The Politics of War

Link to quote: TOP 25 QUOTES BY ADOLF HITLER (of 685) | A-Z Quotes (
Last night the president gave his very rare, second time only prime time address to the nation. Let me just say that I do have to give him credit for his delivery. It might have been his best delivered speech. I don't know what goes into it, but his handlers do have a way of coming through when they have to. The substance of the speech is a different matter. The US president who has spent more money than any other US president, devaluing US currency and saddling the nation with inflation, asked once again for more money. Part of what he is asking for is $ 14 billion for Israel and $ 60 billion for Ukraine. He calls it an urgent budget request of $105 billion dollars all together.
It was only three years ago that there was peace in the world and America had secure borders and energy independence.
As the president's men prepared that speech:
A US Navy ship shot down several missiles and drones launched by an Iran-backed militant group on Thursday. The destabilizing incident is one of several that has occurred over the past few days amid soaring tensions across the Middle East.
The crew of the USS Carney, a Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, shot down three land-attack cruise missiles and several drones that were fired by Houthi rebels from Yemen, Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters on Thursday. The threats were traveling in a northern direction along the Red Sea, "potentially" toward targets in Israel, he added, and were shot down over the water. There were no reported casualties among US forces or civilians as a result of the incident.
US Navy destroyer shoots down rebel missiles as Iran-backed militants stir up trouble and American forces come under fire (
The US base at Al Tanf, Syria, was targeted by two drones on Wednesday, Ryder said. The same day, US forces defended against two drones in western Iraq and a third in the country’s north.
Israel’s Defense Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces on Friday asked residents to evacuate from the northern city of Kiryat Shmona, near the Lebanon border.
Israel-Hamas war updates and latest news on Gaza conflict (
A Russian-American journalist working for a U.S. government-funded media company has been detained in Russia and charged with failing to register as a foreign agent, according to her employer.
Russian-American journalist detained in Russia, the second such move there this year - CBS News
Last night a picture of members of our elite special forces was accidently revealed.
All this turmoil and yet it wasn't long ago when we had Israel and Arab nations signing onto a bilateral agreement known as the Abraham Accords. Two wars and another very possible with 11 Americans still unaccounted for and here we are. What was it that gave the evil axis of nations the green light?
Good morning to our readers and the very best of NT.

A lot happened over night. Das leader is asking for more money. A new cold war has begun.
Not to worry-- all that aid our allies in need (specifically Israel and the Ukraine) can't happen until that money is approved by the House of Representatives-- and they are "Out to Lunch"
That would be bad news especially for Ukraine, which, thus far got about $113 billion for not only their military but also their economy. They were supposed to get another $60 billion with Israel only getting $14 billion in the recent funding plan Biden leveraged against the brutal attack on Israel.
You forgot about the part where he farted 2 hours before the speech.
[removed] vic, I come to you for serious discussion over real issues. And you leave out Biden's fart.... your disappoint me.
Border security for thee but not for me.
Providing aid and comfort to our enemies.
Joe was told to let everyone in.
Now the FBI is concerned about all those got-aways.
That horse left the barn long ago and is never coming back.
Biden owns it, all of it.
Let's face it, not protecting the border is an act of treason.
Yep, a clear betrayal of one of governments most important missions.
Protecting it’s people.
I'd call it the most important mission of any government.
It is and sadly we get radio silence on that betrayal from the mass media and our friends on the left.
Very sad
What is even sadder is that it seems to work. Note the Fuhrer's quote.
In Biden's speech the border wasn't even mentioned.
Because in his feeble mind, the wall is a done deal.
That should be enough to calm people after 3 years of insanity.
Only to those who think "Biden is doing a good job".
Y'know how when looney lefties run around shouting "treason" all the time they just end up looking like hysterical morons?
Don't be like that.
Doesn't seem all that long ago that people were saying to protect the border was xenophobia.
AKA: the deep blue state and Bill Ayers.
Y'know you live in Texas!
The same people who opened the gates.
Now, that's fucking funny.
If you are going to quote me, make damn sure it's something I said.
I don't care where Trump made a trip to or what he said. My comment wasn't about Trump, it was about the ineffective asshat currently in the WH. FFS, keep up. .
The idiotic deflections are pathetic.
Apparently, you're not able to comprehend the sequence of the conversation I quoted. That's a shame, but not my problem
Your comment was ignorant and considering the circumstances, altogether funny as fuck.
they're still fighting over the rights of way in texas. gee, whoda thunk it...
Apparently you don't know how to use the quote function.
Odd. I don't recall EVER asking for or asking for you opinion on anything. But yet here you are trying to deflect from the feeble minded clown in the WH.
meh, some of them can't even comprehend the oath they took to defend the constitution...
Umm, OK. Sure. Trying to translate that into English.
Can you kindly point out where anyone on here has ever asked for your opinion about anything.
Did you ever take any type of similar oath?
no, my recruiter tried to pull a fast one and nixon was POTUS. I wasn't going to fly a medivac and I didn't feel like covering a retreat in a war we'd already lost 5 years prior. and at that age, I really don't think I was mature enough to be trusted around any republicans with an automatic weapon.
but if I had, I'd like to think I wouldn't be listening to so much trumpster bullshit now...
they were taking people without high school diplomas back then. what's your excuse?
yeah, pretty sure the army stopped taking dropouts and felons after vietnam ended. too bad.
20 years from now they will still be crying about him.
And yet the House's screwing our allies (Israel and the Ukraine) by not approving of funds to assist them in their hour of need is not?
WTF is wrong with these people?
We could have had a Speaker now. Didn't McCarthy work with democrats to get a funding bill?
Yet democrats are voting in unison against him and every Republican nominee. Obviously, they want the chaos.
WTF is wrong? It is called partisan politics, perfected by Nancy Pelosi.
I took one multiple times over a 20 year military career and no one has ever relieved me of said oath(s).
Comments 2.1.33 and 31 were responded to, therefore they will stay, charger
John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton) / X (
Just for contrast:
Air Force 1 refueled in Germany yesterday and we got this very bizarre (yet more common) press conference from Joe Biden. You can see Blinken in the closet and John Kirby standing behind Biden. Watch their eyes as Biden speaks. Tell me they aren't frightened of Biden speaking unscripted.
Biden should never, ever be left off-leash:
"I bet if this was your babies, you would be posting differently."

SirWinston (@SirWinston85) / X (
Per Q Anon , Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Jim Jordan, that wasnt Joe Biden last night , it was a hologram controlled by George Soros' trans evil (er) twin.
Back on planet earth people are calling it Biden's best speech. (And he didnt even turn the wrong way !)
Congrats, your boy finally managed to speak for a few minutes without screwing up too bad.
But he did read what was supposed to be an instruction. "Make it clear"
Likely, but a small mistake in the Biden scheme of things.
So it their pea-brains it’s a victory.
A whopping 15 minutes might be a record! But, according to several news sources, his 10/19/2023 Oval Office speech did have problems, such as his aimlessly looking around not realizing the cameras had started and - again reading aloud his teleprompter's parenthetical autocues.
I'm just thankful his handlers got him safely into his chair before 8PM and he didn't have to publicly stumble in or out of the room and embarrass himself and America again.
Even though I'm not hearing-impaired, it certainly would have been helpful to have had subtitles, because I had to raise my TV's volume very high in order to understand Biden's mumbling.
You notice the only lefty to comment so far could only offer deflection and denial rather than anything meaningful. Par for the course.
Because acknowledging that your own President gave a good speech, that he showed confident and strong leadership in the face of two world crisis is bad? The rest of the world is giving President Biden praise today! What's up with you lot?
Yeah, pretty sad but SOSDD.
What people are these? Oh, the partisans that think Joe shits gold.
They are generally referred to as imbeciles.
If you add together the elderly ages of those 3, they exceed the age of the US Constitution!
And an IQ of a rock.
Stop insulting rocks!
You're right. I apologize. Even a rock is worth more than those 3.
Biden only presented justifications. According to Biden the consequences of failing to fund war outweighs any other consideration. The problem is that Biden was speaking to dead voters.
Biden was trying to tap into the political bogeymen of Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko. Biden was trying to tap into the promise of the Camp David Accords. But few remember that ancient history. Putin is not leader of a new Soviet Union and Hamas is not the PLO led by Yasser Arafat. Biden invoked dog whistle politics that is so old it seems like gibberish. The world just does not work that way any longer.
Oddly enough, at 4:28 PM EST, nobody has posted anything on the 2 hostages that were just released.
Let me update this article:
Two U.S. hostages a bducted by Hamas , both related to former Israel-based NBC correspondent Martin Fletcher, have been released.
Judith Raanan and her daughter Natalie fell into the clutches of Hamas after the militants on Oct. 7 launched a surprise terror attack on Israel. They had been staying on a kibbutz called Nahal Oz, in southern Israel.

Two hostages released by Hamas are Judith and Natalie Raanan (
Two hostages released by Hamas are Judith and Natalie Raanan © Provided by NBC News
BREAKING: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar claims she is getting death threats.
Ilhan Omar Shares Voicemails of Vile Death Threats She Received (
I'm sure our wonderful FBI will swing into action.
Could the paralysis of Congress have something to do with it?
It was the weak president that somehow found 80 million votes without even having to campaign.
He couldn't have been that weak he received over 81 million votes and didn't have to look for them, they were there because the opponent was at best a dufus and liar. By his own words his opponent was the one ''looking'' for votes.
Let's see, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas brutally attacked Israel and for the first time in memory, foreign nations cancelled meetings with an American president.
Right now, those aid trucks are entering Gaza. Let us see what happens to them.
American Jews are uniformly praising President Biden for his unwavering support of Israel now and for his words and performance as world leader, both against Hamas and against Putin in Russia. All of your, "blah blah blah", about how incompetent Biden is proven bullshit in the face of Biden whooping Trump, leading the world past Covid and standing firm against terrorism and Russian aggression. It takes a twisted view of reality to undermine your own President at this particular time...
To the contrary, my "blah blah blah", about how incompetent Biden is gets to be proven every day.
BTW it is not his cognitive decline or his incompetence that concerns me is the policies he succeeds with...such as an open border.
Yes, we get it. President Biden is responsible for everything bad in your worldview. Putin invades Ukraine? Blame Biden! Hamas attacks Israel? Blame Biden! Shit the bed? Damn! It's Biden's fault! We all see it all wrong! Biden is personally responsible for it!
Nevermind Biden is actually leading the free world! Right?
Forgot that he is absolutely on the right side of everything?
LMAO, no I don't think so. Neither does the vast majority of Americans.
The vast majority of Americans who voted to oust Trump in 2020, who heard Trump lie about losing, who saw Trump try to overthrow their votes and steal our Presidential election? That vast majority?
The vast majority of Americans who will never ever vote for Trump or any of his MAGA lunatics? Look up, "Vast Majority".
None of those who voted in 2020 had any idea what Joe Biden was going to do. Now they got it right between the eyes.
Speaking of 2020, I was just wondering about the $27,000,000 taxpayers were forced to pay George Floyd’s family. Now that we have discovered that he died from an overdose in police custody, shouldn't his family be ordered to give taxpayers their money back?
I wonder how much worse Biden whoops Trump than 2020!
No doubt, it will be over ten million votes this time around...
Save your money.
Floyd was in '20. Should we blame Trump?
Trump will not win any Biden swing states!
That is what they wanted.
Try again.
Americans support President Biden in the war on terrorism and the War in Ukraine...
Wow, great information, Vic....This has happened for the past 40 years nice to know that you forgot about the many dead US embassy personnel and the 241 American Service men that died at the hands of Helbollah.
If that was a typo it’s awesome, if you did it on purpose Kudos! It’s a more accurate description of the organization than any I have seen.
Obviously, the murder of the 241 American Service men that died at the hands of as you call it "Helbollah" is something you have been posting about quite a bit. I know exactly what you are alluding to with that btw.
You need not go back that far Kavika. Under Obama Russia took the Crimea.
There are a few reasons that I mention it. One, it is the start of the American war on terror. 2nd it was a complete fuck up by the US that cost many things but the loss of our troops being paramount. 3rd, the president at that time Ronald Reagan didn't do a damn thing to destroy Helbollah but pull our troops out and what we see today is part of that failure.
The signals before the bombing were all there to see. The bombing of the US embassy in Beirut in April of 1983 killed 53 American and Lenonese embassy employees. The numerous shooting scrimmages between the terrorists and US Marines and French Paratroopers should have been huge warning signs that no one should have missed, but they did and they withdrew.
I don't care if you think you know why I mention this or not, my reasons are above and clear.
Or under Bush 9/11. I could go on but what is the point other to say the US fucked up a number of time.
At a time when we were realizing that we had an enemy.
2nd it was a complete fuck up by the US that cost many things but the loss of our troops being paramount.
I am the very first to be against the idea of a show of force with no planning behind it. They had no plan back then.
3rd, the president at that time Ronald Reagan didn't do a damn thing to destroy Halbollah but pull our troops out and what we see today is part of that failure.
Yes, that was your purpose. If Carter supported the Shah, the middle east would be a different place. End of story.
I don't care if you think you know why I mention this or not, my reasons are above and clear.
Oh yes, now that I gave you a pretext to say it out load. Biden is weak and he is a fool. Obama and Carter sympathized with the Palestinians. They all learned the doctrine of the oppressor and the oppressed at the university. It was their policies that caused what our closest ally is now going through.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff were unanimously opposed to the Marine deployment. The State Department and the National Security Council were enthusiastically for it. The Marines were deployed for a mission that they had never trained for and the Executive Branch was clueless to the political complexities in Lebanon.
After the bombing, the Joint Chiefs recommend withdrawal without retaliation. The mission was poorly defined, we were untrained, there wasn't a strategic national interest, Raegan failed to build Congressional or public support. It was a hard but brave decision to admit defeat but it saved further lives and money..
It did, however, embolden future terrorism after seeing US weakness. We didn't yet know what we didn't know.
Thank you!
Referred to Kavika.
Just so you know Kavika, I thought there should have been a massive retaliation for the murder of the Marines.
I don't know if we had the right intelligence then, I know we didn't have the right tactics or training then.
It doesn't seem like we had much.
I know we didn't have the right tactics or training then.
That is unforgivable.
We were trying to rebuild the force after Vietnam. We were focused on keeping the USSR out of Western Europe and N Korea out of South Korea. Mass terrorism was new to us.
I see.
I don't need what you call a purpose or an excuse I say it straight, you should understand that by now.
You gave me a pretext!!!!! LMAO you give yourself a lot of credit for nothing, you don't have the historical knowledge or experience to tell me anything about the ME, Hamas, Helbollah, Iran or its history.
What a load of BS, you really don't have any idea of what you speak. How about the Israel war for Independence 1947/8, The Palestine Fedyadeen insurgency 1950's and 60s, The Suez Crisis 1956, The Six Day War, 1967, The War of Attrition 1967/70, The Yom Kippur War 1973, The Palestinian Insurgency in So Lebanon 1971 to 1982, The Lebanon War 1982. The list goes on, Israel has fought war and terrorists since 1947.
True and Regan support putting our troops there to start and they had been deployed to Lebanon twice starting in 1982. That and the bombing of the US embassy in April of 1983 and the numerous firefights between Marines and terrorists should have sent a very loud message, but the egos were to big to pay fucking attention.
IMO, it didn't save lives and or money, just look at today. In the 1980s we had a number of units other than Marines that were fully equipped to fight this type of war. (This is nothing against the Marines)
If we didn't learn anything between 1979, Iranian hostage taking of US embassy and Oct 1983 it is a sad commentary on our military and political leadership.
He wasted Marine lives trying to save Palestinians lives, bad trade off.
Operation Eagle Claw didn’t work so well,
A very very bad trade-off. I wonder if he laid awake at night thinking about how fucked up it was. I know that I do.
Operation Eagle Claw was a hostage rescue operation and was attempted with equipment (helicopters) that failed causing the operation to be aborted.
I wonder more about Bush II and LBJ.
Take the blinders off.
You don't think Blinken and Biden were in Israel to say we got your back. The initial statement that came out of Blinken's office gave them away. They had to take that right down, didn't they?
Then when Biden said we would supply Israel another of the Obama deep state scumbags quit:
Josh Paul, a senior official in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, publicly announced his resignation in a letter posted on his LinkedIn page , arguing that supplying Israel with lethal weaponry and ammunition is “impulsive” and “immensely disappointing.”
State Department official Josh Paul resigns over Biden’s support of Israel’s war against Hamas (
Anyone familiar with Obama and the damned "Iran Deal" knows where they stand. Take a good look at who the new nominee for ambassador to Israel is:
Jack Lew, one of Obama's point men on the Iran Deal.
In 2018, a Senate report by the investigative subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee found that Lew, during his tenure as secretary to the Treasury under the Obama administration, "granted a specific license that authorized a conversion of Iranian assets worth billions of U.S. dollars using the U.S. financial system."
The report found that the administration tried to convert $5.7 billion from U.S. banks to Iranian assets. It noted that the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control "encouraged two U.S. correspondent banks to convert the funds."
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called out Lew's record of voting in favor of the 2015 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which declared Israel had "no legal validity," and said Lew was "a critical player in the Obama administration's campaign of appeasement with Iran."
Republicans grill Biden's Israel ambassador nominee Jack Lew in Senate hearing: 'Win for Iran' (
you really don't have any idea of what you speak.
That is one title that you've truly earned.
Carter, Obama & Biden.
Three scumbags.
Calling Jimmy Carter a scumbag is about the surest sign in the world that a person isn't right in the head.
As usual, you are unable to counter any point that I made, your usual BS opinion is the best that you can come up with. Factual history isn't your strong point.
If you were on the ground in Lebanon before, during, or after the Marine Corps bombing or had family there or have done anything on your own in the ME speak up now, Vic.
If you have a personal experience there in any time frame speak up, but it seems that all you have are your half-baked opinions on things you know next to nothing about.
Keep it up, you certainly are securing your position as the king of bizarre comments and lack of knowledge on the subject matter.
Only to those who don't have the ability to differentiate between men who did their job and a lying, grifter con man.
maga = major assholes get arrested
Are you really unaware how troubled LBJ was about our war in Vietnam? He was so stressed by it it resulted in his early death!
JFK saw Vietnam as an opportunity to test the United States’ ability to conduct a “counterinsurgency” against communist subversion and guerrilla warfare. He bought into Truman and Eisenhower's domino theory.
Johnson had big domestic agenda ambitions but shared JFK's concern about losing another country to communism. He viewed Vietnam as a test of our credibility and a commitment to an ally. We had 16,000 there when JFK was assassinated. LBJ grew that number to 550,000.
Because "America had never lost a war" and "No American soldier should ever die in vain"...
Over 58,000 died in vain, most on LBJ's watch.
I remember Nixon's secret plan to get us out of Vietnam. The one he never told us!
I remember 37,000 dying on LBJ's watch.
Are you really unaware how LBJ forced HHH to walk tightrope? HHH had to appeal to anti-war Democrats without enraging LBJ He was signaling the HHH camp might very well throw his support to Nixon if Humphrey strayed too far from the administration’s line on the war in Vietnam.
Korea was at best a draw.
They have always thought that they had the green light as proven by their many attacks on Israel and other countries including the US. It started in 1983 for the US and the War on Terrorism. That was 40 years ago and there are many of us that will remember the second salvo on October 23rd, 1983 just two days from now will be 40 years. 241 US service members the majority of them Marines died and many more wounded and terrorism became a national word. The first was the bombing of the US Embassy in Beirut in April of 1983.
Semper Fi