Trump Hit With UK Legal Bill After Losing Case | Barron's

Former US president Donald Trump will have to pay at least £300,000 ($382,000) in costs after losing a UK court action against a former spy who compiled a salacious dossier about him, according to a court order publicised Thursday.
Trump took legal action against Christopher Steele's company Orbis Business Intelligence, but High Court judge Karen Steyn ruled last month that there were "no compelling reasons" to allow the claim to proceed to trial.
The data protection claim was "bound to fail" she wrote in her judgment.
The judge also threw out Trump's claim for compensation, stating that he had "chosen to allow many years to elapse -- without any attempt to vindicate his reputation" in the UK courts since the dossier came out.
In an order obtained by Britain's domestic Press Association news agency, the judge said Trump will have to pay Orbis's costs "of the entire claim".
She ordered that £300,000 be paid now, before a specialist judge decides the final amount. Orbis says this should be more than £600,000.
The so-called Steele dossier sparked a political firestorm when it was published just before his inauguration in January 2017.
It contained unverified and controversial information about Trump and Russia that the former Republican leader has repeatedly denied, including allegations of sexual misbehaviour.
It included claims that Trump had been "compromised" by the Russian FSB security service and that Russia had videotapes of Trump with prostitutes during a 2013 trip to Moscow.
It also alleged that Russian President Vladimir Putin "supported and directed" an operation to "cultivate" Trump as a presidential candidate for "at least five years".
Some of the allegations fuelled a probe by US special prosecutor Robert Mueller which concluded in 2019 that the Russian government had interfered with the 2016 election but found no evidence of collusion with Trump's team.
Trump has repeatedly denounced the dossier, which was leaked to Buzzfeed, as "fake". The New York Times has determined there was no corroborating evidence to support many of its claims.
Trump claimed in the High Court case that Orbis unlawfully processed his personal data, and sought unspecified compensation for "serious distress and reputational damage".
The company argued it was not responsible for the dossier's publication.
The dossier, produced before Trump's 2016 election win against Hillary Clinton, was commissioned by Democratic Party consultants.
Trump sued Clinton, Democratic Party leaders and Steele in the US over the report in 2022.
Steele, 59, formerly ran the Russia desk of Britain's overseas intelligence agency MI6.

Oh my, the ''Deep State'' is in the UK as well as the US. /s
watching the vultures methodically strip that carcass will be a nice bonus if and when trump finally runs out of rope...
everybody loves to watch wealthy, treasonous, criminal, xenophobic, white supremacist's get fucked over...
I would prefer not to watch Putin's blackmail videos of Trump and Russian KGB whores pissing on him.
Trump even denied he had ever been to Russia at one point after the videos came out.
He was Putin's "guest" while working a Moscow hotel deal.
Putin has always used whore blackmail on his "guests".
Trump (the whoremonger) was an easy mark for Putin.
Trump plays checkers while Putin plays chess.
In all fairness to Trump, I doubt that even I could have resisted one of Putin's Red Sparrows.
trump is an even easier mark for putin now...
he'll put a torch to the country when he loses again...
he has no concern for the futures of his immediate family...
my money's on the youngest one acting out...
Amazing, they have never been leaked.
yea, like Comer and company, no?
motivation, opportunity, access...
He sues everybody sometimes it blows up in his face
LOL, and this one sure did and the irony is it was the ''Steele dossier''
I don't know anybody stupid enough to accept a check from the a-hole...
I'd have to check every bill if it was in cash.
all the bills with his picture on them are bogus...
or if they're printed on a roll of 1000...
At least they are letting him pay in installments, lol.
Doesn't matter, they'll be stiffed just like everyone else.
They can always put a hold on his golf courses in the UK which I would love to see.
The only place for a con artist like Trump is a deep dark cell in supermax.
I'm 2 steps beyond thinking that...
nah, just like Russian Hookers, they'll be disappointed by the Omni - Impotent one
Hookers are after financial compensation, not orgasms except in cheap storytelling.
Are you putting a different meaning to the word "stiff"?
LOL, ity bity installments.
what? 5 pounds per year?
I'm waiting for the RWers to shown up and claim it's the ''deep state'' going after Walking Eagle (so full of shit he can't fly)
Of course it could not be slander. It was true...
He just put up a bond on the E Jean Carol case. He has about a week to make bond on the other as he also gets started on the Stormy Daniels case. Plus he owes millions to his lawyers. They have to know he's going to stiff them much, if not all, of the money he owes them.
The truly sad thing is, there are people who can barely make ends meet sending this piece of crap money, Sell your Manhattan apartment or your New Jersey golf club. or both. It sad that in 2024 that PT Barnum is still relevant.
No argument from me on that. I have never sent a dime to a politician and never will until such a time as we completely remove dark money from politics.
much like poor religionists sending every dime to pay for Lear jet fuel and churches made of gold.
heh, I'm guessing trump is seriously cash strapped...
That poor white boy just can’t catch a break.
maybe the vendor that maintains his aircraft can help him with that...
Looking forward to all of his properties being in forfeiture.
Mar-a-Lardo should become a home for liberal environmentalists.
It is being reported that the bond was guaranteed by Chubb Insurance. The CEO of Chubb was appointed by Trump to a White House advisory committee on trade policy and negotiations in 2018. We used to have our homeowners' insurance with Chubb, but they jacked up the price over 300% within 2 years and we dumped them. We got excellent coverage with another company for about what we had been paying Chubb when we first started with them many years ago, or maybe even less.
The link also has information on how there will be more lawsuits against Trump via a recent judicial ruling. A good part of the fines he has and is incurring are because of his mouth...LOL, thus the moniker, ''Thunder Mouth''.
it'll be a legal hail storm if SCOTUS does what it's supposed to do by the constitution.
Screw SCOTUS, Trump owns it.
It needs to be disbanded and re-thought.
Far right-wing corrupt fascism is not what the founders wanted.
Proving that even in England TDS rules the land.
Anyone that thinks Steele's blatantly political false report; and his insistence to get it to the FBI wasn't an effort to damage Trump is suffering from massive derangement.