Why Liberals Are Obsessed With the Lauren Boebert's Theater Antics
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 52 commentsBy: Matt Vespa (townhall. com)

Matt Vespa | September 16, 2023 6:30 PM AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
This story will die soon, though liberals will try and keep it in the new cycle to drown out recent developments with their candidate in a local Virginia House race. The two stories broke around the same time. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was kicked out of a Denver theater showing a production of Beetlejuice. In Virginia, Democrat Susanna Gibson, who is vying for a key seat, had her sex clips exposed. She posted on the adult site Chaturbate, which she and her allies said was leaked. That's not what's happening here. She willingly posted the clips online and thought they would be buried. That's not how any of this works, lady.
NEW: GOP Rep Lauren Boebert denied vaping during a Denver Center for the Performing Arts musical before being kicked out Sunday. @Marshall9News got the video. Take a look. #copoliticspic.twitter.com/VtT67Vn4L9 — Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) September 15, 2023
But the Left hates Boebert, and this theater episode provides some fodder to use against her. It was initially reported that she was vaping and being overall obnoxious. There's video evidence to support that, but now there's a new clip circling around showing Boebert's male date being handsy with her in the aisle, and she reciprocates. For the Left, they're trying to make this a 'look; a Republican is being a hypocrite about moral values' story.
Lauren Boebert, a self-proclaimed staunch proponent of "protecting our children from obscene content they should not be exposed to" can be seen here at an all-ages Beetlejuice musical rubbing a man's crotch while he gropes her breasts. Again, at an all-ages family show. pic.twitter.com/tm08Q5Lifj — Laura Burkhardt (@LauraAnnSTL) September 15, 2023
Nope. While doing this stuff is grounds for any staff at a public venue to remove you from the premises, the Left has no leg to stand on here since their side is perfectly fine hiring principals with prior child porn charges. Also, do Democrats know that most Americans don't want pornography in school libraries?
Dana Loesch had the perfect tweet, to sum up both stories:
You're supposed to get angrier over Boebert than the chick with the Chaturbate account so Dems can cancel out that controversy in VA and pick up two seats. — Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 16, 2023
Regardless, Boebert has apologized for her behavior during the play (via WaPo):
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) apologized for vaping and being disruptive during a performance of the musical "Beetlejuice" at a city-owned theater in Denver, in a statement released by her campaign team late Friday.
Boebert expressed regret and said she was "truly sorry" for her actions at the theater, from where she and an unidentified man were ejected Sunday. The pair had been reprimanded multiple times by staff for "vaping, singing, [and] causing a disturbance" to other patrons, before being kicked out, according to an incident report shared by the city.
As Boebert and her male companion are escorted out of the theater, camera footage shows her rebuking a staff member and saying, "Do you know who I am?" and "I will be contacting the mayor," according to the city's incident report.
"The past few days have been difficult and humbling, and I'm truly sorry," Boebert said in the statement. "While none of my actions or words as a private citizen that night were intended to be malicious or meant to cause harm, the reality is they did and I regret that."
It's not an election-killer for her. She barely won re-election in 2022, beating Democrat Adam Frisch by just 546 votes. There are many reasons why that was the case, and a theater ejection isn't going to be a deciding factor.

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Tomorrow we shall examine the story of Susanna Gibson, which has not been discussed here on NT.
but, but, but what about...
lauren's divorce isn't final until next month, explain that to the faithful...
dammit, now everybody knows why I only dated the ultra religious catholic girls in high school...
I hope she had a chance to get out of that dress later, before getting maga all over the front of it...
Sorry, tomorrow will be about the thing not mentioned by the leftist media nor NT.
it'll be fun lampooning it and then watching it disappear off the front page after 75 minutes...
Much like we lampoon those that post videos on HD that no one ever watches.
Right back atcha
WaPo reported the story a week ago as did several other 'mainstream' sites. T'would be nice in you get your yarn saga straight by Monday.
Wapo had the story first, warned her, and sat on it. They only mentioned it after it became a national story. If it were up to the wapo, no one would have heard of it
They had 2 stories on it and from what I can tell 2 is vastly more than none.
I dont see anything in this article about Boebert being an endlessly annoying moralizer and Christian nationalist bible thumper, which is the real reason everyone is making fun of her now.
No, the progressives are trying to use her to deflect from that all important race in Virginia, in which they have an immoral PIG running.
I am making fun of Boebert because she deserves it. I know next to nothing about the Virginia race and dont care about it.
It will decide which party has the majority in the VA legislature and as usual democrats will do anything to win.
So what? You and your silly seed are arguing that the only reason people are criticizing Boebert is because of a race in Virginia. I think that assertion is ridiculous.
no false equivalency is too great a stretch for the maga right.
susanna posts sex videos on a secure xxx site a decade ago and a republican with access to the xxx site leaks them to hinder her campaign. not yet divorced bible thumper lauren goes drunken harlot in a public place which is all caught on security camera and then tries to deny it, until the footage is revealed.
yeah, that's the same thing...
I guess it does if you are a right wing blog writer instigator.
give it time and the GOP spin will morph into maga sluts are better looking than lib sluts...
close enough for "anti" government work.
Or a far left blog writer that has posted hundreds of "I hate Trump" posts over the years....
None with proof.
Actually, Matt Vespa made that argument and a review of a certain article in one of the "groups" here bolsters that argument.
That's a strange statement from those who chased every unverified allegation made about Donald Trump for 10 years.
You talking about the woman who had sex tapes with her and her husband? What does that have to do with this? And of course, so what?
While doing this stuff is grounds for any staff at a public venue to remove you from the premises, the Left has no leg to stand on here since their side is perfectly fine hiring principals with prior child porn charges.
So there’s no difference between a notorious lying far right House member and unnamed school principals with supposed child porn histories? This may be the most desperate whataboutism seed of the month.
Next he’ll be equating George Santos to Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren.
George never claimed indigenous heritage.
Just one of the many points that that make them inequivalent.
Sen Joe McCarthy: "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?"
Annie Lee Moss: "No, I'm a democrat."
which one died a disgraced penniless drunk?
Are liberals obsessed over this? I’ve seen like 2 headlines about it but never bothered to actually read either article because I dont care.
Take a look at the NT articles from last week.
Seen like 2…. And?
both published yesterday...
looks like the new adventures of skanky the maga tramp really got under his skin.
If it was AOC instead of that low functioning idiot Boebert, the right wing would be screaming about it for YEARS. Remember the outrage over Obama wearing a tan suit? But BoBo jerking off her BF in a public movie theater? "Naw, 2 articles is way over the top...
That's one big echo chamber you live in, Vic.
Yes, the left wing made it up. There was no outrage.
Boebert made a spectacle of herself vaping who knows what, being profane and grabbing her married companion's junk in public. When asked to behave she insulted the audience and performers before flipping off the theater staff and stumbling blithely away...
"MAGA Y'all!"
When the pregnant lady behind them asked her to stop vaping Boebart’s date offered to buy the lady a cocktail. His next move was probably going to be passing her his crack pipe.
Boebert is definitely VP material for the MAGA in 2024...
she clinched the spot last weekend with the crotch grabbing video.
the pussy and crotch grabber ticket in 2024...
it looked like lauren was having a difficult time getting it out of the holster, with both hands...
his hat might be too tight and she gave him that belt buckle the one time he stayed on longer than 8 seconds...