It can happen here

Link to quote: US Customs confirms 4th Iranian ‘special interest alien’ apprehended this month in Eagle Pass, Texas | Fox News
US Customs confirmed recently that a 4th Iranian has been apprehended at the southern border since the beginning of this month. The question is how many got through. Joe Biden's open border policy has led to concerns over Hamas style terrorism coming to the US. As is, the open border has led to thousands of American deaths via fentanyl, along with flooding the country with illegal migrants.
Biden's Homeland Security released this statement:
The Department of Homeland Security’s threat assessment, published last month, noted that agents have encountered a growing number on the watch list and warned that "terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States."
"Individuals with terrorism connections are interested in using established travel routes and permissive environments to facilitate access to the United States," the assessment also said.
US Customs confirms 4th Iranian ‘special interest alien’ apprehended this month in Eagle Pass, Texas | Fox News
In less than 3 years the US has become a very dangerous place. Recently Joe Biden asked congress for more money. The money would go to help Ukraine, Israel and the US border, in that order. The question for the Biden administration is how will the border money be used? Is it going to be used to process people? Is it going to be used to provide assistance to illegal migrants? Based on Biden's border policy thus far, I doubt any of it will go to turning anyone away or protecting Americans.
There were 736 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern and southern borders in fiscal 2023.
The Center Square initially reported 659 were apprehended for the fiscal year, as of Sept. 15, 2023. The fiscal year ended Sept. 30.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection published new data this weekend revealing that federal agents apprehended an additional 77 in the last two weeks of September.
The total of 736 is the greatest number of KSTs apprehended in recorded U.S. history.
736 known or suspected terrorists apprehended at U.S. border in fiscal 2023 (
We know that Americans can't be protected elsewhere.
This warning was issued Thursday:
On Thursday, October 19, the US State Department issued a worldwide travel advisory urging American citizens to “exercise increased caution” while overseas, “due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, [and] demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests.”
What Does the US State Department’s Worldwide Travel Advisory Actually Mean? | Condé Nast Traveler (
Meanwhile at George Washington University a paper was issued on Hamas in America:
Executive summary
• Hamas supporters have long operated in the United States. Internal Hamas documents and FBI
wiretaps introduced as evidence in various federal criminal cases clearly show the existence of
a nationwide Hamas network engaged in fundraising, lobbying, education and propaganda
dissemination dating back to the 1980s.
• The network formalized its existence in 1988, when it created the Palestine Committee in the
US. The Committee’s goals included “increasing the financial and the moral support for Hamas,”
“fighting surrendering solutions,” and publicizing “the savagery of the Jews.”
• The Palestine Committee spawned several public-facing organizations, most of which are based
out of Chicago, Dallas, and Washington DC. They included the all-purpose Islamic Association
for Palestine (IAP), the financial arm represented by the Occupied Land Fund (which later
became the Holy Land Foundation, HLF), and the think tank United Association for Studies and
Research (UASR).
• In 1993, the FBI wiretapped a meeting of top Hamas activists in the US held in Philadelphia. The
wiretaps show internal discussions on how to improve activities in support of Hamas within the
US and how to shield them from the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization. US-based
Hamas activists agreed that hiding their affiliation and intentions was the best tactic to avoid
negative consequences. “I swear by Allah that war is deception,” said one senior leader,
“[d]eceive, camouflage, pretend that you’re leaving while you’re walking that way. Deceive your
enemy.” “Let's not hoist a large Islamic flag and let's not be barbaric-talking. We will remain a
front so that if the thing [the U.S. government ban on Hamas] happens, we will benefit from the
new happenings instead of having all of our organizations classified and exposed.”
• Over the years, US authorities have conducted several activities to clamp down on the network,
including deporting and prosecuting Hamas operatives and shutting down multiple front
organizations. The 2001 designation of HLF and subsequent prosecution of part of its
leadership for funneling approximately $12.4 million to Hamas constitutes to date the largest
successful terrorism financing prosecution in US history.
• Yet, US-based Hamas networks and individuals have displayed a remarkable resilience and
many of the core activists of the Palestine Committee are still engaged in various forms of
support (albeit at times purely political and not material) for Hamas.
the-hamas-network-in-america.pdf (
The media is barely covering the threat to America. They are here and they have even infiltrated the democrat party.
When you watch what is going on in the streets of NYC or on American campuses there is no longer a need to ask why. My only question to those who voted for Joe Biden is will you vote for him again?
Good morning

The world is in turmoil, America is no longer safe, and the butchering of Israelis may have no consequences. A lone bright spot this morning is the New York Times releasing a statement on their coverage of a Gaza hospital incident:
Now, the Times says it “relied too heavily on claims by Hamas” in its initial reporting on the strike:
“Given the sensitive nature of the news during a widening conflict, and the prominent promotion it received, Times editors should have taken more care with the initial presentation, and been more explicit about what information could be verified,” the Times wrote.
New York Times Publishes Editors’ Note Conceding It ‘Relied too Heavily’ on Hamas Claims About Hospital Blast (
If what you quoted is all that The New York Times wrote about the hospital issue, what they did NOT say is "We were wrong - It was not Israel that bombed the hospital, it was Islamic Jihad." and where is the apology for being one of the main causes for the eruption of the anti-Israel protests?
“Given the sensitive nature of the news during a widening conflict, and the prominent promotion it received, Times editors should have taken more care with the initial presentation, and been more explicit about what information could be verified,” the Times wrote.
Nonsense, they knew full well what they were doing.
That title was a screecher. The note is barely page 14 news.
It seems every country on earth, and every ideology, wants to destroy America. At least according to Trumpsters and their ideological grandfathers like Jack Webb.
The commies are coming, Hamas is coming, Mexican gangs are coming, gay people are coming, black lives matter is coming, immigrants from shit hole countries are coming, and they they want to take away your stuff and your freedoms. The Jack Webb nonsense was 65 years ago, and this song continues to be played in right wing media. Keep them scared and angry at "the other".
Last night Donald Trump said if he is elected he wont let anyone in the country "that doesnt like our religion". The Founding Fathers were unavailable for comment.
We have worse than that.
We have a progressive fifth column.
It seems lots of Woke Bidenettes and Media think Republicans are out to destroy Democracy in the US.
The red nightmare of 1957? You mean when the bomb was stolen/given away?
Anyone who uses the word commie is covering for woke insanity.
That's what Biden has told us to bolster support for Ukraine. Democrats kissed the Ukrainian flag in the chambers of Congress and pledged undying allegiance to Ukrainian style democracy and European unity. Biden's fearmongering has expanded NATO and has dramatically increased US and European military expenditures. Biden's war with the Commies has been a smashing public relations coup.
Now Biden is publicly standing with Israel while supporting Iran under the table. Biden is bamboozling American taxpayers to support both sides of the war in Israel. As Ukraine has demonstrated, Biden pursues war to brag about peace. Biden assumes dictatorial power to claim protection for democracy.
Biden really has made the world less safe for Americans. Now the United States is becoming less safe for Americans, too. Biden claims to be sheltering the oppressed but the reality is Biden is allowing foreign conflicts into the United States.
Biden has revived wars on three fronts: Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and the Pacific Rim. Biden has been working to start brush wars and then escalating those wars into global conflicts. The war with China over the Philippines has only been smoldering because China refuses to take Biden's bait. (China is using Taiwan as a distraction.) Biden has been prodding the Philippines to become more provocative and aggressive.
The fight over the Speaker's chair has revealed Democrats' partisan unity and party loyalty. Republicans have shown they lack partisan unity and refuse to succumb to indoctrination. For rational people, the Democrats have behaved should be ringing alarms. But, of course, the unbiased press spreads propaganda that Republicans are the problem. Democrats have become a fifth column. And everything's fine.
Are you saying that Biden is trying to be like Iran is to Hamas, trying to start a war with China using the Philippines as America's proxy? If so, I'd say America would be stretching itself pretty thin these days, especially if a wider regional war breaks out against Israel. If there ever WERE a time for China to actually invade Taiwan, that would be it. If China doesn't do it then, IMO it never will.
A perfect example of how neoliberal ideology has duped the ignorant public over the last half century. Hamas does not and will never obtain any sort of geopolitical power. The only reason Hamas remains relevant is lack of accountability as is happening now in Gaza. The bombs make a great show but aren't inflicting serious damage on Hamas' infrastructure. The only way to bring Hamas to account would be to search out the tunnels, weapon stockpiles, and infrastructure in Gaza to destroy them. A very long and dangerous campaign for the IDF ground troops.
Biden has prodded the Philippines to become more nationalist; protecting national sovereignty, trade rights, and diplomatic alignment with the West. Biden has done that in Ukraine. Biden is now doing that in Israel. That's how neoliberals have always exploited the politics of the underdog (and the victim). Biden is not encouraging the Philippines to engage in terrorism, as does Iran.
Terrorism may be politically important but is rather insignificant in geopolitical statecraft. Terror must have a state sponsor to obtain political importance. Destroying the state sponsor will destroy the terrorism.
The headline of this article is "It Can Happen Here", but a little more than half a century ago I drove with some friends to Detroit to a place called The Rock Pile to watch and listen to Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention. THEY sang "It Can't Happen Here." I guess they were wrong, eh?
It Can't Happen Here
It can't happen here
I'm telling you, my dear
That it can't happen here
Because I been checkin' it out, baby
I checked it out a couple a times, hmmm
It can't happen here
Oh darling, it's important that you believe me
(Bop bop bop bop)
That it can't happen here
Kansas Kansas tototototodo
Kansas Kansas tototototodo
Kansas Kansas
Who could imagine that they would freak out in Minnesota...
Mimimimimimimi Minnesota, Minnesota, Minnesota
Who could imagine...
That they would freak out in Washington, D.C.
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
It can't happen here
Everybody's safe and it can't happen here
No freaks for us
It can't happen here
Everybody's clean and it can't happen here
No, no, it won't happen here
I'm telling you it can't
It won't happen here
(Bop bop didi bop didi bop bop bop)
It won't happen here
You're safe, mama
You're safe, baby
You just cook a TV dinner
And you make it
(Bop bop bop)
No no no no
Oh, we're gonna get a TV dinner and cook it up
Go get a TV dinner and cook it up
Cook it up
Oh, and it won't happen here
(No no no no no no no no no no no
Man you guys are really safe
Everything's cool
Who could imagine
Who could imagine
That they would freak out in the suburbs
I remember (tu-tu)
I remember (tu-tu)
They had a swimming pool
I remember (tu-tu)
I remember (tu-tu)
They had a swimming pool
I remember (tu-tu)
I remember (tu-tu)
They had a swimming pool
(Duh duh duh duh duh)
They knew it couldn't happen here
They were so sure it couldn't happen here
Yes yes yes--I've always felt that
Yes I agree man, it really makes it... yeah...
It's a real THING, man
And it really makes it
(Makes it)
And we've been, we've been very interested
In your development
Since you first took the shots
Forget it!
(It can't happen here)
Half a century ago Zappa would have been right.
"In times like these it helps to recall there have always been times like these."
-- Paul Harvey
And I thought it was Kamala Harris!
Frank, a true genius.
It Can Happen Here , as per the article, is a light play on words , based on the premise of the book It Can't Happen Here
unfortunately for the seed author, the premise of the book would relate more to what is happening on the political right today than what is happening on the border, or elsewhere in America.
You gotta watch out for those guys named "Buzz".
A gal named Buzz is an entirely different affair.
Why not? There are gals named Sam and Bobbie and Sidney etc etc etc.
It’s not “if” it can happen. It’s when. And Biden will own it. All of it. Such is the weakness that is his border policy.
A complete fail on his main charter. Protect American citizens.