It's time to reform the bureau

Link to Quote: ‘The FBI Will Crush You’: Whistleblower Tells Fellow Agents Not To Come Forward With Allegations Of Wrongdoing | The Daily Caller
Yesterday we saw three FBI whistleblowers whom the FBI had blatantly retaliated against for daring to tell congress of improprieties at the agency which has become politicized & weaponized. W histleblowers Steven Friend, Marcus Allen and Garret O'Boyle testified yesterday before a House subcommittee hearing yesterday. The whistleblower allegations range from the agency trying to create a false narrative that domestic terrorism is surging around the country. Democrats on the committee tried to smear the whistleblowers, It wasn't that long ago that democrats had whistleblowers on a pedestal. All three of the whistleblowers were military veterans and agents who had served the Bureau.
A report was released yesterday regarding one element of the FBI's recent actions:
"A new House Republican report said whistleblower testimony reveals the FBI is categorizing cases stemming from the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021 , in such a way as to mislead about and artificially inflate the rise in domestic terrorism in the United States.
The GOP report said that “whistleblowers assert that the FBI pressured agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism (DVE), and even manufactured DVE cases where they may not otherwise exist, while manipulating its case categorization system to feign a national problem.” The whistleblower claims were made public in an 80-page report released Thursday by the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) ."
Whistleblower report: FBI used Jan. 6 riot to mislead on domestic terrorism spike | Washington Examiner
This comes out only days after John Durham released his final report which concluded what most of us already know: that the FBI had no valid reason to investigate Donald Trump and his campaign. That was part of the long saga of the FBI trying to get Trump and letting Hillary Clinton destroy her server in a bogus investigation of her. There was the framing of Michael Flynn, the bringing of old charges against Paul Manafort and the civil rights violations of Carter Page. We had an FBI lawyer falsify a FISA application and the top three officials at the FBI lie and leak false information. The media was a willing participant.
Then there is the matter of the FBI pressuring social media to censor the Hunter Laptop story during the 2020 campaign, topped off with the infamous Mar-A-Lago raid. Along the way the FBI showed zero interest in the violent 2020 riots that raged across the country and under Merrick Garland as AG, the agency intimidated and spied on parents, Catholics and pro-life activists. There are even more whistleblowers ready to testify that the Bureau is sitting on the Hunter Biden story along with the Hunter Biden laptop.
We are just learning of Bank of America voluntarily and without any legal process, giving the Washington office of the FBI “a list of individuals who made transactions in the Washington, D.C., area using a BoA product” between Jan. 5-7, 2021."
Charlotte FBI, Bank of America dragged into congressional dispute over Capitol riot (
The other day someone who describes himself as "a critical thinker" thought it was Hyperbole for me to say that: "Our institutions are dominated by radical left ideologues with a Soviet style police force operating at the federal level."
I'll let the reader decide.
George Orwell never lived to see it, but criticizing the bureau along with telling the truth is now called "disinformation."
From the Durham Report(pp 18 and 19):
Do you understand what he is saying?
The guidelines & policies of the FBI were correct, BUT THEY WERE NOT FOLLOWED!
Yes, I know that. Do you understand that "It's Time To Reform The Bureau" does not follow and is contraindicated by this report?
Do you understand the difference between my opinion of what should be done and the findings of the report?
The report says that safeguards were in place but the FBI leadership ignored them. Thus, I say the FBI cannot be allowed to continue on in its current form.
Well, bully on you. Under what paradigm would you reform the bureau? You sit there and take potshots at it all the time, how, exactly, would you reform it?
I’m pretty sure he rather have an FBI that he could complain about 24/7 than one that is functional on his terms.
If I'm the next President, I immediately fire Christopher Wray, whom was appointed by President Donald Trump and unanimously confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Then I would appoint Richard Grenell to replace him. I would give Grenell 6 months to clean house. Fire and replace all the leftist idealogues and report back to me on any problems he uncovered. Then I would have my AG, William Barr look into any FBI violations of the law under Merrick Garland and bring charges if necessary. I would also fire every individual working at the DOJ that I was permitted to fire. All consent decrees involving local police departments would become null and void. I would have all the questionable investigations by the FBI of parents, Catholics and pro-Life groups examined. Last but not least I would have Grenell declare the southern cartels, antifa and BLM as terrorist organizations.
I would add that the FBI needs to return to it's roots as being a law enforcement agency and forgo the domestic intelligence side they have morphed into.
Agreed. That is another thing that needs correcting.
I'm glad you liked it.
the only thing those 3 insurrectionist sympathizing ex-FBI agents deserve is a 3 hour boat ride east of DC.
Is that what they are?
Prove it
Expect silence when you are challenged to provide facts.
These men are only insurrectionists in the minds of loon leftists where the FBI is being uncovered for the left wing police force...and no one else.
I think everyone on this side is used to it.
What are you implying? Another death wish perhaps?
Gee, I wish they would be more specific.
Replace Hillary with Trump and you woulnd't ghive less of a shit.
I want the FBI to be forthright and non-ideological.
Lol no you don’t. You want them to only go after the people you don’t like and completely ignore those you agree with.
I truly do not understand why you even try to pretend like you aren’t a hardcore partisan. You aren’t fooling anyone, are you just trying to convince yourself?
No one can prove the FBI is "liberal". There is no such evidence. That is because the great proportion of federal law enforcement are conservative. The attempt to claim the FBI is "woke" is a right wing conspiracy theory.
How about we address the facts. Let us start with what the FBI admitted.
Here is a breaking story:
FBI admits using the CIA, NSA to spy on American citizens (
Here is the FBI on the Durham Report:
FBI Issues Response to Blistering Durham Report, Cites 'Dozens of Corrective Actions' (
Here is a confession of an FBI lawyer who doctored a FISA application:
Ex-FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith avoids prison after admitting he doctored email in investigation of Trump campaign - The Washington Post
The FACTS are clear.
As if you haven't been bombarded with facts.
Please prove that the FBI is liberal or woke.
Nothing you have shown us so far is proof of that.
Then you refuse to concede to all the evidence. Just stand there and say I don't see it.
You have never given any evidence that the FBI is woke. Period.
There was no Russia hoax.
If a Russian hoax was so obvious, why doesnt Durham use the term?
The fact that some in the FBI were willing to assume the worst about Trump is not proof of a "woke" FBI, it is evidence that Trump could easily be seen as trying to accept election help from a US enemy, and the FBI wanted to prevent it.
I'll leave that up there for all to see.
You are a fact denier
Like I give a shit what you leave up. Where is actual evidence that the FBI is "woke"? The fact that some of them were anti-Trump seems more like good sense to me than an ideological leaning.
It's not even debatable anymore John.
The FBI under James Comey closed down 4 investigations of the Clinton Foundation. The FBI under James Comey decided they would not indict or prosecute Hillary Clinton before they investigated the server. In that investigation they gave people immunity without reason and let a Clinton surrogate destroy the evidence and finally Comey himself closed the case.
Hillary Clinton's infamous email server: 6 things you need to know | TechRepublic
The FBI under James Comey openned up an investigation of Donald Trump without a predicate
Durham Report: Read It Here | National Review
Comey lied and leaked
Inspector general says Comey violated policy by leaking memos, but DOJ declines to prosecute (
The FBI falsified a FISA application.
District of Connecticut | FBI Attorney Admits Altering Email Used for FISA Application During "Crossfire Hurricane" Investigation | United States Department of Justice
The FBI under Wray spied on and intimidated parents
Weaponized FBI Targets Conservatives, Parents, Whistleblowers Claim (
Then there is:
FBI broke rules in scouring foreign intelligence on Jan. 6 riot, racial justice protests, court says | AP News
And this:
FBI informants had bigger role in Whitmer kidnap plot than thought: report (
Do I really have to go through all of it again?
That would be refreshing...
Have you read the Patriot Act? Sharing information is supposed to be the key to preventing another 911. The fact that the information is in FBI rule books should be a clue that it is legal, not a conspiracy.
The Durham report is neither blistering or 100% correct and certainly not unbiased. Hell it isn't even about the scope of the Mueller investigation, it just more excuses by those Trump followers who were enraged that anyone would question Trump's motives or integrity. The source of the article is also a pants on fire right wing outlet labeled as Questionable by MBFC.
Fact, Klinesmith had a transcript of an email with a post it attached to it. In clear violation of FBI policy this very junior lawyer in the general counsel group, added the post it note content to the email, in effect potentially altering the meaning of the email.
KClinesmith admitted to one count of altering a communication . He was eventually fired because Durham had found the original email. Klinesmith had admitted all along what he had done and everyone agreed it did not change the meaning of the communication but they have a zero tolerance program. Eventually the DoJ had a signed , sealed plea deal to hand Durham to finish. Durham tried to crush the kid anyway, a judge upheld the agreed to probation and community service. D.C. suspended his law license for a year. Michigan followed suit.
KClinesmith did not "doctor a FISA application".
Facts matter.
Clinesmith's Bar suspensions are over and he continues to live and work in D.C.
Coming from you that is ironic at best.
How about you? The FISA Court and the Patriot Act was supposed to be a special means to get at foreign terrorists after 911. It was Obama who turned it against Americans.
The Durham report is neither blistering or 100% correct and certainly not unbiased.
The fact that you don't like it doesn't change a thing.
Fact, Klinesmith had a transcript of an email with a post it attached to it. In clear violation of FBI policy this very junior lawyer in the general counsel group, added the post it note content to the email, in effect potentially altering the meaning of the email.
Oh, he did it on his own and James Comey signed it without verifying it. Got it!
a judge upheld the agreed to probation and community service.
Yup, Nobody was ever punished. I won't tell you who that judge reminds me of.
More conspiracy theory....
It's not a question of liking it or not. It's a matter of interpreting what it said instead of the way you and others have carried on about some mysterious "vindication". Durham recommended no changes at the FBI. He did avoid all of Mueller's accomplishments and the IG report. A waste of 300 plus pages to satisfy Trump supporters.
Actually he ran it past two other colleagues first. As far as Comey signing off on what layers and layers of agents and supervisors told him do you not think that's the way the world works?
Are you serious? He was fired and had his ability to practice law suspended by D.C. and Michigan for a year not concurrent with his probation and community service. i don't see where Cash Patel "donated" money to Clinesmith's family. The Judge was correct to enforce the DoJ deal.
And I don't care.
Are you really trying to just skip right past the important parts about the gop's lousy witnesses not being real actual whistleblowers at all? But rather that instead they were actually disgruntled ex-FBI employees who had been fired for good causes for among other things either their involvement in or for lying about their involvement in Trump's January 6th Insurrection? Or, that they were being paid thousands to testify by Trump's loyal henchman Kash Patel? Huh? Are these facts not important facts?
Are those the democratic talking points?
Damn right they are! You know it is truth...
Your intention is to mislead, now admit it.
Everyone reading this knows it's the truth.
In that case it will be another epic fail for you. What happened to worshiping whistleblowers?
Except, Durham Probe was the epic fail!
John Durham's report was A BIG DUD...
Your predictions all turned out wrongly.
those 3 insurrectionist supporters didn't follow established protocol to be whistle blowers, [deleted]
They are the same fallacious talking points the Democrats spewed yesterday at the hearing.
Unlike Republicans when Pelosi was Speaker, democrats got to have their say, even though it was fallacious & dishonest.
Hah! She didn't even allow bipartisan committees!
Liz Cheny is rock solid olde school GOP...
The upper case kind. Before today's gop!
Cheney represented for the Republicans.
Cheney represented for HERSELF. period .
there fixed it for you , if what you said was true , she would have kept her seat , if what i said is true she would have and did rightly LOSE her seat .
Nor did she allow dissent in her own party.
Liz Cheney has been a washed up RINO for years. That's why Pelosi chose her for her farcical, sham, partisan J6 committee.
You make my point better than I could...
Traditional Republicans are not MAGAs.
MAGA only represent 20% of Americans!
Old School Republicans hate Trumpists.
The Bushes and Cheneys are examples...
Neocons are your examples?
Sorry to disappoint, JBB, but I didn't make your "point".
In comment 2.2.8 you said ...
But ... carry on!
Are the Bush and Cheny families RINOs?
Are the Clinton's DINOs?
No, and I fail to see your point, because the Clintons backed and still back Joe...
The Bushes and Cheneys loath Trump!
Amazing isn't it?
Why do you think that is?
Because Trump is a loathsome loser...
Patel set up a fund for them so they could feed their families after the FBI suspended them without pay and left them unable to afford groceries.
Tell the other dems.
They are disgruntled ex-FBI flunkies fired for cause. For involvement in January 6th.
That's why they're not real whistleblowers
Do you know what you are talking about?
How many of the whistleblowers were at the Capitol on Jan 6th?
Timing? Fired then whistle-blower or whistle-blower then fired?
Whistleblowers, experts and journalists are being personally attacked for raising concerns about the politics of the people running the bureau.
Remember the late 60's? The left sings a different tune now that they are in control.
And he expected absolutely nothing in return? Please list the other people that also lost their jobs that he has paid.
Didn't CNN and the left bail out MccCabe and Strzok?
These agents were left with nothing.
One. Agent Brett Gloss was one of the physical insurgents. All three provided false information and hindered investigations into the insurgent's actions. In other words treason.
The fact that they were paid large sums of money to become "whistleblowers" by a longtime Trump operative makes their actions in propagandizing to congress criminal. They'll be charged with perjury.
And they didn't charge him? Think about it.
The fact that they were paid large sums of money to become "whistleblowers" by a longtime Trump operative makes their actions in propagandizing to congress criminal. They'll be charged with perjury.
That is an outrageous lie. They were given money to feed their families. I myself would love to set up a "GoFundMe" for them, but as you must know, the organization does not provide help for everyone.
They'll be eating steak and lobster for a long time now.
So disgraced FBI agents can't find a job other than to lie to congress?
Like it or not, the FBI is under scrutiny. If the next President is Republican, the bureau may undergo some badly needed reforms.
This whole thing is widespread gaslighting by the right.
Explain the Steele Dossier to us?
Lol, what “reforms” exactly? Like specifically what do you think needs to change within the FBI?
I already posted this in another article involving the same question:
If I'm the next President, I immediately fire Christopher Wray, whom was appointed by President Donald Trump and unanimously confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Then I would appoint Richard Grenell to replace him. I would give Grenell 6 months to clean house. Fire and replace all the leftist idealogues and report back to me on any problems he uncovered. Then I would have my AG, William Barr look into any FBI violations of the law under Merrick Garland and bring charges if necessary. I would also fire every individual working at the DOJ that I was permitted to fire. All consent decrees involving local police departments would become null and void. I would have all the questionable investigations by the FBI of parents, Catholics and pro-Life groups examined. Last but not least I would have Grenell declare the southern cartels, antifa and BLM as terrorist organizations.
That's what MSNBC's and CNN's pundits inaccurately said, too.
Will you be issuing yellow stars of David or inverted pink triangles too?
Just asking for some friends.../s
Far right wing law breakers never want to ever be investigated for their crimes ever again.
That is the reform that far right wing fascists want.
Think about what? He was suspended, gun, badge and security clearance suspended.
Security clearance revoked 5/3/2023, investigation still open. Prognosis = terminal.
He violated Federal Law.
He is a real piece of work...
Why didn't they charge him?
Or maybe he was sent there, like when the FBI infiltrated the Wolverine Watchmen.
That's what I'd do if I was the next President. [deleted]
Enacted during the Great Depression, FARA is designed to expose covert foreign influence in U.S. policymaking. It requires people working on behalf of foreign governments or principals — political parties, corporations or nongovernmental organizations — to register. They must detail their agreements to the Justice Department and disclose the money they make.
Does anyone know how ofter people are actually prosecuted for being in violation of this law?
Does anyone know how many DC professionals are currently in violation of this law?
Is Hunter Biden in violation of this law?
That is not the only thing he has done. Read that page. I wouldn't trust him as a dog walker.
His non violent offender case was way down the list after a thousand other more important cases. Why do you think his investigation is still ongoing and the FBI has kept him suspended but not yet fired?
I think the answer to that is rather obvious, he wasn't.
They were paid because the vengeful FBI suspended them, and didn't pay them. Can you give any facts [deleted]
Fact. Stephen Friend went AWOL in October 2022 because he did not want to participate in any more SWAT actions involving 0106 suspects.
When he showed up to work on 09/21/2022 with a lengthy list of complaints he was fired and stripped of his weapon and badge. He also had authored emails and statements using official FBI channels and gave unauthorized interviews to journalists. He now works as a "senior fellow" for a Washinton think tank started by a Trump financier. His security clearance was revoked 05/03/2023. He has a book coming out for all of his sympathizers.
Fact, Marcus Allen was suspended without pay and had his security clearance suspended in January of 2021. He held to alternative versions of what happened 01/06 and supported the rioters.
Allen has sued the FBI for violations of his rights.
Fact. Brett Gloss was identified within restricted areas of Congress on 01/06 and immediately suspended and had his security clearance suspended. During his investigation he lied to the FBI giving misleading information as to his movement in and around the Capitol on 01/06. He also gave interviews without FBI permission. His security clearance was revoked this week, it's not like he was ever going to work for the US government again.
Oh no none of that matters, come on, focus on IMPORTANT facts. You know, things like they are conservatives… and well that’s basically it and so they just be taken at face value.
Far right wing fascists must always be taken seriously.
They use violence as a political tool.
Any evidence of fascism must always be taken seriously.
There are, of course, some who are completely ignorant of history and do have any understanding of how fascism develops in a society. As anyone without a severe comprehension deficit understands, fascist organizations always begin as small movements with a limited membership that considers itself a vanguard. For example, the Nazi Party origins consisted of a very small group, originally called the German Workers' Party, that held weekly meetings at a beer hall in Munich. Eventually, with the right mix of conditions such as economic hardship, effective propaganda, and usually, charismatic leadership, membership increases and society is at risk. This scenario has been repeated many times.
There are also some who sympathize with the fascist cause and act as apologists, downplaying or attempting to distract from the fascist effort in order to lull the opposition into letting down their guard and not remaining vigilant.
As history proves, it is important to always remain vigilant and not let anyone who doesn't know better, or, as the case may be, has ulterior motives, convince you otherwise.
It may be another long day for democrats
Although I feel badly that John Fetterman suffers from very poor health, I feel even worse that his wife, doctors, and wardrobe consultant(s) think that he's capable of properly doing his job.
Early voting got him elected. Next time around the dems will pull something else.
A lesson for those who thought it was a good idea to vote against someone without knowing what they were getting.
Too bad that far right wingers are too damn stupid to vote early or at all.
yeah, like another free and fair, secure election...
That's what Trump and the gop fear most!
The highlight yesterday was when Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) asks FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen to respond to a tweet saying that Nancy Pelosi staged January 6 from a Twitter account under his name. It turned out to not be his account but she asks him if he agrees with the tweet anyway.
That was the highlight?
Must have been a slow day.
Remember when the gop demanded the FBI is no place for personal political opinions?
When expressing liberal thoughts was BAD?
When liberal agents, few as they are, had to be fired for ever expressing their opinions?
Having (accurate) opinions is a far cry from rioting, hindering investigations and lying to congress for profit.
While I'm all in favor of honest whistleblowers who try to right wrongs, these far right wing greedy MAGA fascists who Took trumps money to help him in his ongoing war with the FBI don't come close to qualifying as actual whistleblowers.
Sanchez's and Schultz's ad hominem attacks were such an embarrassment, but I expected no better from them.
I never realized Sanchez was that stupid. Doesn't she have a staff?
She's done a couple of things like this. She's giving Mazie Hirono company in the dumbest members of Congress club.
That's quite a tag team! Lol
A pair that beats a full house
Apparently not!
Uh, Vic? Did you forget about stupid comments that Democrats Hank Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi have made? My royal flush beats your full house!
Who votes for such people?
If I had to guess, I'd say low-info voters who only vote party line and don't research all candidates' positions on important issues.
People who hold their noses and vote for the best of two unworthy candidates usually.
This whole committee is a show trial to make MAGA happy.
In terms of anything happening to the FBI, not a chance.
If the far right nutcases keep up this foolish crusade against the FBI, watch for the FBI to say "enough is enough" and push back.
Much like the J6 Committee was a show trial to make dem/liv/lib/progs happy? Like that kind of show trial?
The only comparison between the J6 committee and Jordan's nonsense is they are both committees.
Agreed. One was stacked with partisan hacks and the other followed House norms.
The House of Representatives has the power of the purse.
John thinks the FBI is going to retaliate against elected officials for doing their job, The FBI has become a Stasi organization.
Without any exaggeration it has!
As have the CIA and DoJ.
How dare the intelligence organizations go after far right criminals!
Trump has already called for the defunding of the FBI unless they stop picking on him and trying to bring him to justice.
Has he?
Keep us updated.
Pretty sure that you know Trump's fascist rants as well as anybody.
While speaking before the House Judiciary Committee, former FBI special agent Steve Friend said he filed protected whistleblower disclosures in August 2022 over concerns he had regarding investigations assigned to his office over the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot. More specifically, Friend was concerned the conduction of these inquiries represented a departure from proper “case management rules established in the FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide” and that such actions “could have undermined potentially righteous prosecutions and may have been part of an effort to inflate the FBI’s statistics on domestic extremism.”
“I also voiced concerns that the FBI’s use of SWAT and large-scale arrest operations to apprehend suspects who were accused of nonviolent crimes and misdemeanors, represented by counsel, and who pledged to cooperate with the federal authorities in the event of criminal charges created an unnecessary risk to FBI personnel and public safety,” Friend said. “At each level of my chain of command, leadership cautioned that despite my exemplary work performance, whistleblowing placed my otherwise bright future with the FBI at risk.”
Despite purportedly following proper whistleblower protocol, Friend said the FBI quickly retaliated against him by weaponizing the security clearance process to remove him from active duty “within one month” of filing his disclosures. According to Friend, the agency then orchestrated a “campaign of humiliation and intimidation” designed to “punish and pressure [him] to resign,” which included leaking his private medical information to The New York Times, refusing to “furnish [his] training records for several months,” and imposing an “illegal gag order” to prevent him from “communicating with [his] family and attorneys.”
In addition to retaliation, Friend went on to accuse the FBI of weaponizing process crimes and reinterpreting laws in order to “initiate pretextual prosecutions and persecute its political enemies.” He also asserted the agency actively colludes with Big Tech platforms to censor political speech the regime disagrees with, gather intelligence on Americans, and “target citizens for malicious prosecution.”
That pretty much sounds like politics Soviet style. An American Gestapo?
It's almost like a religion isn't it?
Wow! This guy talks just like Trump. The same far right wing rant.
And they wonder why they no longer are employed...
All they left out was his refusing a direct order to participate in an arrest as part of his SWAT duties, after which he disappeared for a month and was declared AWOL by the FBI.
It didn't stop him from illegally using official FBI communications to spread emails about his support for the 0106 rioters, nor did it stop him from clearly violating FBI rules by giving unauthorized interviews to the media to air his grievance list.
His book is expected to be released next month.
He is a rightwing nutjob that put his own priorities over the job.
That people can look at him and the others like they are some kind of hero is disturbing.
Since John Durham concluded that the FBI has appropriate guidelines and policies in place then it follows that the problem would be the personnel in leadership positions. The Durham report doesn't appear to suggest that reforms are needed but rather that the FBI needs a house cleaning. And Durham hints that the FBI's mission needs to be refocused.
IMO this all started when the FBI shifted priorities to intelligence activities during the Bush administration to engage in the war on terrorism. That shift turned the FBI into a domestic CIA type agency being run by intelligence officers and not by law enforcement officers. It seems the FBI has increasingly engaged in extrajudicial gathering of information and the use of public disclosure to weaponize that information. The FBI is a spy agency whose priority is no longer law enforcement. And the agency leadership reflects the FBI's involvement in intelligence activities.
Either the intelligence mission or the law enforcement mission of the FBI needs to be removed. The FBI cannot be an intelligence agency with law enforcement authority; a secret police agency. History shows that secret police are driven by ideological motivations and influences. Political leadership cannot control a secret police.
Every day the excesses of far right wing MAGA fascists makes the FBI even more necessary for the protection of democracy.
The world may have seemed simpler when both the far right and far left adopted neoliberal ideologies. But neoliberalism, itself, is a rather extreme ideology.
Politics, institutions, and the press have inverted the bell curve. Neoliberalism allowed the left and right extremes to agree with each other. And both the left and right extremes attacked those in the middle. Now that we've lost the middle, the extremists don't have anyone left to blame but themselves.
Nothing mythical about far right wing fascists.
The mythology is all about your imaginary god.
[Deleted, no citation]
[Deleted, fake headline sans citation]
Both of those statements are lies.
Prove it
Newstalkers has been waiting for years for you ever "prove" anything you have said. If you disagree with CJCold explain why you disagree, dont troll.
Far right wing fascists know how hard it is to disprove a stated lie.
That's why far right wing fascists tell them in the first place.
FBI Whistleblowers Disclose Receiving Money From Kash Patel
FBI whistleblowers Garret O'Boyle and Steve Friend testify to receiving money from Kash Patel, the former chief of staff to former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller in the Trump administration.
The gop admits it, but are shameless about it!
Actually, the 'witnesses' aren't whistleblowers. They are MAGA grifters.
now headed out for the summer domestic terrorist motivational speaking tour. appearing soon at a church, gun show, and conservative rally near you. /s
Could you imagine if one of these people received money from Soros.
The right wing would have a meltdown...
They are already having a meltdown making excuses for a couple dumbasses.
Aw hell. The right wing has a melt down over the color of M&M's. It is all they got. Well, that and the allegiance of the weak and insipid.