Trump is suddenly in need of a lot of cash. That’s everyone’s problem.
Donald Trump attending his trial on fraud charges at the New York State Supreme Court on October 3, 2023.
Shannon Stapleton/AFP via Getty Images
Two recent verdicts have now left Donald Trump on the hook for nearly half a billion dollars.
On Friday, a New York judge handed the former president a $355 million penalty , and banned him from serving in a leadership position in any business in New York for three years, for fraudulently inflating his net worth to lenders in order to receive more favorable loan agreements. And in January, a Manhattan jury ordered Trump to pay the writer E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million for defaming her after she accused him of raping her. (A separate jury in May had found Trump liable for sexually abusing Carroll in the 1990s.)
Together, the damages from these two lawsuits are worth more than the amount of cash Trump claimed to have on hand last April, potentially putting him in a financial bind as he also faces debt repayments and mounting legal fees . Even if he appeals these decisions, as he is expected to do, he still likely will have to front the money while that process runs its course, or secure a bond , which would come with its own conditions.
For a well-connected billionaire, that might usually amount to nothing more than a temporary inconvenience; after all, Trump could always liquidate some of his assets or borrow even more money to cover his short-term obligations.
But Trump isn’t just one of the country’s richest men , with an estimated net worth in the low billions; he’s also running to serve a second term as president of the United States. And for any candidate for public office — let alone the presidency — being cash-strapped while owing such significant amounts of money could be a serious liability.
“It’s pretty scary from an ethics perspective,” said Virginia Canter, the chief ethics counsel at the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington , a nonpartisan watchdog group that has chronicled Trump’s abuses of power and filed lawsuits against him .
You don’t have to look far to find the reasons why. Trump’s first term was riddled with conflicts of interest , and that’s in no small part because of his financial well-being (or lack thereof, depending on how you look at it). At the time that he tried to overturn the 2020 election , he was hundreds of millions of dollars in debt , largely stemming from loans to help rehabilitate his struggling businesses, and most of which would be coming due over the subsequent four years. Throughout his presidency, he refused to divest from his businesses, which made millions of dollars in revenue from taxpayers and continued to do work with other countries while he was in office — a practice he indicated he would repeat in a second term.
He needs the lemmings to send him, ''mo money honey''.
those judgements make him even more of a national security risk. looks like the price of those classified documents he's still got stashed just went up, along with the cost of a dinner with our enemies that want to play 20 questions. the FBI needs to bug all his phones, put a GPS tracker on his plane, and rotate his secret service detail with cross trained undercover NSA agents.
The article makes some good and valid points. Sadly, IMO he sell out the country in a minute if it came to saving his fat ass.
without a doubt. gee, I wonder what country his defective spawn will be moving to, later on ...
Russia might be in the market for 3 spoiled brats
I thought all the McD's closed down over there...
Are there no Burger Kings over there?
they're called burger czars...
where you have it vlad's way, or it's off to a gulag...
They are, they are...
GoFundMe launched for Donald Trump’s ‘unjust’ $350m fine in civil fraud case
Are these real?
Sadly, yes, they are.
the prototype is, but I'm guessing that anyone stupid enough to order a pair will never get them...
trump's grift machines are shadows of their former selves, which is why he has to try and grab the RNC cash...
I got an email yesterday begging for money. I kinda regret trolling that poll years ago.
LMAO, kinda regret or really regret?
Just kinda. I get a chuckle from every email. I'm pretty sure the campaign workers who write the poll questions that accompany the pleas for money had difficulty making it through kindergarten. They might as well ask "Do you think Joe Biden is a doody-head, yes or no?"
maybe...? but not a DIC HEAD like Trump, asz i do not at tall
I would answer most definitely YES!
Yes i did. So what.
See 2.1.6
wait until you get the contribute or else stuff later on...
They sent me one today promising to tell me who the "new VP" was going to be, but only if I send money. Cuz that's how we do things now, apparently.
I'm pretty sure we'd all know by now if that actually was the case. maybe we should ask somebody in the know.... /s
Subject to change on a moments notice.
extortion = trump's transactional relationship with anything he thinks is marketable.
meaning that he want's all the money up front before he decides if you're going to get what you paid for...
meh, trump still has a box of classified documents he's willing to sell putin for a couple billion, so any more cash his legion of suckers coughs up is gravy...
I'm usually not in the habit of sending any mail to a bad address.
I don't think anyone ever doubted it.
Wow, I just checked my email, and my spam box is full of donation requests. The frenzied begging begins!
If you think that is bad, it could be way worse...
You could send them $20 in Monopoly money.
he had a monopoly game knock off named after him. find one and send him some trump bucks...
congrats, you're on their sucker list, and it's my guess there's no way to opt out...
Have shut down several email accounts over the years due to them getting hacked, sold and clogged with useless commercial and political spam.
Very few friends and family have access to me these days whether email, text, phone or physical location.
The older I get the more I appreciate my privacy.
LOL. Oh no it isn't. It sure as hell isn't MY problem.
Everyone in the US, Buzz. Stay where you are and no worries.
How many $399.00 sneakers does Trump need to sell to lemmings?
1.5 million pairs, by the end of next month ...
At the rate he is incurring fines he'll have to sell billions of them, but when you think about it it will be the only sneakers that can't jump.
the chinese economy could use his help. besides, ivanka's chinese trademarks were getting dusty...
He's already sold out. He's trying to get Xi to whip those orphans harder to make more faster.
WOW! They look just like the toilets on his airplane.
Trump's high-top sneakers sell out hours after launch
LMAO, the lemmings lined up with money in hand...
there's already another article on the internet stating the fine print on the order form says no guaranteed delivery date.
... suckers!
that's the trump family business model in a nutshell...
Not only are they butt ugly, the word is that they cause toxic shock blisters and are equipped with Russian tracking devices.
Par for the course.
the suckers that pre-ordered just threw their money away on another trump grift...
why couldn't I find all of these saps when I was in home improvement sales?
Maybe grifting just doesn't come natural to you.
That is an insult to lemmings !
At least lemmings have the good grace to commit suicide.
Trump is likely cashing in on U.S. security secrets he's already sold to the Saudis and others … looking for additional money as part of original deals. Beyond that …
Note to MAGAs:
A 2nd Trump term would see Putin invade Poland & when NATO countries come to Poland’s aid, Trump will draft your kids, NOT to join NATO BUT TO FIGHT with RUSSIA! GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES, MAGA moms, dads, grandparents! THINK ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN or, God forbid the children of others!
... you know it, amac.
that will likely be part of some future court drama with trump fighting to keep the name of a benefactor anonymous...
My son and son-in-law are both USAF. I would really hate to see them have to fight on the wrong side.
weren't you a zoomie? just look at the influence you've on those 2 young men...
Mar-A-Lago is such a great big target. A few dozen 500 pounders should work nicely.
And then the world can get on with important business.
Zoomies are AF Academy graduates. I was just an old enlisted person
That 2 billion to Kushner ended up in trump's pocket.
It will be some bullshit about Saudi’s investing in a investment firm that Kushner is part of with zero evidence that a penny went to trump unlike joe getting paid by Hunter.
So would I but I have zero hope that we will soon, if ever, see any.
The fact that Donald Trump is a compulsive thief and always has been should be evidence enough.
The Donald has been a sociopathic narcissist for his whole life.
This really pisses me off. And the assholes that support keep yapping about how honorable & good he is for the country when his very nature is to fleece the taxpayers & he FUCKING admits OUT LOUD.
Oh they know he's not honorable and good. They know he's a lying, thieving, grifting, criminal but to admit to it would mean they were wrong all along and how often do you see teh NT maga-nuts admit to being deceived or wrong about something?
Never, they usually say "I never said that"
They have. And they tend to repeat themselves
Ad nauseum.
That sounds just like the liberals on this site. [Deleted]
I have gotten that same response from the lefties here.
See 8.1.5. It is the only way e can get some of you to see the truth.
I am sorry, but you have not - no "leftie" on this site condones the fleecing of America like your Trump has done & will do again if re-elected. Your comment is bullshit.
Please SHOW us a comment from a "liberal" that shows this, please please please.
Even though Donald says he never said that, there is always video of him saying it. He is a compulsive liar.
One is naturally concerned with politicians exploiting their positions for personal gain. We mostly must trust their personal integrity — not a comforting thought.
Enter a cash-strapped vindictive narcissist Trump. He no doubt believes he is owed retribution and has already shown that he would throw the CotUS and the nation under the bus just to placate his ego. Imagine this ethically-devoid character with the power of the presidency given his current financial pressures and state of mind.
Yeah, GOP, it is superbly rational, responsible, and patriotic to choose Trump over Haley.
I'll be shocked if both are still on the ballot in november...
oops, my semantics error. I meant that it would be surprising to me if the current match is 50% correct on the ballot in november.
in other news, nikki said again that she would pardon trump. wtf is wrong with her? she'd probably gain more independent votes than the number of lost maga morons by saying the opposite, or delaying any decision now as speculative. wtf? she should be out there talking like she's got nothing to lose. she will never win over the maga diehards she is pandering to now. she needs to get out in front of trump and give him more of what he does to people, or she's going to be back pedaling when a big chunk of the GOP flips on him in the not too distant future. she should be bullying him and attacking him since that's what his supporters like/want. is there no one on her campaign staff that can figure the odds for her gamble? it's troublesome that she can't see down the road, past her driveway. they say nice guys finish last, but in politics, nice women finish way behind them...
The democrats need another Obama.
Michelle needs to make the sacrifice and run for the good of the country.
Did you type that with a straight face? LMMFAO talk about desperation.
Moochie a hero
To goober and Bidenettes
yep, no good reason
His supporters are going to have to start picking up extra shifts at the tilt-a-whirl, robbing liquor stores and selling meth to cover his losses.
Arkansas coke and meth whores for Trump!
They don't care that his dick is very tiny!
15 minutes of fame is all diseased Trump supporters crave.
Yep, not having enough money has been a problem for everyone since 21 January 2021
I have more than I can spend.
You should be redistributing it.
Three cheers and a whoopy for you. You just maybe the exception that proves the rule
That's true. The liberals are always claiming that those that are well off should be giving to those less fortunate. Here is his chance to do it.
I have more money than I need for my needs, but still can't afford an F40 Ferrari or a jet like Taylor Swift has. It's been my experience that more stuff just tends to lead to more headaches.
I'm actually trying to get rid of my high dollar stuff. Have a vintage Rolex Daytona I would love to sell. Have a few bass guitars and a couple of Ampeg SVTs I no longer feel a need for. Own a few high dollar Randall Knives that I will never carry.
Own a few sport cars that I don't ever want to drive again because I'd likely kill myself driving them too fast.
This is not a suicide note, just me at 70 trying to simplify my life.
Don't really need the money just need less stuff.
I'll bet he doesn't need a putty knife to get out of his chair either...
Why are you keeping it. The liberal/socialist mantra is to share your wealth with more deserving.
What’s been the difficulty?
I donate to several charities....instead of steal from them like your hero trump does.
How about you live your life and I live mine, sound like a fucking plan to you?
Isn’t that what we are doing? What confused you?
Trump is broke. He owes more than he has.
His billionaire status has been a lie for years.
Sad how anybody can still believe his pathetic lies.
Trump has run every business he ever had into the ground
He would do the same thing to America.
He has gone completely insane and would destroy democracy. Have you listened to any of his recent speeches? Trump is insane!
Too late, angry grandpa and company has already beat him to it.
he's got a plan b, and that's what I'm waiting for...
I thought that side of the aisle didn't like Plan B
1/6/21 was a dress rehearsal for his next loss...
removed for context.
why would I give a fuck what you or any other consenting adult does with their own body?