A Raw Deal

Quatar has been brokering a deal that supposedly brings the war in Gaza to another pause so that Israel and Hamas can exchange hostages for something to benefit Hamas. The US under Joe Biden is not only pressuring Israel to ease up on the fighting but is now openly advocating for a Palestinian state and has sent Secretary of state Antony Blinken to Israel to find "common ground."
Let us first examine the Hamas demands for hostages, something the dishonest American media has barely reported on.
Hamas demanded:
1) A 7-stage framework
2) Israel must release thousands of Palestinian prisoners, including those who were sentenced to life in prison for the mass murder of Israelis
3) T he release of all women, children under the age of 18, and men over the age of 50 who are held in Israeli prisons. The third group included most of Hamas' detained senior leadership.
4) The release of 1,500 additional prisoners aged 18-50 who were convicted of killing Israelis. The group wanted to pick 500 of them, including those sentenced to life in prison.
5) Israel allow Palestinian civilians to return to their homes during the first phase of the deal and for a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in the second phase of the agreement.
How did the New York Times report on those demands this morning?
The Times simply noted that Netanyahu rejected a Hamas cease fire proposal.
Netanyahu called Hamas' demands regarding Palestinian prisoners "crazy." I think just about any decent human being would agree, but then again, this is what "negotiating" with the Palestinians and their representatives has always been like. The American Israeli alliance is at a crossroads. Biden wants a ceasefire, and a Palestinian state and Prime Minister Netanyahu says that Israel is on its way to "a total victory" over Hamas within months.
"We are on the path to total victory," Netanyahu said during a press conference on Wednesday. "It's a matter of months. And I would like to emphasize again that there is no solution other than total victory. If Hamas survives in Gaza, it's only a matter of time until the next massacre."
Netanyahu Vows 'Total Victory' in Rejection of Gaza Ceasefire (msn.com)
In other news:
Senate Democrats promised a vote today on a separate foreign aid bill without border policies.
A congressional committee investigating campus antisemitism accused Harvard of obstruction.
Some say Ukraine could start losing the war without US aid. Won't Europe supply the aid?
Marianne Williamson suspended her campaign.
Florida’s Supreme Court is considering whether to allow a ballot measure that would legalize abortions through 24 weeks of pregnancy.
For a second week, U.S. deportation flights to Venezuela failed to depart.
The special counsel investigating Biden's mishandling of classified documents has sent his final report to the White House. What will Biden's AG do?
The U.S. Military says it killed a commander of the Iran-backed militia in Iraq that officials say struck American troops in a drone attack last month.
Good morning
"Ranch water."
Today the SCOTUS will begin hearing arguments in the 14th Amendment challenge to former President Trump's candidacy.
The lawsuit focuses on Section 3, a rarely-invoked, Civil War-era clause that states that someone isn't eligible for future office if, while they were in office, they took an oath to support the Constitution but then "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or "gave" aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," unless they are granted amnesty by a two-thirds vote of Congress. Trump has never been either charged nor convicted of inciting an insurrection . This one shouldn't take long to decide.
I am surprised it didn't get laughed at prior to agreeing to a hearing of arguments
I'm sure there would be three huddled in a corner who wouldn't be laughing.
bibi's an autocrat and he's doing trump's bidding to influence the US election. cut him off, fuck him up, and take him down.
You want violence against him, huh?
I see.
is that what you wanted to understand from my statement? cutting bibi off from US aid would fuck him up and will hasten his downfall from power, so he can face the long delayed prosecution for his alleged corruption.
as 1.2 was replied to by addressed, the flag was dismissed by charger
tyvm for your objective enforcement of NT's rules.
ask charger if you have any questions, not me, but I think he laid it out pretty clearly in his comment.
no problem. I forgot that you may have missed the information when it was posted.
No other way to interpret your comment.
I didn't make either of those statements. who are you quoting?
Thought they had surpassed the million mark. Or is that 2318 just today?
“tyvm for your objective enforcement of NT's rules”
Lmfao, how ironic is that????
For him to be charged, wouldn't that require a real investigation first?
One that the DOJ refused to do.
Thus negating ANY reason to have him barred from holding office under this Amendment.
It appears that it may even be a 9-0 decision.
EFF party leader Julius Malema is once again yelling "Kill the Boer, the Farmer."

He has a solid shot at becoming the next PM of South Africa.
South Africa is going to go the way of Zimbabwe. It's rapidly falling apart. Killing white people isn't going to help, no matter how happy it makes progressives.
The British in two wars killed more Boers than the blacks ever have. White on white killing so to speak.
The Brits abolished slavery in SA and the Boers didn't want that since it was a part of their life, thus the first war. The Boers being Boers were believers in the old BS racial theory that God established a hierarchy in which white Christians (Europeans) were superior to indigenous people. This follows the ''Doctrine of Discovery'' to a ''T'' as the papal bulls covered both North America and Africa.
I doubt if progressives are happy over killing white people.
That's absolutely not true. But sure, that's somehow relevant to a party leader celebrating genocide in 2024.
This follows the ''Doctrine of Discovery'' to a ''T'' as the papal bulls covered both North America and Africa.
Lol. Ah yes, the Boers are famous Catholics, particularly the Trekkers who set up the Transvaal Republic. [Deleted]
They don't seem to condemn it though.
Our current law is 15 weeks but DeSantis introduced and signed a bill to cut it to six weeks and that did not go over well in Florida.
I seeded an article on this yesterday. Here is the link in case you want to read it.
The people of Florida decide.
I seeded an article on this yesterday. Here is the link in case you want to read it.
I already have. I've asked for more info on the leader who was killed.
Just consider yourself lucky that andrew gillum isn’t your governor.
Our current law is 15 weeks but DeSantis introduced and signed a bill to cut it to six weeks and that did not go over well in Florida.
I seeded an article on this yesterday. Here is the link in case you want to read it.
Europe has been supplying aid regularly for close to two years. This is the latest.
BRUSSELS (AP) — Leaders of the 27 European Union countries sealed a deal Thursday to provide Ukraine with 50 billion euros ($54 billion) in support for its war-ravaged economy after Hungary dropped weeks of threats to veto the measure.
I am well aware of that. I'm asking if they can replace the US contribution.
I don't know, what do you think?
Considering that they spend so little on defense, I am sure it would be in their interest to come up with the US contribution should the stalemate in congress continue.
Eleven NATO countries reached or surpassed the 2% threshold for 2023 all NATO have increased expenditures much of it can be seen in the weapons being ordered from the US.
11 of 31...
And the rest increased their % towards the 2% and Poland over took he US as the biggest per % of GDP.
As I stated earlier NATO and non NATO countries are ordering arms from the US in massive numbers.
This is an interesting graph as well.
My Grandfather had a saying that never quite made sense, until I met a MAGA!
"Some people wouldn't be happy if you hung them with a new rope"...
I have been saying that about many people for years, I think it came from my grandfather, too,
Yes, thanks for driving home that almost 2/3 of NATO countries continue to fail to meet their treaty obligations despite a literal war in Europe.
and they are very poor at showing appreciation for our gifts
As I pointed out most if not all of those NATO countries are moving forward on the 2%, just as Poland has overtaken the US as the largest % of GDP contributor.
The EU (per the graph) has given more in total than the US. Then there is the current $54 billion that the EU passed last week to support Ukraine.
Also, the massive increase in arms being ordered from the US by NATO and other non NATO countries.
This is a great link for the sales by month type and country.
All of this certainly shows that NATO and the EU are doing their part.
Lol. You repeatedly demonstrated that 20 of 31 countries in NATO are shirking their minimum spending obligations in the middle of a land war in Europe and you think that shows "they are doing their part." The gaslighting never stops around here.
Hate to break it to you, but spending the minimum agreed requirement is the absolute least a country can do before it can claim it's doing it part.
just as Poland has overtaken the US as the largest % of GDP contributor.
Every country bordering Russia should be exceeding the US's level. They are the ones with an aggressive, expansionist power on their doorstep. Congrats to Poland on being the only sane European country.
No gaslighting from me I leave that up to you. You avoid the fact that each country has increased their speading over the last 2 years and are approaching the 2%. You also avoid the graph on the total contribution to Ukraine.
Then there is the spending on new weapons systems being purchased from the US.
Where NATO Defense Expenditure Stands
That works for me, since we have so much fat/waste in the defense budget maybe the politicians will quit wasting money on weapon systems the military doesn't want.
Since all of them have increased their % in the last two years and have committed to reaching the 2% those not in ''compliance'' are working towards it, why discourage them?
We are talking about NATO, not the EU not all countries are members of both organizations. We are not defending NATO. As a founding member of NATO it was set up to stop the expansion of certain countries, and it has worked well for decades, the money the US has contributed is well worth it and it works to our advantage.
Article 5 has only been invoked one time in NATO's history and that was after the 9/11 attacks on the US and the NATO countries answered the bell with troops/supplies. NATO invoked the day after the attacks. Our allies in NATO lost over 1,000 troops and many more wounded. NATO countries and some non-NATO supported us, tiny countries like Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Albania had troops in Afghanistan.
So in response as a member of NATO, we are subject to Article 5, they have helped defend us so I don't see it as a burden.
President Biden is very capably leading the free world in its multi-front battles against religious fundamentalists and Putin's skullduggary abroad regardless of what all the MAGA Hat Haters at home are saying on Fox News or NewsMax!
Is there anyone ignorant enough to post a comment on this site that would agree with Hamas' terms to end the war? What is truly sad is that there are nations and millions of people who are pressuring Israel to agree with them, something that only a fool would do. What we do hear every damned hour is "humanitarian crisis", "disaster", "mostly women and children", "starvation", but how many times have you heard the numbers of Hamas militants killed, or the word "surrender"? Since Hamas' defeat is inevitable, its surrender would end the war and stop the bloodshed immediately, ease the humanitarian aid to reach those in need, start the rebuilding of Gaza, but no, no, nobody thinks Hamas should surrender, especially the declared terrorist organization Hamas, because they have already won the battle for public opinion, and should they be killed rather than surrender they will be martyrs who will enjoy the deflowering of their 72 virgins in the Garden of Allah, certainly much more than their pleasure in raping teenage Israeli girls and baking Jewish infants alive in ovens, so for them it's win-win no matter what the outcome. Don't you just LOVE those nice Hamas militants?