'They Want Our People Dead': Jewish Student Bursts Into Tears As Pro-Hamas Demonstration Takes Place On Campus

Protestors from both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict gathered at the University of Washington (UW) campus in Seattle on Thursday.
A video shows Jewish students at the campus in tears at the protest.
"They want our people dead, they want us killed," a student cried, according to footage shared by analyst Natasha Mozgovaya. "Please end it, please."
#Jewish students at @UW campus witnessing pro-#Palestinian rally break down. "They want us dead, how you are allowing this?" #Hamas#Gazapic.twitter.com/0eQqCREajZ
— Natasha Mozgovaya (@mozgovaya) October 12, 2023
Demonstrators on the pro-Palestine side can be heard chanting, "There is only one solution — Intifada revolution."
HAPPENING NOW: Massive pro-Palestine rally happening at the University of Washington's Red Square. Handful of pro-Israel demonstrators have arrived and now confronting the crowd. They want students to condemn Hamas and call them terrorists. ANTIFA militants are also here. It is… pic.twitter.com/v3UmBLFpsl
— Jonathan Choe Journalist (Seattle) (@choeshow) October 12, 2023
The Students United for Palestinian Equality and Return at the UW campus shared a flyer on their Instagram page about the event taking place, but it has since been deleted.
I got an idea:@UW students, faculty, & alumni are rallying tomorrow in support of barbarians
Let's get the names of everyone who attends and organizes this event, post them, and tell their employers they have people who support monsters.
Time to play by their rules pic.twitter.com/uGx1ervE2f
— Ari Hoffman (@thehoffather) October 12, 2023
"Labeling every Palestinian as Hamas and calling every Palestinian a terrorist … This is not helping the cause," a pro-Palestinian protestor told KIRO Newsradio, according to MyNorthwest. "We've been struggling for 75 years and nobody talks about this."
"This is a disgrace. They are killing women, children, raping our girls. They took our babies into Gaza," a pro-Israel protester told the outlet. "The fact that people aren't seeing it for what it is is disgusting."
Ozi Goldstein, who is Jewish and pro-Palestinian, explained he doesn't support the actions of Hamas, but instead supports the Palestinian people as a whole, per the outlet.
"Fundamentally, this is an oppressed people rising up against occupation," he said.
Ana Mari Cauce, the university's president, issued a statement on Monday regarding the conflict.
"The terror, loss of life and outbreak of war in Israel and Gaza over the weekend, which began with the reprehensible attacks by Hamas, is devastating to all of us, and my heart is with every member of our community who has ties to or loved ones in this deeply troubled region," Cauce wrote.
"And at a time when we have seen increased acts of antisemitism and anti-Muslim and anti-Arab violence, I want to reiterate that we must not allow our opinions, grief or anger about the conflict to spill over into abusive behavior or harassment of anyone — civility remains a core value of our academic community," Cauce added.
The Students United for Palestinian Equality and Return issued a response rejecting and condemning the president's statement in an Instagram post.
"This statement sends the message to all racially oppressed and exploited students and workers in the UW community: that The University of Washington supports Zionist war crimes and is opposed to the Palestinian people's just demand for an end to over 75 years of ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, and genocide."

Higher education via the left.
As one who was beaten and gassed in the 60s for marching against the illegal and immoral police action in Vietnam, can't say I can fault any protestors.
Seems many folk have a rational point these days (or not)
Thankfully, I am way too old to march on the lines anymore.
Many of the pro Palestine protesters at colleges probably have no clue about the history of the conflict and are just pro Palatine because the US government is pro Israel. But that is still no reason to support Hamas killing innocent people, there is no justification for that.
Many of the pro-Palestinian protestors at US colleges are in fact Palestinians. There is no limit as to how many foreign students a college can bring in. American Jewish students seem to be terrorized. Do you really think the Biden administration is pro-Israel?
Not much evidence to support that. The stench of Obama's anti-Israel policies still clings to the Democrats
Obama never got over the election of Netanyahu.
Lol …. And then there was:
Good times for my friends on the left
I hear you. Your guy lost to Biden and is going to jail...
"There is no limit as to how many foreign students a college can bring in"
That policy should be changed
Along with the federal government giving them money and letting them set the price of tuition.
Seven years later, my friends on the left are still sky screaming and whining like little bitches about he who lives rent free in their heads ….. hilarious.
I agree the protests are organized by Palestinians. I also think many, if not most of the protesters are going along for the ride.
For this particular war, at this particular time, Joe is doing OK as far as support for Israel. That will change as soon as CNN and MSNBC start airing HAMAS manufactured atrocities that they will blame on the IDF. At that point Joe will pivot to negotiation with the terrorists.
It is funny that they know more about Trump than I would ever want to. I am expecting a bombshell article that he uses too much toilet paper when he takes a shit so he must be anti environment.
Joe has already called for Israel to delay the offensive into Gaza.
Could be because Hamas, wanting to get more Gazans killed in order to raise world sympathy, has blocked the roads to the south. They really don't give a shit how many Gazans die. I don't understand why the Gazans are so ignorant as to allow themselves to be used as cannon fodder rather than coming to the realization that it is their own Hamas government that is murdering them.
They were taught as children to die for the cause. That is why.
Putting what Joe wants aside it seems Israel realizes that moving a million people in 24 hours will not happen. If it doesn't compromise their solution then I see no issue in them waiting as long as they can see many Palestinians trying to heed their call. I will defer to whatever decision they make.
Are you surprised …..
And the cause they were taught was to eradicate Israel and the Jews.
That is correct.
Well as a supporter of Israel I think that's actually a good idea. As soon as they invade there will be a yuge number of Israeli casualties. So its better to "soften the up" first. (I believe they already "invaded Gaza-- but are staying in a very narrow strip along the inside of the border fence.
Let the blockade start hurting then and keep up artillery and rocket fire for a while longer.
And what I find totally bizarre is the group "Queers for Palestine". They should treated to a free trip to Gaza-- and watch what happens next!
(Actually that's true of just about any Arab country...)
Many are pro Palestinian and anti Hammas.
Knew a lady who was Mossad but who hated Netanyahu.
The politics are much more confusing than they might appear.
The Middle East is far from being all black or white.
Just like America is not all red or blue.
Useful idiots …. Nothing more.
Useful idiots
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” chant the useful idiots at elite institutions and parades in the West. Who are these people? Atheists who support theocratic lunatics, democrats who endorse medieval tyrants, feminists who defend misogynists who parade with the desecrated corpses of women, gays who defend maniacs who would joyfully hang them or toss them off the roof of a tall building. They talk of a secular, democratic and socialist Palestine. As George Orwell observed: “One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.” But the world has now seen what “from the river to the sea” actually means. It is nothing less than a remake of the Nazi Einsatzgruppen .
Idiots for sure. Useful, hardly.
The places that fire professors because criticizing affirmative action makes people feel unsafe sure don't seem to have a problem with calls for genocide.
Have any of them read the Hamas charter?
The Hamas Covenant or Hamas Charter , formally known in English as the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement , was originally issued on 18 August 1988 and outlines the founding identity, stand, and aims of Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement). [1] A new charter was issued by Hamas leader Khaled Mashal on 1 May 2017 in Doha . [2]
The original Charter identified Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and declares its members to be Muslims who "fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors." The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories , [3] and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel. [4] [5] It emphasizes the importance of jihad, stating in article 13, "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors." [6] The charter also states that Hamas is humanistic, and tolerant of other religions as long as they "stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region". [7] The Charter adds that "renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion [of Islam]". [1] The original charter was criticized for its violent language against all Jews, which some commentators characterized as incitement to genocide . [8] [9]
Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
Hamas must be wiped from the face of the earth.
Well, there is. The one you mentioned. Palestinians kicking out Hamas. That's the only workable solution. Just one that is probably the least likely to happen.
Yeah, an actual pro-Palestinian demonstration would be attacking hamas.
The collateral damage will be worth getting rid of hamas in the long run
It's hard to understand the pretzel logic that must be employed to insist that thugs who use innocent civilians as human shields are working for the best interests of said human shields...
100% agree.
Actually when Israel withdrew from Gaza, there was a short bloody "war" between two factions-- I think it was between Hamas and those of the Fatah who were in Gaza. (They are bitter rivals>But IIRC it only lasted a few days (I don't remember the details I think Hamas won the war, brutally torturing and killing off Fatah members.
I believe some Fatah members eventually escaped to the West bank.
I believe some Fatah members eventually escaped to the West bank.
I just googled it:
The Battle of Gaza , also referred to as Hamas's takeover of Gaza , was a military conflict between Fatah and Hamas that took place in the Gaza Strip from 10 to 15 June 2007. It was a prominent event in the Fatah–Hamas conflict , centered on the struggle for power after Fatah lost the 2006 Palestinian legislative election . The battle resulted in the dissolution of the unity government [3] and the de facto division of the Palestinian territories into two entities: the West Bank governed by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), and the Gaza Strip governed by Hamas . Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip, while Fatah officials were either taken as prisoners, executed or expelled. [3] [4] The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reported that at least 161 people were killed and more than 700 were wounded during the fighting. [1]
Cont'd ---> HERE
You know, they keep calling Israel "colonizers" but the Jews have been there since about 1250 BC and have always been there. Most of them got disbursed when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, but there was always a remnant there right up to the reestablishment of the country in modern times. They are more "indigenous" than any other group in the area.
The “colonization” creed seems to be the last group to control the territory before the current one is “indigenous”. Never mind what happened before penultimate group took control.
In this case, at least. It seems that if conditions were different, they'd come up with a different definition in order to suit desired outcomes. That's the advantage the Left has with language. It can mean whatever they need it to mean for the occasion.
While it’s always about political Expedience and the narrative with the left, they apply similar reasoning with with land acknowledgments in the us and Canada. The “rightful owners” are considered the last tribe to conquer The area before the white people took control.
take the black hillls, which the us has now controlled longer than the Lakota who are considered the true owners because they ethnically cleansed the are of Chippewa and crows 100 years before the us took control.
Yep. That's why I have little patience with Native American complaints. There isn't anything the Europeans did that they weren't already doing, except on a smaller scale due to their lower technology. Pretty much without exception, the first things tribes and nations did when encountering the Europeans was try to enlist them and the power they represented against their enemies. That is, they were attracted to the Europeans because they wanted that power for themselves so that they could continue doing unto others, only with more power.
The ancient indigenous people of Canaan were Canaanites...
Who were not indigenous but, rather, pushed out or otherwise dominated those who were there before them.
So, since that entire region is one long history of one group pushing out or subjugating another group, "indigenous" takes on a rather punch drunk meaning, don't you think?
Answer: No, you don't think that because it doesn't serve your political narrative.
Does that mean the ancient indigenous people of Judea were Jews?
Then the ancient indigenous people of Indigena must have been Indigenites!
You are talking about what was true "in the entire region".
My guess is that while there may be some exceptions, what you said about the entire region is also true in almost every other region of the world as well!
Yes. I've made that point numerous times in other subjects. Humanity today is not one bit different from what it was five thousand years ago. We're still doing the same things we've done all along. In my view, the only thing that's made a dent in this has been Christianity.
But wait a minute--I thought Islam was the religion of Peace?
Some of them, yes. But there were other small kingdoms in the area as well. (Key point: yes but that doesn't mean they were the only ones-- it doesn't mean there were no Jews-- it only means that one of the Kingdon were Caanites, and IIRC the name of another Kingdom was Judea.
I found a really excellent video (which, BTW is by an Arab who argues for peace between all the groups in the area-- he's also fluent in English, Arabic and Hebrew). It one of the best explanations I've found. I posted it here (but its a link to Instagram so if interested you need to have access to IG.
Here's the the comment with the link: 6.1 Michael C.
Even the exemplary Palestinian, Arafat, was an Egyptian.
Yes. In fact, Gaza was occupied by Egypt until 67, but we never hear about that occupation. The reason is that Egypt was Islamic, which makes the only difference that matters to them.
And BTW the Egyptian occupation of Gaza was very harsh! They didn't like the Palestinians and didn't want themthere. So, for example, if a Palestinian planted a tree Egyptian soldiers pulled it out.
After the Egyptians were forced out by Israel the Israel occupation began. And it was the opposite of the Egyptian-- the Israelis built settlements but also encouraged commerce.
The standard of living for the Gazans was pretty high actually. (The Jews wanted that-- if only because A- if the Palis were happy they wouldn't attack the Israelis and B-If the Palis had money there could be commerce between them and the Jews-- benfitting both parties.
I don't remeber the year, but the Egyptians built a high wall (not a fence) on their Gaza border. Eventually the Gazans toppled it and lots of them ran into Egypt! (Except for local Egyptian women who ran into Gaza!
(Guess why.....?)
I have found a really excellent article (by an Arab historian ) that explains the history and clarifies the misconceptions. However its on Instagram and I don't know how to seed it here. Does anyone know how to translate Instagram code into something that can be posted on NT?
Here's the link. It works for me when I click it (probably because I have a working Instagram account), but I don't think it will work for everyone on NT. Does anyone know how to convert it so everyone here can see it?
Thanks for this. That was good to listen to.
Thanks for this. That was good to listen to.
You're welcome
That is probably one of the best presentation of that information I've seen.
Well, it posted, but it was kind of hard to read and decipher. I would have preferred to see an executive summary - that might be only ONE page long instead of three. LOL
Now I deleted that original cryptic post & was able to post a short link (comment 6.1 ) above.
P.S: It not text its a very short but excellent video (Or if you're under 40 years of age it not a "Video" but actually a "Reel"..(That's what the young'uns call a video now-a-days).
Its one of the best things I've seen re: the term "Palestine", Judea, the origin of the Jews and Palestinians, role of Romans in the area, etc.
The speaker is an Arab historian (who is fluent in English, Hebrew, and Arabic-- his accents are authentic)
Sorry, I can't do instagrams.
I can see then myself but don't know how to post them on NT in a way where people who don't do Instagram can see them. I'm sure there's a way, but I don't have the technical knowledge.
Harvard students scramble to take back support for letter attacking Israel as some CEOs look to blacklist them
Poor babies. Learning that actions have consequences the hard way.
Reality bites... LOL
I remember a somewhat similar story earlier-- but not about support for terrorism. And there will be more-- because due to the Internet is so easy to check on someone's past even if they fake (or even write a good) resume, and even with great recommendations etc.
A while back companies discovered how easy it had become to get info re; job applicants-- now that they had the Internet! One of the first stories I read about was that personnel depts, checking on the background o fjob applicants, discovered some of them had been in porn movies-- they felt that was a disqualifying factor so they didn't hire them! (In some cases they had credentials and references-- but the porn past totally ruined their job chances.
So now they're doing with people who support terrorism.
Smart move!
The only thing missing from this image is the Israeli child victim.
I'm puzzled by your comment. I can't determine if you consider it a disgusting depiction of the truth or if you consider it disgusting that I posted it.
This just shows that even "well-educated" people are blithering idiots.
And most of the countries that do have Palestinian refugees actually treat them badly-- really discriminate against them.
Jordan treated them well after 1948, offered Jordanian citizenship and set aside 30 seats in Parliament, same as the East Bank. Jordan’s kindness was repaid by a Palestinian that assassinated their King and later tried to overthrow the government.
Why would any country want them?
I remember that.
I don't know if its still true, but I know that Jordan actually has a "Palestinian majority"> And some people have made the case that therefore it could become a new nation of "Palestine"-- a second Palestine in addition to the one thats already exists.
Egypt doesn't want them. In fact in the past the Egyptians actually built a wall between Gaza and Egypt to keep then out! (People often talk about the Israeli blockade of Gaza-- but that's a bit misleading as it implies only the israel was blockading them-- because so is Egypt!
In fact the Egyptians built a wall (not a fence) to keep Gazans out! The Gazans eventually knocked it down:
The Palestinian group Hamas destroyed a portion of the wall dividing Egypt and Gaza, which has been under a blockade" .
January 24, 2008
That kind of looks familiar...