Chris Cuomo Reveals He Is Willing to Vote for Donald Trump Over Joe Biden in 2024
During his time with CN, there was no more ardent anti-Trump talk show host (notice I did not say journalist because well it is CNN) than Chris Cuomo. Now it seems that he thinks that Biden is just not any better or that Trump is not any worse than Biden - either way it is interesting reading.
Like so many Americans, Cuomo is just undecided about who he will vote for in November
However, the former anchor recently admitted that he is willing to vote for Trump over President Joe Biden in the upcoming 2024 elections. As per The Washington Free Beacon , while appearing on Patrick Bet-David's PBD Podcast Cuomo stated: "If it's Biden-Trump, look, for me—again, we survived a Trump administration. Would we survive another one? Yes, yes."
Cuomo continued: "I don't think there's any greater risk to America with him than with Biden. And for people who are now gonna attack me and say, 'What are you talking about? Trump is, like, this crazy man,' Look, you know, as Patrick says, the data's the data. Nobody was trying to kill us when Trump was president in a way that they're not now." He went on to add further. "If anything there's more hostility," Cuomo continued. "I'm just saying, existentially, I'm not afraid of a Trump presidency. I'm not afraid of another Biden presidency because, unlike many people in America, I believe that the country is much stronger than any individual leader."
The political journalist continued, saying that the nation "survived" issues like "the Russia thing," "Jan. 6," and "having Biden as a gaffe machine." "We survived these things," he said. "Are we better for it? No. Should we be doing things differently? Yes. I think it happens. I don't know when; I don't even know why. But, you know, in terms of who I'm going to vote for, I would have to see where we are at that moment in time."
I would like a civil discussion, without vitriol, but this is NewsTalkers so who am I kidding.
Attack Trump, Attack Biden, Attack Third Party Candidates but try and not attack each other
Chris Cuomo said what a lot of Americans are thinking
"The political journalist continued, saying that the nation "survived" issues like "the Russia thing," "Jan. 6," and "having Biden as a gaffe machine." "We survived these things," he said. "Are we better for it? No. Should we be doing things differently? Yes. I think it happens. I don't know when; I don't even know why. But, you know, in terms of who I'm going to vote for, I would have to see where we are at that moment in time."
Chris is more than likely still pissed that he was canned by CNN, so.....
Exactly, that would make anyone to turn to Trump,
Wow, talk about decisive! lol
Why doesn't he just admit that he's going to vote for the former 'president' traitor?
Maybe because he is hoping for a miracle and joe does something worthy of his vote.
Yes. There is always two sides. Live with it
There are very few people in this world that Trump wouldnt be a worse choice than. Get that through your head.
That is your opinion, nothing more. Get that through your head.
Is Biden worse than Trump or vice-versa?
Totally agree. " Vote Biden, he is the lesser of two evils " bumper stickers would look good.
We are not the ones who are scared
Someone like Cuomo saying he doesn't buy into the "end of democracy " reason to vote for biden must make some folks on the left nervous.
Terrified if the big fat pig fell on me, but otherwise, no, what's to be afraid of from the bully, coward, traitor?
"They Both Suck"
Totally agree
Yes they are both bad, that was not the question.
Your little meme implies that you think they are equally bad for the nation. That they are equivalent.
You seriously cannot determine a difference between them? If your life depended on it, you would not be able to identify which is worst for the nation?
Explain that nonsense. Given they are both bad for the nation, which is worse between two people is equivalent to which is better.
Who is worse when neither is acceptable is a ridiculous bulshit question. As is "if your life depended on it" hypothetical bullshit. To quote cuomo "I don't think there's any greater risk to America with him than with Biden.
If you don't like the answer I suggest you find someone that thinks like you do.
So your answer is that they are identically bad. Cannot see any difference whatsoever.
I know what I said. I know what I meant. I am not going to let you use pretzel logic to try and get me to defend something I never said.
I doubt it.
Although I would love to have a choice (e.g. Haley), it appears inevitable that the next PotUS will be either Biden or Trump.
People can not vote or they can vote for someone else. Does not matter in 2024. The decision for the next PotUS will be made by those casting votes for/against those two.
Voting one's conscience feels good and in the very long term it might have some effect. As I noted early on, if Trump does not have a chance to win then I will also vote for who I want. That would be much preferable than using my vote to help keep Trump out of the presidency.
You have the right to let others decide the presidency in 2024. I will use my vote the best way I can to stop Trump because he is an order of magnitude worse than Biden.
You refuse to answer a simple question: which of the two (Biden or Trump) is worse for the nation.
There is no pretzel logic, just you (yet again) refusing to commit to a position.
Who is worse when neither is acceptable is a ridiculous bulshit question. As is "if your life depended on it" hypothetical bullshit.
I know what I said. I know what I meant. I am not going to let you use pretzel logic to try and get me to defend something I never said
You refuse to answer a simple question
In 2.1.22 you state "So your answer is that they are identically bad. Cannot see any difference whatsoever. "
So I refuse to answer but you tell me my answer. That is nothing less than trolling. If you continue to troll me I will flag your comment.
Yes, and for lots of reasons.
You continue to misrepresent my position. Do you not understand it or is this just malicious?
I would like to vote for Nikki Haley. I am supporting her campaign and think she would be a good PotUS. Plus, she would help the very sick GOP start recovering from its Trump infection.
But I do not believe I will have the opportunity to vote for her. Indeed, none of us will have a realistic chance to vote for a candidate that we want who has any chance to win in 2024 unless one wants Biden or Trump.
Either Biden or Trump will be PotUS. Trump is an order of magnitude worse for this nation, thus I will use my vote the most effective way against Trump.
My question was easy to understand and for those who are able to commit to a position, it was easy enough to answer.
You just demonstrated that.
Yeah, you know damn well what you do. You try to portray my position as one where I want Biden as PotUS.
You just now accurately portrayed my position. This is a rarity.
But you realize that whoever you vote for will not have any chance of getting that job. You do realize that, right?
So you can claim that you voted your conscience and I do indeed appreciate that since if Trump has no realistic chance of winning I will ALSO be voting my conscience. But I would be doing it for the strategic purpose of helping in the long-term hopeful growth of a viable third party.
In other words, I know that with Haley out of the race, anyone I want to vote for will NOT WIN. So I weigh that conscientious but totally wasted vote against using it to instead help stop Trump from becoming PotUS.
It is obvious, for me, that I should use my vote to help stop Trump rather than let it be simply academic.
You seem to be dying for an admission ... even to the point of ignoring clear statements by me. What you should do is read my comment since I made this clear:
Amazing that it is right there and you 'cannot' see it.
Normally you leave out my qualifications. This time, surprisingly, you did not. Maybe Robert is a good influence on you.
Then you realize that you will be letting others make the decision and your vote will make no difference whatsoever in 2024.
The problem, Texan, is that you are criticizing those of us who, if the circumstances are as we expect, will step up and make a decision. I have told you that I understand voting conscience and that I would do the same if Trump had no realistic chance. But you, in contrast, spend your time attempting to ridicule those who are going to step up to the plate in 2024.
Your little meme implies that you think they are equally bad for the nation. That they are equivalent.
You seriously cannot determine a difference between them? If your life depended on it, you would not be able to identify which is worst for the nation?
We shouldn't have to choose the lesser of two evils.
Voting against something rather than for something is sacrificing your integrity
I feel the same way about the two major party candidates - they are both bad for the nation and I am not interested in voting for someone that is bad for the nation, even if they are not quite as bad as they other guy.
I will be voting for a third party candidate or writing in a name
Voting for a third-party candidate or writing in a name is sacrificing your integrity.
Nah, it's republican'ts who SUCK BIG TIME.
It's childish and immature and not true.
I heartily concur with your last statement.
. . .malicious . . . .
Explain that insult.
If the major nominees are Trump and Biden, then one of those two will be PotUS. If I find that one of them is an order of magnitude worse and never should be allowed access to the presidency, how exactly am I sacrificing my integrity by using my vote to help ensure he is not elected?
Life is not fair.
You deride using our vote to help ensure Trump does not gain access to the presidency as a stupid thing to do. (Among other things.)
Sacrificing my integrity? My personal integrity?
How, exactly, is using my vote to help ensure a traitor (and potentially convicted felon) who is a demonstrated narcissist willing to circumvent the CotUS and violate the foundation of democracy — the vote of the electorate — sacrificing my integrity?
Seems to me that I would be irresponsible if I did not act against Trump (if Trump has a realistic chance to win).
You seem to think there is no difference in bad between Biden and Trump, whereas I see (quite clearly) that Trump is an order of magnitude worse for the nation.
Bob, you have strived to be non-partisan and do what is right. I do have to ask you this question:
Which side of the spectrum has given you the most agony?
How so?
One of them will likely be elected no matter what you do. You can help influence this or not.
It is not credible that you see no difference between these two ... that you really do not care which is elected ... that they are equally bad for the nation. These two are in no way equivalent. Not in policy, presidential demeanor, integrity, credibility, etc. So you can let others decide and vote your conscience or you can help minimize the damage.
If Trump has a chance to win, I am using my vote to minimize the damage. To me that is a rational, reasonable, and patriotic thing to do.
There is a question of party and the question of the presidency.
I would separate the two.
Further, one can always take the position of an independent and evaluate each candidate on their merits and then vote regardless of party.
And if one's focus is on coarse party power, one can vote for only GOP in Congress and as judges. One is not required to vote for Trump too.
Would Joe Manchin be worth a vote?
MAGA will not accept Trump has lost The Independents...
Trump's trolls nor his spin will never win them back again!
Only if there was a chance for him to win. Stopping Trump is more important than voting for who I would prefer.
Joe Manchin is also too old; I would prefer someone 45-65 or so. However I believe Manchin would do a better job than Biden and almost anyone is better than Trump.
I would prefer Nikki Haley.
I would prefer Tim Walz.
I would prefer Chris Sununu.
But it would seem that we are all yet again stuck with Biden v Trump.
2.1.26 was responded to twice by member addressed 18 hours ago. Flag of 40 minutes ago is dismissed. Also, 2.1.26 did not violate any rules.
Would Joe Manchin be worth a vote?
It is. . . somewhat "comforting" (qualified) that somebody thinks the democracy will contain the ravenous wolf that is "Were(wolf)." It's good to keep hope alive. Now, let's go win the election for the best in leader possible to get.
These. . . people. . . on the right are always dreaming up (new) schemes to press upon and into the public. They WILL vote for Donald Trump and they are gaslighting NTers who can be done so (you 99.9 can not be gaslighted to my mind) into PARALYING their vote this November or just not voting for the two at all. Thus, Trump wins due to voter paralysis.
There is nothing more disgusting to me than diabolical minds thinking diabolically all the time. You can never trust. . . some people.
It's propaganda. . .It's gaslighting anybody "they" can. . .It's a SUCKER is born every day. . .
Of course, MAGAs will support MAGA and TRUMP is the face of MAGA.
What is incredulous to "watch" is MAGAs "going to town" of you (of all people you are one who can see an invisible shovel in the hands of bull-pilers) with questionable, limited, and poorly prepped 'tools' of persuasion.
A lot can happen in 10 months
No, he's corrupt and a DINO.
Indeed. Bad and good.
I thought you would get a kick out this article
I would love to hear the answer to this question:
Chris, if Trump is convicted of a felony, would you vote for him for PotUS?
That is the democrat strategy. Hang a conviction on Trump and win another term for the radical left.
Could be. But Trump gave them substantially more than enough rope to hang him.
What is the GOP strategy? Seems like it is: to hell with decent candidates like Nikki Haley, let's put the irresponsible, irrational, narcissistic traitor back in office.
That is evident. It is time to stop trying to persuade these people.
Certainly, there is no point trying to persuade anyone who would vote for Trump.
There is no comparison between the two. Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden.
Good choice, everyone wins.
If they can't see how dangerous biden is by now trying to point it out or reason with them is a waste of time.
Almost seems like you compared them and came to a conclusion that in your opinion Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden.
Hold off on calling something a strawman until an actual strawman argument is made:
You do not understand the meaning of the idiom "no comparison between" or "no comparing"?:
I will stand by my post
IMO the concern about putting Trump back in office is exceeded by the concern about the quality of the voters who would put him there.
It is disturbing that there are so many who will actually vote for that irresponsible, narcissistic traitor.
You refuse to admit how bad Biden has been for the nation. Reelecting him would just continue the destruction of our representative republic.
To you perhaps, but not to millions of rational, sane, normal people.
I think, Greg, I have told you plenty of times now that I do not want to see Biden as PotUS. Unfortunately it is very likely going to be him or Trump. There is no comparing the two; Trump is an order of magnitude worse.
Out of curiosity, if Trump is convicted of a felony, I expect you will still vote for him. True?
I have stated that Biden is bad. I have not had to admit anything, my position was declared voluntarily.
I have also stated that Trump is an order of magnitude worse.
Well I am hoping that there are more irrational, insane, abnormal people like me out there in the general.
I have told you repeatedly that if Biden is shown to have done acts that come close to what Trump has done, I will absolutely revise my position accordingly.
If it really becomes a crap shoot (which it most certainly is NOT right now) then that would mean my vote is wasted already and I might as well use it for long-term strategic purpose.
But that is not the situation. Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden. Unless that changes, it is obvious that one should use one's vote to prevent Trump (the worst by far) from becoming PotUS.
As usual, I answer your question and you pretend I did not.
My position depends on the specifics. I have a very good idea of how Trump did and will use the power of the presidency in violation of his oath of office. You offer a vague scenario of Biden "received benefits" from Hunter and ask if that would change my position. Until I know specifics, your question is too vague to answer other than to say that it could indeed change my position.
If Biden gets us into a war, it depends on the specifics. A PotUS entering into a war is not ipso facto wrong. Specifics matter. It could change my position, there is no way to know without the details.
You put forth vague conditions and expect me to come up with a specific answer.
You are playing yet another low-grade game.
You asked a vague question which I answered best I could and you then repeatedly demand a specific answer. That is a dishonest game.
I gave you the best answer I could given the lack of specificity.
That is not a yes or no question.
What did Biden do to profit? Did he violate the CotUS? Did he break a law? Did he commit treason? What are the specific circumstances?
Your question is vague.
Think like a juror making a decision. The specific charges, evidence, and arguments matter.
MAGAs are coalescing around Donald (x 3).
The interesting thing about Biden that is over and above Trump at all times is I can eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner without him being on my television screen all day long. Four more years of seeing Trump every day (as dear Leader) would be a bad indicator of my approaching old age.
Of course, he would! He's not fooling anyone, He'll be voting for the former 'president' no matter what,
Why would he have any desire to fool someone?
I do not think Chris Cuomo is going to vote for Trump. And especially if Trump is a convicted felon.
There is something going on with Chris Cuomo since entering News Nation. It could be that he and eventually Don Lemon's (with what can be perceived as 'desertion' of him as a friend) abrupt dismissals from CNN and the unceremonious removal of Chris' brother as New York state governor may have accumulated to turn OFF Chris to liberals—if he felt deserted by his friends and. . . old network. (I've seen it happen to people before.)
So yes, I can see Chris Cuomo 'plowing' ground for Trump. . . stranger things have happened as we are "welcomed to the new age."
It makes no sense to me. Even if Chris is turned off by the left, I see him going to Haley. The idea that he would (honestly) support a traitor like Trump given all he has done just does not make logical sense.
There is one more observation to mention: Chris Cuomo is friend with Bill O'Reilly even has him on CUOMO on a weekly basis (the last time I was around News Nation- it's been a 'minute'). O'Reilly still carries Trump's 'water' as I understand it.
That said, maybe the political guardrails will hold once again. . . . Watch this space.
You may be correct,
Wow, it appears that Biden is so bad Goebbels won’t even lie about him anymore.
Took one look at that political cartoon and my drink went everywhere, Biden depicted as a Ballchinian.....
What's really got to hurt though is a member of a SECOND well know democratic political family dynasty, ( the Kennedys and now the Cuomo's ) has dared to speak against the presumptive leader of the party....
Oh the humanity....
Well I thought a couple of folks would get a good laugh, that there would be a little arguing but there were a lot of good points made and people had a little fun with the article.
My job here is done
Thanks. I have to wonder if leaving CNN gave Chris the opportunity to think for himself.
I see him occasionally on Nes Nation - not quite as boldly assertive as he used to be, just tells the story rather than telling you what to think about the story.
You know the way a journalist is supposed to