Playing for Keeps

Link to Quote: New Hampshire primary live: Nikki Haley says second Republican vote is ‘not a coronation’ for Donald Trump (
Despite 5,000 democrats switching over to vote for Nikki Haley and Independents being the largest voting bloc in the Granite state, a tracking poll released this morning shows that Donald Trump has actually widened his lead over Nikki Haley. The poll by NBC News, the Boston Globe and Suffolk University shows Trump at 60% among likely Republican primary voters, and Haley at 38%. This may be last call for Haley who has staked everything on winning the NH primary. She finally has the head-to-head matchup she wanted. Now she needs a win.
Some are now convinced that the democrat's strategy of lawfare against Trump has backfired. In the above-mentioned poll, 50% of college graduates said they back Trump, compared to 45% for Haley. That is a deadly statistic that speaks volumes about how people view the political prosecution of Trump. There can be no question that the indictments have unleashed something across the nation. Btw Trump went from court to NH yesterday, as he seemingly thrives on the busy schedule.
On the democrat slate, Biden is not on the ballot since he decided to make South Carolina first in the nation by presidential fiat. There is a risky operation underway to have him win via a write in campaign. The Boston bigot Michelle Wu is one of the main advocates for the write in campaign and she was in NH yesterday.
In other news:
The SCOTUS issued a temporary restraining order allowing the federal government to remove razor wire that Texas authorities placed on the Texas border with Mexico. It was a 5-4 decision with Justice Roberts & Justice Barrett voting with the 3 hard core leftist justices.
An illegal Honduran immigrant charged with rape, kidnapping and assault was released onto the streets in Virginia, despite a request by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to hold him until it could take him into custody to deport him. He was free for nearly two months until ICE was able to arrest him.
ICE announced in a recent press release that it arrested the unnamed Honduran national, charged on Oct. 12, nearly two months after he had been freed from an adult detention center in Fairfax County, Virginia.
The illegal immigrant had entered the U.S. and was arrested by Border Patrol in Texas in June 2021 and released into the country with a Notice to Appear.
ICE agents recapture illegal immigrant charged with rape who was released onto streets in Virginia | Fox News
EXCLUSIVE : The former House Select Committee on Jan. 6 deleted more than 100 encrypted files from its probe just days before Republicans took over the majority in the House of Representatives, Fox News Digital has learned.
House Jan. 6 Committee deleted more than 100 encrypted files days before GOP took majority: sources (
M ARIETTA, Ga. (AP) — A judge on Monday ordered court records to be made public in the divorce involving a special prosecutor hired in the election case against Donald Trump and others and accused of having an affair with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
Judge orders the unsealing of divorce case of Trump special prosecutor in Georgia accused of affair (
The Pentagon said Monday's strikes hit eight targets, including an underground storage site and Houthi missile and surveillance capability.
US and UK launch fresh strikes on Houthis in Yemen (
Russia is now using North Korea's newest missiles in its war with Ukraine
At a meeting in Brussels, European foreign ministers pressed their Israeli counterpart to agree to the creation of a Palestinian State.
Israel announced that its military had encircled Khan Younis, the main city in southern Gaza.
And the Pentagon announced the deaths of two SEALs, Chris Chambers and Nathan Ingram. They were killed in action in the Gulf of Aden during a ship boarding operation on January 11th.
Good Morning

Yesterday Donald Trump got to sample the Red Arrow Diner's "Trump Tower" sandwich.
It is obviously served "well done."
It was some well-deserved comfort food after a busy day.
So, if you're up in NH, near Manchester.......
2 slices of white bread and a key to the gas station restroom next door...
For Dems, the reaping of what they have sown, has begun.
And it ain’t gonna be pretty.
I doubt they know the scale of it. Obama is worried.
This time they might need 90 million mail-in-votes.
The triggering will be even more epic. If such a thing is possible after the infamous Triggering Crisis of 2016 ……
"America First Legal has sued the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the censorship arm of DHS. New docs show that the deep state knew the risks of mass mail voting in 2020 but censored these criticisms as “disinformation.”

America First Legal on X: "/1LITIGATION BOMBSHELL — we sued the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the censorship arm of DHS. Our lawsuit unearthed new docs showing that the deep state knew the risks of mass mail voting in 2020 but censored these criticisms as “disinformation.” THREAD:" / X (
Adam Schiff gets called out during the CA Senate debate by Republican Steve Garvey for lying about Russian collusion:
Garvey: "I believe you were censured for lying."
Schiff: "I was censured for standing up to a corrupt president"
Garvey: "Sir, you lied to 300 million people…
Too bad Garvey has no chance. He’d be a massive improvement.
Yep, Shifty Shiffzell in the Senate? Not good, not good at all.
Alas, the migrants only look for the (D) after the name.
He is going to hypnotize us all!
Doocy to WH press sec:

"They released an illegal immigrant from Honduras who is charged with sexually assaulting a Virginia minor and production of sexual abuse material .... You guys have no idea what kind of people are coming into this country."
I thought Democrats were all for the power of the federal government over states.
It seems when it comes to criminal illegal immigrants they suddenly turn into Sanctuary City/State rights advocates.
You are correct. In the case of illegal migrants, the Constitution is simply in the way.
Just an unbelievable refusal to govern competently
Imagine raping a disabled person? And he was released via Dorchester District Court. I'm sure Boston's black community was thrilled by that decision. There is nothing quite like having a monster roaming the hood.
The nation needs to begin to discuss Trumps mental erosio
is that a joke?
what was he saying in that clip? it is incomprehensible.
You had your fun with biden, now lets get serious about trump
the other day Trump named nikki haley, four times, as having been in charge of Jan 6 security at the capitol.
a momentary slip of the tongue would be vaguely excusable, but with it people would catch their mistake instantly. He is in a trance of his own confused doing . he should retire to south florida and spend all his free time cheating at golf.
Fun with Brandon?
There is nothing fun having a career criminal traitor who is on a steady mental decline in charge of the country.
As for Trump, he is the lesser of two evils.
Your side has had their fun wrecking the country. Now it is time for the rest of us to get serious about fixing your mess.
Trump is mentally ill. This has been known for years, but disregarded . Now the spillage is coming faster and faster.
MAGA was happy to only put the spotlight on Biden but those days are now over.
and you think this person is well enough to lead our country ?
After your side put Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine in charge of the country you have no room to talk. If he was just mentally ill it would be one thing; but he has the most corrupt and incompetent administration in the history of the US. Garland, Mayorkas, Blinken and Wray should all be impeached.
Over? Did you suddenly wave a magic wand over Brandon and his dementia disappeared? Did his criminal family suddenly turn into saints as well? There is no magic spell to remove Brandon's treasonous acts- so you are SOOL there.
Brandon can't hide in his basement this time around. He has a record that can and will be used against him. It will be fun seeing all of the commercials of him getting lost on stage, shaking hands with the air, trying to find dead people in the audience, getting into and argument with a sand bag that he tripped over, falling on the stairs while going up to Air Force 1 on multiple occasions, and getting lost while giving speeches.
Your side put him in charge. No amount of "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!! is going to save him this time.
Biden is seriously cognitively impaired. This has been known for years, but completely disregarded by useful idiots on the left. This includes a complicit mass media.
Bidenettes have nothing so they have to resort to deflection aimed at Trump and Trump supporters.
This is not speculation or interpretation or fabrication (such as the phony "Biden shakes hands with no one " bs), this is reality
There is no speculation with Brandon.
And no amount of "But Trruummmppppp!!!!!!" will save him.
Yeah, absurd levels of hyperbole do wonders to establish the credibility of an argument.
Why do you keep saying "but Trump" ?
There's no "but" to this.
You are entitled to your opinion; but the facts don't back you up.
Mayorkas wide open southern border with record setting amounts of illegal immigrants crossing every year- along with drugs, people on the terrorist watch list, gang members, sex trade traffickers, and guns (remember when the US used to export those?)
Wray and Garland- the corrupt duo that have no time to find far leftist terrorists that committed arson and vandalism at pro life clinics, even when the perps spray painted their names on the walls. But plenty of time to after Jan 6th rioters (some for just parading); and parents that have the audacity to care about their kid's education. Garland- who must not have read the Constitution when appointing Weiss as special prosecutor to Hunter and Brandon.
Is Weiss outside of the government? No. He is the Federal DA ass clown that allowed the most serious of the charges against Hunter statute of limitations to run out; and then tried to give Hunter a cherry plea deal that would allow him to walk after the IRS agents outed him during their Congressional testimony. The only reason Weiss was appointed so he could allow the DOJ to stone wall the Republican investigation into Brandon and his family.
As for Blinken (along with everyone who signed his bogus letter)- should bar him from holding any position in government.
Great gaggle of criminals and incompetents Brandon has assembled.
Trump will not save the cognitive career criminal traitor your side put in the White House.
Yet you keep bringing him up.
"But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" the battle cry of leftists realizing Brandon can't win; and they have no way of replacing him on the ballot.
Who knows.
I'm hoping that his toad Elise Stefanik gets on his bad side at some point so he can give her a nickname . I'm thinking "Elsie Stepondick "
We know damn well that Biden is a traitor and unfit to lead our country.
Ronin is right, Trump is the lesser of two evils.
The dems must be scared like never before if they are going to try and make the mental capabilities of Trump an issue when their guy hasn't put together a coherent statement in years. You would think that is the last hill they would pick to die on but here they are. In this case but Brandon..... is totally justified
Prove him wrong
F ormer President Donald Trump posted his biggest lead yet over President Joe Biden in a tracking poll meant to measure voters’ feelings about a rematch between the two in November.
According to Morning Consult’s 2024 tracking poll, Trump now leads Biden by 5 points (45%-40%), the largest margin of victory he’s had yet in the survey, which has been in effect since December 2022.
Trump Posts Biggest Lead Yet Over Biden in 2024 Tracking Poll (
Trump cannot make a speech without stumbling all over common words. If he's not impaired, what is his major malfunction ?
You can just use the same excuses the left uses when anyone mentions Biden's dozen gaffs a day.
I am shocked you would even compare the two with regards to mental capabilities. It is like buying a ticket for the Titanic knowing it will sink.
he can't tell the difference between nikki haley and nancy pelosi, or obama and biden. he can't even keep his lies straight.
No Greg, that is not how claims work. It is the claimer who bears the burden of proof.
Out of curiosity, were you persuaded by the content of that post?
Well it seems to me that the Ds will naturally counter the Rs claims of Biden being "brain dead" (your words, by the way) with actual evidence of Trump showing signs of mental deficiency.
Why does that surprise you?
In my view, neither Biden nor Trump should be PotUS. They are both too old for that particular job. The only possible solution right now is Nikki Haley. The Ds will naturally oppose her since she is arguably a stronger threat than Trump. So what gives with the Rs? Why are the Rs not rallying around Nikki Haley instead of a demonstrable traitor who is likely to be a convicted felon prior to the election?
Talk about fucked-up thinking ... the current GOP has lost its collective mind.
There is no doubt that Biden has slowed down physically and seems stiff at times, like he is wary of moving his body much, but when he is seated and in a conversation he seems pretty normal to me .
Trump is becoming increasingly verbally erratic, and he was no prize to begin with.
I would trust the people around Biden to help him out for the benefit of the country more than I would trust the extremists Trump would surround himself with in a second term.
The facts behind my opinion are your posts. I find no credibility in posts that illustrate extreme bias and partisan emotion with phrases like "Brandon the human fuck up machine" or "the most corrupt and incompetent administration in the history of the US".
You can post mountains of words but I will not spend a moment considering your opinion based on the absurd bias that is continually displayed. If you want people like me to take you seriously, you need to tone down the hyperbole and make serious, marginally objective commentary.
I do not expect that to happen, so you should not expect me to take any of your posts seriously.
Two aging old men. Agreed. Let’s decide who is most coherent.
A simple, unscripted one on one debate would do the trick. Don’t you think?
So in your opinion Trump is NOT a traitor and is fit to lead our nation?
I gave the dems more credit than they seem to deserve than picking a fight there is no way they could win with any rational non partisan person.
In 2020 Trump put on the most embarrassing , disgraceful , performance in presidential debate history, interrupting Biden dozens of times .
Biden has no reason to debate that lunatic now, but if he wants to, fine.
There are very few people in this world that Trump is the lesser of two evils of, and Biden is not one of them.
We will let the people decide. You may need a conviction or 90 million votes.
They could even have it in Joes basement if it would make him more comfortable. Looks like 3 are planned, Joe probably has his team thinking up excuses why he can't attend.
It is only a matter of time before Barack tells them to put Joe back in the basement.
So there is no reason the American people should see the two candidates debate to help them decide who they want to vote for because Trump interrupts? Have you ever seen a political debate where they don't interrupt each other? Sounds more like keeping the "president" away from unscripted face time with the American public. You know, like never having a press briefing.
About half the country feels Trump is the lesser of two evils.
Does that include the people with buyers remorse after expecting a moderate and getting the brain dead that gets pushed around by the far left wing nuts?
That would be the smartest move they could make.
Agree. Personally I rarely watch them but it seems millions do. If they want them to help them decide things about the candidate I have no issue with having them.
I agree with the opinion expressed in the comment.
In my opinion, yes. Your mileage may vary
elise stuffindick...
Of course you do. You are voting for Trump and would never even consider voting for Biden.
It is delusional to believe that Trump is the lesser of two evils when compared with Biden.
I cannot think of any PotUS in our history who is more traitorous than Trump. Which PotUS has so dramatically violated his oath of office? Even Nixon's worst acts do not compare to what Trump has done.
It is truly amazing that anyone is unable to see that Trump is, by far, the worst violator of his oath of office of any PotUS in our history.
But you think Biden is "more evil".
Then maybe you should rebut the actual argument I gave (and have given repeatedly) rather than pretend the thesis is the argument.
Which PotUS in our history has violated his oath worse than Trump did in his Big Lie campaign?
“Which PotUS in our history has violated his oath worse than Trump did in his Big Lie campaign?”
This simple question cannot be asked often enough in the run up to the next election. That it will never be properly addressed, much less answered, sadly says where we find ourselves.
Of course, a feeble excuse in lieu of a rebuttal.
My friend likes the name "Elise Demonic" to refer to our representative
Lesser of Two Evils: The somewhat less unpleasant of two poor choices.
Only the delusional would think " the worse violator of his oath of office" is the only thing to consider when determining who the lesser of two evils is.
Of course it should be considered but each individual is perfectly capable to decide for themselves how true it was (in THEIR opinion) and how important an issue is( in THEIR opinion).
Well, let's hear what else you think should be considered when determining the lesser of two evils.
We have "the worst violator of his oath of office of any PotUS in our history" as my starting criterion.
What is the next criterion?
How about "a convicted felon" since this actually could be reality this year?
So I would say if we have two nominees, the greater of the two evils would be the nominee who is:
You are welcome to that opinion.
You suggest policies have nothing to do with deciding who is the less unpleasant of the two choices?
It would seem to me people would be more interested in what impacts their lives than anything else but again that is up to them to decide, not you or me.
Having been in the WH a few decades ago and being very old school, I find it abhorrent that anyone in the WH would think that tearing up, shredding, flushing or burning documents in the WH fireplaces would be acceptable legal behavior for anyone in the WH or West Wing. It was illegal.
Certainly not the POTUS.
Truckloads of documents moved to Mar A Lago and then deliberately hidden from the FBI after said agency had proof of dozens of top-secret documents found in the former President's possession? It was illegal.
Original Top Secret documents missing since the last week of the Administration.
Trump denies his oath was to uphold the Constitution.
His lawyers argue that he isn't an "officer"?
What next? Arguing the definition of "it"?
No, I did not suggest that. I offered criterion that I submit are more important than policies.
See, I think responsible, rational, patriotic people would reject an individual with the criteria I listed. Criterion 1 is bad enough. Add in criterion 2 and the result is devastatingly bad for the holder of the most powerful office on the planet.
Imagine the USA whose PotUS is:
You are welcome to that opinion. My opinion is people may not give it the importance or priority that you do. I also believe if they don't give it the importance you do they can still be responsible, rational and patriotic people, I am not sure what suggesting otherwise accomplishes. Maybe there is a poll as to what is important to the independents that feel they are picking the less unpleasant of the choices.
And if that is the overriding factors in your decision making go for it.
You always have the same basic response: that others do not see things as I do.
Well, no shit. That is a platitude. We all know that people see things differently. That is probably one of the most basic facts of life.
That platitude is not a rebuttal; it is the feeble absence of a rebuttal.
I offered two criteria:
Imagine the USA whose PotUS is:
So make an actual argument for why it is responsible, rational, and patriotic to ignore those two criteria simply due to policy.
Note that every GOP voter could vote for GOP congressional representatives even if they do not vote for Trump. And it is arguably more important to have control in the Legislative branch than in the Executive branch. Thus voters have the ability to vote for their party AND simultaneously NOT vote for Trump — a vindictive narcissist demagogue who violated his oath of office by attempting to circumvent the CotUS by suborning Pence to table votes from select states that Trump lost (he had created fake electors in seven states) in the hope that this would cease the counting and force the House to step in and (with great wishful thinking) declare him the winner. Trump not only violated the CotUS but tried to disenfranchise voters ... an attack on the very foundation of democracy.
Except that is not the argument.
The argument states the specific conditions and none of them are relative to me personally.
You offer no argument, just a feeble, dishonest personal attack.
Actually I don't think it works at all and just makes the person doing it look bad. But that's just me.
The difference is I don't have a problem with that while you do, even resorting to calling them juvenile names.
The difference is that you have no argument.
Thanks for your theory and comment.
Never happen and you know it. Biden will be headed back to his basement soon. Very soon and his useful idiots will applaud him for it.
Didn't take long for that to be suggested.
And that is the guy they want to be president.
No, that is the simpleminded figure head that they want to hold the office so they can fundamentally change America. Nobody who has 3 digits in their IQ actually thinks Bidens in charge of anything.
I know. Amazing isn’t it? Sad and amazing ……
Again your "logic" is confused. If you consider Biden a traitor then Trump must be a traitor too. So you are criticizing and name-calling all your GOP brethren on this site who are going to vote for Trump.
Are you NOT going to vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee?
Neither Biden nor Trump should be PotUS.
The GOP has a chance to put forth a decent candidate. Yet they continue to support Trump. And here on NT, the right-leaning folks predominantly defend Trump and criticize Biden. The discussion is not pro-Haley, it is still the same old mindless partisan attacks on Biden while attempting to defend the indefensible Trump.
We have individuals on this site claiming that Biden is cleverly weaponizing the DoJ. He is ostensibly running the show and covering his tracks.
Are you NOT going to vote for Biden if he doesn’t debate the GOP nominee?
Sadly he's serious. More than willing to overlook the mental deficient Traitor Joe and all his mental shortcomings just to pacify hurt feelings.
Always a deflection rather than taking a stand.
Actually unlike others here I rarely do that so your comment is a sweeping generalization.
Are you going to answer my question or are you going stick with the usual route of avoidance and redirection?
A perfect example of witless projection.
Both parties have a chance to put forth an acceptable choice and they are not. Considering Joes age and health it seems it would be important to put forth a good vice president and they have chosen not to. I am sure they all have their reasons as to what they think America wants and needs. Unfortunately they may be wrong
Correct, both parties have let us down. The GOP, however, is substantially worse in its failure.
I agree. Same for Trump who is just 3 1/2 years younger.
Under normal circumstances, we would be discussing policy differences. People would disagree and, in this case, your above statement would be spot on. Everyone has a different view on which policies are best for the nation.
In 2024, the GOP has put forth a demonstrable traitor. An individual with abysmal character who has demonstrated that he will throw the CotUS and the nation under the bus if it suits his personal needs. A malignant narcissist, pathological liar, vindictive asshole who is the only PotUS in our history to attempt to steal a US presidential election. An individual who, likely, will be a convicted felon this year.
No matter how much someone disagrees with Biden's policies (and I have registered my disagreement), there is no comparing Biden or anyone who has been considered for the presidency this term to Trump. Trump is entirely unfit and it is a disgrace that the GOP has allowed this to happen.
Anything but policy / S
For the umpteenth time, everyone doesnt agree with your views on the worth of Trump's policies. In fact, polling regularly shows that more people agree with the Democrats on various national issues.
Not the economy or immigration I would think. What important things do people agree with? Keep in mind Joes approval ratings in those areas.
Biden's biggest legitimate criticism is illegal immigration.
The criticism on the economy is losing its merit given interest rates are falling, unemployment has dropped (too far even), inflation is waning, and the stock market is booming. One must hold onto partisan beliefs in spite of actual fact to claim that the economy is in bad shape (relative to the norm economy of the USA).
Current polling shows people's economic attitude is shifting upward as TiG says.
Johns comment was about polling, my response was also about polling. Kind of like this:
Must be a messaging problem. Are you suggesting 66% of Americans that are pessimistic are all partisans? Many Biden polls suggest about a 37% approval rating and a 59% disapproval rating on how he is handling the economy. Are you suggesting a 59% disapproval rating is all partisan? Are you saying 61% of Democrats that think the economy is in bad condition are partisan?
Obviously kitchen table issues are always very important to folks. I am not sure they really care about unemployment rates (that does not put food on the table or heat the house), stock market to those that can't afford to be in the stock market, or inflation waning but not getting back to acceptable levels.
While I don't disagree that a President has limited direct effect on the economy people are used to them taking credit for it when it is good and blaming their opponents when it is bad. When people are voting perception can be more important than reality.
Believe what I say and not what you see is a daily theme at the press conferences.
The inflation rate is no longer 9 percent it is only 4 percent (compared to 2% when the brain dead one took office). YIPEEE! Time to celebrate.
I would say his policies are irrelevant at this point, for two reasons. First, whatever policies he says he holds, they aren't wildly different from any other Republican who might be running or considering it. That means his character and mental health are far more relevant.
Second, he has been long on speeches, but short on action. I'm still waiting for his totally awesome plan to replace Obamacare. I'm still waiting for Mexico to pay for a wall. I'm still waiting for the legions of manufacturers who were going to move their operations back to America. I'm still waiting for the improved relations with Russia. I'm still waiting for him to put China in their place.
So, policy-wise, he is interchangeable with everyone else. After that, he's probably the biggest asshole to ever hold the office. Certainly, he's the most juvenile, what with his name-calling. He's cognitively and emotionally unstable, and
- and this is something we have known for 40 years -
he's full of shit.
Even the liberal media is having trouble towing that line at this point. That is why Joe has to tell them to "report things right".
I have yet to hear anyone on the left say why there should be student loan debt forgiveness if the economy is so great. You don't think they are actually just trying to buy votes do you?
I can assure you the movers in both parties are watching those polling trends carefully even if you aren't.
A fine example of blind partisanship. When inflation is rising you complain (appropriately). Yet when it is reversing you also complain. And it seems to me that if inflation were at 2% right now, you would complain about the fact that it was recently bad.
All the while naively presuming that this is all controlled by the powers of the presidency.
One should understand that the presidency does not have magical powers to control the economy. That the economy is a very complex, world-wide beast that largely operates on its own volition. We can take some measures to influence this behavior but even here the most effective tools are brute force, indirect instruments that are nudged and then observed for months to see if the desired effect was achieved. And these tools are wielded by the Fed, not the PotUS (or Congress even).
A PotUS can impact the economy. But it is typically weak and deferred (often coming into effect in the next administration or later).
We should never have student loan debt forgiveness. If we are to engage in federal spending for education it should be targeted at those who demonstrate serious academic interests and aptitude and who are unable to get proper education (commensurate with said aptitude) due to low economic positions.
That is sensible for the nation because it helps bright minds to be nurtured and then put to good use to help the nation as a whole.
Forgiving loans after the fact is both unfair, sets a bad precedent, and does not accomplish anything other than pandering for votes.
Yes he is. And that sucks.
But there is no comparison between the flaws of Biden's policies and:
Biden's policies can be stifled by a GOP Congress. The nation can function and the GOP can begin to heal from the Trump infection it has endured since 2017.
That scenario is substantially better than placing an irresponsible, vindictive, narcissist back in office who is the worst violator of his oath of office of any PotUS in our history.
No, you have stated that you are going to leave the decision to others. If Biden v Trump, you have stated that you will vote for neither.
Great! Stay out of it. Let those of us who take this seriously make the decision.
Yes, Texan, and the key here is that you have stated that you would not be voting for Biden or Trump.
Just as I stated.
That means (think about this now) that you are going to leave the decision to others.
Great! Stay out of it. Let those of us who take this seriously make the decision.
That comment reeks of arrogance.
Are you planning to vote for either Biden or Trump if those are the D and R nominees, respectively?
Or are you planning to let others decide who will be president?
There is no twisting; just another desperate platitude from you.
If you do not vote for Biden or Trump (if they are the nominees) you ipso facto leave it up to others to make the decision as to who will be the next PotUS.
There is no getting around that.
Are you denying that you have stated in this forum that you will not vote for either Biden or Trump if they are the nominees?
Exactly. So you do indeed confirm that what I stated is correct.
If you do not vote for Biden or Trump (if they are the nominees) you ipso facto leave it up to others to make the decision as to who will be the next PotUS.
There is no getting around that.
Missed were I said "President has limited direct effect on the economy"
If I knew Joe was going to do that I would have continued my pursuit of an underwater basket weaving degree.
If you believe something then you should factor that into your overall reasoning.
If you actually understand that the PotUS has limited direct effect on the economy then you would not be so critical of Biden because of inflation lowering but not hitting 2%.
Your criticisms defy what you claim to understand.
I had already correctly stated your position. You have confirmed this.
You are pretending that I got it wrong. Your pretense is pathetic and desperate.
If you do not vote for Biden or Trump (if they are the nominees) you ipso facto leave it up to others to make the decision as to who will be the next PotUS.
There is no getting around that.
Why are you not answering the question posed to you in 6.2.36?
We know you are going to vote for Biden and we know why.
You have said it multiple times.
I have been very clear in this forum and have been consistent that I will vote for Biden if the contest is between him and Trump. Is this your desperate little ploy to help Texan?
Here, Texan objected to my noting that his claim to not vote for either Biden or Trump (if it is between those two for the presidency) means that he is leaving the vote to others.
If one does not vote for Biden or Trump then one ipso facto is leaving the decision to others.
Do you understand that?
I have not been asking you questions except when you deny what you have stated. I have been making a statement:
If you do not vote for Biden or Trump (if they are the nominees) you ipso facto leave it up to others to make the decision as to who will be the next PotUS.
There is no getting around that.
I don't care what you and Texan are opining on. Texan sure as hell does not need help when it comes to debating you.
I rightfully noticed you avoided the question and I mentioned it.
Not a me problem you don't like it.
Exactly, which is why everyone that is thinking of doing that should instead write in Dan Campbell..
'Exactly' is correct. The logic is undeniable.
Then we should consider your comments irrelevant.
You claim that if Biden v Trump you will not vote for either.
If you do not vote for Biden or Trump (if they are the nominees) you ipso facto leave it up to others to make the decision as to who will be the next PotUS.
There is no getting around that.
Do what you want but you yourself have said that we should be able to opine on what we want to opine on and not opine on what we wish not to.
Do we now consider your comments irrelevant when you do not directly answer another poster and the subject at hand?
Thanks for your opinion
do we really have to go through this bs every day ?
Seems there is one common denominator to all these types of "discussions". You may wish to ask the common denominator that question
The point that you have refused to even acknowledge is this:
If you do not vote for Biden or Trump (if they are the nominees) you ipso facto leave it up to others to make the decision as to who will be the next PotUS.
There is no getting around that.
So go ahead, Texan, sit in front of your keyboard spouting whatever you wish to spout.
But when it comes time to make the decision of Biden v Trump, you have stated that you will NOT participate and thus you are leaving it up to others to make the decision.
What are you asking for? What is unclear to you?
The obvious "and" is: ".... you are leaving it up to others to make the decision."
As I noted early on, I think that is just great!
They're just getting nervous about how third party votes fuck Biden up more than Trump....
Just wondering why you felt the need to ask it a half dozen times. I was thinking maybe you had a point.
There is some belief that Trump and Biden are the ONLY two choices on a ballot.
Some don't believe that anyone would not vote for either one and opt for either a third party or a write in.
You either are NOT going to vote for either Biden or Trump or you are going to vote for one of them. Logically, this is binary. It is either X or ~X where X ≡ "voting for Biden or Trump".
You have confirmed that I was correct in noting that you will not vote for either.
That means you are leaving the decision of who will be PotUS (if Biden v Trump) to others.
And I think that is great!
It was crystal clear at the inception of this nonsense. I correctly stated your position upfront and have correctly stated it throughout.
You confirmed that I am correct.
You are not going to vote for either Biden or Trump if it is Biden v Trump.
That means you are leaving the decision of who will be PotUS (if Biden v Trump) to others.
And I think that is great!
Do you believe that a third party candidate in 2024 could win the presidency?
If so, who is this remarkable person?
In the meantime, those of us who do indeed understand the election dynamics in 2024 realize that if this is a repeat of Biden v Trump, the PotUS will either be Biden or Trump. Those who do not vote for one or the other are leaving the decision to others.
You are one of those who is leaving the decision to others because you will not vote for either Biden or Trump (if Biden v Trump).
What specifically did I ask for half a dozen times?
Well that is some special 'logic'.
Do you think that Texan is likely to vote for a third party candidate who would draw votes from Biden?
Really, Greg, you think Texan is inclined to vote for a liberal/progressive leaning 3rd party candidate rather than a conservative leaning 3rd party candidate?
I think it is great that Texan is not going to vote for Biden or Trump if Biden v Trump. That is one less vote for Trump and even if Texan votes third party, it would have no effect on Biden (just pulls from Trump).
That is my question to you. I stated this upfront and have correctly repeated it. You are the one who agrees when you write those words but disagrees when I write them.
You are the one who is demonstrably confused.
Exactly as I have stated repeatedly from the inception!
That means you are leaving the decision of who will be PotUS (if Biden v Trump) to others.
And I think that is great!
That's the partisanship I was talking about......
Since you recognize that this is improbable (in 2024, next to impossible), do you realize that your vote is equivalent to not voting for the president in 2024 in terms of deciding the winner?
Hell, do you even know which 3rd party candidate you would vote for? Do you even have a name to offer?
You are free to vote for whoever you think would make the best leader, but in the end you (all of us) will be stuck with either Biden or Trump (if Biden v Trump).
In short, you appear to be kidding yourself.
But I am quite pleased that you will not be casting a vote for either Biden or Trump. Because if the contest is indeed Biden v. Trump, one of those two will be PotUS. Since you would never vote for Biden, this is just one less potential vote for Trump.
I think that it is great that you have chosen to let others choose between Biden and Trump.
Where is the partisanship in pointing out that not voting for Biden or Trump is ipso facto leaving the decision to others?
You must have a very exotic, personal definition for the word 'partisanship'.
If it is Biden v Trump, then that belief is quite sound.
The belief that a 3rd party candidate can (magically) win the presidency in 2024 is fantasy.
I suppose,.. 6.2.83
Your responses have proven to be absurd, so no loss there.
I really only care about stating my position and illustrating that I have been correct all along in spite of your constant denials, etc.:
Yup, exactly what I stated at the inception.
That means you are leaving the decision of who will be PotUS (if Biden v Trump) to others.
And I think that is great!
Yeah, IMO this illustrates that it is best for you to let others make the big decision.
Of course, you have no argument.
Now that is some desperate fantasy.
Sometimes we need to man up and make the hard decisions. But in this case, Biden and Trump are not equivalent. Not by a long shot.
I am happy to see those who cannot see the difference not get involved in the big decision.
I don't see anything worth arguing over.
yeah, it's best to stick to defending one...
Ahhh, the freedom to choose
The people who have no integrity are upset that some may vote their conscious costing Biden votes.
If people had integrity they wouldn't be able to vote for brain dead joe
The funny thing is, the ones who whine endlessly about the shitty choices will end up voting for 1 of the shitty choices thus perpetuating the fact that we will continue to get shitty choices.
Would a vote for Trump be an example of a vote based on integrity?
Normally I would agree with you. Let's say we are looking at a matchup like Obama vs. McCain. Or even Bush vs. Kerry. These were far from great choices, but neither nominee was intolerably bad. So if one did not approve of either one, it would make sense to vote third party to help promote the development of same.
And even today, if we have Biden v. Trump and Trump was in a situation where he had no realistic path to the presidency, I would definitely consider voting for who I would prefer (and it would not be Biden or Trump). But it does not look like that will be an option for me.
In 2024, we will likely have two bad choices but Trump is absolutely unacceptable; an order of magnitude worse than Biden. This is not the time to make a protest vote. It is time to stop this demagogue traitor from securing the power of the presidency. The GOP is clearly fucking this up, so it is up to the general electorate to prevent the USA from putting into the office of the presidency the worst violator of his oath of office of any PotUS in our history. And, quite possibly, a convicted felon.
These are extraordinary times. It is no time to be planting seeds for the emergence (albeit unlikely) of a viable third party in the distant future.
I am disgusted that the best possible choice is Biden, but that is the likely reality and we must deal with reality.
Why are they extraordinary times?...
We have two elderly men, both way past their prime, as the likely nominees for the major parties. The record-breaking oldest nominees in our history.
One of these men is a traitor who is the worst violator of his oath of office of any PotUS in our history. And, quite possibly, a convicted felon. The other is alleged to have taken money from foreign agents for political favors; it is possible that this has legs.
Surely you have seen the next level of details I have penned in this forum supporting the above.
Surely I have, yet these are the prospects being put forth...
So why is it not obvious to you that these are extraordinary times?
I'll observe the trends are without bias. I may, or may not like what I see, but I won't interpret them through partisan lenses.
This schtick got boring months ago.
It is pathetic watching someone admit that they cannot distinguish a PotUS whose policies he dislikes from a genuine traitor — the only PotUS to attempt to steal a US presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement. One who violated his oath of office by trying to circumvent the CotUS and by attempting to undermine the foundation of democracy — the vote of the electorate.
Which of the two violated their oaths of office so profoundly as to result in 91 felony charges backed by overwhelming, credible evidence? Which of the two is a vindictive, narcissistic asshole? Not difficult at all to determine which of the two is by far the worst for this nation.
But you are, by your own words, not equipped to decide so you will leave it up to others. I think you are correct, best to leave it up to others.
Exactly. If people looked at all the people on the ballot and voted for who they believed would be best for the country (regardless of the D or R after their name or voting for someone to make sure someone else does not get voted in) it might be surprising what the result would be. At least the person that most people (taking into consideration the EC) the will of the people would be done. Of course that would take integrity in voting so we are generations away from that but maybe in my grandkids lifetime.
All those felony charges and no convictions.
Amazing! Especially with all that “credible and overwhelming” evidence. With such open shut cases it’s amazing they haven’t gamed at least one of them into a conviction yet.
Simply amazing.
Yeah, it sucks that we have partisans who just go with the flow rather than make objective, well-conceived decisions about the most powerful office on the planet.
Some people have no problem voting for a traitor and try to justify it by saying the other guy is a worse traitor.
What a feeble argument. The trials have to actually start before a conviction is possible.
Do you believe the charges are all without merit?
You too are going to declare that you cannot tell the difference in scope and severity, in terms of traitorous acts, between Biden and Trump?
Trump is a demonstrable traitor. Biden has yet to do anything that would make him a traitor. Policy disagreements do not translate into traitorous acts.
Yep. Of course many of them most likely think they are making objective well conceived decisions when in reality they are intellectually lazy and just "going with the flow".
If they are both traitors does the severity really matter when trying to determine who to vote for?
You are obviously accusing me of being intellectually lazy and going with the flow.
So make your argument. Show me how I am being intellectually lazy and going with the flow.
They are down to relying on the power of "both-sidesism". It's not impossible to believe the voting public may eventually say "to hell with both of them" and then the election becomes a crapshoot.
We need the national media to stop pretending Trump is a normal person and candidate, but up til now they still are pretending.
You have admitted that you cannot distinguish between a demonstrable traitor and a PotUS whose policies you dislike.
The only feeble thing here are your comments that assign guilt before guilt is proven in a court of law. The pattern of bias present in your comments show a clear and present danger to well reasoned and unbiased thought.
Feeble probably isn’t the right word. Pathetic is more appropriate.
Of course a lie. I have never stated that Trump has been found guilty of these charges. You have no argument, so of course we see deflection and dishonesty instead.
The facts show guilt, not jury verdicts. Guilty people get acquitted, for whatever reason, all the time.
Trump approved a plan for Pence to declare him president by disenfranchising millions of voters, that is the first case for him being a traitor, and he sat on his hands in the oval office while a riot he inspired was taking place at the Capitol, a riot he hoped would stop the vote count that day. That is the second way he is a traitor.
Those are facts, and will be facts even if he never gets convicted.
No John, not to the people who actually are willing to put their country over their party, If the voting public says "to hell with both of them" we will actually get a person who isn't mentally deficient, and it will send a shockwave through the parties of the likes we have never seen. can you imagine a coalition government where we don't pray for a power shift every 2 years and they actually have to build alliances to work for the good of the majority.
There is ZERO chance of that happening this year. Aim for 2028 if you want.
I agree, but note that when people have no argument, they zero in on specific words and play semantic games. Don't use the word guilt or guilty because that is a legal determination. Use a word like wrongdoing because that is an assessment that can be made outside of a court of law based on the observable facts.
Trump defenders will argue that Trump did not engage in any wrongdoings, but at least it stops the pathetic little word game with the word "guilt".
Other than that, I agree with your post.
Bullshit. You regularly call Trump a traitor as one example. That assigns guilt no matter how you try to spin it. C’mon man …. Take a stand!
People have guilty consciences, and it has nothing to do with the law.
"kids, which one of you is guilty of going into the cookie jar"?
Guilt is a conclusion drawn with or without legal ramifications.
If we use "wrongdoing" they will say that such conduct doesnt rise to a disqualification.
Damn straight.
You might have a guilty conscious but that is not what I meant at all. I was talking more about people voting because someone has a D or R next to their name being too lazy to look at the people available to vote for. I thought that is who you meant when you said go with the flow.
Great philosophy. I totally support the philosophy.
But it will not work in 2024. You can apply your philosophy this election year and what will end up is the equivalent of you sitting on the sidelines and not voting.
This year we have a very serious problem. The GOP is almost certainly going to nominate Trump. He is, by far, the worst candidate of any that were running. He is clearly much worse for this nation than Biden. He is a fine example of a human being who, by a long shot, should never be PotUS.
There is only one way to use one's vote to help prevent letting that traitor gain access to the power of the presidency when the choice is him or Biden. That means voting for Biden.
Not a desirable move, but there is no other option.
I have stated numerous times in this forum that I would vote for who I prefer if on a Biden v Trump matchup that Trump had no realistic chance to win. That is absolutely NOT the case. Trump could indeed win. Thus I am going to vote against Trump in the most effective possible way.
Further, I have been promoting someone other than Trump as the GOP nominee. I have been financially supporting Haley and will vote for her if I have the chance to do so.
That is it. That is all we have to work with. So great philosophy but irrelevant in 2024.
He made the cardinal sin. He beat the chosen one and now he is trying again. Oh the humanity. It must be resisted.
That said I’ll be gone in a bit. I have resisted the chosen here one as well. Oh the humanity.
F’n do A
Far be it for me to speak for someone else but I think Tex considers them both traitors
Exactly and until we start doing it we will never see it. Even if that means voting for a person with little chance the first few times we do it. We have to start somewhere. And as the numbers grow after a few election cycles the 2 parties will have to pay attention.
Did that once, it helped Clinton get elected the first time. Never again.
Not until control of the process is ripped out of the death grip the DNC and RNC have on the process.
Until then, a third party vote, is a wasted vote.
It won't work in the first few election cycles it is done. Only as more and more people do it will it make a difference. It has to be started sometime and if you wait for a good time it will never happen. It seems all of our elections are to save democracy or for the soul of the nation.
I suggest the only way the death grip is lightened is if more and more people see voting for a third party (if they believe that is the best candidate). Until the DNC and RNC see their grip bein loosened for them they will not change. I also suggest this will take several election cycles and admit it might not work at all if more people do not consider viable alternatives and the numbers voting for them grow.
Wrong. I have not stated that Trump is guilty of a crime. I have stated that based on his actions, he is clearly a traitor. Learn the difference between an assessment based on evidence vs a criminal finding of guilt.
And I have never called you a liar. That is another lie. There is a big difference between calling a statement a lie and calling the author a liar. Learn the difference.
lol …. Amazing
Trump's cardinal sin is that he is the biggest asshole in the history of American politics.
He should just leave the American people the hell alone.
In 2024 it is clearly a wasted vote. While shoring up support for a viable third party is the right thing to do, IMO, the fact that Trump has a realistic shot at the presidency is an overriding factor.
I disagree. His cardinal sin is that he has violated his oath of office substantially more than any other PotUS in our history. He is a traitor and is unfit for the office. He is an asshole extraordinaire, no doubt, but those personal qualities are secondary, IMO, to his traitorous actions while in office.
Good to hear!
Nearly 20% of the popular vote went to the guy I voted for.
20% ….. think about that for awhile. Nothing close since.
I agree with your concept but imo it will never happen slowly. The DC machine will make sure of that.
Then you are, in rare form, actually agreeing with something I wrote.
Sickening to read this ⇡.
That's better than the nation continuing to suffer.
“He is clearly much worse for this nation than Biden.”
Biden is just another in a long line of politicians who ascended to the top spot as a result of party machinations…regardless of party.
His presumptive opponent, on the other hand, is a delusional lone wolf…with nothing to offer but hate, division, and a selfish disregard for all we hold dear.
We should demand better, but given the reality, we could do much worse than the status quo…as the alternative exposes the very worst of us.
Yeah but at least we are at a level of looking at the conduct rather than the pathetic little word game that you see.
That said, you probably have noticed that even though I consistently use 'wrongdoing', those who cannot debate will translate that into 'guilt' and then go back to the same old bullshit of 'he was never found guilty'.
Those without an argument will engage in dishonest tactics no matter what. There really is only so much one can do when one's interlocutor does not care about honesty.
Another example of a pathetic tactic. A common tactic when one has made a statement that boxes them into a corner is to deny what they said. They claim that the semantic equivalent of what they said, or the logical consequences of what they said, is "putting words in their mouth". If the interlocutor does not write the exact same words, they make this dishonest claim. And when the interlocutor quotes their words, they claim (sometimes absurdly) that their words mean something entirely different.
I think his assholeishness and his traitorism correspond.
What he really is is a malignant narcissist who has acquired considerable political power which he misuses every single day.
You seem to have an exaggerated view of suffering when it comes to the Ds in control and an idealistic fantasy of life under the Rs.
The last think this nation needs is a vindictive asshole narcissist gaining the power of the presidency. Trump has demonstrated that he will throw the CotUS, the rule of law, democracy, etc. under the bus if it suits him personally. And you think this abysmal character, when term-limited, surrounded by sycophants will result in a good situation for our nation.
There is a profound difference between considering Biden a traitor because of his border policies (and/or extrapolating allegations of taking money for political favor into actual fact) vs. the overwhelming evidence of Trump's acts during his Big Lie con-job.
One can loosen the meaning of traitor to include both, but one cannot honestly claim that they are even remotely on the same scale.
This would be like comparing a felonious bank robber to a shoplifter and declaring that there is no difference in scale or impact since they are both thieves.
I agree. 2024 is not the year to start.
By the way, this is not the start anyway. We have been trying to energize third parties for decades. It will take a very long time and I am not sure we ever will get there.
In the meantime, we have a very serious situation in 2024.
And you seem to have an amazing sense of insensitivity to the daily lives of Americans under Biden.
“You seem to have an exaggerated view of suffering when it comes to the Ds in control and an idealistic fantasy of life under the Rs.”
So, so true.
We don’t know real suffering…and yet some feel compelled, in our privilege, to speak out against anything and everything that in their partisan selfishness offends them.
How is Biden making you suffer Vic?
Another example of your exaggerations. You seem to ignore the fact that the economy is getting better, inflation is getting back to normal, interest rates are coming down, the stock market (and that means 401ks, etc.) is doing well.
Life is never perfect. But we are not in 1979 with a high misery index.
People who had to give up their jobs to stay home with their kids when schools were needlessly shut down offends me.
Inflation offends me.
Making people pay more for gasoline offends me.
Millions of people flowing into the country offends me
And YES Americans have suffered under this proxy for the radical left that you and TiG are fine with.
I think your labeling Biden a traitor is childish and lame.
I think your pretending that your unstated justification for calling Biden a traitor compares with the objective, demonstrable evidence supporting labeling Trump a traitor is grossly dishonest and illustrates profound partisan bias.
But, then again, you might actually not be able to see the difference ... as you have suggested. If that is the case, there is no reasoning with you.
I will never be fine with suffering.
I will however, disagree with people engaging in partisan-induced hyperbole.
Get real, Vic.
Funny you should ask knowing the answers you are going to get if you read and digest continuous polling. BTW, you never ever answered that same basic question when asked how Trump affected you and yours while in office.
I have about a dozen adult Trumpsters in my family. Nieces and nephews and their spouses and my brother and his wife. All Trump supporters all the time. Not one of them suffers a damn thing because of Biden, other than they have to pay taxes. They all have good jobs , nice houses, and good kids. To some extent they all live "the American dream". One my nieces husband is a deputy of aviation at O'Hare Airport. It is a very good job, but he is a big Trump supporter.
Many of the fools who invaded the capitol on Jan 6 were middle aged white guys without a damn thing to complain about in their personal lives, other than maybe their neighborhood was becoming too "diversified".
As I have told you numerous times, I dont want the biggest asshole in the history of this country leading the country. Call me crazy.
“Inflation offends me.
Making people pay more for gasoline offends me.
Millions of people flowing into the country offends me”
So you have obviously been offended for decades…that is if you’re honest…for the offense has occurred regardless of the administration du jour.
Sorry that still doesn't answer the question ...............but okay.
Fitness to hold office is the first criteria, not the last.
And, as we have witnessed over the last 8+ years, is also a matter of opinion not shared by all.
Yes you are right. Some people are willing to overlook the fact that Trump tried to overthrow his own government.
2002, 2012, 2022 - Inflation rate - 1.58%, 0.2%, 8%
2002, 2012, 2011 - Avg price of gas - $1.36, $3.40, $4.24
Migrant border crossings in fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking previous record.
And yet there is STILL nothing to back up your claim.
Ya know, I'd like to see some ACTUAL FACTS where Trump has been arrested, charged, tried and convicted of trying to overthrow the government of the U. S.
Show us some of the trial transcripts - charging papers - arrest records - or conviction papers John.
Tell that to 74 million or so people that voted for him in 2020
That is one huge backet of deplorables.......LOL
“Tell that to 74 million or so people that voted for him in 2020”
In a losing effort.
That he garners such support is simply mind boggling.
That's 74 million that saw Traitor Joe as the problem he turned out o be.
“That's 74 million that saw Traitor Joe as the problem he turned out o be”
And still he lost.
And yet trump remains the presumptive nominee. Just what do those 74 million not comprehend? And yes, those numbers are frightening in their ignorance
He is an absolute abomination and a skid mark staining all we should hold dear.
Read and understood
You may very well be right. I am not ready to give up on the concept yet.
Miracles can happen, just don't count on them.
Seems some can. Or they just say a traitor is a traitor is a traitor is a traitor and they don't want to vote for a traitor. Not sure why you seem to have such an issue with someone honestly thinking like that without being partisan, not honest or the several other names they are called.
It is usually said we have a very serious situation in a presidential voting year. So if not now, when?
Yes, they sure do.
IMO it is kind of hard to call someone partisan if they have said they won't vote for the individual for president.
Do you believe that Trump was actually under the impression that a couple hundred rioters would be enough to keep him in the oval office?
So it is your opinion that it is not a matter of opinion. It is my opinion that your opinion that it is not a matter of opinion is not the correct opinion and it is indeed a matter of opinion.
Claiming that Biden is a traitor is, at the onset, absurd hyperbole. If Biden had serious evidence against him that he took bribes in return for political favors, my statement would be different. But right now, calling Biden a traitor is hyper-partisan nonsense.
Trump, in contrast, has mountains of evidence (much publicly available) showing that he violated his oath of office by attempting to circumvent the CotUS and disenfranchise voters through a scheme of fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement.
Equating the two is utter nonsense.
Any term prior to this would be suitable. 2024 is distinctively NOT suitable. Good grief man, do you not recognize how bad Trump is for this nation?
Still 74 million that didn't buy (and still don't buy) the bullshit.
He's lived rent free in the lefts heads since 2015. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't hear them whining and complaining about how he hurt their feelings.
I agree. Biden should have been out of politics when Alzheimer's symptoms first appeared.
Well when you have someone claiming they will not vote for Trump but then defend him at every turn and bash Biden regardless of supporting evidence, that pretty much shows partisan bias.
I cannot claim that such an individual is lying on a social media forum to avoid having to deal with the challenges of voting for Trump, but I see no evidence that supports the claim that he will not vote for Trump. We merely have his word.
In contrast, I freely criticize Biden (for cause). I do not engage in petty crap on either side. You will notice that I do not criticize Trump's features, golf cheating, womanizing, intelligence, etc. I almost never criticize his policies. My criticism of Trump has been exclusively on his wrongful acts as PotUS.
I am actively (including financially) supporting Haley for PotUS. She is a Republican. I want her (a Republican) to be the next PotUS over Biden (a Democrat).
Should Haley fail to get the nomination, I will vote for Biden specifically as the most effective way for me to vote against Trump.
Now you show me someone who criticizes and praises both parties (when appropriate), is supporting one party, but will shift to the other party based on specific circumstances and I will likely respect their stated position as a political independent.
But if you show me an individual who almost always sides with one party (regardless of quality of the argument) and routinely (and often unfairly) attacks the other, you almost assuredly have a partisan. No matter what they claim in terms of their voting.
It really does not matter what Trump thought. His schemes were entirely irrational and desperate.
What matters is what he did. There is no possible way to excuse creating fake electors as part of a scheme to table SoS certified votes and force Congress to decide the next president. (Just one of many examples of wrongdoing.) No matter how unrealistic that scheme was.
First, unless you can deliver a diagnosis by a qualified professional, your claim of Alzheimer's symptoms is bullshit.
Second, by the same token — using your loose criteria, do you believe Trump should now get out of running for office?
Much like all your claims. Deal with it how you please.
Now look at the rambling of Traitor Joe and his looking for dead people or shaking the hands of people who just aren't there. Or do you want to keep the partisan games going?
Yet another bullshit response.
You parrot bullshit from partisan sources and then label those of us who follow sound evidence as partisans.
you will never get a direct answer to that question.
based upon how unhinged trump became in his NH victory speech, I hope haley stays in the race for a few more months to give trump more chances to unleash his xenophobia and misogyny on her to further alienate even more independent voters.
I’m sure many home buyers are very offended by mortgage interest rates.
Average 30 year in 2020 about 3.2%. Right now it’s over double that at about 7% with excellent credit. More like 7.9% with a US average credit score of 700, for a payment of about $2500 a month for a $350000 30 year fixed. In 2020 that same mortgage would be about $1600 a month.
$900 less a month in the old pocket on that alone. Tough to gaslight that.
OK, so maybe they don't vote for Biden but really really really don't vote for Trump.
I have faith that no matter who is voted in in 2024 we will be fine when 2028 comes.
Or they recognize that Trump should never have the power of the presidency and vote against him.
You could have always said you just don't want to answer the question.
Of course we will survive, that is not the question. The choice is not survival or destruction. Don't leap to the absurd extremes and/or pretend that I did.
So when Biden didn't know who the true gov of Virginia was do you think it was election denial or mental decline?
Last night he didnt know who the gov of Virginia was. Or he was still in election denial over it.
Or I could have opined as I did. Further, you did not ask that question of me, you asked it of JR.
Nobody knows what Trump is actually thinking. What matters are his actions, not his private thoughts.
Or they do whatever they think is best and don't worry about what others think
Actually it seemed to me "Good grief man, do you not recognize how bad Trump is for this nation?" was reaching to chicken little extremes.
Why yes I did
It was partisan sniping by Biden; a stupid move, IMO, since he should be unifying and not alienating.
Reading more into it than that is more of the bullshit, emotional, partisan crap that seems to be the status quo nowadays. Clearly, you are trying to pretend that Biden actually believes McAuliffe is the current governor.
What would you have said if Biden made a comment about how the airports were closed during the Revolutionary war?
People need to stop being so fucking ridiculous.
That illustrates how you are incorrectly taking comments to an absurd degree. Get a grip.
It doesnt bother me at all if people think Biden is not a good president, but it is ridiculous beyond words when they claim Trump belongs within a million miles of the White House. He is easily the most unfit for office president or presidential candidate we have ever seen.
The denial will go forever though, they are all in too deep with the kool aid.
Actually I was asking a question. Who knows what is going on in his mind. Since he is the great uniter I didn't think it could be a cheap shot at God knows who.
You're kidding , right?
Pathological even....
The average historical inflation rate is %3.8 with the highest months in 1980 when it was 13.5%, yet we survived.
The current rate is 3.4 and trending downwards.
The average historical mortgage rate is 7.9% since 1971.
Covid was the gift that gave us the lowest mortgage rate ever in April 2021 of 2.65%
but that, like 0% interest was unsustainable.
Current average mortgage rate is 6.83%
Not a surprise it is still far below the average and what Americans have been used to for 50 years.
Not surprising that the highest years of inflation in the 80s ( 13.5% ) coincided with
16% plus mortgage rates and we all survived.
Not gaslighting or Bidenomics
Spin baby spin.
That analysis is sophomoric at best. No discussion of reasons why we are at where we are today vs 2020. No discussion of the end effect of quantitative easing or many quarters of a zero % Fed interest rate.
Your “average” was driven up by the borderline hyperinflation of the seventies to eighties, driven up by rising food prices, rising energy prices and Nixons wage- price control problem. Sound familiar?
And COVID had little to do with historically low mortgage interest rates. That was largely due to historically low inflation rates that came before which was actually below 1 for a short time.
So try again but spin better.
So you chose partisan games [deleted]
You are making a tempest in a teapot again.
I've been transferred from PA to CA to SC back to PA.
The mortgage rate was never a factor in buying a home.
As for Covid and mortgage rates?
Mortgage rates drop to new record low as coronavirus cases climb - MarketWatch
Afterwords when vaccines started to become available
Bidenomics? The higher mortgage rates are a sign of the stronger economy.
NO spin required.
9+ months to go before the election and they're already throwing anything that burns into the fire...
Holy shit, now you are spinning your spin. Shouldn’t be surprised I suppose.
Tell it all to regular Americans trying to make ends meet right now. Not being able to afford homes because of the higher interest rate, effectively doubling monthly payments over 2020. And mortgage interest is just one leg of Biden policy that is crushing them financially right now.
Keep pushing Bidenomics. You are Trumps best campaign commercial. Keep it up. To quote one of your own: it’s the economy stupid,
Oh the partisan empathy of every election cycle /s
So which is it, my friendly financial wizard? They can't afford a mortgage because of the interest rates
or they are being crushed by them? It can't be both.
If they have a mortgage they most certainly proved to the lender that they could afford it.
I live in the real world, free of worrying about your fears and opinions but
thanks for expressing yours.
then maybe we should impose age limits for serving in elected office, and for the voters participating...
Nikki Haley has declared that South Carolina is her marker. Haley will receive more of the vote in New Hampshire than she did in Iowa. Under normal circumstances the unbiased liberal press would report that as Haley gaining momentum. But we all know the unbiased liberal press wants Trump. BTW, Nikki Haley beats Joe Biden and the margins should increase now. So, Biden loses to any of the Republican candidates now. It's looking like Biden is the one who doesn't have a path forward.
If it's a Trump/Biden rematch then our only hope is someone drops an atom bomb on Washington D.C. Nuclear holocaust would be the only sane remedy to either in the White House. Who the hell would serve on a Trump cabinet anyway?
They will find someone. They always do. So long as Trump doesn't listen to Washington insiders this time around he should do a better job. Having cabinet members that are actively working against you is a sure route to failure.
Of course with Brandon he has the hand picked favorites of the Democrats/Left serving on his cabinet- which is the reason this country is so fucked up right now.
Trump's nominees have to make it through Senate confirmation. Trump ain't gonna retake the Senate. Independents won't allow Republicans to control government with Trump in the White House. Trump being the nominee actually helps down ballot Democrats. Why do you think Democrats want Trump running against Biden? It's not just about King Trump or King Biden.
My name is in for AG.
Antagonist General.
The resume speaks for itself.
I'd be doing the same thing Merrick Galand has done....only from a MAGA perspective.
Yes, it will hurt.
7.2.1 was replied to by member addressed and will stay, charger
Sticky chickens. Supposed to pluck the feathers first but you seem impatient. Yup, tar 'n sticky chickens.
Only to the triggered ….
I wonder if I could get a job as Ambassador to Scotland. I could spend my days wandering the countryside, traveling from one distillery to the next.
I'll talk to the big guy for you.
I don't think so. I think if Haley does well at all today, the liberal press will find a way to inflate its importance. I have to believe most liberals would much prefer Nikki Haley over Trump.
I am a liberal and I want Trump gone out of American political life. End of story.
He is a cancer on our national ethics and character.
The argument against that is that Haley is a stronger competitor against Biden than is Trump. So the more partisan liberal reporting will tend to favor Trump.
But in general I agree. I think we will see relatively little of the blatant dishonesty designed to discredit Haley and support Trump from the D side.
Haley landed a punch that forced Trump to duck & cover. That doesn't happen very often. The unbiased liberal press didn't make much of it though.
I'd be surprised if Nikki Haley wins New Hampshire but it's certainly within the realm of possibility. I do expect the unbiased liberal press to downplay the results no matter what.
Liberals want Biden so it's necessary to squirrel the Republican primaries to Biden's advantage. Haley would make that a much higher hill to climb.
Ukraine was the main arms supplier for Russia's military aid to other countries. Obviously Russia needs to audition and recruit a replacement. Not only has Ukraine lost a large market for one its main industries, Ukraine has now become a proving ground to audition a replacement.
Maybe the installed Kiev government should have attacked Crimea in 2014 after Russia annexed it. But, no, the installed government attacked Ukrainian Donbas to prevent being voted out in the next election. Is it any surprise that the illegitimate Ukrainian government receives unquestioning support from Democrats?
At least the base has started kicking neoliberal Republican balls till they see the error of their ways. But the pigs at the trough don't want to give up the military kickbacks. Yep, those old Congressional neoliberal Republicans really would sell out taxpayers for champagne and prostitutes.
OH, there it is! Let us keep cooking pork!
If some restaurant wants to have a pork free menu , why do you give a shit? Are you addicted to pork?
Let me know where they are so I can roll in a roasted pig.
They don't have to fucking eat it just because it's on the menu..............SMMFH. Stop the accommodation. You come here, you deal with what we have here. PERIOD!!!
The seeder trolled his own article, which is interesting , I guess.
if only most republicans could apply that attitude towards the constitution...
I didn't know that rolling in roasted pig was a thing...
Do you leave your clothes on while doing this rolling? Does the Pig have to be fresh from the fire or can you let it cool off a little first?
Whichever may encourage them to keep their promise.
So, if someone made the same quip referencing Jews who have the same dietary restrictions against eating pork it is antisemitic, but to ridicule Muslims it is entirely, um, kosher?
Who brought Jews into the conversation? And where did they say it was anti semitic?
The thing you are missing is that when was the last time you saw a Jew make those demands? I never have. But I have seen those stupid ass tactics from Muslims and Vegans.
What I have seen are Jews RESPECTFULLY asking if there was any Kosher items on the menu. They don't make a big thing out of it making stupid ass demands. They move on RESPECTFULLY.
Perhaps you need to catch up to reality? From a 2015 survey:
So, who's squealing about pork now?
Why can't Muslims do what Vegans do, just don't eat the meat? Maybe its because that head covering means she is an ultra-conservative religious fanatic. And it's the same God that gives vegan liberals wet socks.
Debunked years ago...
But it is the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it /S
It certainly seems to bring out the best in people too, /S
... as if that's ever made a difference to the true believers.
Marjorie Taylor Greene told a reporter last night that any Republican that wont get behind Trump will be run out of the party.
I heard some interviews with New Hampshire voters the other day. Incredibly, a Republican woman said she would vote for Trump, because she didn't think a woman should be in that position right now. Her reason? "We" - meaning women generally - think too much with "our hearts." Apparently, only the calm, logical mind of a man can steer the Ship of State in the proper direction.
So, we still have that nonsense going on in this country. Even in New Hampshire. I can't even imagine having such low self esteem that I thought the job was beyond my capabilities because of my sex.
Men say "we need a woman president" all the time. Doesn't seem to bother anyone.
Do they say men can't do the job because they're men? There's a big difference between looking for different perspectives or representation and saying someone is incapable of doing the work because of what they are.
I sense it might bother you.
They say the reverse of what you claim this woman said, that a woman, by virtue of being a woman, would make a better President.
Does it bother you? Do you think men who believe women would make better Presidents suffer from low self esteem?
Do they? I don’t even know who “they” is supposed to be. You also said “men say.” Well, i’m a man, and I don’t say that. Your argument sounds like it might be in your mind.
I have already said what I think. You’re coming at me with “men say” and “they say” but seem unwilling to just commit to expressing your own thoughts on the matter.
Does anybody think that Biden has the mental or physical capacity to make it through another term? That means President Harris, exactly who is fucking stupid enough to think she is better choice than anybody trump might pick for his VP?
Biden's age is a problem. Trump's age is a problem. 3 1/2 years difference.
So age is a problem with both.
Forget age (nullified) and focus on critical factors such as fitness for office. Trump has violated his oath of office worse (by an order of magnitude) than any other PotUS in our history. (I can go on ...) By what level of irrational thinking do people vote for this traitor?
eeeeeek! a liberal minded woman of mixed race as president in a nation of equality! oh, the horror...
Previously posted on another thread, but worth repeating, at least until we quit the squabbling and agree it is past time to move forward:
“We are facing nine+ plus months of meaningless argument over whether either nominee is competent…to no one’s satisfaction.
Let us all focus on the down ballot issues and candidates…for that is where a vote, a voice, and a vision truly matter. Peace. “
I will not be voting for Biden for President!
I will not be voting for Trump for President!
My hope is that either one of the two major parties (or both of them) will realize that these two should not be president and pick someone else as their candidate or a third party materializes on the ballot.
Short of those two options I will be writing in my vote ....
A poster with integrity, refreshing.
A poster that is going to waste their vote.
Texan @6.2.36 ☞ I will not vote for Biden or Trump under any circumstances.
Another wasted vote. Your point?