Showdown on the Rio Grande

Link to quote: “Hold the line”: Republicans rally to Abbott’s defense in border standoff with Biden (
In the backwards world of the American left it is somehow legal for localities to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" that accept illegal migrants with open arms while states that try to enforce the immigration laws that the federal government won't are somehow in violation of the law. I assume the recent SCOTUS decision is going along with the idea that Constitutionally, only the federal government gets to enforce immigration law even though unconstitutionally it won't. In a 5-4 decision earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court vacated a lower court’s ruling that prevented Border Patrol agents from cutting the wire to apprehend people who had crossed the river. It seems that the administrations lawyers convinced at least 2 Justices that border agents needed to get into the small area known as Shelby Park, a 47-acre area in Eagle Pass.
In response the Governor of the Great State of Texas has drawn a line in the sand. Governor Abbott made it clear that Texas was under an “invasion,” giving the state the constitutional right to defend itself and pointed out the obvious: that President Joe Biden’s practice of paroling migrants into the country amounted to a refusal to enforce current immigration laws. About 25 other Governors have come out in supported Abbott.
Today the Biden administration wants full access to the park.
We are already in danger:
With a constitutional crisis brewing in Texas and voters nationwide alarmed by the toll of illegal immigration, some of the FBI’s most famous retired executives are issuing a stark warning to Congress that President Joe Biden’s border policies have unleashed an “invasion” of military-aged male foreigners who pose “one of the most pernicious ever” threats to American security.
Ten former FBI executives – some who oversaw the bureau’s intelligence, counterterrorism, criminal and training operations – expressed their alarm in a letter dated Jan. 17 to House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Leader Chuck Schumer and the chairmen of the House and Senate committees that preside over the U.S. intelligence and Homeland Security apparatus.
Their language affirms that of both current FBI Director Christopher Wray, who testified the nation’s security lights are “blinking red,” and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who alleges Biden’s loosening of border security has allowed an “invasion” of America by foreigners with troubling origins and attributes.
“In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now,” the FBI luminaries wrote. “Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands - not by splashing ashore from a ship or parachuting from a plane but rather by foot across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted.
FBI luminaries starkly warn Congress that U.S. being invaded at border: ‘Alarming and perilous’ | Just The News
Meanwhile in congress, House Republicans had leveraged funding to Ukraine and Israel with border security. In the Senate Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell had been working on a secret deal to do that. How they were ever going to do that is unknown since House Republicans want to block migrants from living and working temporarily without visas in the United States while they await the outcome of their immigration claims. Many of them demand a revival of the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which forced immigrants to wait elsewhere to see if they would be permitted entry. Unfortunately, democrats are now controlled by the radical left and would never agree to such terms.
Speaker Mike Johnson has now declared that a Senate deal without those policies would be dead on arrival in the House.
And now former President Trump has weighed in. He is warning congressional Republicans of another dirty deal by democrats:
“We need a Strong, Powerful, and essentially ‘PERFECT’ Border and, unless we get that, we are better off not making a Deal, ” he wrote on social media.
In other news:
Donald Trump testified yesterday in the "he said/she said" defamation trial in NY yesterday. A NY jury believed E. Jean Carroll's claims over Trump's denials. What a shock.
The latest GDP report has enabled Joe Biden to speak for a full 24 minutes on his wonderful economy.
The far-left activist group "MoveOn" will spend more than $32 Million to re-elect Joe Biden.
The U.N.’s highest court is expected to decide today whether Israel should suspend its war in Gaza. Thank God it is powerless.
The U.S. and Britain imposed new sanctions on Houthi leaders. Donald Trump had them declared a terrorist organization and Joe Biden removed the designation.
Good morning.

All eyes today will be on a 43-acre plot on land on the southern border. This is where elections have consequences.
Where are those who voted against "chaos" and damned the country to this?
They are defending Brandon and calling for the blood to be shed of their fellow Americans.
They seem to defend him no matter what he does.
I would say they have drank too much of his Kool-Aid but it seems only something much stronger would make you buy into this much constant bullshit.
Now they are trying to sell us that the democrats are ready to allow REAL BORDER SECURITY in return for funding for the Ukraine..
And it is Trump that wants the border open.
They really think the people are stupid.
they're in the republican party. they've blocked every attempt at a border solution to date. now they're marching to the orders of a traitor in florida, already judged guilty of sexual assault and fraud, and awaiting even more trials this year. it seems an incompetent congress with no legislative accomplishments needs to blame others, for their complete lack of governance in the run up to the november elections, with a crisis that they've created in their continuing attempts to place a felon in the white house. they're using political extortion by risking the loss of ukranian democracy on the way to their planned destruction of american democracy. americans must unite to fight maga using their own rules and speaking to them in their own language.
All very cute but what about the border legislation that the GOP put forward last year?
The last time we had a solution President Reagan granted amnesty and democrats screwed him on their promise to SECURE THE BORDER!
He went where the brave dare not go.
Biden's handlers want him to ignore this issue. That is going to be increasingly difficult when Mayorkas gets impeached.
That's a lie, the republicans passed a border bill, where the fuck are the worthless democrats?
Another lie, he was found liable, there is no guilt in a civil trial.
Again the republicans passed a border bill, where are the piece of shit do nothing democrats?
Another lie, but is that worse than the pedophile who raped his own daughter?
A+ for you today.
They conveniently forget that the worthless democrats in the senate have done nothing, bring it to the floor and lets have a vote.
“…for their complete lack of governance in the run up to the november elections, with a crisis that they've created in their continuing attempts to place a felon in the white house.”
Totally agree, dev.
“…americans must unite to fight maga using their own rules and speak to them in their own language.”
Respectfully disagree, dev.
It is our responsibility as Americans to defend ourselves using the immutable force of truth, stated clearly and consistently to cut through the garbled, babbled untruths. But just my opinion…Peace.
Good story. It is filed in the fiction section.
I can appreciate your idealism, and if we were negotiating with normal and sane people it could work. however, from a cynical perspective, some people are not willing to compromise until they're politically tied to the post of their dogma and the blindfold is being put on them. the sad reality that still prevails in our culture is basic, if you're dealing with the criminal element, you better be packing as well...
In Washington?
“I can appreciate your idealism…”
My boyz call me out all the time in my thinking that we should be better.
Instead of the impossible task of trying to change minds, they have taught me to focus on being the best person you can be…just as you were an example to us. Yeah, I’m blessed, and they will be part of our next generation of leaders… and therein lies our hope. Peace, as always…
Ukraine provides what for the US again that we can't provide ourselves?
Seems Democrats are desperate to keep the US taxpayer funded corrupt kickback machine running at full steam in Ukraine.
I still remember when Clinton was screaming that if the US did nothing and Kosovo fell to Serbia they would march on through Europe. Serbia turned out to be nothing more than a paper tiger- and the war let Clinton deflect from his investigations, trials, and future impeachment hearings.
Wash rinse and repeat from Brandon. Except Ukraine is going to cost the US taxpayer far more money than Kosovo.
Russia is no longer a threat to Europe. Their military is using tanks being taken out of mothballs. They used to be the #2 weapons seller behind the US- now they are reduced to buying weapons from North Korea, China, and Iran.
Meanwhile Ukraine is so flush with US taxpayer money and military equipment that they are conducting operations in Russia and across the planet against Wagner Group. Europe is doing their normal and not keeping up with their financial and military equipment promises for Ukraine- allowing the US to do all the heavy lifting again. The NATO tail wagging the US dog yet again.
Time to end this farce before Ukraine drags us into WWIII.
It is odd that democrats have made support for the Ukraine such a divisive issue. It is almost like what they did with covid. There was no mention that aid to Israel is also on hold and btw it is substantially less than the Ukraine aid. This time it was the Republicans who managed to get the upper hand.
To aid Ukraine democrats will need to give what they know they can't: A secure US border.
Mark it down as a win for Mike Johnson.
We are already feeling the impact. BILLIONS of US taxpayer dollars sent into a war where the only involvement is Traitor Joe and his crackhead kid.
When the history of the fentanyl crisis is written, 2023 may be remembered as the year Americans woke up to an unprecedented threat scouring communities - and a deepening cultural divide over what to do about it.
For the first time in U.S. history, fatal overdoses peaked above 112,000 deaths, with young people and people of color among the hardest hit.
In 2023 fentanyl overdoses ravaged the US and fueled a new culture war fight - OPB
In addition is the thing that few talk about: Sex trafficking. Thus, we live in a world where Africa, the middle east and southeast Asia still have slavery, but the US is now saddled with sex trafficking.
One more thing: Very few of Biden's 10 million were vetted. As pointed out by former FBI officials a terrorist attack here is now likely.
The left wants them here.
And it's one that Traitor Joe has allowed to happen to the point he went to court to allow.
Careful. There are some here on NT who think only the US had anything to do with slavery. They are easy to set their hair on fire and go batshit on it.
This is why I'm glad Texas and Florida are sending illegals to Democrat run sanctuary shitholes. Let them see first hand the problems their party is allowing to happen
He learned from Eric Holder who fought the border states under Obama.

Will we ever forget the Arizona Governor who made her point?
There are some here on NT who think only the US had anything to do with slavery.
As is currently taught at the university only whites can be oppressors.
This is why I'm glad Texas and Florida are sending illegals to Democrat run sanctuary shitholes.
Let us credit them. It was a stroke of genius.
It seems to have even woken a few dems and even a few dem politicians up. I never thought that could happen. Although their solution is to get federal money and not address the root cause. Where is Kamelbreath anyway?
Most notably was the Mayor of NYC who was very critical of Biden and has now found himself under investigation by Biden's DOJ.
It forced them to realize that their policies are not good for anybody. But they stand by the stupidity.
No surprise there. Go against the ruling party and pay the consequences.
Just more proof of Bidens open border policy and his being a traitor to the wellbeing of the American people.
With that stance it is no wonder he doesn't see a problem with the border.
The left wanted this back when Hillary was running. It has all been under the radar until they got Dumb Ass elected.
So Traitor Joe is sending lawyers to court to fight against Texas for doing what his administration FAILED TO LEGALLY DO.
And there are people who are willing to defend Traitor Joe in this? This is a whole new level of stupid.
Seems a majority of those screaming Trump is a traitor from the mountain tops are the same ones giving Biden a pass saying it is only "policy differences". Sorry but Joe is supposed to protect the citizens of the US and is failing to do so. IN fact he is doing the exact opposite making him a traitor,
Don't you just love the hypocrisy.
When was the last time we saw a sitting POTUS act to keep borders open to allow the flow of drugs, weapons, human trafficking, and terrorists?
I guess Hunters drugs were getting too expensive and Joe figured prices would go down if supply went up.
Big Daddy looking out for his crackhead kid.
Reporter: "What are the sticking points on the border agreement? Where are the disagreements?"
BIDEN: "I don't think we have any sticking points left."
In the meantime, the Texas National Guard is installing more wire.
Meaning he is perfectly satisfied with an open border and the flow of drugs and terrorists crossing over under his term.
He openly endorsed an open border as a candidate. If you look back at the 2016 Trump-Clinton debates you will see Trump warning us this would happen.
They just wanted to replace US citizens as voters. The Terrorists, sex trafficking and drugs wasn't even something they considered.
At the university it is all justified because "we" took land from Mexico and therefore "we" don't deserve a border.
Dems are a little weak at considering the consequences of their actions.
As I pointed out to the great critical thinker, they didn't even think about the consequences of welfare!
That is one of THE MOST BULLSHIT excuses I've ever heard.
It's "wait til next year" for immigration reform, as Donald trump has ordered his supplicants in the Republican Party to refrain from co-operating with the Democrats on the issue of border security. He wants to solve the problem next year, after he campaigns on the issue for the next ten months.
Yes, he will. And we have the radical left & Joe Biden to thank for making it the # 1 issue.
That's quite a load of bullshit there. Read what he said IN CONTEXT again.
Context? We don't need no stinking context. S/
REPUBLICANS in the Senate have said that Trump wants no action on the border this year because he plans on running on immigration as his major campaign issue.
Take your complaints up with those republican senators.
Imagine how desperate Dems are getting that they now have to blame Republicans for the border catastrophe while their own administration is in Court literally fighting to ensure illegal aliens have easy, unobstructed access to the country.
Why do you keep ignoring it was Chucky that refused to take up a possible solution 9 or so months ago? They were ignoring a problem until polling showed it was one of the top two issues and not are just looking for someone else to blame.
And Schumer controls the Senate!!!!! Which part of that do you not get? he absolutely can bring anything to the floor for a vote, Why are you blaming republicans for Schumers failure? HR2 can come to the floor today.
Schumer is majority leader, he can bring a vote to the floor no matter what republicans want......Do you understand that?
The border has been WIDE OPEN for 3 years, John.
Desperate? LOL.
The desperation the last couple days is from the right wingers who want to ignore what happened in the Senate at Donald Trump's bidding.
If nothing is done this year on immigration, how much of the blame will you assign to Trump ?
If nothing is done this year on immigration, how much of the blame will you assign to Trump ?
None. Even if Republicans make a deal with democrats, there is no way that Biden is going to secure that border.
This is Brandon's and the Democrats fuck up.
Until Brandon secures the border and enforces our immigration laws to the letter- then there will be no discussion of reform.
Don't expect Republicans to reward Brandon for his massive fuck up.
What political office does trump hold? How about some responsibility to the party that controls 2/3’s of the system that passes laws John.
Yes, desperate. Ignoring a possible solution for 9 months and then trying to pivot to Trump when the problem could no longer be ignored is desperate. Pivot to Trump or Rep is all the dems seem to have. Remember the dem failed narrative that it was actually the Rep that were trying to defund the police when people woke up to the reality that it was a stupid idea?
Maybe the font is not large enough.
But but but Trump said something (maybe ) about it yesterday. That negates the last 3 years.
How much blame do you place on the Dems over the past three years?
None. Trump isn't in office (so you can quit crying about that aspect of it) and with Traitor Joe's EO stopping all work to secure the border there is only one person to assign blame - Traitor Joe.
Yes because they were ever so close with Dems not wanting it tied to Ukraine funding so they could ignore it. Then polling started showing them it is the number one or two issue in the upcoming elections. Now they are looking for someone else to blame. Nothing short of pathetic,
The republicans passed a border bill that is currently in the senate, why doesn't Chuck hold a vote? it seems he is the one holding it trying to make it a political issue. he could take it off the table as a political issue but Biden doesn't want the border closed.
Democrats don't want reform. They want to turn the southern border into a Democrat induction center.
Nothing Schumer or Brandon has proposed will do one damn thing to shut down or secure the border or stem the flow of illegals into the country. They will just be processed faster by as far left judges that the DOJ can find.
"President Biden has violated his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress," Abbott said in a statement. "Instead of prosecuting immigrants for the federal crime of illegal entry, President Biden has sent his lawyers into federal courts to sue Texas for taking action to secure the border."
And he continues to violate his oath making him a traitor. But let's ignore that and focus on Trump waiting three hours before telling people to go home on Jan 6th 3 years ago.
, "The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beered here. Ooh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why…"
Thanks Joe biden
Remember when he asked for unity after calling half the country semi-Fascists ?
President Joe Biden spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday and called for Americans who disagree about political issues to once again treat each other like neighbors or even friends.
Biden speaks on loving your neighbor at National Prayer Breakfast - Deseret News
"Welcome me love
I know you don't know me
Take my hand there's a lot you can show me". ...(Johnny Maestro & The Brooklyn Bridge)
There are people in Congress , from both parties, that are trying to construct a bill that will pass and be signed into law. Then you have Trump and his MAGA lackeys that want to torpedo any such effort. Trump is throwing gasoline on the fire
Brandon and the Democrats are the cause of the wide open southern border and the massive influx of illegal immigrants.
Until Brandon secures the border and enforces our immigration laws to the letter, Democrats can go fuck themselves on immigration reform.
There will be no rewarding Brandon for a problem he directly caused.
It is sad that the only way the Rep can get dems serious about US border security is to threaten funding to Ukraine. There is already something in congress, where is Chuck?
Joe says I finally got there!