Nothing Will Be Done On The Border Until 2025, Because ....... Republicans Bow To Trump

MCCONNELL BOWS TO TRUMP ON BORDER Last night, we scooped that MCCONNELL told Republican senators that time had essentially run out on trying to craft a Ukraine-border package. "We dont want to do anything to undermine [Trump]," said McConnell, who can barely utter the former president's name. "The politics on this have changed," McConnell said. TIM SCOTT then was asked about our reporting on Fox and said the border bill is DOA. The bill was being crafted by his 2010 classmate Lankford.
"We dont want to do anything to undermine [Trump],"
Trump wants to run on immigration, McConnell says, and what Trump wants Trump gets from the GOP.
I guess there is no urgency to the border issue so I hope Abbott doesnt start shooting migrants by mistake.
All they need to do is untie Ukraine from the border and vote on separate measures.
Well seeing as how Biden has been in office for three years and has done nothing except to make the situation worse, I don't really expect him to do anything now. We have to wait until a new GOP president is elected in 2024 and is sworn into office in 2025, to even begin to straighten the problem out.
MAGA get it. I get it. We all get it by now.
Immigration is the only issue Trump has!
Why fix it when it is the gop's only issue?
Thanks much for so plainly admitting it...
So exactly what does Ukraine have to do with the border? put up 2 separate spending bills and let everyone see where priorities lie.
According to this story Trump told senate Republicans not to go along with a border deal and they said yes. What else is there to say ?
Sigh, the boogie man aside, Schumer is in charge of the Senate correct? Mitch is minority leader. Why doesn't the little bitch Schumer lead and bring a vote to the floor? Or is Schumer taking orders from trump now?
Schumer, like all congressional leaders nowadays, wants to know the outcome of a vote before they take it. What sort of pressure could be put on House Republicans if the Senate Republicans are not down with the deal ?
That comment is laughably ignorant, Schumer would absolutely bring a bill to the floor for a vote if he thought he could use it for political gain, especially if he could say republicans voted against border security.
So John, why isn't that little Bitch Schumer bringing up a vote?
Mitch McConnell is the same Establishment POS that rallied his lackeys in the Senate to vote for the Democrat pork laden budget just before Republicans took the House.
He is also the one that allowed Democrats to con him (and his lackeys again) into voting for the Build Back Better Bill supposedly in return for Democrats not bringing their Inflation Reduction Act up to a vote- which they of course did anyways.
Democrats don't want to secure the border. They don't want to enforce our immigration laws. They want more BP, support people, and as many leftist immigration judges as they can find to handle the increased influx of illegals- and turn the southern border into a Democrat induction machine.
What does MAGA hero Trump want to do ? Evidently nothing.
“I do not think we should do a Border Deal, at all, unless we get EVERYTHING needed to shut down the INVASION of Millions & Millions of people,” Trump posted on social media this week.
I agree. There is nothing more tiresome than someone repeating the same thing again and again and again and again.............
Yea because Biden has been screaming about beefing up border security all along even though he doesn't really admit to a problem. S/
Nothing like the whole comment to ruin a perfectly good narrative although I am sure the left will continue with half a sentence.
If Republicans in Congress don’t want to solve the border crisis, doesn’t this turn all Republican states into Sanctuary States?
Why didn't democrats fix the border when they had both the House and Senate when Biden came into office?
They wanted it open to solidify their ranks of useful idiots, as they are losing voters by the roves now.
Ah, the Whataboutism train is here. And right on time.
Why didn't trump fix the border in his first 2 years when we had a GOP congress?
Answer? Because it's their favorite political football, just like it is now. Trump said he doesn't want the problem to be fixed until he can use it to run on... There is no defending that so don't even try.
See 3.1.8 you know, FULL context.
Do you understand how our republic works? federal Senators and congressmen don't decide what states are. The fucking retards elected to state or local offices dumb enough to declare their states and cities sanctuaries do.
So to answer your question no, it doesn't make republcan states sanctuary states.
Federalism. Fair enough. It just means Republican Congressmen want their states to be sanctuary states.
No it doesn't mean that either, the only people who want to be sanctuary states are virtue signaling morons. and now that the are reaping their actions they are whining like little bitches for others to pay for their stupidity. much like the fucking retards with huge student loans.
They do?
Specifically, which ones have said that.
We can name numerous democrats that have expressed desire at being sanctuary cities.
If they were true, they would be trying to solve the problem instead of blowing it off for political gain.
Read the seed. This is my interpretation. Partisans are always ready to deny the consequences of what their heroes say and do.
People can say the Democrats dont want to do anything, that is certainly what the right has been saying for years, but now we have evidence, in the alleged words of the Senate Republican leader, that the Republicans dont want to do anything either because their presidential candidate doesnt want them to.
We see here how the right responds to that predicament. They just want to change the subject.
The republicans passed a border bill, one they believe will solve the problem. where are the democrats? why don't they bring it to the floor for a vote instead of playing political games?
The elephant in the room y'all are ignoring.
That explains so many of your posts and all the "evidence" you have presented over the short time I have been here, I guess we have different definitions of Evidence.
Is that the alleged words? and republicans already passed a border bill 9 months ago, where is Chuck on that?
I think there are rules about providing dick on NT
None of these people (or damned few, at any rate) actually want to solve the problem. If they did, what would they complain about? What would they run on?
Oh please.
I said alleged only because I am not aware of any video or audio tape of it. The reporter on this story is reliable and McConnell has not disputed that he said that. Someone who was in the meeting leaked the content to the reporter. Probably a moderate Republican who is sick of what his party is doing.
I'm not sure you know what "evidence" means.
They should. But that's not what the seed is about. It's about Republicans playing political games - again - instead of trying to solve a problem.
What terms have the Democrats and Biden agreed to that will solve the border crisis?
But but but . . . whataboutthe Democrats? You want to talk about Democrats? I'm happy to do that. But on a seed about Republicans, when I have commented about Republicans, you could at least address what I have said before asking me to expand the conversation.
Partisans yet again showing that they will intentionally compromise what is good for the people to secure partisan advantage. No wonder the nation holds these assholes in contempt.
Joe Biden and Democrat partisans intentionally compromise what is good for the American people by refusing to uphold existing laws and allowing the migrant flash flood to continue unimpeded. Biden refuses to do his job to protect and defend the interests of the people of the United States against migrants most of whom don't qualify for asylum.
Yes Biden and the Ds have done a disservice to the American people in their handling of the illegal immigration problem.
Recognize the failures regardless of party. Can you do that?
Can you realize the bill Brandon and the Democrats want will do nothing to stop illegal immigration? They want to turn the southern border into a Democrat processing center.
Until Brandon starts to enforce our border and immigration laws- Democrats can fuck off on talk any any reforms to immigration laws.
The Republicans are not at fault for the border crisis, but the Democrats actually aid and abet it by not enforcing existing laws to the extent that the governors of border states have to resort to extraordinary measures to try to slow it down.
Can you recognize and admit that? UPDATE: The List of Governors Rallying Behind Abbott Grows (
I did not claim the GOP was at fault for the border crisis. Pay attention to what people write.
He did not claim that you claimed the GOP was at fault for the border crisis. Pay attention to what people write.
This is a strawman. ⇡ It is rebutting a claim I did not make.
Schumer controls the Senate. Period!!! the only one who can prevent a bill coming to the floor is Schumer. are people really this gullible?
Show of hands, who doesn't think that Schumer would bring a vote to the floor if he thought he could use it against republicans politically? He is really stupid enough to believe that?
What have Biden and the Democrats proposed to control the border?
Their only policy is to sue states that try to mitigate the damage Biden is causing and to apparently threaten them with military force if they don't follow the Biden open border policy.
Why are the dems so concerned about the border now? Election year? Enormous public dissatisfaction with the way dementia boy has handled the border? Yes on both accounts.
A person would have to be incredibly stupid to believe the dems are all about border security after the chaotic invasion they have allowed.
They want a redo of the '86 amnesty bill so they can campaign on "solving" the border problem they created. Any law they pass will focus on amnesty, work permits and bailing out sanctuary cities with federal tax dollars. There won't be any actual security in the bill.
Who said they were? The seed isn't about them.
But many of the comments are. Look at the comments. “Dems want border legislation but republicans don’t”.
Where? I don't see anything about what Democrats want in the seed. I can't say I have read all of the comments, but so far, I'm not seeing it there, either. What I do see a lot of in the comments is people ignoring what Republicans are described as doing in the seed, and responding with "what about the Democrats?" That focus on who we can blame the most is totally useless.
Some comments state repubs don’t want any border legislation. If repubs don’t want border legislation that implies the idea has been put out there. By who? Most likely dems, and probably some never trump repubs. It is an election year, and the border is biden’s worst polling metric.
And that is why Trump does not want any progress on the border.
I agree. But who do the dems think they are kidding by suddenly wanting legislation now, in an election year, to address perhaps their biggest failing?
I suspect they are trying to engage in presidential politics. I suspect they hope to convince everyone that Biden is addressing the border. That seems like the most logical hypothesis.
And, similarly, Trump does not want any real progress on the border because he does not want Biden to get any credit for it.
So which is more despicable to you?:
GOP senator: 'Immoral' for Republicans to use border deal as 'linchpin for Trump to win'
A senior Republican senator is blasting both his colleagues and former President Donald Trump for allowing politics to delay a legislative fix to the ongoing struggles at the Southern border.
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) told NBC News' Frank Thorp that the suggestion that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) is letting Trump call the shots in the ongoing negotiations over a border security bill is "parallel universe s---," adding "that didn't happen." He then unleashed on his GOP colleagues — without naming any particular names — for dragging their feet to aid Trump's political ambitions.
"It is immoral for me to think you look the other way because you think this is the linchpin for President Trump to win," Tillis said.
Trump has signaled he will base his campaign primarily on fueling fears about the Southern border and immigration. According to journalist Ken Klippenstein of The Intercept , the former president has already begun to frame the immigration debate as a "national security crisis."
"[U]nlike other national security crises, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the ‘border crisis’ is one which ordinary people comprehend and feel strongly about," Klippenstein wrote. "Not since 9/11 has national anxiety been so high about a security issue. And as with 9/11, Trump seems poised to similarly overreact."
Earlier Thursday, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) blasted the 45th president of the United States for exploiting the border issue for political gain, saying it was "appalling" to think that such a major problem should be allowed to continue in order to allow a Republican to take credit for it. And Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) has already vowed to not vote in favor of any border legislation, saying "I will not help the Democrats."
Sen. McConnell has said that both a border security bill and a Ukraine funding package are in danger of not passing due to political concerns surrounding the 2024 election. This suggests that the former president may be lobbying Republicans behind McConnell's back in favor of inaction.
The wheels are coming off the Trump train.
I doubt it.
So the story is b.s.
What is bs ?