Their America

Link to Quote: socialism - How did the long march through the institutions, as theorized by Dutschke and Gramsci, take place concretely? - Politics Stack Exchange
When you hear them say "America as we know it will be gone," you have to understand that America as they know it is only three years old and the man who did it for them was an artifact, a prop a true proxy. Today both presidential candidates are rushing to the southern border because they know that it is the top issue in the 2024 election. Joe Biden gave the radical American left everything it wanted, starting with a wide-open southern border. In the beginning, the leftwing media tried to ignore it and many democrats tried to deny it was happening, but one shrewd Governor of a border state found a way to get the nation's attention. Thus, we at least have a real national issue for voters.
Their America prominently featured uninterrupted violent riots, CRT, Trans-gender affirmation, DEI, antisemitism, censorship, propaganda, EV mandates, the politization of the DOJ, FBI and the IRS, an unjust legal system, rampant crime and last but not least lawfare against a political opponent. We lost the Republic in those last 3 years. We may never get it back. This time around they won't have the veneer of the pandemic, nor the promise of what kind of president Joe Biden might be. To hear the leftwing media tell it you wouldn't know that both candidates actually served as president. We know what they will do.
Aside from the lawfare against the former President, the Biden campaign will once again outsource the campaign to the Silicon Valley Titans, which should guarantee that the Trump campaign will be dramatically outspent. As a matter of fact, Trump will hemorrhage money from now until the election.
America's demise began in the late 60's. Sadly, I never knew how right I would be about those rotten radicals. They pulled it off. They took over our institutions, indoctrinated our children and reached their objective quietly under our noses.
NT is but a microcosm of the larger society. We can see it clearly right here.
In other news:
Biden said negotiators were close to a deal to release hostages held by Hamas in exchange for another long pause.
Sweden will join NATO after Hungary’s Parliament voted to accept it.
The Supreme Court heard challenges to laws in Florida and Texas that would limit internet companies’ ability to moderate content.
Without a spending bill, federal agencies will begin shutting down this weekend.
A Venezuelan migrant was arrested over the death of a nursing student in GA. Progressives have little to say.
Mayor Eric Adams abandoned plans to expand free preschool for 3-year-olds in New York City.
Good morning

As much as Biden's handlers want to make it look like he is doing something about the border, his left isn't about to let it happen:
"Democratic representative for New York’s 14th District, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has recently warned President Biden of bowing to political pressure and implementing a Trump-style ban on migrants in the run-up to the Presidential election. The Representative implored Biden not to “imitate Trump” and “buckle” on his principles."
Democrats Warn Biden Not to “Buckle” Under Pressure and Implement a Trump-Style Ban on Immigrants (
So according to the NY Bartender, it's a bad thing to enforce immigration law and border security?
So according to the NY Bartender, it's a bad thing to enforce immigration law and border security?
Absolutely. Americans need to be replaced.
Could be seen that way.
They have said it many times. It is time to believe them.
As I recall, the first bill Biden sent to Congress was to grant illegal aliens citizenship.
Let's unpack this. Uninterrupted violent riots? I assume you mean the BLM protests that started in May of 2020. Trump was President. CRT? It's a college course. Trans-gender affirmation? Trans people exist and have as much right to advocate for themselves as the (much more repulsive) MAGAs. Antisemitism? Charlotte SC. Censorship? Florida. Propaganda? Fox news. EV mandates? There are no EV mandates, only zero emission mandates. The politization of the DOJ, FBI, and the IRS? Literally Trump's platform. An unjust legal system? It's been unjust for my entire life. Remember the guy who was too rich to go to jail? Rampant crime? We've always had crime. Lawfare against a political opponent? This is what the entire Republican caucus in Congress ran on last election and boy oh boy have they delivered. Can you say "Hunter Biden"? Sure, I knew that you could.
But local officials were all democrats who ordered their Police to stand down.
It's a college course.
No, proof to the contrary.
Yes, CRT Is Being Taught in Public Schools - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Trans people exist and have as much right to advocate for themselves as the (much more repulsive) MAGAs.
The schools are advocating
How public schools brainwash young kids with harmful transgender ideology (
Yup, on the left:
It's Time to Admit It: The Left Has an Antisemitism Problem | Opinion (
Yup, they killed the Laptop story;
Testimony Reveals FBI Employees Who Warned Social Media Companies about Hack and Leak Operation Knew Hunter Biden Laptop Wasn’t Russian Disinformation | House Judiciary Committee Republicans
Yup 50 former intel officials lied:
50 former intelligence officials warn NY Post story sounds like Russian disinformation | The Hill
EV mandates?
Biden to sign law on Tuesday cutting most current EV credits | Reuters
The politization of the DOJ, FBI, and the IRS?
Michael Sussmann: Clinton lawyer 'lied to manipulate FBI over Trump' (
An unjust legal system?
Law For Thee, But Not For Me: Thoughts On A Two Tiered Justice System | Hoover Institution Law For Thee, But Not For Me: Thoughts On A Two Tiered Justice System
Lawfare against a political opponent?
Yes again:
Democratic lawfare vs. Donald Trump - Washington Examiner
Can you say "Hunter Biden"?
That's the guy being protected, because he leads right to "the big guy."
Notice who had all the links and who is living in the bubble.
It's amazing this is still being argued in 2024. Most Democrats have moved on from the "it never happens" to "of course it happens and it's a crime if it doesn't" stage of these debates.
They claim that it is simply the history that was never taught.
What's to unpack? The truth? OWS was the only peaceful protest. Remember Occupy Wall Street? OWS protests didn't attack anyone, did not interrupt everyday life, wasn't particularly confrontational, did not attempt to attract support of partisan politicians, and definitely did not utilize violence. Democrats were flummoxed because they couldn't figure out how to exploit the OWS protests for political benefit. Republicans were baffled how to turn OWS protests into culture war divisions. Partisan politics wasn't at play during the OWS protests so now they're forgotten.
We've had TEA Party rallies, BLM protests, race riots, women's marches, and libertarian stand offs out in the middle of nowhere. And partisan politics has exploited all of it. It's been a continuous dinner & show like the Jan. 6th committee pursuing a partisan political screed.
Both political parties have politicized every fucking thing they can. Every little shithead activist special interest movement has auditioned for partisan political attention. And the consequence is we're gonna have an asswipe in the White House come Jan. 2024. Arguing the merits of Blue or Red asswipes won't change what is coming.
And no one remembers Occupy Wall Street.
Not so-- many folks remember it well!
And no one remembers Occupy Wall Street.
Don't remember it?
How could they forget?
I like her even better when she smiles. I guess smiling was impossible with that mob around her.
The winter came and that was the end of Occupy Wall Street.
I seem to remember that this revolution lasted about for around two months.
Yup, it got a little chilly and they all went back to mommy's house.
A bit off topic, a minor point: Charlotte is a large city in North Carolina.
The infamous racist "Jews Will Not Replace Us" rally took place in Charlottesville, which is in Virginia. (see video in comment # 1.1.5, above)
Charlottesville is the location of the University of Virginia. Monticello, the home of former President Thomas Jefferson may be seen in Charlottesville as well as being on the reverse of the U.S. Nickel. (If you are below a certain age you may not know what a Nickel is so Google it).
Also, outside of Charlottesville is a major Yoga Ashram called Yogaville.
American geography, like civics, doesn’t seem to be taught any more.
New York is "dropping typical application requirements like proof of a high school diploma or proficiency in English" for state jobs.
It's like they've declared war on competency in the name of "fundamentally transforming" America.
Dumb ass was hoping for a cease fire but Hamas double crossed him.
Here he is eating an ice cream (he's just like us don't ya know)
Democrat Rep. Katie Porter on the murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant:
“The important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn’t shape our overall immigration policy”
Isn't this the same 'pinko commie' screed we've heard since the end of the 1950s? The Barry Goldwater elite and the right Reverend John Birch led the country off course and put us where we are today. Just remember that Hillary Clinton is a Goldwater Democrat before summarily dismissing the notion as nonsense.
The bottom line is there are two unworkable economic ideologies that depend upon government intervention. The Marx/Lenin socialist ideology attempts to eliminate profit motives from economic activity. The neoliberal capitalist ideology attempts to elevate profit motives to be the one and only motivation for economic activity. Yet these extreme, diametrically opposed ideologies must operate within the same framework of economic principles. Both the socialist extreme and the neoliberal extreme must fail because they violate fundamental economic principles. Both of the unworkable ideologies of socialism and neoliberalism have attempted to use central government control of money to bypass the fundamental principles of economics.
Money ain't economics. Trying to make a bigger economy by manipulating money isn't any different that trying to make a bigger building my manipulating centimeters. It won't work. The whole 'pinko commie' argument is based upon two unworkable lies; either of which will ultimately destroy the American way of life. Neither one is gonna work.
Trade built upon a foundation of exploitation to maximize profit can never be free. That's no different than a requirement to sacrifice for the benefit of the state with no hope of reward. Both are impossible expectations that can only be fulfilled by central government deliberately circumventing the principles of economics and ignoring the consequences. That's why we're in this mess today.
What is a Goldwater democrat?
The bottom line is there are two unworkable economic ideologies that depend upon government intervention. The Marx/Lenin socialist ideology attempts to eliminate profit motives from economic activity. The neoliberal capitalist ideology attempts to elevate profit motives to be the one and only motivation for economic activity. Yet these extreme, diametrically opposed ideologies must operate within the same framework of economic principles. Both the socialist extreme and the neoliberal extreme must fail because they violate fundamental economic principles. Both of the unworkable ideologies of socialism and neoliberalism have attempted to use central government control of money to bypass the fundamental principles of economics.
The current confrontation is not Marxism vs Neoliberalism. It is Marxism vs a Populist man of the people.
Sadly, I think the Marxists can't be beat.
Barry Goldwater's conservatism was based upon the early ideas of neoliberal capitalism. Goldwater did elevate profit above other economic considerations or motivations. That's why Goldwater opposed New Deal programs. (Lyndon Johnson wanted to expand upon the FDR New Deal ideas and succeeded. There really were a number of Democrat elites that opposed Johnson's shift in Democrat priorities. I believe one of those Democrats was Ronald Reagan.)
An example of the Goldwater Democrat would be one that argues for Social Security reform that relies more heavily upon financial markets. The system of 401k retirement supplement was supported by Goldwater Democrats. Free trade agreements like NAFTA was supported by Goldwater Democrats.
Joe Biden is more of a Goldwater Democrat than a FDR Democrat. Joe Biden will lie about New Deal ideas to twist them to fit neoliberal ideas.
I strongly disagree with that statement. The 'populist man of the people' is confronting neoliberal capitalism in the United States. Trump hasn't dabbled in 'pinko commie' rhetoric. Marxism is not the existential threat according to Trump's politics. Biden's domestic and foreign policies are neoliberal, not Marxist. A contest between Trump and Biden won't have anything to do with Marxism whatsoever.
Joe Biden is NOT a democratic socialist. Joe Biden's Big Government is joined at the hip with Big Business. Joe Biden is a neoliberal supported by Goldwater Democrats within the party establishment.
If Marxist can't be beat then where is the USSR? Marxists advocate individual sacrifice for the benefit of the collective state without hope of personal reward. But that's not what is happening in the United States. The political left is demanding society make sacrifices for the benefit of individual special interests; the exact opposite of Marxism. The political left has adopted the argument that the good of the few outweighs the good of the many which is the exact opposite of Marxism. (BTW, that's the same as the 'job creator' argument adopted by the political right which is now being labeled fascism.)
Democrats' advocacy of public/private partnerships to address narrowly defined and highly targeted disadvantages in society certainly doesn't fit with Marxist ideology. Marxism is about subsuming individuality for the good of the collective. That's the opposite of what Democrats advocate. When have Marxists celebrated diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Democrats ain't socialists. Democrats ain't even democratic socialists. Democrats advocate exploiting society as a whole to provide limited and targeted benefits for minorities in society. Democrats pandering to special interests was never intended to strengthen the collective; Democrats politics has been to exploit the collective.
Marxism is not a threat in the United States. Neoliberal capitalism is the threat. Today's American Dream must overcome the barrier of public/private partnerships exploiting the economy for the benefit of the few. That's why there is such a stark and insurmountable separation between the wealthy and the commoner. Today the greatest threat to the American Dream is dynastic wealth controlling government. The American Dream cannot survive in an economic environment of imperial monopoly.
Its the opposite of a Lyndon Johnson republican.
Some are, some aren't.
(Actually I've known Democrats who were Socialists. And also some who weren't).
An argument that an exception makes the rule is often problematic. Especially when a private partisan organization, such as Democrats, celebrates diversity. The divisions of diversity are not compatible with collective unity, are they? Maybe that explains why Bernie Sanders is an avowed Socialist but he disavows being a Democrat.
Where did Marx and Engels advocate for celebrating diversity? Didn't Marx and Engels point out that diversity would be a threat to collective unity? The exception does support the idea of Democrat diversity but that exception, by itself, refutes the notion that the Democrat Party is socialist.
What an amazing series of events by the rotten radicals, right under the noses of all-powerful Republican Presidents, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2, and Trump they were, in your opinion changing America to their liking. I would have to say if that is true that the above Republican Presidents, were incompetent fools who couldn't manage a CF let alone a country,? I have to wonder what caused them to be so cowardly in the face of an attack by a bunch of rag-tag radicals. Sad commentary on the part of the author when he concedes that his fearless leaders were so incompetent as to allow this takeover to happen.
I would say that Conservatives conceded the university without a fight.
So they raised the white flag of surrender and today are whining about it. Tough bunch you follow, they even gave up their children...Shame on them.
Those dirty hippies!
LOL. Those dirty hippies? Some of those hippies were among my best friends, including American draft dodgers. I even created a successful business in Toronto with two of those hippies as my partners.
You are finally right. Traditional Americans have to be as motivated as the fanatics on the left.
If the traditional Americans are as you say unmotivated then what in the world are they whining about, they couldn't even defeat a bunch of outnumbered rag-tag hippies with no money.
BTW, what is exactly a ''traditional American'' in your mind, a John Wayne type character?
Vic, Vic, Vic, if you're going to try and insult me you have to do better your opening line in your comment is really weak.
Which university is that?
Traditional Americans tend to be invested in their own lives IE: raising families. It is hard for them to dedicate time to a cause as opposed to privileged college students, whom when losing their deferments launched the anti-Vietnam War movement.
Have a good one.
So, it was everyone other than some privileged college students afraid of losing their deferments that launched the movement that stopped the war....Well if that were true, it's a good thing to stop a war that destroyed a generation of Americans and the repercussions are still felt today.
A name on a wall is all that is left.
Both political parties have politicized every fucking thing they can.
Political parties...actually politicizing?
I am shocked...shocked I tell you!