It wasn't until 1789 that the required 9 of the 13 colonies ratified the official US Constitution, designating it "the law of the land" that superseded the Articles of Confederation, and thereby officially created The United States of America as a constitutional republic.
No matter which year one uses, the USA is definitely not 400 years old.
And yet last week you claimed the blacks traditionally voted for pols who have no values or morals.
"The left caused all this crime and violence and you can't talk it away."
But damned if they won't try anyway!
Chicago may actually have elected somebody worse that Lori Lightfoot! God help them.
That is really interesting. We need to know more about how that happened.
You forget that the author determines topic. Mass shootings are off topic. The topic here is big city crime which was caused by woke politicians.
No, it has been the left. Now they are in control.
So how are things behind the screen?
I'll be sure to tell those who have lost loved ones or were among the assaulted last weekend.
Then the author should watch what he says.
Why? Will the FBI get me?
I don't know. Are you within their jurisdiction?
That dude has a typo, it should read, "WOKE UP WHITE MAN"
"Woke" means acknowledging social inequalities throughout history.
So glad that I am educated enough to be woke.
Is that US centric or worldwide inequalities? I see worldwide inequalities throughout history.
Here's one violent example from that *peaceful protest* weekend in Chicago ...
I only have one question for Ashley:
Who did you vote for?
I just spit up my coffee. Conservatives are hysterical.
When it comes to hysteria no one tops you.
You're hysterical.
Then that makes many leftist liberals totally clueless.
Will president Biden invite them to the White House?
One can only wonder why some victims of local crime are, and some aren’t.
I don't know. Biden certainly has enough open time slots on his calendar. He called a lid at 8:57AM on Monday! (Too much 5 day castle visiting and DE weekend time, I suppose.)
He invites people like the protesters who took over the Tennessee house mourning the shooter of kids as a victim, but not the families of the actual victims. He visits a guy who assaults children and attacks police with a knife, but not those who a mob assaults.
it’s interesting to see who Biden feels it helps him to appear with.
Every time he looks in the mirror.
Biden goes wherever his [Obama 3rd term] handlers tell him to go and say whatever they want him to say.
iden goes wherever his [Obama 3rd term] handlers tell him to go and say whatever they want him to say
Very true. I also doubt this little girl will be invited to the White House.
In Chicago, for days the local news has shown stories about and discussed the issue of teens, mostly black, running wild on downtown streets over the weekend. It is an issue and should be talked about in the community, and something done about it.
What we dont see on local news is references to "savages" and "the violent teen takeover of the city " because the local news sources dont want to look ridiculous. Right wing national media has no such reservations.
Perhaps they don't want to be the next targets.......................
The problem is that when these things are looked at in great detail, progressives don't seem to like the answers. You do recall the left's reaction to the Moynihan Report from one of their own? That being said the problem in Chicago and other big blue cities relates to the riots of 2020 and the defund the police crowd. That is what got us here.
Load up on guns, bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over-bored and self-assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
Yeah right John. Anything to deflect from the lawlessness of said poor misunderstood teens plaguing the streets of your home town.
Change has come to America for centuries, we are an evolving society and always have been and hopefully will continue to be. Some cannot accept change and not all change is good but the pendulum swings back and forth.
Now you're getting it.
As usual, you don't post the complete comment. Here it is again:
You should at least try to get it, Vic. The pendulum moderates the extremes on both sides.
You may need to "get it." We have hit rock bottom.
The first record of angry old men bitching about how the world is going to hell were written in cuneiform or hieroglyphics...
LOL, I suppose that in your eyes we've hit rock bottom, but America will survive this ''rock bottom'' of yours and do what we have always done, move on.
All things are equal?
What happened to ancient Egypt or ancient Rome or even Britian for that matter.
Great civilizations come and they go.
Remember the "dark ages?"
You don't have to suppose. I'll confirm it.
but America will survive this ''rock bottom''
No it cannot.
The world evolves and changes constantly.
Secret to survival is adaptation to changes.
As they do in China, Russia and Iran. It is known as the monastery of the mind. In such places one does not think about the regime in power or its rules, nor ever speaks of it. One simply does anything one can to survive. That is a terrible way of life, don't you think?
So now that you have confirmed it I'll chalk it up to ''chicken little and the sky is falling''.
If you believe we cannot survive what are you doing to try and prevent this horrible destruction of the US, whining?
Everything short of revolution or as you would call it "insurrection."
You should have joined the ''insurrectionists'' in D.C.
Technically the first form of primitive written communication was developed by the ancient Sumerians' pictographs. Some scholars of ancient writing concur that the ancient Chinese had also developed a primitive pictograph system during those millennia. Cuneiform and hieroglyphs were developed later and were more sophisticated.
To my knowledge, there's no indication that any of these communication styles were written by "angry old men bitching". In fact, what they show are animals, plants, crop growing, hunter/gatherer scenes, what they saw in the sky, gods, etc. Their artwork is, IMO, quite fascinating.
I'm a moderate, remember.