Activist spaceshot Judge Arthur Engoron

Link to Quote: Activist Judge in Trump trial says he can overrule a jury based on “my own emotions” : r/walkaway (
As everyone should know, former President Donald Trump is running for president and is ahead both in primary polls as well as some polls vs Joe Biden. His campaign is constantly interrupted by trials going on just about everywhere. All of this was orchestrated by his opponents on the left who have become experts at interfering with elections. What is really shocking involves one of the ridiculous cases playing out in New York City. There we have a very unique judge, who blatantly says he can overrule juries based upon his emotions.
I want everyone to take a good look at him:
Aside from him being the goofiest thing you'd ever expect to see, this would indicate that the standards for being a judge in New York must be very low. He was very proud of his anti-Vietnam War activism in his youth. He also bragged about speeding and getting away with it as a cab driver. As the trial began the other day, he gave the camera a big smile. He is enforcing a law that has never been used against a businessman in New York. This is the fulfillment of a promise made by Letitia James to "get Trump."
Rational people are seeing this for what it is. The radicals on the left seem to think everyone is stupid.
We shall see.
James filed suit against Trump in September, following a three-year investigation into whether he and his company manipulated property values to obtain investments and tax and loan benefits.
Judge sets Trump’s New York fraud trial date for October 2023 | The Hill
Anyone else who inflated personal value/earnings to get a loan?
an untrue and hyperbolic comment. speaking for myself, I only think that about trump supporters. much worse actually...
Let me think for a minute. If I say the same about Biden supporters, something happens...
my generic advice for all trump supporters in the foreseeable future would be FAFO...
We don't want to confuse the important people. Spell it out for them.
trump supporters aren't important.
What should be done with them?
[Deleted] Biden is single-handedly destroying their pocketbooks and their cities with his policy failures but all they can manage is Trump, Trump, Trump …. Doh! ….
Biden does like his useful idiots though …. Bigly!
Trump is facing multiple charges because he is a serial criminal.
These charges have nothing to do with democrats playing politics.
Trump is running for president so he can pardon himself.
state indictments, federal indictments, in court now for fraud, sedition trial up next, probable espionage later... yeah, I guess nothing to see there...
Do you have any proof that he is a habitual offender?
These charges have nothing to do with democrats playing politics.
Logic indicates otherwise.
Trump is running for president so he can pardon himself.
Is that really what you believe? He can't pardon himself from state crimes. Maybe you should reconsider.
Like the Russia hoax?
is that the hoax where the report was revised and rewritten by AG barr to gloss over the multiple obstruction attempts by the POTUS, erase his other possible criminal activities, and then classify the rest away from public view? that hoax?
That was the collusion hoax that was hatched by the Clinton campaign, with help from the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the msm. The very one that got a 22-month special counsel investigation that knew from day 1 that there was no collusion yet waited for a democrat House majority to hand in a report saying we have nothing, and we can't do anything because of DOJ policy. We had two members stop posting here when the final report was released.
that's too far down the maga rabbit hole for me to see it...
explain why part of the mueller report, that you call a hoax, had to be classified.
You mean the report that failed its mission?
saving the mallet and stakes for the end...
Odd that none of this started until after he beat the Democrats at their own game.
And Biden can speak coherently.
There has to be a conviction for a pardon. So far, despite the lefts pathetic attempts (fictional accusations, indictments, stacked courts, frivolous civil suits), there have been no convictions to pardon.
They aren't criminal charges.
The charges may be valid (or not), but the prosecutor was elected on her promise to get Donald Trump. That's political.
Dejavu hey?
Sounds eerily like one Hunter Biden the drugster.
That's why they investigate.
Actually no, a pardon can be issued at any time. Case in point when Ford pardoned Nixon.
But what a constitutional can of worms a pardon in this case would bring... oy!!!
Can we say "election tampering" boys and girls?
So in typical liberal fashion, emotions are more important than facts. It's not like we haven't seen this for the past 7 years.
I wonder if the judge is a member here?
We could speculate...
We sure could.
Let me straighten this misperception out. His trials are constantly interrupted by his campaign, which he began earlier than almost any candidate ever has in order to lay groundwork for the claim that the justice system was engaging in election interference. Using this ridiculous line of reasoning , as long as he keeps campaigning for something no one can ever prosecute him without it being unfair. He can run for president, for four years at a time, for the rest of his life and under that logic he should be home free and clear.
You had two years to do this. The NYC DAs RAN ON DOING THIS.
Oh, you mean Letitia fucking James? That's for sure.
All of these bogus trials, from every pro Biden district, are scheduled for the election.
It was widely anticipated by people from all political persuasions that sometime in the relatively near future Trump would be indicted for multiple crimes. And I'm talking about since he left the White House.
So why is he running for president? And if he feels he has to run why didnt he wait until all his legal problems were resolved to announce his candidacy. With speedy trials he would have been done by next spring, more than enough time to get the nomination if the party really wanted him. He announced his formal candidacy in 2022, two years before the election , solely to try and ward off prosecutions.
Fuck him and his whining now.
Widely anticipated? Where at UC Berkeley? Getting an assessment wrong is the crime?
So why is he running for president?
To stop the injury to the people of America.
And if he feels he has to run why didnt he wait until all his legal problems were resolved to announce his candidacy.
I guarantee you that if Trump had decided not to run, there wouldn't have been all of these allegations.
With speedy trials he would have been done by next spring, more than enough time to get the nomination if the party really wanted him. He announced his formal candidacy in 2022, two years before the election , solely to try and ward off prosecutions.
The trials are only speedy when the judges want them to be.
Fuck him and his whining now.
Fuck the democrats and their chances now.
You know Biden will win reelection by an even wider margin, Democrats will regain the House and retain the Senate?
Am I right?
I'm not so sure of that.
Am I right?
Stay away from that bet.
Probably the same reason the Democrats held Christine Blasey Ford back until right before the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.
Good point.
They always plan it out.
Yep, there is definitely some evil shit afoot in politics these days.
They may have overdone it.
Hope you’re right. I look at the blanket acceptance Biden receives from these useful idiots and hope fades ……
Ronna McDaniel is telling Republicans to bank their vote.
Might not matter.
There seems to be more and more piggies feeding off the government trough than ever. Completely oblivious to the debt that’s being racked up as long as they keep getting their free shit. That favors the dimbulb in office right now.
Ignorant as hell but there you go.
We may be wishing we had DeSantis.
Spoken like a true Marxist Commie. Arthur Engoron apparently has never understood or appreciated the words enshrined on the US Supreme Court building:
The judge used the word emotions instead of the word judgment . I disagree with a judge taking action based on their emotions , but am not against a judge having the right to take actions based on their judgment . No way to ask the judge if he meant judgment / legal-opinion rather than emotions but we do have more than that one word to consider. Given he is a judge and recognizes the importance of being an " impartial referee ", it seems likely that he does not believe that judges should operate (literally) on emotion .
Here is the relevant portion of the transcript of the seed video:
Here is the legal tool the judge was referring to:
Well, that doesn't make for good theatrics like using 1 word (emotions) and writing in something that one knows will piss off trumpets around it. Kind of like anti-paraphrasing...
Trump is reducing trust in America's traditional bureaucratic infrastructure not to protect the people, but to entrench stooges and make the "party"(aka Trump, RINOs) ubiquitous.
And his stooges attempt to help this transformation from representative to abusive by snatching misleading headlines and quotes by someone else than the person you think.
The quote at the top of the article is not attributed in order to make us think those were the judges words:
This phrase is not attributed on the page to anyone, but from the layout of the page, one gets the impression that is a quote from the judge when it is not. It is a quote of someone else saying those words. This is not merely misattribution, but virtually a total reversal of the judges actual quote.
Yet again this contributor has attempted to lead his readers astray. I wonder why?
That is an absolute lie. I am the only one here who gives links to quotes. I'm going to give you a video of the Judge saying that he uses his own emotions. He said it at CUNY in front of a class that didn't even know who John Roberts was.
Start listening at about 14.10 (three quarters into the tape)
Yet again this contributor has attempted to lead his readers astray. I wonder why?
That is quite a serious and slanderous claim and I am now taking it to management.
Well,you get kudos for trying, but that is about it.
It is your claim that the judge actually uttered the above phrase. It is my claim that the judge did not utter the phrase above. I think that the person who made the post to whatever social media in the original link said that he said that.
At no point in the talk did the judge say that sentence.
It is effectively misleading.
In fact at several points during the talk he mentions decisions of fact and says they are better left to a jury. I only listened from 9 minutes till the end, but you claim it is at 14 minutes. There is no there there.
And he called it "judgement nothwistanding the verdict."
It would be unconscionably dishonest to defend Hitler by saying that he never said he'd kill the Jews, but we can be certain that those on the left would try it.
More pure partisan Trump defense.
You spend all this time trying to discredit Trump's judge because of one word he used (a word that contradicts, by the way, the balance of his speech and contradicts the very core of jurisprudence).
This is an example of how those who claim they do not want Trump as their nominee have enabled Trump. Millions like you are bending over backwards to defend Trump and to discredit those who are not supporting Trump.
In result, the collective efforts have resulted in almost certain Trump nominee (thus all the better candidates provided by the GOP are eliminated) and a very likely loss in the general election.
Yes, that is the legal name for this legal tool. The judge did not invent the term, he used the term properly.
'The left' all operates this way? Seems like a very distorted understanding of those to your political left.
Then why did he use it? A Freudian slip perhaps? If one watches the entire video of his little lecture at CUNY, one gets a sense of what he is. I notice that Thomas admitted that he only watched the tail end.
This is an example of how those who claim they do not want Trump as their nominee have enabled Trump.
I disagree. These allegations and trials, obviously coordinated, have enabled Trump to get enormous support. Do you really think the American people are stupid?
Millions like you are bending over backwards to defend Trump and to discredit those who are not supporting Trump.
I will always defend those who are right.
In result, the collective efforts have resulted in almost certain Trump nominee (thus all the better candidates provided by the GOP are eliminated) and a very likely loss in the general election.
If the American people are disposed to ignore everything Joe Biden and the deep state have done because they have become drunk on Kool aide, we really do have a problem. At that point we can Join China, North Korea and Iran as a rogue state.
This is irresponsible, inflammatory , extremist language and the moderators should delete it immediately.
Says the guy who routinely posts articles demonizing Trump supporters.
I think he made a mistake. Human beings have been known to use the wrong word in real time speech. We do not have a chance to reread what we speak and recognize poor or incorrect word choice.
To me it is far more likely that the judge made a mistake than that he believes that it is okay for a judge to violate the very core of jurisprudence — that which is taught in law school and practiced daily by jurists — and disregard objective analysis (critical thinking) based on his emotions at the moment.
Do you think the above, in some way, rebuts my statement that: " This is an example of how those who claim they do not want Trump as their nominee have enabled Trump. "?
A demonstrably false claim. Although I am not doubting that you actually believe this is what you do.
Again, a total non sequitur in response to my: " In result, the collective efforts have resulted in almost certain Trump nominee (thus all the better candidates provided by the GOP are eliminated) and a very likely loss in the general election. "
They have always been so, going back to the days when Gore Vidal called William F Buckley a "crypto Nazi."
The term "sweeping generalization" applies here.
I think you may have also used the wrong word.
Substitute more electable for better candidate.
Do you deny that the left has always referred to those on the right as "Fascists" and "Racist?"
Trump is a traitor to the United States of America. No one should be supporting him. Find another horse to back.
Explain that statement.
No, what I wrote is exactly what I mean. Every GOP candidate seeking the nomination is better than Trump. Any of them would be a better choice in terms of character, stability, honesty, patriotism, and ethics.
Just stop with the tangents. You made a sweeping generalization of everyone to your left. I am not going to now engage in a totally off topic discussion on emotive terms people use. It should be obvious to you that the Ds have their pet terms and the Rs have theirs.
So, you think people should only vote for candidates based on persona/character?
I stand with Brutus. I love Rome more.
Did you miss Trump's attempt to violate the CotUS by stealing a US presidential election through lies, fraud, coercion, inciting supporters, and even suborning his own V.P. to commit an unconstitutional act in an official capacity?
Is it possible for you to NOT put words in my mouth and just read what I wrote?
All of the GOP candidates are supporting GOP policies. (Although Vivek might be out there.)
Trump is a known traitor. It is not a legitimate matter of opinion.
I read what you wrote. In what way is Chis Cristie or Vivek Ramaswamy a better candidate than Donald Trump?
Certainly, they could be more electable in a general election, but how would they be better for the country than the 45th President?
He tried to overthrow the government.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
I want you to know that I have been asked to remove this, but I won't since it is your opinion.
That being said, there are those on the right, that would say the same thing. Extremist always point to Jews as the problem.
Vic, you know nothing. You did not follow J6 committee and you know nothing.
You know you love Trump and thats all you know.
None of the GOP candidates have demonstrated that they care more about their egos than they do for this nation. None have demonstrated a willingness to throw the CotUS under the bus.
I should not have to explain to someone why a traitor should not be nominated for PotUS.
He implied that I argued that the ONLY reason to vote for a candidate is persona / character.
There is nothing in my comment that even remotely suggests that.
You have the traitor.
We have the patriot.
You said exactly that. You are concerned with everything but substance. What is worse is that you are so blind to evil.
That is a flat out lie. I told you why every other candidate is better for the nation than Trump.
I did not speak of policies because they (and Trump) are all basically following GOP policies. We are comparing Rs to Rs, not Rs to Ds.
In other words, put any of the candidates (possibly Vivek being the exception) as PotUS and we are going to get very similar policies that all would fall under the general umbrella of GOP-style policies.
Yes, and whole heartedly. I haven't, for one. My philosophies are decidedly liberal, so the blanket statement is false.
When you find yourself about to use a phrase with "always" or "the left", read it carefully to make sure that you aren't putting your foot in your mouth. Absolutes are seldom absolute.
I watched the rest along with reading the transcript. There is still no "there" there.
If you watched the whole thing you would absolutely realize that TiG's analysis is sound.
Yet you sit here and excuse the behavior of Trump. That is unconscionably dishonest to yourself and others.