
Their biggest Hearing Yet


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  2 years ago  •  169 comments

Their biggest Hearing Yet
The anonymous IRS whistleblower's prepared testimony said, "I have a reason to believe that there was gross mismanagement present throughout this investigation, that there was a gross waste of funds relating to the tax dollars spent on investigating this case, and that there was an abuse of authority with DOJ-Tax and the Delaware United States Attorney’s Office."

Link to quote: https://www.aol.com/irs-whistleblowers-testify-house-oversight-145617895.html

Right now a pair of IRS whistleblowers are set to testify before the House Oversight Committee about interference & meddling in the Department of Justice investigation of Hunter Biden. The main witness today will be Gary Shapely. There will be another whose name will be revealed for the first time.

Democrats are expected to try and defame & slander the two whistlebowers.

The Committee Hearing has begun and can be seen on C-Span 3


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago


It should be an interesting afternoon.

Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago

more like another humiliating afternoon for the maga trash in the house...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @1.1    2 years ago

Trash is as trash does ….

Professor Quiet
1.2  cjcold  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago

Yet another right wing disinformation campaign initiated by QAnon and fringe blogs.

Seems the originator Martin Aspen doesn't even exist. 

The GOP should be embarrassed by these proceedings

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  cjcold @1.2    2 years ago
Yet another right wing disinformation campaign initiated by QAnon and fringe blogs.

I want are readers to pause for a minute and take that in.

Professor Quiet
1.2.4  cjcold  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.2    2 years ago


Professor Principal
1.2.5  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @1.2.4    2 years ago


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.6  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.3    2 years ago

It was.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.8  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.7    2 years ago
The truth?

Ya, you know, the thing the dems avoided like the plague yesterday

Professor Quiet
1.3  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago
It should be an interesting afternoon.


Democrats are expected to try and defame & slander the two whistlebowers.

And, they've lived up to their lack of standards. All they've done so far is deflect and distract from the actual topic of the hearing: The Bidens (aka The Biden Crime Syndicate).

Each of them has again displayed that their primary political obsession is former president Trump and their "racism" topics (even to Emmett Till, who was tragically killed nearly 68 years ago!).

Democrats, again, have no interest in facts about the Biden family's crimes, especially those of The Big Guy.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @1.3    2 years ago
All they've done so far is deflect and distract from the actual topic of the hearing: The Bidens (aka The Biden Crime Syndicate).

Oh well, Raskin ran into a buzzsaw immediately when he asked if it was common for proecutors to disagree, but was told that wasn't this case. In this case the DOJ put a stopper on it. From then on democrats talked about other things.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

Whistleblower X:

“I am risking my career, my reputation, and my casework ... No one should be above the law, regardless of your political affiliation.”

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    2 years ago

I've had it on for 2 minutes and I can already see this is a nothing burger. 

The "new" whistleblowers complaints are about procedure. 

This is going nowhere. 

Déjà vu is  a French loanword for the phenomenon of feeling as though one has lived through the present situation before.  It is an illusion of memory whereby — despite a strong sense of recollection — the time, place, and context of the "previous" experience are uncertain or impossible. Approximately two-thirds …  See more

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago
I've had it on for 2 minutes and I can already see this is a nothing burger. 

Patience grasshopper

Professor Principal
3.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1    2 years ago

"unethical slow walking"

Is that like the 2 years the DOJ slow walked the investigation of trumps involvement in Jan 6 ? 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.1.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.1    2 years ago

Trump is off topic John.

Have a good day

Professor Principal
3.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @3.1.2    2 years ago

I'm just wondering if so called "unethical slow walking" is an anomaly. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.1.4  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.3    2 years ago

Interfering in an investigation certainly is.

Comer: In every major Biden family, administration probe Garland, DOJ ‘has come in and obstructed’

Freshman Silent
3.1.8  bccrane  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.1    2 years ago
2 years the DOJ slow walked the investigation of trumps involvement in Jan 6 ? 

Yes it would be, the slow walk into former president's case has now timed the investigation and possible trials with the upcoming campaign to thwart him as much as possible with bombshell's and the ultimate October surprise.  So also in Trump's case it would be "unethical slow walking",  this should've been taken care of immediately to remove Trump from the field of candidates, but now he will get free media coverage again giving him the republican nomination with the democrat hope of burying him before the election giving the republican ticket no one to vote for.  So win win for the democrats.

(you may delete mine also since it is also off topic, except for how useful slow walking something can be)

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.10  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  bccrane @3.1.8    2 years ago


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago
I can already see this is a nothing burger. 

I had a gut feeling, John, that you were going to say something like that.

So you believe that Merrick Garland never interfered with an investigation he should have recused himself from?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago
've had it on for 2 minutes and I can already see this is a nothing burger. 

You could have typed that out three weeks ago.  There is literally no evidence or testimony imaginable that would stop you from saying that. 

Professor Quiet
3.6  Jasper2529  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago
I've had it on for 2 minutes and I can already see this is a nothing burger. 

You've missed the good stuff. Democrats have focused only on Trump and racism. They like that.

Professor Participates
3.6.1  1stwarrior  replied to  Jasper2529 @3.6    2 years ago

The slaveholders are asking 'bout racism - the Biden Crime Family motto of "You ain't Black if you don't vote for me"????


goose is back
Junior Participates
3.7  goose is back  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago
The "new" whistleblowers complaints are about procedure. 

I think when you're talking about $17 million,  it's a little more than procedure. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

It's impossible to  believe Biden didn't receive preferential treatment.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

"There is now a major allegation that Weiss allowed the 2014 and 2015 charges in D.C. to expire when he could have either brought charges or agree to an agreement to toll the statute of limitations."

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Vic Eldred @5    2 years ago

He let Biden take millions in  income tax free. That’s undeniable.

and not one word from the left in complaint.

Professor Principal
6  JohnRussell    2 years ago

Raskin is so much smarter and sharper than Comer its not even funny. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @6    2 years ago

He didn't even know IRS policy

Professor Quiet
6.3  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @6    2 years ago

Raskin? Schiff's second in the Russian collusion hoax.

He lost all credibility long ago- except with chronic TDS sufferers it seems.

Professor Principal
6.3.2  Hallux  replied to  Texan1211 @6.3.1    2 years ago
Raskin seems to have the 'intellect' of an AOC.

Matched by Comer having the intellect of an MTG ... @!@

Professor Principal
6.3.4  Hallux  replied to  Texan1211 @6.3.3    2 years ago
wow another whataboutism 

LoL, what in the Hell do you think these hearings are really about (other than the 'big wish' of finally impeaching Garland)?

Professor Principal
6.3.5  JohnRussell  replied to  Hallux @6.3.4    2 years ago

I think there is a bottom line to all this that the Republicans conveniently ignore -  the prosecutor in the Hunter Biden tax case, which has ended in a plea deal, has accepted and declared that the charging decisions were his and his alone. 

The IRS agents can say whatever they want. Unless they have proof that the prosecutor corruptly gave Hunter Biden a break, they have nothing. 

The Comer committee should be seeking to speak with the prosecutor directly, but I think they are afraid to hear what he will say. 

Professor Principal
6.3.6  Hallux  replied to  JohnRussell @6.3.5    2 years ago

One needs to spike the kombucha to believe the kambuki. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.3.8  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @6.3.5    2 years ago
I think there is a bottom line to all this that the Republicans conveniently ignore -  the prosecutor in the Hunter Biden tax case, which has ended in a plea deal, has accepted and declared that the charging decisions were his and his alone. 

I think what you conveniently ignore is that either the prosecutor in the case or the AG is lying. 

The IRS agents can say whatever they want. Unless they have proof that the prosecutor corruptly gave Hunter Biden a break, they have nothing. 

Do you really believe what you are saying?

Why not just admit that you could care less what Joe or Hunter might have done?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.4  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @6    2 years ago

Reskin is a poor mans Comer ….

Professor Principal
7  JohnRussell    2 years ago

After listening to this for a half hour it is obvious that the "whistleblowers" do not agree with the prosecutorial decisions made by the Trump appointed federal prosecutor. 

A nothingburger. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @7    2 years ago

One of them is a democrat John and btw one of the KEY charges is that the federal prosecutor did not have a free hand.

How blind are we going to be?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7.2.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Tessylo @7.2.2    2 years ago

Tell me?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
7.4  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @7    2 years ago

Nope, it’s a Bidenburger.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

I like both of these whistleblowers. They aren't afraid to correct the dirty dems.

Ziegler began by detailing the payments to Hunter and his companies from foreign sources at $17 million. He also just put Jamie Raskin in his place: They were supposed to charge Hunter with a felony as a matter of policy.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
8.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Vic Eldred @8    2 years ago
hey were supposed to charge Hunter with a felony as a matter of policy.

It's amazing.  Somehow policy went  out the window time after time in Biden's favor and the Democrat response is "nothing to see here."

Thinking about it. It's amazing is wrong. Of course Democrats say "nothing to see here".  it's amazing would only apply to those who expect fair handedness. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8.2.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Sean Treacy @8.2    2 years ago

Raskin got destroyed on that one.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
8.2.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  Vic Eldred @8.2.2    2 years ago
Raskin got destroyed on that one.

By his own standards, Raskin is an election denier who should be in jail for trying to overthrow an election. 

Professor Principal
10  JohnRussell    2 years ago


Professor Quiet
10.1  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @10    2 years ago

Because the FBI/DOJ have shown how utterly unbiased they are when it comes to non Establishment figures. It isn't like the FBI used the Steele dossier they knew was bogus to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump. They didn't openly state they were trying to entrap Flynn; and then repeatedly doctored the notes on his testimony until it said what they wanted. Have agents that openly used government emails stating they wanted to remove Trump from office on multiple investigations. 

The FBI/DOJ is a paragon of virtue that has yet to identify the Dobbs decision leaker; find and prosecute even one of the far left domestic terrorists involved with arson/vandalism/intimidation of religious organizations involved with providing prenatal care and aid to women (They even did the courtesy of spray painting their names on the walls; but Garland said they couldn't get anywhere because the attacks occurred at night and it was dark); and now they have the cocaine being found in the White House (the third time illegal drugs have been found there since 2022) in their court. That will be filed in the circular bin along with any other investigations that might damage Brandon or his family.

I remember when leftists questioned everything about big government; now they are big government and think everyone must bow down to their will. What does it feel like to support "Big Brother"?


Professor Quiet
11  cjcold    2 years ago

Anybody who believes that this whole Biden persecution is anything more than a QAnon wet dream initiated by a man who doesn't even exist is foolish in the extreme.

Yet more lies and innuendo is all the far-right wing has.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
11.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  cjcold @11    2 years ago

thanks for the blueanon perspective.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
12  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

Nice opening statement from the witness:

I had recently heard an elected official say that I must be more credible, because I am a gay democrat married to a man. I'm no more credible than this man sitting next to me due to mysexual orientation or my political beliefs. I was raised and have always strived to do what isright.

I have heard from some, that I am a traitor to the democratic party and that I am causing more division in our society, I implore you, that if you were put in my position with the facts as have stated them, that you would be doing the exact same thing - regardless of your political
party affiliation.

I hope that I am an example to other LGBTQ people out there, who are questioning doing the right thing at a potential cost to themselves and others. We should ALWAYS do the right thing, no matter how painful the process might be. I kind of equate this to coming out, it was honestly one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I contemplated scenarios
that would have been highly regrettable. But I did what was right and I am sitting in front of you

Professor Principal
13  JohnRussell    2 years ago

I fell asleep watching this thing. Has anything happened?

Professor Principal
13.1  Hallux  replied to  JohnRussell @13    2 years ago

MTG waved porn pics of Hunter ... she must be mad about the ad just released. Go back to bed, there will surely be an additional baker's dozen of these 'hearings' as they gear up to their real goal of impeaching Garland which they will save for June-July next year ... for one of those 'black swan' pre-election surprise moments.

Professor Principal
13.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Hallux @13.1    2 years ago

" a lot of allegations, no proof, no receipts"

Dem questioner

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
13.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @13.1.1    2 years ago
lot of allegations, no proof, no receipts"

Its truly amazing how dishonest the Dem reps were. They have no sense of shame, knowing their chorus will simply parrot whatever absurd pervasions of reality they put out there. 

How these people ever dare criticize hardcore  Trump defenders is beyond me. There's no difference between them. 

Professor Principal
13.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @13.1.2    2 years ago


Professor Principal
14  JohnRussell    2 years ago

Nutcase MTG held up a poster board today with the image of a naked Hunter Biden on it. 


Ed Krassenstein
Dear Marjorie Taylor Greene, Imagine if Democrats somehow got ahold of a photo of Ivanka Trump having sex, and held it in front of the world to see. You know very well, you would be outraged.
If Hunter Biden violated the Mann Act, you can refer it to the DOJ. We don't need you to show the country photos of Hunter Biden having sexual intercourse with women in order to prove your point. We get it. Hunter Biden was messed up. He was doing stuff that was illegal, and he could have been charged for more than he was charged with.
The same goes for a lot of people in this country, all while there are thousands of people in prison for marijuana crimes. We don't need to see your perverted photos of a private citizen having sex in order to understand what your point is. This is trash, and you know it. You simply don't care.
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
14.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @14    2 years ago

Speaking of nut cases, last week Joe Biden called Zalensky "Vladimir."

Professor Principal
14.1.4  Gsquared  replied to  Vic Eldred @14.1    2 years ago

Wow.  Zelenskyy's ( actual spelling - also, Zelensky or Zelenskiy) first name is "Volodymyr", which is the Ukrainian equivalent of "Vladimir".  See link: 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
15  Sean Treacy    2 years ago
Rep. Goldman just tripped the wire on Joe Biden. In trying to grill the whistleblowers to show that there is no evidence that Joe Biden was involved, he elicited an answer that the witnesses established that Joe Biden did discuss business deals of Hunter with the Chinese.

Professor Principal
16  JohnRussell    2 years ago

nice sort of summary of what happened today

Professor Principal
17  Hallux    2 years ago

Anyhoot ... the title of this screed is wrong, it should be 'Their Biggest Herring Yet'.

Professor Principal
18  JohnRussell    2 years ago

Republican claims of Biden family ‘corruption’ are being undermined by their own whistleblowers

Two federal law enforcement agents were scheduled to give evidence before the GOP-led House Oversight Committee on Wednesday

By Andrew Feinberg

Jul 19, 2023 07:02 PM

5 min. read
View original

House   Republicans ’ efforts to paint President   Joe Biden   and his family as corrupt influence peddlers are being undermined by the very people they’ve touted as whistleblowers against the Bidens over the first six months of their investigation.

The latest episode in this half-year-long drama was set to air on Wednesday, when a pair of federal law enforcement agents were scheduled to give evidence before the GOP-led House Oversight Committee.

One witness, IRS agent Gary Shapley, has already accused Justice Department and IRS leaders of kneecapping his multi-year probe into   Hunter Biden , a lawyer and lobbyist who is set to plead guilty to misdemeanour tax charges in the coming weeks.

Mr Shapley and another still-anonymous law enforcement officer, who the committee is calling “Witness X,” were set to testify before the panel on Wednesday. But the alleged law enforcement whistleblowers who are claiming that political interference on the Bidens’ behalf short-circuited their efforts to bring more serious charges against the president’s son, have already undercut the testimony they were expected to deliver before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

A review of the testimony the witnesses have delivered in transcribed interviews with the House Ways and Means Committee reveals that Department of Justice actions which Mr Shapley attributed to the Biden-era department’s desire to protect the president and his son by slow-walking the probe were either made during the Trump administration or were actually run-of-the-mill decisions by attorneys who were applying department rules or making professional judgments based on applicable case law and the evidence available.

Mr Shapley, a 14-year veteran of the IRS Criminal Investigation division who has alleged that he and his team were removed from the Biden probe to punish him for raising concerns about the pace of the investigation, has already admitted that it is typical for investigating agents to disagree with the decisions of IRS Criminal Tax attorneys, who often recommend that charges not be brought when presented with the evidence that has been gathered against a given subject.

In his private interview with Ways and Means in May, he said “90-plus percent of everything that I do in my international tax group” was met with a “nonconcur” recommendation from IRS attorneys, though he added that he and his colleagues often disregard those recommendations either way.

But despite Mr Shapley’s claims that the decisions by IRS and DOJ officials seemed calculated to protect the Bidens, it turns out that much of what he claims was political interference on behalf of the president or his son took place long before Mr Biden’s January 2021 inauguration, during the administration of then-president   Donald Trump .

For example, although he has suggested IRS CI officials’ decision in October 2020 — one month before the 2020 presidential election — not to seek a warrant to search a guest house on Mr Biden’s property was meant to protect him, the other GOP whistleblower set to give evidence on Wednesday has said the decision was not only up to the IRS, but also the DOJ tax division, US Attorneys from the Eastern District of Virginia and others.

Mr Shapley’s complaint also ignores a 4 September 2020 directive from Richard Donoghue, then the Acting Deputy Attorney General, instructing the department to “cease and desist of all overt investigative activities due to the coming election,” in keeping with longstanding Justice Department policy prohibiting any overt steps in ongoing investigations within 90 days of a general election if those steps might have an impact on the election.

And even though he repeatedly claimed that political interference was evident in prosecutors’ decision not to seek the warrant even though, in his view, there was sufficient probable cause to obtain it, a February 2020 memorandum from then-attorney general William Barr instructed prosecutors to ensure that department actions did not “unnecessarily advantage or disadvantage a political party or candidate”.

He also did not appear to take into account the IRS Criminal Tax manual, which requires prosecutors to consider “whether the particular evidence at issue can be secured without a search warrant (i.e., whether a search warrant is the ‘least-intrusive means’ to obtain the evidence)” and “whether there is a reasonable need for the evidence (i.e., whether the case can be investigated and prosecuted with other evidence, with no significant delay in completing the investigation and no significant diminution in the likelihood of conviction)” in cases involving the property of attorneys, public officials or political candidates.

What’s more, even the anonymous whistleblower who the GOP panel billed as “Whistleblower X” denied that the decisions cited by Mr Shapley had political motivations when questioned behind closed doors.

In a transcribed interview, he told committee members that the department’s approach to the Hunter Biden probe never changed when Mr Trump left office and Mr Biden was sworn in.

“I have never seen that, and I would have reason to hope to believe that that wouldn’t happen. And I have no indication that it was because of a change of administration,” he said.

Instead, Mr X said the slow approach to investigations was typical of the Delaware US Attorney’s office, which since 2017 has been headed by Trump appointee David Weiss.

“[T]hat U.S. Attorney’s Office . . . they love to slow-walk things. It’s very common in that office,” he said.

In a portion of his opening statement for the Wednesday hearing that was obtained by  The Independent,   Oversight Committee Ranking Member   Jamie Raskin   said he expected both men to testify about “apparent confusion and misunderstandings which embittered them toward Mr. Weiss as he reviewed the evidence and then made the ultimate decision about how, when, and where to charge Hunter Biden”.

Mr Raskin also pointed out that according to the testimony both witness have already given, the only thing they can credibly allege is “disagreements and frustrations with their supervisors,” not “political interference”.

“There’s no evidence that President Biden has involved himself in any way in the investigation into his own son, an investigation that’s been overseen by Trump’s appointed US Attorney. No matter what my GOP colleagues say … there is no evidence that Hunter Biden has received any kind of official favouritism in this prosecution for being Joe Biden’s son,” he said.

In a statement, White House spokesman Ian Sams slammed the GOP for “wasting time on politically-motivated attacks on a Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney, the rule of law, and the independence of our justice system”.

“There are real issues Americans want us to be spending our time on, and President Biden believes we can work together to make real progress, if House Republicans would make an effort instead of constantly staging partisan stunts to try to damage him politically. President Biden has upheld his commitment that this matter would be handled independently by the Justice Department, under the leadership of a Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney,” he said.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
19  Sparty On    2 years ago

Goober likes that his Bidenettes are making excuses for him and his boy.


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
20  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

In Conclusion:

Yesterday we heard from two of the IRS top investigators. The cream of the crop. We learned that Hunter Biden got special treatment and the plea deal that Hunter Biden ultimately got was not what federal investigators recommended. These senior IRS agents believed Hunter Biden was supposed to be charged with a felony, not a misdemeanor. Joseph Ziegler, who was only known as whistleblower X before yesterday, is the man who handled most of the Hunter Biden case at the IRS.

We also learned via a question from rep Dan Goldman (which I'm sure he regrets) that Joe Biden knew of his son's business activity and most likely benefited from it. We also discovered that the Joe Biden election/transition team somehow got involved in the investigation. We learned that Biden's DOJ delayed the investigation and divulged a lot of the information from it to the transition team. They also divulged information to Hunter Biden's lawyers and tipped them off before the search of the northern Virgia storage unit took place. Finally, it was the same DOJ under Merrick Garland that allowed the statute of limitations to run out on the tax violations (2014, 15, & 16) which were the more serious of Hunter's tax violations.

Whitness Ziegler pointed out that there was so much intimidation at the time that he felt afraid in doing his job and in asking any question that might involve Joe Biden or the presidential campaign.

Democrats at the hearing found early on that they couldn't discredit the witnesses, so they resorted to speeches discrediting the committee. Other than C-Span and Fox News, the hearing barely covered by the msm.

Professor Principal
20.1  JBB  replied to  Vic Eldred @20    2 years ago

Out of hundreds of thousand IRS agents the gop found only two who felt Hunter was too gently prosecuted for paying his taxes late, but zero new evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter was exposed. There was no new evidence of additional crimes by Hunter Biden and nothing at all actually linked to the President.

Professor Quiet
20.1.1  Ronin2  replied to  JBB @20.1    2 years ago

How many IRS agents do you think were working this investigation?

They had a small team of agents. The head of the team and one of the top members both came forward. Looks like more of that team now will follow and testify.

Democrats loved whistleblowers; even ones that only had second or third hand accounts. These whistleblowers were a part of the Hunter Biden investigation team. They listed the amounts of money the Biden family has received from foreign entities through LLC's. They weren't allowed to question family members or key Hunter business associates. They weren't even allowed to question Hunter Biden! 

All Democrats have is slander and denial. How much more is it going to take for leftists to admit they elected a real criminal (and his family) to the nations highest office?

Professor Principal
20.1.2  JBB  replied to  Ronin2 @20.1.1    2 years ago

Yes, when those close to powerful people unfairly gain from access to power, like the Trump's kids and Clarence Thomas's wife and Hunter have, it surely does stink of influence peddling, but it is not illegal...

Yesterday's gop show hearing provided no new evidence of crimes by Hunter Biden and zero evidence of wrongdoing by The President of the United States of America.

It was your typical gop "Nothing Berder".

Like Trump's "hamberder" without meat!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
20.1.4  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JBB @20.1    2 years ago

Hundreds of thousands of IRS agents were not working on the case. These men were. 


Professor Principal
20.1.5  Hallux  replied to  Vic Eldred @20.1.4    2 years ago

Yesterday you had no problem equating 2 years with a trillion years.

Professor Principal
20.1.6  JBB  replied to  Vic Eldred @20.1.4    2 years ago

Neither identified any crimes of Hunter Biden except those he has plead guilty to and has suffered the consequences of. They provided zero evidence of criminal activity by the President. Their complaint was the Hunter hadn't been investigated as quickly or charged as severely as they personally believed he should have been, through his punishment was, "Normal". Anyone who expected new evidence of crimes from their testimony was sorely disappointed. As bad as it may look. It remains legal for the family and friends of high office holders to work for and to earn money from foreign businesses and even governments. So, let's be honest...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
20.1.7  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @20.1.6    2 years ago
entified any crimes of Hunter Biden except those he has plead guilty to and has suffered the consequences of.

Lol Everything you said is wrong.  He did not register as a foreign agent, he didn't pay taxes for his Burisma income and he has not been sentenced yet. 

Their complaint was the Hunter hadn't been investigated as quickly or charged as severely 

They weren't allowed to investigate or charge as procedure demanded ,  saw Hunter Biden tipped off  before  a search and the DOJ  allowed an SOL to expire for no reason to avoid charging Hunter Biden.

That's the  opposite of normal. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
20.1.8  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @20.1    2 years ago
Out of hundreds of thousand IRS agents

Wherever do you get your numbers?  In 2021, the entire IRS work force was less than 100,000,

Special agents that investigate potential financial crimes for possible referral to the Department of Justice numbered 2000 and are based around the country and in eleven other countries.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
20.1.9  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Hallux @20.1.5    2 years ago

Are you sure I said a "trillion?'


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