Ron DeSantis Preemptively Rejects VP Offer From Trump, Says Trump Accomplished Nothing as President

(Image credit: MSNBC)
More on DeSanctimonous:
Measles Is A 'Heat-Seeking Missile' Experts Warn As Florida Outbreak Grows.
Florida’s outbreak is the largest in the U.S. right now.
Measles is so contagious and has such a long incubation period that the decision of the state’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo to let parents decide whether to quarantine their children or let them keep going to school could allow cases to spread, experts warn. ( Read it all )

When Ron DeSantis dropped out of the GOP primary last month, he declared , “It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance,” and endorsed the ex-president. But ask DeSantis his thoughts about the former guy in private, and apparently he doesn’t have the best things to say!
During a call with supporters on Wednesday, the Florida governor said he had no interest in being Trump’s VP, claimed the 45th POTUS accomplished nothing of importance as president, and went after the conservative media for refusing to honestly cover the guy, i.e., run critical stories about him.
“People were mentioning me,” DeSantis said of potentially serving as Trump’s running mate. “I am not doing that.” (On Tuesday, Trump confirmed to Fox News that DeSantis was one of several people he was considering for the job.)
“I have heard that they’re looking more in identity politics,”
Discussing his failure to beat out the ex-president for the nomination, the governor blamed Trump’s legal problems, saying: “The dynamics of the race were, he kept getting indicted, and he drew more support out of sympathy for that.” tis told his supporters. “I think that’s a mistake. I think you should just focus on who the best person for the job would be.”
During a call with supporters on Wednesday, the Florida governor said he had no interest in being Trump’s VP, claimed the 45th POTUS accomplished nothing of importance as president, and went after the conservative media for refusing to honestly cover the guy, i.e., run critical stories about him.
Yet once again . . . De Sanctimonious sez: Its "the conservative media"!
(Could he possibly be right?
No matter what negative things some have said about De Santis, it cannot be denied that rebuffing Trump's offer to be VP is one of the smarter things he had done lately.
Big mistake to pick a fight with Mickey Mouse.
Discussing his failure to beat out the ex-president for the nomination, the governor blamed Trump’s legal problems, saying: “The dynamics of the race were, he kept getting indicted, and he drew more support out of sympathy for that.”
It's a pre-emptive strike by DeSantis since there is a very good chance that Trump will not ask him to be VP and he'd be embarrassed by that so, ''I don't want the job'' before that happens.
I think you're right about that.
Actually I think that at this point even most Republicans have realized that DeSanctimonious would do more harm than good to the Republican ticket.
Wow, Desantis actually got one right.
There's an olde saying:
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day . . .
The Republicans will reap what they sow.
There's an olde saying:
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day . . .
There are a few like that that. This one, IMO, is not as clever, but its the same idea:
Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds an Acorn.
For health or legal reasons Trump's VP probably would end up President if Trump wins