An appeal for reason

Link to Quote: After Trump's indictment, John Bolton calls for his withdrawal : NPR
Donald Trump's former National Security Advisor John Bolton has long called for Donald Trump to withdraw from the Presidential race. The chances of that happening are almost nil, but when you think about it if Trump were to drop out or for any reason be forced out it would be almost a knockout blow to the Biden campaign. I use caution by adding the word almost to that because we are not living in normal times. The democrats or the radical left which controls the democrat party and much of government has found a way to influence elections via censorship and suppressing news stories and tracking down every democrat party voter with a heartbeat. They have pulled off quite a few recent election wins which were totally absurd.
I believe that Trump being out of the race is the best chance Republicans have.
The dishonest media have utilized a very revealing strategy of simply emphasizing indictments against Trump while focusing their attacks against DeSantis. The greater scandal of bribery & treason involving Joe Biden has been largely ignored. There most likely won't be any trial before the 2024 election, thus, as in 2020 and 2024 the left has set the stage for another victory, and it all depends on a weakened & tarnished Donald Trump being the Republican nominee.
May something happen to the Trump candidacy.
A maintenance worker under the pressure of serious jail time is willing to do or say whatever it takes.
Biden's AG runs both the prosecution of Biden's opponents as well as the investigation of his son.
The era of the left in America circa: 2023.
Why would a maintenance worker be under the pressure of serious jail time? What did he do, use unapproved lightbulbs?
Destroying subpoenaed evidence isn’t a crime when you work for a Clinton. Suddenly it is when trump is your employer? Under the Clinton standard he should he gifted immunity from prosecution
Trump spent many HOURS attacking Clinton over the subject of her server. Now it turns out he has done something similar. He must secretly love emulating Hillary !
For doing what somebody else did to Hillary's e-mails. Destroying classified government documents.
Then will the punishment be the same?
Will a "reasonable prosecutor bring charges?"
The problem you have is 'local' and positional. That is, Donald Trump is a creature of time just like Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton faced the test of her time and position in 2017-18 with 'flying colors.' Donald Trump has to face the challenges put to him in his time and positioning. Only time will tell how his 'flight' ends up.
Hillary Clinton had a (D) next to her name. There was no "test."
Isn't that the literal definition of what an AG is supposed to do?
An AG is supposed to remove themselves from anything that is a conflict of interest. Garland has made sure he has complete control on the investigations into his boss and his bosses son.
Both need a special prosecutor; not a special counsel.
Garland will never agree to that- he can't protect Brandon or Hunter then.
No, he is to recuse himself from all things involving the man who appointed him.
"can you say superseding indictment? I knew you could.
tomorrow we can talk about obstruction of justice and later on, seditious conspiracy."
So Democrats and the idiot left are actually the fascists despite their blathering otherwise.
The media has run full speed with every bit of fiction the democrats have spit out for the past few years.
On what planet is Trump's mountain of corruption,chaos and attempt to steal the 2020 election less important to the future of America than whatever it is Biden is accused of?
The right is taking whataboutism to new depths.
You mean the unfounded accusations that amounted to zero tand your hurt feelings?
And yet, here we are unscathed by any of that bullshit and life has gone on very well and only interrupted by the constant beat of the "Get Trump at all costs" mantra ALL due to the fact he had the audacity to win the Presidential in 2016. The world didn't end, the beat goes on and, except in partisan land, many have just let go. Some, it seems, just can't even though the man has no clout at present other than daring to run again. Oh the fucking horror...../S
Do you ever read or watch news related to the Republican party ?
Yes I do. What is the problem? As stated above, nothing earth shattering happened under Trump that caused the world to end. Quite the contrary. He wasn't about to be pushed around and THAT was good for the US. Other than his obvious personality traits that most abhor, so fucking what?
I know you don't like the guy. That goes WAAAAAY without saying. But, well you know the old question I used to ask you that you never could answer so there is no need to repeat it.
Trying to steal a presidential election is not a personality trait, or a mean tweet. For that matter neither is attempting to extort the leader of another country into smearing your presidential opponent. Nor is asking Russia to interfere in US politics (twice).
The idea that the only thing objectionable about Trump is his personality or "mean tweets" is pure insanity.
And the items you put forth are traits of his personality. Period. The mean tweets. We know that they caused Fruit of the Loom Stock to soar due to all of the panties in a wad and twist.
I am just glad the term is panties in a wad and not socks.
Your words and actions say differently..........
America is not going to elect Ron DeSantis president. What else have you got?
by the way "the democrat party" is not a thing.
Neither are 100% of your accusations but you're still running with those.
America is not going to reelect Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine. What else have you got?
By the way there is nothing "Democratic" about the Democrat Party.
Well, it is officially their name, so people who dont want to look like idiots generally use it.
Maybe I should start referring to The Republic party.
They can call themselves whatever they want.
Rigging their primaries so their chosen ones can win isn't Democratic. Influencing their opponent's primaries to get the candidate they want to run against isn't Democratic. And using the government to go after their political opponents sure as hell isn't Democratic.
Good one. That makes as much sense as calling Democrats Democratic.
We should have a chance to find out.
how? the RNC candidate debate in august still seems to be short one federally indicted gutless coward...
How many debates do you expect Joe Biden will do?....
By preventing the government and democrat donors/election lawyers/judges from interfering in elections
the rwnj political shell game,
you can't indict a POTUS while in office...
you can't indict an ex-POTUS after he's left office...
you can't indict an ex-POTUS campaigning for office...
fuck that noise, show me where in the constitution that any of that bullshit is written. the obstruction of justice charges on any of his indictments is enough to put him away until his future horse drawn procession down pennsylvania avenue. he should be in jail now awaiting trial on the willful retention and his efforts to cover up keeping the classified documents. there is a 2 tiered judicial system, it's just not the one that his sycophant supporters are whining about.
Just the charges alone?
Wouldn't putting him away require a conviction?
Are there penalties for a malicious prosecution?
Perhaps we should tell Democrat politicians and their media journalists/reporters, because many of them very frequently use that description.
The GOP is stuck with Trump until the party puts together a platform that replaces Trump. If Republicans had a MAGA platform then the party wouldn't need Trump. Part of the problem is that the Republican Party is controlled by grifters who don't want to upset the pig trough.
"May something happen to the Trump candidacy."
Quite funny, the GoP/RNC had several opportunities and now prayers that Dems do what Repubs were too chicken to.
Republicans, unlike Democrats who rig their own primaries, let the voters decide who their candidates are.
The only people that are praying that Dems do anything to Trump are TDS driven mighty mental midgets, never Trumpers, and those that support a two tier fascist FBI/DOJ/IRS system. Which is the reason Trump goes up in the polls every time they pile another indictment on Trump.
The gop nominating Trump insures a Biden 2nd term! Just Do It...
MAGA, please tell us what what the Republican Party stands for again.
That's easy...