
Missouri Bill Could Make It a Felony to Perform in Drag in Public Places


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  last year  •  152 comments

By:   Kallie Cox (Riverfront Times)

Missouri Bill Could Make It a Felony to Perform in Drag in Public Places
Anyone who performs in drag at places other than "adult cabarets" could face arrest

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Anyone who performs in drag at places other than "adult cabarets" could face arrest

By Kallie Cox Mar 5, 2024 at 6:00 am

A new bill making its way through the Missouri Legislature would deem any business that allows drag performances "sexually explicit" — and would charge performers with felonies if they perform anywhere accessible by a minor.

On Wednesday the Missouri House Special Committee on Public Policy will hold a public hearing for HB1650. The bill, introduced by Representative Mazzie Christensen (R-Bethany), would criminalize drag performances and penalize businesses who allow drag shows.

The bill had no co-sponsors as of press time.

Under Christensen's bill, any commercial business (including nightclubs, bars, and restaurants) that allows drag performances would be deemed sexually explicit, says Shira Berkowitz, senior director of public policy for PROMO Missouri, a nonprofit advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.

That classification would subject the businesses to extra restrictions and zoning ordinances, they say.

The bill also says that drag performers, and anyone caught participating in a drag show at a public/"child friendly venue," could be charged with a felony.

The bill adds new verbiage that would apply to drag to what Missouri has long termed "sexually oriented businesses." Instead of using the term drag, it hides its meaning behind the term "adult cabaret performance" — "A performance that appeals to a prurient interest in a location other than an adult cabaret that features topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators who provide entertainment, or similar entertainers, regardless of whether performed for consideration."

"A person commits the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance if the performance is on public property or is in a location where the performance could be viewed by a child," the summary of the bill says. That would presumably include places like libraries or drag brunches that are not limited to adults. The bill defines "child" for its purposes as anyone under the age of 14.

"The offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance is a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for any second or subsequent offense," the bill states.

Class-A misdemeanors in Missouri carry a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine not to exceed $2,000 while Class-E felony offenses are punishable up to four years in prison or one year in jail with up to a $10,000 fine.

"Drag performers and business owners have a right to offer these performances," Berkowitz says. "Missouri families have a right to attend performances and invite the world of art into their family upbringing."

Already this year 43 anti-trans bills and bills targeting the drag community have been introduced in the Missouri Legislature, according to Trans Legislation Tracker, a nonprofit research entity dedicated to tracking this legislation.

PROMO is encouraging Missourians to show up for the public hearing on Wednesday and to testify against the bill. Those who can't make it are encouraged to submit their written testimony online.



Branson Votes to Limit Drag Shows:Missouri's infamous tourist town wants to preserve its reputation as a "family-oriented" destination


Parody Pics of Josh Hawley and Other GOP Twerps in Drag Going Viral [PHOTOS]

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About The Author

Kallie Cox

headshot.jpg?cb=1708986453 Kallie Cox is a staff writer for the Riverfront Times focusing on city politics. x-twitter.svg Kallie Cox o


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    last year

Is it The State of Missouri, or the state of misery?

Professor Quiet
1.1  Ozzwald  replied to  JBB @1    last year
Is it The State of Missouri, or the state of misery?

You have to wonder what these ultra conservative right wingers are so completely terrified of?

Professor Guide
1.1.1  evilone  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1    last year
You have to wonder what these ultra conservative right wingers are so completely terrified of?

I don't know what they are afraid of, but they clearly aren't afraid to submit and pass bills abridging the freedom of speech and showing clear authoritarian intent. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  evilone @1.1.1    last year

Meanwhile ….. in liberal college land all over the country …. Free speech is being quashed regularly by the “freedom fighters” of authoritarianism.

My friends on the left.

Professor Expert
1.1.3  CB  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.2    last year

Indefensible nonsense.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.4  Sparty On  replied to  CB @1.1.3    last year

The truth will set you free CB.    Really, it will.

Professor Expert
1.1.5  CB  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.4    last year

The truth is Missouri politicians in favor of this bill seek to criminalize and 'blue-light district' citizens for their expression. While conservatives run amok in the offices, spaces, and parks. And thus, your pithy retort is unremarkable. 

Professor Guide
1.1.6  evilone  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.2    last year
Meanwhile …..

people who can't defend the topic at hand will work diligently to deflect away from it.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.8  Sparty On  replied to  evilone @1.1.6    last year


Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.9  Sparty On  replied to  CB @1.1.5    last year

Opinions do vary

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.10  Sparty On  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.8    last year


Senior Expert
1.1.11  George  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.10    last year


Professor Expert
1.1.13  CB  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.7    last year

It's a tragedy, all around. 'Drag' is a business. The queens do this as a career choice. It's a sub-culture that is setting its sights on going mainstream. But, the usual suspects and critics are throwing 'boulders, bricks, and baseball bats' at them in their obsession of making sure they don't get 'out'! 

It's quite tiresome and there is not a damn thing funny about what some conservatives are doing while pasting a 'cheesy' fake ass smile on their faces while criminalizing diversity and calling people foul, rude, terrible and terrifying names! And, not caring if the consequences mean 'queens' can't feed themselves-get a job-pay taxes-or eat and have a proper roof over their heads.

Professor Expert
1.1.14  CB  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.9    last year

A dodge. I perceive you are "speechless" at this juncture.

Professor Quiet
1.1.16  arkpdx  replied to  CB @1.1.13    last year
 if the consequences mean 'queens' can't feed themselves-get a job-pay taxes-or eat and have a proper roof over their heads. 

They can get jobs at establishments that cater to adult entertainment. I seriously doubt any of them are making any money ate a srag reading hour at a library. 

Professor Expert
1.1.17  CB  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.16    last year

But. . .that is the point. . . it is not essential that you get intimately in what drag queens are doing. . . it is not your child/ren that are involved. Helicopter parenting has its "pros and cons" - this is an instance of 'con' parental control over general sharing in the community! Stop meddling in the affairs of others. Drag is not simply adult entertainment. . . the time has come for some conservatives to get that through their thick heads! Nobody 'died' and left an entire state or set of states to conservatives, there are others living there and paying into the state 'systems' and that includes property taxes for schools and libraries. RESPECT IS A TWO-WAY STREET!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.18  Sparty On  replied to  CB @1.1.14    last year

Not a dodge.    A fact.    Once again your perception is off.    100% off.

Professor Guide
1.1.19  MrFrost  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.16    last year
They can get jobs at establishments that cater to adult entertainment.

What if they don't want to?

Professor Quiet
1.1.20  arkpdx  replied to  CB @1.1.17    last year
Drag is not simply adult entertainment.

Yes yes it is. 

Professor Quiet
1.1.21  arkpdx  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.19    last year

Then it is kind of tough shit for them. I guess they will have to find some other line of work. 

Professor Guide
1.1.22  MrFrost  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.21    last year

Then it is kind of tough shit for them. I guess they will have to find some other line of work. 

Nah... Looks like they will be able to do as they please. I'm just waiting for republicans to start trying to ban halloween because people are, "dressing up". 

See, that's the big difference between the left and right... If the left doesn't like it, they just say, "well, don't like it, but it's not hurting anyone so go for it..." The right tends to say, "If I don't like it, FUCK YOU, you can't have it!!!" 

But that's what we expect from the party of, "more personal freedoms", right Arky? 

Professor Guide
1.1.23  MrFrost  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.20    last year
Yes yes it is. 

That's your OPINION. 

Professor Expert
1.1.24  CB  replied to  Sparty On @1.1.18    last year

More pithy nonsense. It is a dodge. "Opinions vary." is simply 'filler' and conveys nothing to the readers of it!

Professor Expert
1.1.25  CB  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.20    last year

Then you need to elaborate on what you mean by "adult entertainment" because you are otherwise just passing propaganda on to the reader.

Professor Expert
1.1.26  CB  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.22    last year

Emphatically. These some conservatives are never satisfied with liberals. But think they should quelch liberal liberties and then we should just sit down and chat it up with them afterwards. What a crock! I don't play "games" with gravely serious people about my rights, liberties, and privileges. I see them in the committing of the 'acts' they espouse. . . and tell them (to their faces) they are full of . . .okay, crap.

Professor Quiet
1.1.27  arkpdx  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.23    last year


Professor Principal
1.1.28  Kavika   replied to  arkpdx @1.1.21    last year
Then it is kind of tough shit for them. I guess they will have to find some other line of work.

I doubt it as soon as someone takes it to court as a violation of free speech SCOTUS will overturn it the decision was made by the Supremes in Dec 2023 they upheld a district judge decision, a court of appeals. Now the Anti woke bumbler DeSantis has another loss on his record to go along with two others in the last two days.


Professor Quiet
1.1.29  arkpdx  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.22    last year
If the left doesn't like it, they just say, "well, don't like it, but it's not hurting anyone so go for it 

You mean like they don't allow conservative speakers and others they disagree with to speak like Shapiro, Laura Ingram and Gaines and riot around their venues and threaten their safety in violation of said speakers First Amendment Rights? How the left want to take out Second Amendment Rights. 

As I have asked others, show me where you have a right not to be offended. 

Professor Expert
1.1.31  CB  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.29    last year
As I have asked others, show me where you have a right not to be offended.

That remark crosses a line, because if you come here to just be brutish about people you desire to dislike with a "just because I can" attitude, you might find what you are looking for: a match!

As far as who can speak where, as far as who can be cancelled, as far as who can be violated, and as far as who can feel unsafe in the real world; that has little to nothing to do with people trying to reason and have expectations of being "received" and possibly even being "refreshed" by their fellow "community" of writers here.

Being a hardcase; just to be a hardcase is a trap some fall in and it really does not work well at all. Because nobody can truly be something or somebody they are honestly not! Stop asking LGBTQ people to make you 'happy' by changing into well—You! The cold hard truth is: There are people who choose to express their freedom in this country in ways you, me, or a myriad of people will never understand or agree with, but they are not violating anybody, or any child just for being so.

Let people live. And you live too!

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.1.32  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1    last year

My view is they are afraid that a Drag Queen might snatch them up while they are sleeping, because Right Wing-Christian Nationalists sleep a lot, or so I am told my one of my many delusions.

And, possibly do what they have so often done, turn folks into DRAG QUEENS, dress them in elaborate, beaded attire, then send them off to their jobs only to be ridiculed by their fellow workers.

Of course, my Fellow, NewsTalkers.com, this is "speculation" based on my own experience and not that of other quacks.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.1.33  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  evilone @1.1.1    last year

In the Neo-Conservative South, and Southwest, the purpose, according to my sauce (Steve "Never Bathe" Bunions) is for the GOVERNMENT of the People to be converted to the "Government of the Few."

Pew, pew!

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.1.34  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.23    last year

In a CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST NATION, people are not allowed to have an "opinion"!

It's in the BIBLE, somewhere!

Professor Quiet
1.1.35  Ozzwald  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @1.1.32    last year
My view is they are afraid that a Drag Queen might snatch them up while they are sleeping, because Right Wing-Christian Nationalists sleep a lot, or so I am told my one of my many delusions.

Hmmmmm, possibly.

And, possibly do what they have so often done, turn folks into  DRAG QUEENS , dress them in elaborate, beaded attire, then send them off to their jobs only to be ridiculed by their fellow workers.

Well, cross dressing is highly contagious and the right wing does refuse to wear masks.  So you may have something there.


Freshman Silent
1.1.36  Wishful_thinkin  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.29    last year
show me where you have a right not to be offended. 

Right back at you.  You can be offended by drag all you want.  That doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.  

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.1.37  Trout Giggles  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.22    last year

Some on the Christian right are already trying to cancel Halloween

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.1.38  Trout Giggles  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @1.1.32    last year

Hey, they can style me in my sleep and send me to work. I draw the line at stilletos, tho

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.39  Sparty On  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.1.37    last year

That’s nothing new.    Some were doing that back when I was a kid.

And yet, Halloween is still here …….

goose is back
Junior Participates
1.1.40  goose is back  replied to  CB @1.1.13    last year
not caring if the consequences mean 'queens' can't feed themselves-get a job-pay taxes-or eat and have a proper roof over their heads.

If these so called helpless "queens" who according to you have no other skills to do anything. They should perform where they are allowed to perform, why is that a problem? Strippers aren't performing in public!

A person commits the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance if the performance is on public property or is in a location where the performance could be viewed by a child,” the summary of the bill says. That would presumably include places like libraries or drag brunches that are not limited to adults. The bill defines “child” for its purposes as anyone under the age of 14.

I guess you want children to see this?

Professor Expert
1.1.41  CB  replied to  goose is back @1.1.40    last year

First, establish who performs "Adult cabaret performances" around children, including brunches and libraries. Stop believing bull that you don't know and clearly don't understand. Second, performing "adult entertainment" around minors is illegal an all fifty states. Third, what drag queens do around kids with parents sitting in place (including some conservatives looking to make a 'case' or complain) can't be classified as 'adult' - as it is designed with kids in mind.

Stop writing nonsense on this topic. Growth and development. Give back the rightwing talking points for they are written by liars, schemers, and propagandists designed to impress/anger/outrage those ignorant of what "Others" are and do.

Stop fearmongering about "Others" every chance available.

Finally, I have no comment on your first paragraph, it has nothing to do with anything I wrote or even thought to address.

Professor Guide
1.1.42  evilone  replied to  goose is back @1.1.40    last year
They should perform where they are allowed to perform, why is that a problem?

The issue is unnecessary and illegal restrictions in where they can perform. 

I guess you want children to see this?

What is this? 

an adult cabaret performance

Are you are afraid children might see someone sing and dance? I guess that's going to preclude most live venues and top music acts. Also why are you in favor of giving the state parental control instead of, you know, the actual parents? 

goose is back
Junior Participates
1.1.43  goose is back  replied to  CB @1.1.41    last year
Finally, I have no comment on your first paragraph, it has nothing to do with anything I wrote or even thought to address.

Please don't act like you didn't write it!

From your 1.1.13
It's quite tiresome and there is not a damn thing funny about what some conservatives are doing while pasting a 'cheesy' fake ass smile on their faces while criminalizing diversity and calling people foul, rude, terrible and terrifying names! And, not caring if the consequences mean 'queens' can't feed themselves-get a job-pay taxes-or eat and have a proper roof over their heads.

Professor Expert
1.1.44  CB  replied to  goose is back @1.1.43    last year
If these so called helpless "queens" who according to you have no other skills to do anything. They should perform where they are allowed to perform, why is that a problem? Strippers aren't performing in public!

The above is what you wrote. This is what I wrote (again for review): 

And, not caring if the consequences mean 'queens' can't feed themselves-get a job-pay taxes-or eat and have a proper roof over their heads.

This is what you 'heard':

If these so called helpless "queens" who according to you have no other skills to do anything. They should perform where they are allowed to perform, why is that a problem? Strippers aren't performing in public!

Now then, point out where I stated the 'queens' have as you put it, "No other skills to do anything."  Go ahead. It won't be easy for you, because it is not there.

However, I do see what you ATTEMPTED to make out through "interpretation" . . . that is, that a 'queen' can't have the liberty and freedom to go out and "mainstream" herself because some  conservatives would prefer "she" let them define her existence.

It does not have anything to do with how many other skills "she" has; she won't wish to follow directions from republicans on what "her" life should be—nor should "she"!

That is the problem now! Some conservatives have for the longest of time CONTROLLED the lives of LGBTQ people through their public policies that DENY the individual/s their rights, freedoms, liberties based on what some conservatives "SAY."  To which end LGBTQ people have lived otherwise UNSATISFACTORY lives trying to be SOMEONE/S THEY ARE NOT!

As for WHERE they are allowed to perform. They are/were allowed to perform in public facilities. . . until some wise-ass, nosy, meddlesome grouping of MAGAs decided to obfuscate and block them under a threat of ARREST/JAIL/PRISON.  Some conservatives MEDDLE TO DAMN MUCH IN OTHER PEOPLE'S HAPPINESS!  That has got to end. And it shall.

Now then, I have explained my comment fairly well to you and I hope you drop your argument because of it.

goose is back
Junior Participates
1.1.45  goose is back  replied to  CB @1.1.44    last year
Now then, point out where I stated the 'queens' have as you put it, "No other skills to do anything."

Well..........If the "queens" "can't feed themselves-get a job-pay taxes-or eat" maybe it's just me but, they don't appear to have any other skills, other than being queens or why would they not be able to eat, pay taxes or have a roof over their head. 

can't have the liberty and freedom to go out and "mainstream" 

I have no problem whatsoever with queens performing where appropriate. Just as there are restrictions on exotic dancers, nativity scenes, 10 commandments being displayed in public places and libraires, why is it a problem.  Liberty and Freedom can have some guardrails. Just because you don't find it to be a problem other people do.  

Professor Guide
1.1.46  Tacos!  replied to  goose is back @1.1.45    last year
I have no problem whatsoever with queens performing where appropriate. Just as there are restrictions on exotic dancers, nativity scenes, 10 commandments being displayed in public places and libraires, why is it a problem. 

Why do you think any of these things are equivalent? They aren’t.

Exotic dancers take off their clothes. Drag queens reading “Green Eggs and Ham” (or whatever) to a bunch of 1st graders aren’t doing that. Not everything that makes you personally uncomfortable is sexual.

Nativity scenes and the 10 Commandments in public spaces implicate a government endorsement of religion, in violation of the Constitution. That’s why they’re a problem. Though this last point may change as the Court is already undoing some of their decisions in this area.

Professor Expert
1.1.47  CB  replied to  goose is back @1.1.45    last year
  Liberty and Freedom can have some guardrails. Just because you don't find it to be a problem other people do.  

And you will do 'well' to define what it is some conservatives may feel comfortable doing with their liberties; but that has no bearings on the proper and legal freedoms, liberties, and privileges - emphasis on "proper" for liberals and Others!

That is, some conservatives are wrong to make liberties, freedoms, and privileges illegal just because, a 'need' to be in control, or out of spitefulness. That sort of attitude and activity is not freedom operating at its best!

goose is back
Junior Participates
1.1.48  goose is back  replied to  Tacos! @1.1.46    last year
Drag queens reading “Green Eggs and Ham”

Please read the article.

goose is back
Junior Participates
1.1.49  goose is back  replied to  CB @1.1.47    last year
some conservatives are wrong to make liberties, freedoms, and privileges illegal 

No one is making it illegal.  You just can't do whatever you want, where ever you want. 

Professor Guide
1.1.50  Tacos!  replied to  goose is back @1.1.48    last year
Please read the article.

And then what? Guess at whatever the hell might be on your mind? Don’t play games. If you have something you want to say, just be a grown up and say it.

I gave you a point of view in direct response to your comment. I didn’t come at you with “Read the Constitution.” Is it really so hard for people to carry on a normal conversation?

Professor Expert
1.1.52  CB  replied to  goose is back @1.1.49    last year
A new bill making its way through the Missouri Legislature would deem any business that allows drag performances "sexually explicit" — and would charge performers with felonies if they perform anywhere accessible by a minor. From the Article Above.

In context of this article, you have it stated above from this article: "Felonies" are serious, illegal, and/or criminal (in the extreme).

Professor Expert
1.1.53  CB  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.51    last year

And it is insulting in the least to suggest (though admittedly as a homosexual man I have only been to maybe two drag shows, but there are "plenty" I can peak into on Youtube-will have to check it) that drag queens are having sex or being "seedy" and depraved in their acts. I mean really. Of course, the context of the shows is "adult themed" when no children are around but there is no live sex or wholesale vulgarity which occurs. Some conservatives are ignorant or lying through their teeth to cause outrage!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
2  Sparty On    last year

Looks like drag queens picked the wrong time to live in Missouri.

Professor Expert
2.1  CB  replied to  Sparty On @2    last year

Don't like drag queens. . . look the other way. Drag queens look the other way when their oppressors, 'er obsessors are in area! It's called liberty, freedom, and expression!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
2.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  CB @2.1    last year

Don’t like Missouri?    Move somewhere else.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  CB @2.1    last year

These folks aren't really afraid of drag queens indoctrinating their children. They are afraid they may see a drag queen and actually experience a thrill

Professor Expert
2.1.3  CB  replied to  Sparty On @2.1.1    last year

Drag queens are born and raised up right there in Missouri! They are not imported. They have an inherent right to be treated with the same respect as any and all conservatives in the state. Take conservative filthy politics off the drag queens of Missouri! 

Professor Expert
2.1.4  CB  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.2    last year

It is their damn obsessive nature to meddle with others and some conservatives are always looking for a PRETEXT to meddle and keep ogling ways to keep others in 'the box' they want. Toxic conservatism and toxic MAGA-ism is what it is. And all the while, they, the so-called defenders of (more) freedom are content to try to define what freedom should mean for the person beside and behind them.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  CB @2.1.4    last year

They also want everyone to conform to their standards. No deviations allowed!

Professor Expert
2.1.6  CB  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.5    last year

And of course, there is a church on every corner. .. begging every time you see them for funds and members. And these days indoctrinating themselves and their children on a regular basis in the ways of hate/division. Even hatred of their own children whom they tell themselves it is 'wisdom' to not love and to separate from. . . who are only expressing themselves. . . and doing no harm to others in doing so. Drag is expression and its a living!

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
2.1.8  Right Down the Center  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.2    last year

Interesting theory.  Any data to support it?

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.1.9  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.7    last year

I hit my head on a nail. Is that the right thing to do, when in Missouri?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.10  Trout Giggles  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @2.1.9    last year

Is that better than hammering a nail thru your thumb?

Professor Principal
2.1.11  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.2    last year

they're afraid of getting bursitis from continuously jerking off ...

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.2  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Sparty On @2    last year

Sparty On, why would anyone want to live in that backwoods country, governed by a "Drag Queen", Sarah Hucklebones"?

Sarah doesn't have enough sense to shave her mustache.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
2.2.1  Sparty On  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @2.2    last year


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @2.2    last year

I live in Arkansas. I love it here, but I'm an outdoors person. I hate cities

Professor Quiet
2.2.3  Ronin2  replied to  Sparty On @2.2.1    last year

removed for context

goose is back
Junior Participates
2.2.4  goose is back  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.2.2    last year
Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3  Greg Jones    last year

"A person commits the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance if the performance is on public property or is in a location where the performance could be viewed by a child," the summary of the bill says. That would presumably include places like libraries or drag brunches that are not limited to adults. The bill defines "child" for its purposes as anyone under the age of 14."

Wholesome and healthy entertainment for the whole family!  Right?

Professor Expert
3.1  CB  replied to  Greg Jones @3    last year

Yes. . . if the family intends to be open-minded and enjoy the show for what it is. If not, then that family or those families can stay away! ;)

Professor Guide
3.2  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @3    last year

Do you rail against people dressing up for Halloween as well?

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
3.2.1  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  MrFrost @3.2    last year

Now, that is a SIN!  Dressing up in costume to scare old folks into giving kids candy is the "SIN OF SINS"!

It's in the Bible, somewhere.

 ("Do-Tour-Dram-A-Ness", Chapter 69, verse 666, according to my "sauces" (Ghouliani & Dirty Diaper Donnie's Wiper, Miss Messy Hands).

Professor Expert
4  CB    last year

Once again, proof that conservatives are OBSESSED with what LGBTQ people are doing with themselves, even when it is just entertaining. Or, even when it is not just entertainment! Let conservatives lie and say they are not!

Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    last year

Like all of these attempts to force regressive morality on the rest of us, this legislation appears to be unconstitutionally vague and overbroad.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
5.1  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Tacos! @5    last year

Tacos Bells, that could be caused by all that damn MOONSHINE these "Kristian Killer Fer Khrist" drank, at an early age (6-to 12 years), according to my research staff, from the "Less Than Prestigious" BIRD DROPPINGS INSTITUTE, a Thin/Stink Tank for Morons, No Idiots, please!

It is the custom in the South. That and NEVER brushing their teeth.

As CEO & Flounder of the institute, I have no idea what these researchers think, or why they refuse to bathe.

Professor Principal
5.2  Kavika   replied to  Tacos! @5    last year

SCOTUS ruled on this recently in the Florida case. Florida and DeSantis lost as will MO if anyone challenges this law there.

Supreme Court Says Florida Can’t Enforce Anti-Drag Law


Sparty On
Professor Expert
6  Sparty On    last year

I find it amusing that some of the same people who are adamantly against the latest 9-0 SCOTUS decision are also against this Missouri bill.

Their partisan based confusion is egregious and outrageous.

Professor Expert
6.1  CB  replied to  Sparty On @6    last year

I find it confusing and outrageous that so-called, "freedom defenders," always appear eager to make new laws that criminalize the lifestyles and conduct of otherwise innocent people. As if our jails and prisons are not over-populated (relative to other nations) enough!

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
6.1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  CB @6.1    last year

Those are not "freedom defenders". The only freedoms they defend are those that they want and they don't like to share

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  CB @6.1    last year

Bullshit, no one is trying to criminalize behavior.    Just trying to set some reasonable standards to protect minors.   

Here’s a question.    Why do drag queens find it necessary to have shows in front of minors in the first place.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  Trout Giggles @6.1.1    last year

Yep, missed the point again.


Professor Expert
6.1.4  CB  replied to  Trout Giggles @6.1.1    last year

Tell the truth and shame the shame-less anyhow!

Professor Expert
6.1.5  CB  replied to  Sparty On @6.1.2    last year

Minors don't get the protection from conservative where it counts in gun violence in the schools. . .but, conservatives come out to denounce and made misdemeanors and felonies out of drag queens. BTW, drag queens want and deserve to be part of the culture and fabric of the community. Their art is not illegitimate and although the look and the performances can be raunchy in places, sections, and as a whole. . . children are not exposed to sex acts, though conservatives apparently want to portend and imagine in the minds of others that such acts are taking place.

I, for my part, will assume drag queens know how to blend in to society, and even more to the point, that the parents and children attending their shows know when a line has been crossed and thus, self-regulate and self-govern themselves. After all, some conservatives 'say' that freedom allows for doing so!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6.1.6  Sparty On  replied to  CB @6.1.5    last year
Minors don't get the protection from conservative where it counts in gun violence in the schools. . .but, conservatives come out to denounce and made misdemeanors and felonies out of drag queens.

A ridiculous comparison.

BTW, drag queens want and deserve to be part of the culture and fabric of the community. Their art is not illegitimate and although the look and the performances can be raunchy in places, sections, and as a whole. . . children are not exposed to sex acts, though conservatives apparently want to portend and imagine in the minds of others that such acts are taking place.

Opinions do vary.    Especially in Missouri

I, for my part, will assume drag queens know how to blend in to society, and even more to the point, that the parents and children attending their shows know when a line has been crossed and thus, self-regulate and self-govern themselves. After all, some conservatives 'say' that freedom allows for doing so!

Of course that would be your assumption.    And that is all it is.    An assumption.    Not a fact.

Professor Expert
6.1.7  CB  replied to  Sparty On @6.1.6    last year

Okay, you're doing that pithy nonsensical thing yet again. Not rendered, nothing gained. 

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
6.1.8  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Sparty On @6.1.2    last year

Because "COAL MINORS" work long hours and deserve some entertainment to take their mind off of their ugly family members.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
6.1.9  Trout Giggles  replied to  CB @6.1.5    last year
Minors don't get the protection from conservative where it counts in gun violence in the schools.

Let's not forget sexual violence at the hand of religious leaders and their own parents

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
7  Greg Jones    last year

It seems very apparent that the left thinks it's healthy and wholesome to bring children to what till now has been considered to be adult entertainment.  Or that it's acceptable to teach grade school kids all about sexual orientation and gender. I guess it's easier to indoctrinate them when they are young and impressionable.

Professor Guide
7.2  Tacos!  replied to  Greg Jones @7    last year
what till now has been considered to be adult entertainment

Adult? Sez who?


Professor Principal
7.2.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Tacos! @7.2    last year

original These Guys, That's Who...

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.2.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Tacos! @7.2    last year

OMG!!!! Thanks for my first snort-laugh this morning!

Professor Expert
7.3  CB  replied to  Greg Jones @7    last year

Churches indoctrinate children with conservative blessings. What you fail to RESPECT is there are LGBTQ children blended into the 'coming of age' age-group. These kids have no idea what they are becoming and have to stumble through those early years, making a mess of themselves and those around them. All because prejudiced MEDDLERS who do not understand and who choose to remain 'dumb' about the truth of what is happening to a "X" number of those kids, try to block them from knowledge that they will inevitably desire, wish for, and ultimately receive (even after years of confusion. . .and worse ABUSE). 

Now to the point. GET OVER IT NOW! The LGBTQ community do not need permission to help young LGBTQ through their identity crisis after being pressured for years of their young lives to be something that is IMPOSSIBLE for them to become, namely a Conservative. It's simply just not going to happen.

Get over it and leave your fellow citizens along to live their lives just as free and clear as you live your own.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
7.4  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Greg Jones @7    last year

"And, now, you know the rest of it!" - Walter Concrete

Professor Quiet
8  arkpdx    last year

When is the left going to come out in  favor of strippers and pole dancers performing where children can be. Maybe they can have a day at the library with hookers reading children. 

Professor Expert
8.1  CB  replied to  arkpdx @8    last year

That comment is disgusting, insulting, and worse: Misinformed. Dragging is not a sensual act. Time to fix your rhetoric and stop your bias from consuming you. Some conservatives will not be pushing a false NARRATIVE about drag queens on this site without push-back!

Want to MUTE something? (Rhetorical.) Mute churches and force them into the blue-light district under threat of arrest and fine!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  CB @8.1    last year
Dragging is not a sensual act.

That assertion is disingenuous at best.    It can be and is a sensual act for many.    Any psychiatrist worth their salt  would attest to that.

Professor Quiet
8.1.2  arkpdx  replied to  CB @8.1    last year
That comment is disgusting, insulting, and worse:

If that comment offended you I don't care. You do not have a right not to be offended.but I have the right to free speech   

Professor Expert
8.1.3  CB  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.1    last year

I thought somebody (turns out to be you) would pick up on that one.  But according to the rules of "detaching words from context" - you ignored the comment of the person actually being commented to: 

Professor Quiet
8    arkpdx      3 hours ago

When is the left going to come out in  favor of strippers and pole dancers performing where children can be. Maybe they can have a day at the library with hookers reading children. 

There is the context to my comment in plain sight! Ignore it, and I and other onlookers can reach our own conclusions as to why . Drag queens giving a show in front of kids are not bar 'maidens' or even working for tips. These performers, are professionals, as such they will not perform sensually because adult entertainment is never kid friendly. And if I need to state it: Sexualizing children is frowned upon by all.  Including the LGBTQ community.

Some conservatives, who one will presume are never/not attending the shows. . . are taking liberties to 'talk' and make assertions that they can't prove. BTW, suggestive movements. . . well, we can see those on our television sets and nightly news even. 

Some conservatives should end now their passionate hatred of people they choose not understand. After all, these drag queens are somebodies' children. .. and they want to be loved for the joy and good expressions they can add to otherwise mundane life. Even some conservatives, birth, raise, breast-fe(e)d, cooked for, ran around villages-plains-towns-cities, put into recreational sports, and so forth and so on their future LGBTQ child/ren. Some conservatives stop hating the children you portend to care for here. 
Professor Expert
8.1.4  CB  replied to  arkpdx @8.1.2    last year

 I used my free speech too, because your free speech shall not be allowed to abuse people who are not here to defend themselves in discussion!

The comment is wretched and leads me to question the growth and development of the mind that thought it civil in an open forum to vulgarly allude to kids and adults consenting to engaging in sex/sensual acts/conduct together. The comment should be stricken as it hints at PEDOPHILIA. A type of sexuality that is anathema in all this country, and as of right now. . . for good reason!

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.5  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.1    last year
Dragging is not a sensual act.
That assertion is disingenuous at best.    It can be and is a sensual act for many.    Any psychiatrist worth their salt  would attest to that.


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1.6  Trout Giggles  replied to  CB @8.1    last year
Mute churches and force them into the blue-light district under threat of arrest and fine!

That's pretty radical, CB. Me thinks devangelical is influencing you

Professor Expert
8.1.7  CB  replied to  Trout Giggles @8.1.6    last year

No actually, I am/have come to a revelation: "Churches for Trump" and "War in the Holy Land" are oxy-morons. Yet, both are real.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
8.2  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  arkpdx @8    last year

Those are excellent suggestions. 

Professor Principal
8.3  devangelical  replied to  arkpdx @8    last year
they can have a day at the library with hookers reading children. 

I'm pretty sure moms for liberty are too busy looking for books to burn, not read to children.

Professor Quiet
8.3.1  arkpdx  replied to  devangelical @8.3    last year


Professor Principal
9  Gsquared    last year

Is Missouri outlawing Shakespeare?


For more see link:

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
9.2  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Gsquared @9    last year

Well, shouldn't everyone outlaw SHAKESPEAR? He is dead, you know!

Freshman Silent
9.2.1  Wishful_thinkin  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @9.2    last year

Except that traveling Shakespeare acts who perform at Renaissance Faires are now not traveling to states with these laws.  There are other Renaissance Faire entertainers that also have slight drag components to their acts, and they are also not going to go to those states either.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.2.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Wishful_thinkin @9.2.1    last year

That's a shame

Professor Principal
9.2.3  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @9.2.2    last year

... but extra large goobers that consider camo a daily fashion choice is okay?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.2.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @9.2.3    last year

I don't care what people wear. If I could wear my sweat pants to work every day I would be happy.

Professor Principal
9.2.5  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @9.2.4    last year

uh, ... are they camo?

Sophomore Quiet
9.2.6  Igknorantzruls  replied to  devangelical @9.2.5    last year

Shes making a cameo appearance...?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.2.7  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @9.2.5    last year

I have a pair of camo sweat pants...and the hoodie to match

Professor Principal
9.2.8  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @9.2.7    last year

LOL, goober! goober!

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.2.9  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @9.2.8    last year

The fish can't see me...

Professor Principal
9.2.10  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @9.2.9    last year

they can't see anything behind them...

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.2.11  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @9.2.10    last year

Yes, they can. Their eyes are on the side of their head

Professor Principal
9.2.12  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @9.2.11    last year

Professor Principal
9.2.13  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @9.2.12    last year

instant sushi!

Professor Principal
10  Kavika     last year

SCOTUS upheld a lower court decision in Florida that you cannot ban a ''Drag Show'' 

Supreme Court says Florida can’t enforce anti-drag law

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
10.1  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Kavika @10    last year

Isn't that a shame? Just when Christians were beginning to control everything, SCOTUS, screw it up.

No wonder, they are so ANGRY!


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
11  Buzz of the Orient    last year

Two things went through my mind when I saw that headline:

1)  I guess kids had better be careful what they dress up in on Hallowe'en.

2)  Hollywood better not make another movie like Some Like It Hot.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
11.1  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @11    last year


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
11.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @11    last year

Or my favorite "drag" movie..."To Wonf Ru, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar"

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
11.2.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  Trout Giggles @11.2    last year

Ok that's supposed to be Wong Fu

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
11.2.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Tessylo @11.2.2    last year

Good choice - Terrence Stamp is one of my favourite actors.

Professor Principal
12  seeder  JBB    last year

Well okay then, it should also be a felony to be seen out in public looking like this too...


Sparty On
Professor Expert
12.1  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @12    last year

Or like this:


Professor Principal
12.2  devangelical  replied to  JBB @12    last year

oh man, you can't post a picture like that without at least a hint of which trumpster it is here...

oh wait, never mind...


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