More bad news from the Bronx

A Bronx nurse who was allegedly assaulted by an illegal migrant with a long history of assaults has had enough. Chelsea Mora is the nurse who was assaulted by the migrant who illegally entered the US over a decade ago. She was simply trying to attend to him at the Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx. Now Ms Mora is telling the nation:
“We wake up every morning or night, we work 12 hours to 16-hour shifts to help people help the most vulnerable in our society, help our sick patients in underserved communities, and we get abused,” Mora told Fox News.
She said the abuse is often blamed on mental health disorders and are often ignored.
“These people need to be institutionalized if, in fact, they are mentally disabled, not back on the streets,” the nurse said.
Nurse assaulted by madman with history of attacks on medical staff blames NYC’s ‘soft-on-crime laws’ (
I say AMEN!
Edward Johnson, 57, has 23 arrests on his record and another 42 sealed arrests since he entered the US illegally.
Here's another for our fact deniers to spin.
an illegal immigrant! ...and he's black too? bonus!
I didn't notice his skin color either, i guess we aren't as fixated on it as others.
You should have referred to him as undocumented. Never insult his "humanity."
.and he's black too?
BTW, so was the victim.
Democrats/leftists do love their criminals.
The more the merrier it seems.
C'mon George, the image is basic black and brown with a sprinkling of 'white'. . . thus, he is a very 'colored' man. You can't ignore the color in the image, as it is so pronounced. Get real.
Actually you can. That is irrelevant to everybody except racists.
I could care less what the MAGA cultists think I am. I expect MAGAs to think negatively of liberals at every opportunity so no surprise there. As for me, I can get along with MAGAs-in every instance and 'turn' where they come together to discuss facts and not 'flights of their fancy, ' projection, and trying to force themselves into politically tight and moist places belonging to others.
It's a distraction by the simple minded. Plain and simple.
What usually accompanies a clown like that being called out is their rant afterward as they pathetically try to justify themselves.
Tell me again how they are all "asylum seekers".
The latest from the left requires us to call them "newcomers."
No one can 'demand' anything of "us," Vic. Let's keep it real.
the left can pound sand.
Another desperate 'case' from conservatives trying to drive home a point that can not connect for obvious reasons:
1. This "illegal" has been here ten years. Not a 'newbie' by any stretch of the imagination.
2. It would appear he has mental health issues according to the nurse doing the talking; you know, like this nation's mass murders, conservatives who love their guns, should be clamoring to get him the mental health care he needs.
“These people need to be institutionalized if, in fact, they are mentally disabled, not back on the streets,” the nurse said.
Instead, on the internet, making him political cannon fodder.
Why is he always released?
That's kind of what the battered nurse thinks too.
Here is a connect for you. He shouldn't have been here at all. Period, end of story.
Well, MAGAs you have 'one' job to do and that is to keep illegals out of the country (if and when you can stop holding political hearings in congress and get some legislating done on the matter of immigration).
Intelligent people who aren't partisan hacks know that republicans passed a immigration bill, when are the worthless piece of crap democrats in congress who blame everyone for their failure to govern going to pass it. or are they counting on uninformed people going to continue to blame the minority party for democrats failures?
It is not the liberals and democrats job (duties and responsibilities) to appease some conservatives/MAGAs. Compromise, or 'go home.'
Illegal nonetheless. But keep making excuses.
Oh, you did. Excuse #4 on the list. Can't forget to blame mental illness for criminal behavior.
I don't know what you are 'beefing' at me about because he is here. He is not here for my benefit or that of anyone I know. I suggest tell congress or any president you can get to listen to you. . . or, maybe just maybe. . . a judge will help MAGAs out on account of him. - Not me!
Then why respond to me? You always have the option to just move along.
From the Yahoo article:
Thank God we have Dick Durban protecting this piece of shit from being detained until he can get deported.
Every murder, every rape that an illegal with a criminal record commits is blood on the hands of those supporters of sanctuary cities who oppose deporting criminal illegals
Warrants are BS everywhere. You’d think that when a warrant issues, some cop would head out to the last known location of the suspect and pick him up. But pretty much no one does that anywhere. Cops just wait until they stumble upon the wanted man - in a traffic stop, a Terry stop, or they end up in jail for some other reason. Then they check the computer, and when the warrant comes up, the guy is processed for it. This isn’t unique to NY. It’s like this everywhere.
Totally true. But in the quest to protect the rights of mentally ill criminals - and probably save some money - we have swung the pendulum far to the other side. I would say the vast majority of people in the criminal justice system are suffering from some kind of mental illness, but our society decided a long time ago that it didn’t want to force people in mental hospitals. So, you get what we have.
I just can't understand why an illegal migrant with a record like that wasn't booted out of the country years ago.