The Left finally had its day

Link to Quote: Biden called for unity in inaugural address: full speech transcript - Vox
The origins of America's radical left began long ago in the University.
In 1969, students at Harvard broke into the Administration building and gave away the personal files of the professors. The president of Harvard called in the police, but later suffered a vote of no-confidence by the Harvard faculty and was forced to resign. That seemed to set a template where universities preemptively surrendered to the mob. Thus, they mostly all fell to the left.
Many knew of the indoctrination going on, but it wasn't until the pandemic of 2020 ("God's gift to the left") that working class parents got to see what even young children were being taught. The precursor to what was about to be unleashed may have been the riots in the summer of 2020. That is when democrat mayors had their police departments stand down because what should have been competent elected officials turned out to be ideologues. Rioters were allowed to do just about anything. Two dozen people were killed. Trump was still President and when he offered assistance it was turned down. Few of the rioters were ever prosecuted and the ideologue who was running for vice president supported organizations set up to bail out the rioters.
Then came the 2020 election, in which we had one candidate hide in his basement and never even uttered a word about what he proposed to do. He mumbled about uniting the nation and "a return to normalcy." An election lawyer who worked to protect Hillary Clinton, set the stage by getting election laws changed in the critical battleground states. The leftist media came out in full force to demonize his opponent and the nation saw both candidates get a record number of votes. Immediately after Joe Biden was sworn in he released his executive orders and unleashed a radical agenda which the country could never dream of. The border was opened to millions of migrants, and they lied to us claiming they were trying but the third world was suddenly on the move. Two years later and it is now hard to deny the obvious. Biden sought to shut down American energy because he thought he could force the country to go green when there is simply no infrastructure for it. Then Biden sicked his ideologically corrupt DOJ on parents and whistleblowers and his political opponent and the people. He enforced mandates that took jobs from people, backed the Teacher's union that chose to shut down schools, he ran out of Afghanistan leaving those who aided the US behind along with millions in military equipment and 13 dead soldiers. Currently Biden has been chasing Chairman Xi trying to get on his good side. Most recently Biden gave Iran $ 6 Billion as part of a hostage swap. Biden has appointed some of the most radical people ever appointed to cabinet positions. He has appointed justices who can't answer simple Constitutional questions.
The American left finally made it. They did it quietly before our eyes. They firmly control the university, the media and many of the agencies of the federal government. After the 2020 election they laid down the law through their puppet Joe Biden. In many American cities, Soros funded DAs are administering "social justice." Crime is rampant. Nobody in their right mind wants to be a cop anymore and the police we have are not about to risk their reputations, freedom and lives to police cities that have become lawless hell holes.
These ideas that we are now living under have been tried before. The scum who teach this poison seem to assume that unless everyone ends up in the same place, somebody has been wronged. It is a case of ignorance silencing knowledge. The way it is being done is similar to the way people are indoctrinated in a Communist re-education camp. History demonstrates how badly these ideas turn out when put into practice. This attack on the American system is hard to stop.
They now have so much power and they have made an art out of silencing anyone who opposes them, I can't see how this gets turned around.
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California got rid of its middle class and replaced it with millions of migrants willing to vote for the letter (D). It is now a one-party state. New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado followed. Before national elections are even contested, the election map has many states painted blue.
They found the way as we attended to our daily lives.
Calm down, it also has many states painted red.
Democrats hold a trifecta in 17 states and Republicans in 22.
"Eligible Pennsylvania voters getting a new driver’s license or ID card will now be AUTOMATICALLY registered to vote."
How will eligibility be determined?
All I can tell you is that my 2009 CA license was marked so as I could not use it to vote. Perhaps PA will follow suit.
You mean in someplace other than California?
Maybe you should explain it.
There is no need to, or is it you are looking for some crack to once again promulgate the fiction of millions of undocumented interlopers binge voting?
comment stands, can not both flag and respond, by charger
Is it me or is it you?
You and your flock.
comment stands, can not both flag and respond. by charger
You got caught editing yesterday. Maybe you should hang it up.
Nah, I hope not. What would NT be like without a Canadian that actually lives in Canada giving us shit. /s
Some are simply incorrigible.
BTW, have you heard the latest? It seems that there is a Hunter Biden mug shot out there and the DOJ never wanted it to be released. Our own Jesse Waters has filed a FOIA to get it released. Hunter's lawyers also don't want him traveling to a Delaware Court simply to plead "Not Guilty." They want to do it electronically. It does seem like two systems of Justice.
removed for context by charger
I edit several times daily, have me evicted.
Do you take him for walkies or keep him on a shelf?
No one else besides the former 'president' would want their mug shot released and profit and 'campaign' off the proceeds.
“They found the way as we attended to our daily lives.”
Perhaps speaking to us as we attend to our daily lives resonates with the electorate.
And is that not the way it should be?
No. Nobody liked waking up to Peral Harbor being bombed.
Hey razing : ) Hope you are well
Perhaps so .. and resonating with the electorate is the end game or even a partial desired outcome when states are being divided? I have my doubts .. I was keeping an eye on how the maps were being made in Montana .. we will now have 2 reps in the house, which sucks, means there are now a million people in Montana (which is too many!) Montana is a red state, yet western Montana is various shades of purple. The battle was on over how the lines would be drawn, so if happens in a Montana .. the more populous states (that tend to be blue) have far more reps and draw the lines as they see fit to corral the electorate .. not resonate with them [or so that is how I am seeing it]
"San Francisco health officials say the number of people dying from drug overdoses is skyrocketing."

And goodnight to my democrat friends out west.
I have read several things about what is happening in San Fran .. from drugs to crime and homelessness .. seems like San Fran is a bit of a mess. Drugs are everywhere though Vic .. I am not sure it is 'fair' to put a microscope on one location in the US. Red or Blue
California prob gets more fentanyl trafficked through it than Montana - which prob contributes to the total number of deaths...
I live in a very purple part of Montana; the homeless population is moving here and growing by the day as is the meth problem .. city and county are desperate to find a solution to housing or legal campsites .. even providing showers, bathrooms, air conditioning and heated common areas in the campsites - it does not work, as the homeless do not desire to follow rules and guidelines ... so now the city is working on shelters which send homeowners in the areas over the edge .. city and county are raising taxes to pay for these serves ... the electorate certainly has no say in that.
The US is teetering on the edge of third world status in areas .........................and all 'we' know how to do is throw money at the problem - or stick a band aid on it and call it good! The US is becoming a joke - time to put the American people first...
..... and Soapbox is back in her stall!
These are their policies. Do you know why there are homeless derelicts & mentally insane people & drug addicts on the streets of California cities?
"The most powerful federal appeals court in the western United States once again refused to let cities and towns force the homeless off of the streets unless communities provide shelter for them.
Cities large and small across the west coast have tried, and failed, to overturn the higher court's ruling for years, the latest of which came from the Oregon city, Grants Pass.
"We are having a situation where the police were telling homeless people that they couldn't sleep in public or private, and private property," said Grants Pass Mayor Sara Bristol. "And eventually, that kind of boiled down to homeless people feeling like they couldn't find a place to rest where they weren't being harassed."
Bristol said the ruling highlights deep political divisions in her city and county. There are currently a few solutions on the table."
9th Circuit Court orders cities and towns cannot force homeless people off the street - CBS Los Angeles (
That is the left-wing 9th Circuit Court.
They also defunded their police force:
"From coast to coast in 2020, liberal politicians pledged support for defunding police departments following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. San Francisco Mayor London Breed was among the politicians in major cities that joined the chorus of leaders diverting funds from police that summer, only to reverse course the following year.
"We will redirect $120 million from law enforcement to support these priorities over the next two years," Breed said in her announcement on July 31, 2020. "Let me repeat that. This is $120 million."
San Francisco defunded the police before reversing course the next year amid calls for 'accountability' | Fox News
They downgraded shoplifting laws:
It ought to be possible to operate a retail store in one of America’s largest and most iconic cities, but this most basic commercial proposition is in doubt in San Francisco.
The erstwhile Golden City is beset by an ongoing tide of theft that is closing down retail locations and again demonstrating the city’s unwillingness to govern itself.
Cities around the country dub themselves “the capital” of this or that signature product — artichokes in Castroville, Calif., earmuffs in Farmington, Maine, spinach in Alma, Ark., fried chicken in Barberton, Ohio.
San Francisco, and the larger Bay Area, now could easily claim the title of Shoplifting Capital of the USA — should it want the honor.
Mobs of looters are grabbing goods in California thanks to downgraded shoplifting laws (
The US is teetering on the edge of third world status in areas .........................and all 'we' know how to do is throw money at the problem - or stick a band aid on it and call it good! The US is becoming a joke - time to put the American people first...
Tell me about it! And the fentanyl problem is a direct problem of Joe Biden's open border policy.
I hate to disagree with you Colour, but this is all about progressive policy.
I'm sorry to hear about what is happening in Montana.
Ummm .. yeah, it is not just CA ... Montana happens to be under the control of the 9th circuit court. The city of Missoula has tried to prevent camping in public parks ... the homeless have been removed and cleaned up after along the Clark Fork river .. even fenced out with 6-foot chain link and they cut it for fucks sake! ... in a society of rules that I am a reluctant rule following rebel of .. the homeless do not have to follow the guidelines of society ... and like a teenage that says 'you cannot make me' the homeless have called the bluff of 'us'!
I do not think you are disagreeing with me as much as you are not seeing the full picture ... this is a problem getting progressively worse since Reagan released the mentally ill onto the streets back in the 80s. An individual cannot be forced to be in a mental facility and do not have to take their meds ... WTF was going to happen? I remember my very conservative 'Christian' mother cussing dear Ronald Reagan .. she saw what was coming in stereo .. may she rest in Peace!
I would never argue with anyone Vic .. after all I do have a Halo that I can occasionally find ... but this so-called progressive policy stuff has been in the making for 40 + years.... granted the problems have been amplified, crank'd up to maximum volume ... no doubt.
The border is an ongoing issue .. my understanding is that the fentanyl is coming from China - and yes some of it is entering the US through the southern border .. wish I had an answer on that one ... since I was a lil person I have heard nothing but comprehensive immigration reform .. it is a made-up term the US government uses .. perhaps there will be a resolution .. but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.
P.s... yes perhaps CA was beginning to release mental patients before Reagan got into oval office .. but he was also the governor at one point.
That is true. It has become to a certain degree, a national problem.
the homeless do not have to follow the guidelines of society ... and like a teenage that says 'you cannot make me' the homeless have called the bluff of 'us'!
Did they suddenly become stubborn? I'm old enough to remember when we weren't confronted with an eyesore in the middle of a city. The next time you get to watch Hitchcock's "Vertigo," please note the cleanliness of the city. That was filmed in San Francisco. At any rate, I don't think they should have the right to refuse a ride to an institution or a shelter. Public safety comes first.
I do not think you are disagreeing with me as much as you are not seeing the full picture ..
Maybe disagreeing just a little bit as to the cause. Don't forget, you and I can disagree and we still do it respectfully.
this is a problem getting progressively worse since Reagan released the mentally ill onto the streets back in the 80s.
Always remember: It was the last bill JFK signed:
On Oct. 31, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed a bill meant to free many thousands of Americans with mental illnesses from life in institutions. It envisioned building 1,500 outpatient mental health centers to offer them community-based care instead. The bill would be the last piece of legislation Kennedy would ever sign; he was assassinated three weeks later.
The Last Bill JFK Signed — And The Mental Health Work Still Undone | WBUR News
JFK had a sister, whom his father had institutionalized. That was what it was about. Some liberal's feelings. I would have told your mother and I'm sure it wouldn't have stung as bad. She might have said "it figures!"
I would never argue with anyone Vic .. after all I do have a Halo that I can occasionally find ... but this so-called progressive policy stuff has been in the making for 40 + years.... granted the problems have been amplified, crank'd up to maximum volume ... no doubt.
I say it caused all our more serious problems
The border is an ongoing issue .. my understanding is that the fentanyl is coming from China - and yes some of it is entering the US through the southern border .. wish I had an answer on that one ... since I was a lil person I have heard nothing but comprehensive immigration reform .. it is a made-up term the US government uses .. perhaps there will be a resolution .. but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.
The border is wide open. There are a few reasons for this. The left wants votes and a changing of the demographics of the US. Fentanyl and everything else is coming in through there. Now Biden wants a remain in Texas policy for asylum seekers because northern democrat mayors don't like the influx of illegal migrants. In effect Biden would like to draw a new border above the red states along the southern border.
P.s... yes perhaps CA was beginning to release mental patients before Reagan got into oval office .. but he was also the governor at one point.
He was the last governor of the middle class that migrated to California. The Governor who sent out the National Guard to end violence at a university.
Take care and don't be a stranger.
I live in an area of west central Montana - I do not even know if the nearest town can truly be called a city and we are getting crushed by the problem. Tents on the sidewalks, vans, cars, so-called motor homes in parking lots, along the street - walking past needles in the parking lot going to Home Depot etc...
Many moons ago I was a bar tender and I got to know a few of the homeless [homeless by choice] .. they had lives, they made jewelry and leather goods that they sold to buy food and an occasional motel room for the night to clean up. etc... It is a totally different breed of homeless now Vic, dare I say in an odd way entitled [no that is not the right word] and mental illness is a catalyst to the flame....?
This I know .. I was being a bit sarcastic regarding the full picture remark ... as far as JFK and his vision, in some ways he had it right - there truly was a time when anyone could be locked up for being 'different' .. Reagan thought he was doing a good thing, but in doing so the doors closed on many facilities and bed space is now a premium. Now it is a 72-hour hold, just long enough to get them on meds and out the door they go again, because even if they could keep them .. there is no place to keep them - prison is not the place. (or so that is how I see it)
I get a bit of a giggle out of the northern cities that tout sanctuary for illegals etc - yet def do not want to be overwhelmed by said illegal influx. What do they think is happening to these lil TX communities that have a church, bar, post office, grocery store and a bus stop when illegals get dumped on their doorstep?
Peace .. I will be lurking about : )
That is sad. It is like a pristine lake having a sewer pipe emptying into it. We both touched on who is to blame: The 9th Circuit Court and progressives in general.
Many moons ago I was a bar tender and I got to know a few of the homeless [homeless by choice] .. they had lives, they made jewelry and leather goods that they sold to buy food and an occasional motel room for the night to clean up. etc... It is a totally different breed of homeless now Vic, dare I say in an odd way entitled [no that is not the right word] and mental illness is a catalyst to the flame....?
You do know that in San Francisco they are given food and provisions?
"A self-proclaimed' old-school junkie' who moved from Texas to San Francisco because 'it's f*****g easy' to be homeless there claims he's being paid by the city government to live on the streets, getting $620 in cash per month and hundreds of food stamps while he sells Narcan and enjoys Amazon Prime and Netflix on his phone."
San Francisco's 'soft-on-crime' policies and assistance make it 'easy to be homeless' says man | Daily Mail Online
This I know .. I was being a bit sarcastic regarding the full picture remark ... as far as JFK and his vision, in some ways he had it right - there truly was a time when anyone could be locked up for being 'different' .. Reagan thought he was doing a good thing, but in doing so the doors closed on many facilities and bed space is now a premium. Now it is a 72-hour hold, just long enough to get them on meds and out the door they go again, because even if they could keep them .. there is no place to keep them - prison is not the place. (or so that is how I see it)
I know there were problems with the old institutionalized system. Whatever they were, they were still preferable than to unleash these people on the innocent public and having police deal with unnecessary danger. Am I being unkind?
I get a bit of a giggle out of the northern cities that tout sanctuary for illegals etc - yet def do not want to be overwhelmed by said illegal influx. What do they think is happening to these lil TX communities that have a church, bar, post office, grocery store and a bus stop when illegals get dumped on their doorstep?
I think they hate those communities, and they obviously don't like living near the "others."
From the mouth of Joe Biden:
"The posts source a quotation to “Joe Biden 12/22/2020 Leaked ZOOM call” that reads: “This country is doomed, it is doomed. Not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European – you hear me? Minority white European. And Blacks are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who make a larger portion of population than y’all do.”
Fact check: Biden’s comments about ‘doomed’ United States taken out of context | Reuters
Peace .. I will be lurking about : )
See that you do.
It's easy to blame progressives/Democrats/Liberals for everything isn't it Vic?
All they need do is stop and they won't get blamed.
No one is defunding the police anywhere Vic.
Everything you said regarding progressives/Democrats/Liberals is a lie [Deleted]
I gave you the link.
What makes you think I'd look at it?
Like Swalwell said, you have no credibility, no one in the gqp does.
I'm sure you won't.
Oooo it is done here as well ... I donate my extra veggies each summer and fall to the Poverello center .. they cook for the homeless and provide shelter. I figure I am helping those that are helping others .. my tax dollars are already being donated.
Whatever good points you may have are utterly buried under [deleted] constant hysteria , bamboozling and exaggeration.
The rest of this thread was removed for no value.
Who is she?
The Dems appear to be salivating with the prospect of new restrictions on freedom by mandates and lockdowns by whipping up fear and hysteria about Covid again.
Suggesting a booster shot is not whipping up anything ...
It's coming ...
In the interest of the new order, I urge all progressives to lead by example: get rid of your stoves, buy electric cars, give half of your income as reparations to a minority and move to the inner city.
What's this 'new order'?
Just what I listed.
So no answer.
We focus so much on the 24 hour news cycles and obsess over things that don’t really matter in the long run that we see the trees while missing the forest. Culture is what matters long term and what drives what happens 30 or 40 years down the road. As the saying goes, politics is downstream of culture, and one can only imagine the damage our culture widespread adoption of the lefts racialist obsessions will do over the next few decades.
Trump-ism is destroying American civilization much more than "communism" is.
The presumed GOP candidate for the next presidential election is becoming more unhinged by the day, and "conservatives" are frozen in either fear or gleeful anticipation of his success.
The seeded article is more in line with 1950's red baiting or 1960's John Birch Society propaganda than it is with anything going on today.
The other day, he correctly pointed out that democrats are reluctant to tell us what they want for abortion restrictions. In an interview yesterday CA Gov Newsom refused to give an answer:
CNN’s Dana Bash repeatedly pressed Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom on abortion Monday night as he refused to give a straight answer.
Gov. Gavin Newsom Is Pressed Repeatedly And Refuses To Give Straight Answer On Abortion Limits | The Daily Caller
Ol' any twosome Newsom
That is correct and if people were paying attention to the Wilker interview they might know that Trump has a unique stand on abortion:
Trump said members of his own party "speak very inarticulately about this subject."
"I watch some of them without the exceptions, etc., etc.," he said, referring to conservatives who don't support abortion exceptions in cases including abortion and rape. "I said: 'Other than certain parts of the country, you can’t — you’re not going to win on this issue. But you will win on this issue when you come up with the right number of weeks."
Trump criticizes Republicans pushing abortion bans with no exceptions: 'You're not going to win' (
I stopped reading this 'article' when I saw it started out 'In 1969' and then saw 'fell to the left' and 'indoctrination'
You're correct, it has nothing to do with anything going on today.
So you are worried about the actions of somebody who hasn't been in a position of power for over 2 years?
This 'somebody' is leading in the GOP nomination by multiples of double digits. So, yeah, one should be concerned about what the very likely GOP nominee is doing.
So you are worried about the actions of somebody who hasn't been in a position of power for over 2 years as well. Sounds kind of unhinged given the state of what the current POTUS is involved with. But hey, those are your priorities. No matter how skewered they are.
Apparently you must have missed my point.
Do you recognize that Trump is, by far, the likely nominee for the GOP?
Do you not understand that everyone should be interested in the actions of the likely nominee for a party?
From the man who just accused other people of "constant hysteria".
Out of curiosity, why are we so convinced American civilization is being destroyed?
I didn't realize he was still president. I must have missed a meeting.
It is truly an election like no other. We have one candidate who did terrible things to the country and flooded it with migrants and he gets to have his AG prosecute his opponent while protecting his son & his own ass.
They are worried about Trump.
Go figure.
You mean your point that you are worried about the actions of somebody who hasn't been in a position of power for over 2 years. No. I got that point.
I recognize it. I also recognize that there are others in the running as well.
Having explained my position twice, you clearly are intentionally misrepresenting.
At this point, none of them have a realistic chance of winning the nomination.
A rational mind would be interested in the actions of the individual who has a multiple double-digit lead for the GOP nomination.
Re-word it all you want. It still comes down to the point that you are worried about the actions of somebody who hasn't been in a position of power for over 2 years.
Opinions vary.
It comes down to what I wrote (repeatedly):
A rational mind would be interested in the actions of the individual who has a multiple double-digit lead for the GOP nomination.
The only actions we've seen him take fending off partisan bullshit / hypocrisy and watching you all freak out over somebody who hasn't been in any position of authority or power for over 2 years.
We have two candidates who are very obviously unfit for the office.
We have two candidates who have RECORDS as president. I think that should be the bottom line.
Neither of those records is good.
Promarily what we've seen is from either is pandering to the moronic batshit extremes of their respective tribes.
I happen to disagree with that. They were night vs day.
Promarily what we've seen is from either is pandering to the moronic batshit extremes of their respective tribes.
They were both delivered. How many illegal migrants have we taken in so far? How much does gasoline cost?
One would have to be blind to not see Trump's actions.
Every time Trump opens his mouth (i.e. lies) he is engaging in an action. His obstruction in the return of classified documents is an action. His running for the GOP nomination is an action. His campaign speeches, ads, and interviews are actions.
Given he is the likely nominee, everyone should be interested in his actions (as well as the legal actions taking place).
You are right here to bitch, whine and complain about it. Just like every other TDS driven liberal on NT. But it is kind of funny that you call out one persons "lies" all the while giving a pass to the current geriatric fuck in the WH. Kind of hypocritical don't you think?
Opinions will vary.
I am not a liberal and TDS is a ridiculous label used by those who have nothing useful to offer.
Again, you fail to pay attention (or simply write falsehoods in lieu of an argument). I have acknowledged that Biden has lied his entire career. Does not bother me a bit to note the obvious.
You, in contrast, refuse to acknowledge that it was wrong for Trump to attempt to steal the US presidential election.
Really? You think it is odd that people are interested in the candidate who is leading all other candidates by multiple double digits?
Yes. That's what "pandering to the extremes" looks like.
Fewer than we did under W. We didn't seem to think it was "an invasion" back then. In fact, illegal immigration has been a problem for most of your adult life. Reagan and HW Bush debated it in the 1980 election. But suddenly it's a crisis? Nonsense.
It's also the single most easily fixed problem America faces today, but the far right won't allow any movement on it.
$3.954/gallon. Less than it cost in 2008. Or 2011. Or 2012.
When are Trump supporters going to admit that transitioning to electric vehicles solves that problem?
Oh sorry... I forgot... if liberals are for it, Trumpers must oppose it, even if it's obviously a good idea.
The hard truth here is that Biden being a terrible president does not make Trump a good one.
Your actions show otherwise.
So it's fitting for you.
I was wondering how long before you got to this tiresome months old tantrum of yours.
Oil is used in that system that charges your "solution". Oil is used in the manufacture of your solutions. Oil is used in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. We are going to be relying on it for a very long time.
Your comments suggest that anyone left of a far right perspective is a 'liberal' in your eyes.
And you deflect yet again rather than admit that it was wrong for Trump to attempt to steal the US presidential election.
Of course, but that is no argument to keep using oil products at our current rate. We should be moving to renewables and gradually reducing our infrastructure-based dependence on crude oil products.
Not really. Oil fired electric plants account for less than 1% of electric production nationwide. Natural gas accounts for 40%, but most of that is produced domestically and requires very little refining.
But 20 years from now, that number will be significantly lower. Why? Because the economics of generating electricity without having to buy fuel are compelling and improving every day.
Which still doesn't mean we would care about the price of gasoline. Surely you understand the difference between materials used in the construction of infrastructure and the materials used to fuel its use.
I don't disagree. But I think we'll be relying on it in different ways that do not have such a direct and potentially problematic impact on the American consumer.
I don't see plastics going away anytime ever. I don't see a reduction in the need for lubricants. I think we'll have a market for diesel fuels for a very long time, especially when we consider the extreme efficiency of diesel-electric hybrid systems.
But the idea that the average American is still going to be dependent upon a gasoline engine to get to work every day by 2040 just seems remarkably improbable.
Mass adoption of the internal combustion engine took about 30 years. In that period, we built roads and gas stations and refineries and all the infrastructure elements needed to make car travel the norm. Farmers bought tractors. Our military became completely mechanized.
The electric motor conversion requires 1/10th the infrastructure improvements and we're 10 times better at building all of that. This isn't going to take long.
It is the reality of it. What is your suggestion to reduce our infrastructure-based oil dependence. Remember, oil is used in virtually every aspect of our lives (i.e. the keyboard you are using, the computer, car parts, eye glasses, phones, food wrappers, credit cards, etc.), hell everything made of plastic relies on oil. Renewables aren't going to take that role any time soon. It's moronic to think just switching to an electric car is the "solution".
A tacit admission that you believe it was not wrong for Trump to attempt to steal a US presidential election through coercion, fraud, lying, and abuse of his influence as PotUS.
TDS would be more apt for those who are blind to the wrongdoings of Trump.
Immediately we can be less wasteful / smarter in how we use our oil-based products. This is where we have measures such as carpooling, working from home, using bicycles, scooters, etc. for local trips where practical. We also can dramatically reduce our use of plastics by following the lead of Europe, Japan, etc.: reduce single-use plastic usage by employing reusable bags instead of plastic bags, using bamboo or other non-plastic utensils, using glass / metal containers rather than plastic bottles, buying in bulk, etc.
Continue the move from internal combustion engine products; in particular, vehicles. The USA should be moving towards mass transit systems based on electrical energy. That will gradually lead to a change of refined petroleum products and the infrastructure needed for its acquisition, production and delivery.
Continue to improve efficiency in home and commercial systems. This can be done as systems are replaced due to age but particularly at design time for new construction. Efficiency can also be improved with smart technology to mitigate waste (i.e. smart lighting, smart HVAC, ...).
Continue to migrate to renewable sources such as hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, solar, nuclear (especially fusion when practical), hydrogen (when practical), ocean (kinetic and thermal) energy. As an interim, migrate also to natural gas. It is plentiful and cleaner than crude (albeit not as clean as the renewables).
This should suffice for examples. The way we reduce our infrastructure-based oil dependence is by reducing our consumption of oil-based products. We keep at it at a pace that is practical (i.e. does not cause spikes in costs that cannot be reasonably absorbed). The change will necessarily be an evolution rather than a revolution.
The key is for people to be aware of the problem, aware of the solutions and work together to effect this gradual change.
And I assume you live in Texas.
I never heard such optimism since the movie "Life is Beautiful."
You are a wonderful human being. I'm glad you are here.
It's definitely the solution to higher gasoline prices, which is where this conversation began.
Actually a tacit admission that I know you can't deal with differing opinions.
It could also be start with Biden cutting production in the US then getting on his knees to beg OPEC for more production from them.
Not quite what 'tacit admission' means. But it served as another deflection as you continue refusing to acknowledge Trump's wrongdoing.
You have nothing to say regarding 4.1.38? Here is a chance for you to make a thoughtful reply.
I'll make you a deal. You go back and look at my initial response to your trolling comment about this and accept we have differing opinions aobut the whole situation and then we'll talk. Until then, you really have nothing of worth to say.
did I respond to anything in it? I guess you don't realize I don't care enough to respond to you any longer. I expect it won't slow your trolling will it?
What bullshit. By not answering the question you illustrate that you will not acknowledge Trump's wrongdoing.
Yeah, Jeremy, you asked me a question and I gave you a thoughtful answer. But now when faced with having to generate an actual thoughtful response yourself ... you no longer care to respond.
Go back and look at my initial response [deleted] about this and accept we have differing opinions aobut the whole situation and then we'll talk.
The good news is that in another 20 years it won't matter.
That remains to be seen.
We seem to have the momentum that will carry us into renewables regardless of the efforts of politicians, et. al.
Please explain this further. What do you mean by culture and how does politics effect it?
I don't really give a fuck what Harris has to say on much of anything. I'm asking Sean.
Populists of whatever political stripe aren't very good at governing - though they do seem to be adept at failing upward.
Fair point.
“Culture is what matters long term and what drives what happens 30 or 40 years down the road.”
Culture does matter. And 30 or 40 years is but a single generation.
We are in our infancy as a culture and thus we are acting like infants…not understanding the roles we play, not accepting the ramifications of our actions, not looking past our immediate needs, and throwing tantrums when we don’t get our way.
Here’s hoping we will all grow up and learn from our mistakes and make something of our birthright and build a culture we can be proud of.
"Andy Biggs just announced AG Merrick Garland will be brought in to testify under oath before the House Judiciary committee this Wednesday."
Hopefully in handcuffs.
Having dominatrix fantasies [removed] [?]
No more than Democrats and leftists praying for Trump perp walk picks.
"Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced a new Homeland Security Intelligence Experts Group Tuesday and its 17 members.
"Experts Group to provide advice and perspectives on intelligence and national security efforts to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the Office of Counterterrorism Coordinator to support DHS’ vital work to protect our country," DHS released in a statement."

"Two of the members are former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan. Clapper and Brennan were both key individuals who pushed the false Russia narrative during the Trump administration, claiming the 2016 election was stolen and claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation" just weeks before the 2020 presidential election. Clapper lied under oath during congressional testimony about the federal government spying on American citizens. Brennan called Trump a traitor, implying he should be put to death. He has the same disdain for Americans who support Trump and other Republicans. Clapper and Brennan are far left radicals who believe the federal government should be used to silence dissent. In 2018, President Trump stripped Brennan of his security clearance."
The Members of a New DHS 'Intelligence Group' Should Set Off Alarm Bells (
Yeah well, 'the left has had its day'. And the right, well they got to save bin Sulman's ass and are in the pocket of the dude that proudly says, 'I like Putin and Putin likes me' and, 'I got love letters from Kim Jung Un'. Be warned, there might be poop in the cake your eating.
Brandon's family received payments from China, Russia, and other foreign countries for doing nothing. Hunter even admitted he had no experience and wasn't qualified for any of the jobs he was hired for; including being on the Burisma board.
The only thing they all have in common is access to Brandon.
The "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" BS is getting beyond old.
Why don't you take care of the criminal you put in the White House before worrying about Trump?
The whine "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" in lieu of a thoughtful argument and the witless label "Brandon" is beyond old and obnoxious.
How about we follow the evidence and take care of ALL criminals? Sound like a plan? Right now, the evidence against Trump is substantial; he is also under four indictments with a trial ensuing. Trump is clearly moving first so get used to it instead of always deflecting to Biden.
The Biden investigation is underway. Let's see what evidence they produce. If Biden has done wrong then he should suffer the consequences like everyone else.
But go by the evidence instead of blind partisanship.
That is no good. The dems had two years to file charges. They waited until the election.
Fuck them now.
Not true. The former 'president' made his bogus claims long before
I think 'but trump' 'Brandon' and 'TDS' should be a violation of the COC, it's tiresome and freaking annoying.
Do you think these charges are without merit; that Trump should NOT be held accountable?
They are witless, childish terms used in lieu of a thoughtful argument.
If you have the proof for any of that please take it immediately to Kevin McCarthy. He will be forever grateful.
Some clearly are. Others may have merit.
that Trump should NOT be held accountable?
Have you ever heard of the term "nullification?"
So is PD&D yet here you are.........................
I am sure you have a point there somewhere in that vague space defined by the concept nullification.
What point do you wish to make?
The same point the Simpson jury made when they acquitted O J Simpson.
Some won't let the end justify the means.
Trump should be held accountable for attempting to steal a US election, as a sitting PotUS, using coercion, lies, fraud, and abusing the influence of his office to incite his supporters. (Among other things.)
What should be done with those who tried to overturn the 2016 election?
Who engaged in illegal actions to attempt to overturn the 2016 election?
Could be seen as election interference (again).
That is a laughable question.
There were so many "who s"
Perhaps you'd like to start here:
The FBI knew RussiaGate was a lie — but hid that truth (
More people than we knew were interfering in the last few elections.
Here is the latest:
How does China 'interfere' in the US presidential election? | Fox News
“More people than we knew were interfering in the last few elections.”
Believe as you feel compelled. The facts and thus the truth…confirmed again and again by incontrovertible evidence leave any partisan bias wanting.
The Hunter Biden laptop story was censored.
True or false?
“The Hunter Biden laptop story…”
A story.
And just how does that relate to the election interference story? Facts over fiction, vic…
And any rational person, who is not living in dad's basement, knows how the democrats have interfered with the past few elections.
You doubt it was Hunter's laptop or you doubt it was censored? Or both?
What facts will you admit?
Some skirting their own state constitution because "pandemic" doncha know.
And that's only ONE example.
There is no doubt about it, Marc Elias also interfered with the election of 2020 and that extended to 2022.
Only State legislatures are lawfully able to make election laws. Key states didn't even stand up for their rights.
Did that seem far fetched?
Here is another who for ya:
The Behind-the-Scenes Delegate Fight to Stop Donald Trump (
And another:
Tales From the Swamp: How Federal Bureaucrats Resisted President Trump (
And another:
Trump impeachment: Fact-checking the Senate trial - BBC News
That's turning out to be more fact than fiction.
Given the information from the laptop, it would mean Geriatric Joe was sure to lose the election.
Does not seem funny to me. Of course I would never consider Trump for any office so I suppose I take this stuff more seriously than you do.
We were talking about comparing the actions of Trump who, as a sitting PotUS, attempted to steal a US presidential election using coercion, lies, fraud, and abusing the influence of his office to incite his supporters.
Who, which individual, engaged in illegal actions to attempt to overturn the 2016 election that you can compare to the level and scope of what Trump attempted to do?
Nobody in the history of our nation matches Trump's wrongdoing in terms of violating the CotUS and US law to steal a US presidential election.
Without any doubt James Comey and those in charge of the Trump investigations did try to stage a coup and they should have been punished for it.
Anything Trump did is chump change.
Historians will spend decades trying to understand MAGA and the Trump cult.
It is not going to end well.
So you have somehow, in your mind, found a way to reduce all that Trump has done into "chump change".
There is no reasoning with someone with such a perspective.
There is no reasoning with anyone ignoring what Joe Biden did to the country, because they don't like Trump.
It is the most insane rationale I've ever heard!
I doubt most people are literally blotting out Biden's faults and missteps. I think those who will vote for Biden are aware of his negatives. I, for example, have been critical of Biden. Not everyone is engaging in delusion.
In the case of Trump vs. Biden, as poor a candidate as Biden is, there is simply no comparing him (and most anyone) to Trump. There are no circumstances where any rational, responsible, patriotic thought process will conclude that Trump should be allowed to get anywhere close to the presidency. IMO of course.
And you have yourself and fellow Rs to blame if Biden is reelected. Instead of supporting a decent human being (e.g. Haley) you folks enabled Trump to gain a foothold (when you should have detached from him on Jan 20, 2021) and is now almost certain to be the GOP nominee.
Given the Ds likely will continue with Biden, the GOP had a decent chance to win the presidency with a good candidate. The GOP continues to screw up in its dysfunction from the venom inflicted by the Trump parasite.
The country is absolutely awash in migrants, American energy reduced with the national reserve depleted. Inflation was caused by Trillions in spending. Crime is rampant. Thousands are dying from fentanyl. Those aren't failures. Those are things he wanted to do.
There is no way an American could ever vote for Joe Biden NO MATTER WHO HIS OPPONENT IS!
As I noted, you are going to vote for Trump no matter what he has done (and probably no matter what he does). Beyond reason.
You have and will contribute to the reelection of Biden.
I'm voting for whoever the GOP nominee is.
The greatest danger to this country is the democrat party.
I know, Vic. And that is almost certainly Trump. You will vote for Trump no matter what he had done and knowing full well that he will throw the nation under the bus rather than face the shame of losing an election.
Yes, that is how an R partisan thinks. And the D partisans think the opposite. It is sad that so many vote based primarily on bias ... worse, categorically.
That is how an American thinks and thanks to Joe Biden by 2030 legal voting age American citizens will be a minority in this nation.
It is a tortured argument that would claim it is patriotic, responsible, and rational to vote for Trump knowing what he has done, what he cares about, and how pathetically slimy he is as a human being.
If Tim Walz was the D nominee, would you still vote for Trump?
Silly question.
Of course he does,
All unprecedented acts perpetrated by the former 'president'
That's absolutely fucking nuts.
The indoctrination is complete.
But don't you know that Liberals/Democrats/Progressives are quite the convenient scapegoat for today's gqp. They are to blame for ALL of the world's ills, ALL OF THEM.
Pretty much the whole of Democrats who engaged in the Russian hoax and all the other impeachment "proceedings".
240 Democrats made up the 115th Congress. It may have been legal but it was intended to remove a duly elected president from office.
JFC there was no fucking russian hoax.
First, 'the whole of Democrats' is not an individual and is vague.
Second, the Russian Hoax was not an attempt to steal an election.
Third, impeachment is not an attempt to steal an election.
It is clear that those of you who are going to vote for Trump cannot even get in the ballpark of what I described:
Right. And Biden didn't call out for a deceased Rep. Jackie Walorski last September.
There is no such thing as a 'Russian hoax. ' Trump was investigated for ties to Russia for very good reasons, separate from the Steele Dossier. The Steele Dossier did not instigate the investigation.
The right clings to the "Russia hoax' line like a baby clings to its pacifier.
I understand what you said. I am just saying it wasn't just one but a "mob" who got their feelings hurt and had to find something, ANYTHING to try and get Trump out of office. Over four years of it and even prior to the election as a candidate. Ousting him amounted to "stealing" a US Presidential Election.
Can't disagree with the theory he wanted to stay in the WH.
Crazy people have for years been believed to have visions from the other side, Maybe dementia suffers do too?
That's some serious spin you put on a failed investigation into a hoax. You want some Dramamine?
See 7.1.58
Well lets see. December 12, 2022 Biden did claim his dead father (deceased in 2002) encouraged him to award his dead uncle (deceased 1999) a Purple Heart (an award never presented).
There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the …
Web It’s official: The Trump campaign colluded with Russia . In an explosive development, the Biden administration confirmed that a Russian government agent with close connections …
Trump campaign Russia contacts were 'grave threat', says …
Web A Republican-led Senate panel has concluded that Trump campaign contacts with Russia in 2016 "represented a grave counterintelligence threat". The nearly 1,000-page …
Senate Russia report proves Trump collusion was very real. But …
Web Senate Russia report proves Trump collusion was very real. But do voters care? Trump and Biden's contrasting positions on Russian interference in American elections are …
Videos of The Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia
STATEMENT: U.S. Senate Report Confirms Trump Campaign …
Web Washington, D.C. — Today, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report finding that the Trump presidential campaign chairman’s interaction with Russian intelligence …
Senate Intelligence Committee finds no collusion between …
Web Members of President Trump 's 2016 campaign were in frequent contact with individuals linked to the Russian government, raising counterintelligence concerns at the time, but …
Bipartisan Senate Report Shows 2016 Trump, Russia Collusion
Web “We can say, without any hesitation, that the committee found absolutely no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government …
What We Know About the Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Russia
Web Congressional probes into Russia ’s attack on the 2016 election have unearthed numerous undisclosed meetings between the Trump team and Russians with ties to Vladimir Putin, …
All that bandwidth and bullshit and the man in charge of the investigation didn't find it? Keep digging.
So you have a bunch of talking heads going against the Mueller investigation. Guess which one is more factual...
It’s truly amazing how you can toggle between “no evidence of corruption” with Biden and claim that proof exists of trump colliding with Russia.
Talk to Jim about that. I chose to not deflect from my focus.
Then why did you speak around it instead of dealing with my point?
An entirely different discussion that has nothing to do with my point.
Well of course he wanted to win and remain PotUS for another term. I do not think anyone has suggested otherwise.
We (at least I am) are talking about a sitting PotUS attempting to steal a U.S. election. That is a profound, historical act and is in no way comparable to the common desire for an incumbent running for reelection actually wanting another term.
No we are talking almost the a large portion of OUR sitting Congress wanting to oust him from his duly elected position and therefore basically "stealing" an election. I guess we could use the term "overturn" but the end would have been the same.
We aren't going to agree on this and I hope you see that and understand that no amount of your incessant badgering is going to change that fact.. Period
You are, not me. You are deflecting from my point that Trump is historically unique in that he is the only sitting PotUS who has attempted to steal a U.S. election using coercion, lying, fraud, and abusing the influence of his office to incite his supporters.
What is true is that you clearly are not going to address my point. Understandably because it is undeniable that Trump is historically unique in that he is the only sitting PotUS who has attempted to steal a U.S. election using coercion, lying, fraud, and abusing the influence of his office to incite his supporters.
Just ask what they want to hear and say that. Anything other than that will be "deflecting".
Thanks John for always providing the truth and facts.
The scapegoat two step ain't working any longer. Fewer people believe the political nonsense that has been the conventional wisdom over the last four decades.
Liberals wanted civil rights in drag, they've got it. The liberal underdogs have gone mainstream; they're not underdogs any longer. Guess who is in charge now? Guess who is expected to make it all work now?
Well said!
No, not at all.
“Angry indoctrinated college women will ruin America…”?
Passive Aggressive incel junior high boys are working to done so.
More power to these women…all women.
What makes then angry?
Misogynist idiots like Charlie Kirk ... that was easy.
Maybe the lack of a guy.
My thoughts exactly Hallux - but impotent incels who blame women because no one will sleep with the little turd..
And how lonely are you?
That seems to be Charlie's problem.
Maybe they have useless little peckers?
I've never been lonely. I wouldn't know.
The question was why are these college women so angry?
He's gay? You make it sound so nasty. Don't like gays?
So, the college girls are angry for a good reason?
“why are these college women so angry?”
Suffering from institutional biases for generations, for no other reason than their gender.
Misogyny remains, misogyny stains, and the misogynists continue to complain…a sad and twisted pathetic refrain.
That can't be it:
In a reversal, women are now more likely than men to graduate from college, according to the Current Population Survey . In 2021, 39% of women ages 25 and older had a bachelor’s degree or more education, compared with 37% of men in the same age range. The gap in college completion is even wider among adults ages 25 to 34: 46% of women in this age group have at least a bachelor’s degree, compared with 36% of men.
Key facts about U.S. college graduates | Pew Research Center
I think it's ours.

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak , (born February 24, 1942, Calcutta [now Kolkata], India), Indian literary theorist, feminist critic, postcolonial theorist, and professor of comparative literature noted for her personal brand of deconstructive criticism , which she called “interventionist.”
Educated in Calcutta (B.A., 1959) and at the University of Cambridge and Cornell University (Ph.D., 1967), she taught English and comparative literature at the Universities of Iowa , Texas , Pittsburgh , and Pennsylvania and at Columbia University . She was appointed University Professor at Columbia in 2007.
In 1976 Spivak published Of Grammatology , an English translation of French deconstructionist philosopher Jacques Derrida ’s De la grammatologie (1967). In a series of later essays Spivak urged women to become involved in, and to intervene in, the evolution of deconstructive theory. She also urged her colleagues to focus on women’s historicity. Critical of “phallogocentric” ( imperialist as well as Marxist ) historical interpretation, Spivak accused “bourgeois” Western feminists of complicity with international capitalism in oppressing and exploiting women of the developing world.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak | Biography, Books, & Facts | Britannica
And they call us misogynists.
So, and?
So it's a bad thing that more women are more likely to graduate than men from colleege?
What's your problem with this?
Just what is your point?
Where did he say he had a problem with it? Looks to me like he was just debating a point with another member........
He obviously has a problem with it and he can speak for himself, obviously
Show us the words that make that true..............they aren't there.
Wise people comment because they have something to say. Ignorant people comment because they have to say something.
“Ignorant people comment because they have to say something.”
Or when they have nothing to say, there is always the thumbs up option.
Wing man, schwing man…offering not a thing, man.
Oh, how profound!
And original!
And you just proved it again.............
See comment 10.1.21
It's not OUR problem but it does appear to be a problem for YOU
I love the country.
Once again no original thoughts?
Which means what? That doesn't answer the question.
So apparently you have a problem with educated women also and your question makes no sense unless you were referring to yourself.
So true afk, so true.
It's pretty straightforward.
I'm still waiting:
Whay are they angry & bitter?
No it isn't. It was a deflection. Certainly not an answer to my question.
Why do educated women frighten you and Charlie Kirk so?
Charlie the turd knows they won't sleep with impotent little turds.
No, your question wasn't a question. It was a veiled insult.
Who cares what that impotent incel hateful little asshole has to say?
You say he's the hateful one?
Yes. You appear to have a problem with educated women. Why do they frighten you so? Just like this little impotent incel Kirk?
I guess other impotent incel hateful little assholes do care what he has to say
The question that you refuse to answer remains.
Why are they so angry?
He couldn't get laid in a morgue!
Charlie Kirk should be exiled to Belarus.
Speaking of exiling people, why do we allow murderous scum to roam civilized society while out on bond for capital murder. Maybe it's the activist judges that need to be exiled.

This is the left's idea aka: "social justice:"
A Texas gang member found guilty of killing an 11-year-old boy and his stepfather in 2020, while free on bond for capital murder four years later, has been sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole.
Texas gang member gets life without parole for killing 11-year-old boy while free on bond for capital murder | Fox News
Felicity Barringer tried to warn us long ago:
"As Karl Marx's ideological heirs in Communist nations struggle to transform his political legacy, his intellectual heirs on American campuses have virtually completed their own transformation from brash, beleaguered outsiders to assimilated academic insiders.
It could be considered a success story for the students of class struggle, who were once regarded as subversives. But some scholars say that as Marxists have adapted, their ties to the 19th-century German philosopher have fragmented into a loosely knit collection of theories with little in common. And in the past decade, while the prosperity of Western economies has made Marxism irrelevant to many, new rival radical theories have arisen to challenge the Marxists themselves.
''A Marxist revolutionary is hard to find,'' said Loren Graham, a historian at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ''Marx has become relativized. He's no longer a battle cry -just a great figure in economics and history, along with a number of other great figures.'' An Uneasy Relationship
Even though today's Marxists may be establishmentarian, they are still not at ease.
''For a long time Marxists were virtually excluded,'' said Eugene D. Genovese, whose growing array of prestigious academic titles - Sunderland Fellow at the University of Michigan Law School, Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Rochester - bear witness to the mainstreaming of Marxists since the blacklists in the 1950's.
''Then for a long time it was fashionable to be a Marxist,'' he continued. ''Now it's getting unfashionable again, and many are retreating. There are a lot of people who don't want to call themselves Marxist or anything else.''
Indeed, non-Marxist scholars are asking whether Marxism is assimilating itself out of existence.
''It's been diluted to the point where it's a very thin gruel,'' said the Princeton historian Lawrence Stone. ''Some of my young colleagues call themselves neo-Marxists. I can't see much difference between their views and mine, and I call myself a liberal Democrat.'' Upheaval in Eastern Bloc
Recent interviews with a dozen historians, sociologists, literary critics, economists and legal scholars show that the upheaval in Poland, Hungary and other Eastern bloc nations has lent a new sense of excitement to discussions of class analysis and debates about whether capitalism will give way to socialism or whether socialism will rediscover capitalism.
But several scholars say the excitement has not brought increased enrollment in courses that focus on Marxist analysis, although it has made Soviet and Eastern European studies popular. Where Marxism is thriving, these scholars say, is less in social science courses, where there is a possibility of practical application, than in the abstract world of literary criticism.
It is also in this field that new radicals - from feminists who say class analysis leaves women out, to deconstructionists who say historical truth does not exist - have posed the sharpest challenge to those who back Marx's theories of class struggle.
''Marxism and feminism, Marxism and deconstruction, Marxism and race - this is where the exciting debates are,'' said Jonathan M. Wiener, a professor of history at the University of California at Irvine. Omissions in History
But deconstructionists deny that one can understand any experience of the past because the evidence for any conclusion comes from people's observations, most of which appear in a text. Deconstructionists maintain that texts are only stories told by people who leave out what they deem unimportant, and that such omissions keep written history from being reliable evidence about reality.
This philosophy is ''very upsetting to people who think there is one historical truth and there is one way to discover it,'' Mr. Wiener said, adding, ''Marxism believes there is a real world and it's really possible to understand it.''
Some scholars try to incorporate the cacophonous pluralism of radical theories into their work.
Asserting that ''relieving anxiety is not the object of academic work,'' Gayatri Spivak, a literary critic who is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, uses elements of deconstructionist theory, Marxist theory and feminist theory in her work.
''The three are not married in my use of them,'' she said. ''They are always bringing each other to crisis.'' A Matter for Analysis
Whatever anxiety may spring from the theoretical wars, Marxist scholars greet the apparently robust vitality of capitalism with equanimity. For Mr. Wiener, this is a matter for analysis, not anxiety.
''Marxism needs to account for the continuing vitality of capitalism as capitalism embraces more and more of the world,'' he said. ''That doesn't mean there aren't capitalists and there aren't workers and this class relation doesn't provide a key to what's going on. We need to look more at how the ideology of consumerism has overpowered class consciousness.''
Far from producing anxiety, the transformation of the Communist landscape delights American socialists, who said decades ago that the Stalinist system was a perversion of Marxism, and now join conservatives in applauding the economic and political changes taking place in Poland, Hungary and the Soviet Union.
''These things show that a fundamentally Marxist mind is capable of creativity and change,'' said Mark Mancall, a history professor at Stanford University. The Salvation of Socialism
John Roemer, an economics professor at the University of California at Davis, said: ''I'm very happy with what's happening in these countries. I think it's going to save socialism, rather than kill it.''
And diversity is now the signature of once-monolithic Marxism. Professor Spivak calls herself a Marxist feminist, Professor Roemer designs Marxist market-driven economies, and Erik Olin Wright, a sociology professor at the University of Wisconsin, calls himself an analytic Marxist, seeking to break Marx's grand theories down into their components.
Like many contemporary Marxists, Professor Wright is a bit uncomfortable with his establishment credentials.
''It makes me nervous,'' he said. ''I feel it shouldn't have been as easy for me in a big university as it has been. I don't see myself as having compromised my beliefs, but I'm not so naive as to believe that I'm more immune from the pressures of an institution than anyone else.''
EDUCATION; The Mainstreaming of Marxism in U.S. Colleges - The New York Times (
Bill Ayers
American activist and educator Bill Ayers came to prominence in the late 1960s and early ’70s as a leader and cofounder of the Weather Underground, a militant group of young white Americans that grew out of the anti-Vietnam War movement; the group, which bombed government buildings and institutions across the country, aimed to promote communism through violent revolution. Ayers lived as a fugitive for several years before resurfacing after charges against him had already been dropped. Ayers later taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago and authored numerous books on education.
Bill Ayers Facts | Britannica
It is important that we know who they were:

John Dewey , (born October 20, 1859, Burlington , Vermont , U.S.—died June 1, 1952, New York , New York), American philosopher and educator who was a cofounder of the philosophical movement known as pragmatism , a pioneer in functional psychology , an innovative theorist of democracy , and a leader of the progressive movement in education in the United States .
John Dewey | Biography, Philosophy, Pragmatism, & Education | Britannica
You have to read through the lines. Dewey dramatically altered the purpose of American education.
Who do you think you're educating here or even paying attention to your marxist/communist bullshit??
The far right is nuts.
We can only hope someone will listen.
Let me not forget

Ibram X. Kendi , in full Ibram Xolani Kendi , original name Ibram Henry Rogers , (born August 13, 1982, Queens , New York , U.S.), American author, historian, and activist who studies and writes about racism and antiracism in the United States . Through his books and speeches, he argues that racist policies and ideas are deeply ingrained in American society.
He was born Ibram Henry Rogers to parents who were student activists interested in liberation theology and the Black Power movement of the 1960s. While he was a teenager, the family moved to Manassas , Virginia. He majored in journalism at Florida A&M University and focused on sports reporting before concentrating on racial justice . In 2004 he graduated with a double major in journalism and African American studies. Rogers then worked at The Virginian Pilot newspaper before pursuing an advanced degree in African American studies at Temple University in Philadelphia. In 2010 he earned a doctorate. Three years later Rogers married, and the couple chose a new surname. They settled on Kendi, which means “loved one” in Meru, a language of the Meru people of Kenya. At the same time, he picked Xolani (meaning “peace” in Zulu) for his middle name.
Kendi has taught at various universities, including Boston University , where he became the founding director of the Center for Antiracist Research in 2020. Through his work, he advances the theory that inequality among the races was the result of power and policy and that racist should not be considered a pejorative term. Rather, it should be used to describe one’s actions and not one’s identity. To that end, Kendi encourages individuals to investigate racism within themselves. His views attracted widespread attention, especially from the late 2010s and early 2020s, when calls for racial justice intensified in the United States after the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement and a series of high-profile incidents in which Black people died as a result of actions by police, including Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Alton Sterling, and George Floyd , among others. While many support his theories, Kendi is not without detractors, including white conservatives who reject his claims concerning the pervasiveness of racism in the United States.
Ibram X. Kendi | Biography, Books, How to Be Antiracist, & Facts | Britannica
His book should have been titled HOW TO BE A RACIST
The enemy of a meritocracy is tribalism.
Noel Ignatev
Ignatiev set up Marxist discussion groups in the early 1980s. In 1985, Ignatiev was accepted to the Harvard Graduate School of Education without an undergraduate degree. After earning his master's degree, he joined the Harvard faculty as a lecturer and worked toward a doctorate in U.S. history.
marxist harvard professor - Search (