
The Long Way Home


Category:  Travel, Geography and Foreign Cultures

Via:  outis  •  9 months ago  •  10 comments

The Long Way Home
Now THAT'S.a clipper!

This should be a movie.

Directed by Steven Spielberg.

Starring Tom Hanks.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T



jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Expert
1  seeder  Outis    9 months ago

Open to all. No rules.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    9 months ago

My problem, of which many here are aware but you're new here, is that I'm unable to open a YouTube.  The Long Way Home was a TV movie starring Jack Lemmon. 

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    9 months ago
This should be a movie.

Directed by Steven Spielberg.

Starring Tom Hanks.

That would be great.  I love stories from the early decades of the 20th century that are about real people and events. 

Professor Quiet
4  Freefaller    9 months ago

To this day I am still surprised at how many vids show people trying to put out grease fires using water.  Anyway the fire blanket seems like a good idea

Professor Quiet
4.1  arkpdx  replied to  Freefaller @4    9 months ago
To this day I am still surprised at how many vids show people trying to put out grease fires using water

You can put out a grease fire using water. I have seen it done when I went to Navy fire fight school. You just have to be sure to use a very, very fine mist. It is not the recommended way but will work if you have nothing else. 

Professor Quiet
4.1.1  Freefaller  replied to  arkpdx @4.1    9 months ago

Cool, now that you mentioned it we used water mixed with foam to put out oil fires during my Navy fire fighting training.  Lol still doesn't mean running one under the tap for a kitchen fire is a good idea

Professor Principal
5  Kavika     9 months ago

An intriguing story and certainly would make a good movie.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
5.1  Split Personality  replied to  Kavika @5    9 months ago

Agreed, Almost shot down by the Japanese and our allies, ran out of runway right at the waterfall

and landed in a minefield.

Amazing that they had a spare engine and nacelle along that route.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
6  Drinker of the Wry    9 months ago

I first learned of this amazing story from a WashPost article several years ago.  

A writer and producer are currently teamed exploring a movie possibility. 

Professor Expert
7  Nerm_L    9 months ago

There's a book titled " The Long Way Home " by Ed Dover.  (The video looks like it was based on that book.)  Boeing constructed only 12 of the 314 clippers for commercial use.  Sikorsky built comparable aircraft with the S-44/VS-44 clipper and the S-43 baby clipper.  The Short Brothers produced the S.30 Empire and the S.45 Solent but the appeal of flying boats was on the wane.  


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