Lawless America

Link to quote: Jack Smith’s War on Free Speech: Attorney General Garland Should Rein in His Special Counsel – JONATHAN TURLEY
When I was young, I never thought about the American justice system. It was always a given. When people were in danger they called the police. When there were legal disputes there were trials with respected judges and unbiased juries. Now I know that our institutions have gradually been taken over by the left. The problem became more pronounced during the 2020 riots. That is when democrat officials in blue cities had their police stand down as the rioters and looters ran unhindered through numerous cities. We all know the results. Tremendous damage and two dozen people killed with very few people held accountable. The current vp even worked to get those who were jailed released.
It occurred to me that there is no judicial body to say that was wrong or to fine officials for not protecting their people. You see, the greatest generation didn't need that. Integrity came with the job.
Prior to that we witnessed the FBI trying to stage a coup. FISA warrants were used. Although knowingly creating a misleading/false FISA application has serious penalties, the FBI lawyer who confessed served zero prison time. I could go on with that, but the things done during the Trump Presidency deserve an article by itself.
What I want to focus on is what used to be called malicious prosecution and immorality.
The democrats are set on using lawfare against Donald Trump as a means to winning an election. There are 4 cases against Donald Trump all being used to convict or jail him before the election. Let us first examine the integrity or lack thereof of the prosecutors:
NYC: Letitia James won an election for New York's AG She campaigned for that office on one thing: she was going to get Trump. Did we ever think we would see the day when anyone would campaign for the office of AG in that way? Then as Donald Trump is forced to get lawyers and spend time defending himself, she shows up in the courtroom grinning at him. When not in court she is making speeches about the case. Here is the payoff. At a New York Fire Department ceremony last Thursday, those in attendance including the families of captains, battalion chiefs and civilians up for promotion erupted in loud jeers as James walked to the podium. Now Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, has launched an investigation to track down the offending firefighters. Is it really America?
Then we come to the Manhattan DA: Alvin Bragg . Bragg is a social justice warrior who has a history of turning violent criminals loose. Most recently, An Arizona judge refused to extradite a man accused of beating a woman to death at a Manhattan hotel back to New York out of fear that he wouldn't be held. Court Commissioner Barbara Spencer ruled in favor of Mitchell, issuing a significant blow to Bragg.
Fani Willis: I think everyone is aware that she is the corrupt DA from corrupt Fulton County. Her massive case against Trump and many who were close to him is now in jeopardy. A judge will soon decide whether to take her off the case. She may even be disbarred for perjury. If she is taken off the case, others may not take it up. If she remains on the case, her credibility will be gone. Either way it will be hard to get a verdict before the election.
That brings us to Jack Smith , the prosecutor who thought he had a Trump trial on the fast track. How fair is Smith? You only need to go on x to find him smearing Donald Trump on a daily basis. You'll also find me there questioning his integrity on a daily basis. Smith now has two problems. He is running out of time because the Courts are considering Trump's claims and he has a history of winning verdicts that eventually get overturned.
Why isn't there a board of integrity overseeing DAs?
If he can get the trial in before the election, Smith's case will be one of the biggest issues in the coming election.
Is this the way to decide an election?
have we ever had a federally indicted ex-president running for office in an attempt to keep from being prosecuted before?
That is the excuse for judicial malfeasance?
oh, are we talking about trump's pocket judge, aileen cannon, down in florida now?
don't republicans want american voters to know if joe and hunter are guilty before the election? isn't that the whole point of all the house investigations that have been going on? don't you think the american voter has a right to know if presidential candidates, that have pending/ongoing legal issues before a court, deserve to have those legal questions resolved before the election?
You mean the one that rejected the motion to dismiss all charges?
Trump is entitled to due process just like everyone else- no matter how Democrats try to warp the law or ignore the Constitution.
where would everyone else be right now that willfully retained, attempted to hide, and obstructed the return of classified documents?
the republican candidate for POTUS is out on bail in multiple jurisdictions. nothing changes those optics.
Name them.
One of them is living in the white house as we speak.
Between Pence, Biden and dozens of other officials this year and last,
Trump is the only one who willingly retained, attempted to hide and obstructed the return of classified documents.
Both Pence and Biden invited the Feds to search and remove anything questionable from their properties,
not hiding, or in Trump's case flying boxes of documents to New Jersey.
Among the missing docs, the binder of original docs about Russian election interference.
The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump - CNN
This week on Fox, Trump blindsided his defense team's previous claims by returning to
the defense that they were his personal papers because he magically unclassified them simply by mentally
declaring them to himself that they were now unclassified and his personal possessions proven by his removal
of them from the White House.
An asinine defense
If trump did not stall and stall and stall his trials would have been over already ,all of them ,and we would have the answers to whether he should continue as a candidate. Whatever is happening to him is his own fault.
Did you read the article?
What is it with leftists and trying to deny Trump due process?
He is entitled to the same rights as everyone else.
I bet Trump still wishes he were a Democrat- all of these lawsuits would never have been filed.
Not much of a rebuttal.
No, Pelosi allowed that.
Don't leave Bowser out. She rejected the National Guard- and only had a few hundred unarmed National Guardsmen at the outskirts of the capital.
Bowser was more concerned with "optics" after the Summer of Love riots in DC.
No, DoD did.
Perhaps, but so was DoD,
Letitia James won an election for New York's AG
I saw a study of how she spends her campaign funds. Lots of nightclubs and "consultants" working out of apartment buildings.
No one ever says trump is innocent - his own mother probably wouldn't say that he's innocent. His defense is always that the prosecutors are corrupt or that the justice system is corrupt or that he wants to get off on a technicality. This is what mafia bosses do.
The shame that he and his defenders have brought on America is almost incalculable.
Since you know he's guilty, why bother with the courts and pesky laws? Just lynch him already. Or, go the Burge route and beat him until he confesses to something. You KNOW he's a criminal so there's no need to worry about rights or whether he's actually guilty of what he's accused of.
Trump must pay $450,000,000 instead!
He has the constitutional right to misuse the laws, misuse the court, misuse public opinion, no one is really saying that he doesn't have that right. I said he is bringing shame on our country, and if that is not obvious to you there's no help for it.
Doesn’t that feel odd for a supporter of the Clintons and Biden to say?. They’ve played the exact Same game trump has of walking the line between legal/illegal and relying on legalistic arguments to excuse obviously shitty behavior.
Any Democrat who supported Clinton's impeachment and couldn't vote for Biden or Clinton because of their corrupt history/decades of dishonesty has every right to oppose Trump in the strongest possible terms. But those who justified Clinton's legal games to avoid prosecution for perjury, ignored the claims of sexual harassment/rape etc. have no grounds to complain about Trump.
For what?
Financial Fraud in NY...
That was only $350,000,000
Yet Trump owes interest on top of that amounting to about $100,000 per day, totaling up to about $450,000,000 now.
You knew that...
Still no rebuttal.
Who did he defraud?
Does that seem reasonable to any honest human being?
I would certainly hope's exhorbitant wrapped in bullshit.
The shareholders of banks and insurance companies and the taxpayers of New York, all of whom Trump defrauded...
Yes, the judge used independent accountants to determine the equitable and fair damages and penalties Trump owes...
How so?
That is not true. Nobody lost a penny. As a matter of fact, they wanted his business.
To whom?
There was no insurance fraud.
They all "know" he's guilty. It's the proving it part that they constantly fail at. Even with all the resources they have at their disposal, it's all amounted to wasted taxpayer money and time.
He defrauded them by getting the loans approved and repaying all those loans with the agreed upon interest.
TDS driven DA/AG; TDS driven judge (who doesn't know jack shit about real estate); and TDS driven jury.
The Governor is so damn worried about every single business that engages in the same practice as Trump enterprises leaving New York that she that she had to make an ad stating they had nothing to fear.
She is already too late. The fallout from the TDS moronic ruling is already being felt.
TDS is an incurable disease. The only way to deal with it is quarantine those infected so that it is not allowed to spread. New York is finding that out now.
All of which testified on Trump's behalf in court.
Not one of them are receiving any reward from the verdict.
Shows exactly how stupid this lawsuit and verdict were.
So no victims; except for TDS driven New Yorkers need to get Trump at all costs. Their mental state is not grounds for any lawsuit.
The judge used whatever fucking idiotic standards he felt like to judge the value of Trump's businesses.
Democrats don't respect the rule of law or the Constitution. So the judge using BS numbers to achieve the verdict he wanted is no surprise.
Now one has proven his guilt.
The shame brought by the left in their unfounded accusations, hoaxes and ignoring law is incalculable.
That does not matter to them. They don't believe in the rule of law, due process or innocent until proven guilty. If they say someone is guilty that is all there is to it.
What about Hilary and Obama? Remember "Lock Them Up"?
Is that a "whatraboutism" I see? I thought you were against those.
Are you saying that there is a question of integrity?
If the article constitutes proof of a ''lawless America'' neigher you nor the author understands what a real lawless America is.
Jack to the rescue.
If you are saying the country is subject to the rule of law, you don't understand basic law.
Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason.
Ah, Vic I understand basic law it is you and the constant whining about it that doesn't understand it.
Indeed, a good portion of our citizens is well aware of that in a very disturbing way.
Whenever they consider that Hillary, Joe Biden and Donald Trump all did the same thing. Only one gets prosecuted.
Yes, a good portion of our citizens see it clearly.
That is a perfect example of what Kavika just said about you not understanding of how the law works.
Why did he make it about me?
He does have a habit of making it personal doesn't he?
It is only personal to you when I point out your errors, untruths, half-truths and cherry-picking. try
A problem that you see is easy to cure, don't use any of the above cruches to try and make your point.
And you have done that, haven't you?
That is what you're complaining about isn't it?
Read the article. Try commenting on that.
I won't bother to flag that. I laid it all out in the article. If you can disprove any of it, please do.
The partisan politics on the site is just too much bullshit. I'm too tired to deal with it today. I know it's only going to get worse now that we have actual party nominees that no one particularly likes. Instead of showing why your/their party/candidate is worth voting for you/they/whomever will work diligently to persuade the group that the "other candidate/other side" is worse. They all fucking lie and their partisan base just eats that shit with a fake grin.
This is not how anyone makes America great.
That's a rather bizarre statement
Basic law starts with enforcement and equal treatment.
You mean like the highest court in the land, the last chance to appeal, the Supreme Court of the United States?
Why isn't there a board of integrity overseeing American politicians?
You mean the Court that Joe Biden has routinely ignored? Is there any accountability for a president ignoring the SCOTUS?
Why isn't there a board of integrity overseeing American politicians?
Actually, there is. Just ask George Santos.
But not Senator Menedez, It's almost like a 2 tier justice system.
You got it. None of them can answer that.
He should have been voted out months ago. Some of the Senate Dems tried, but not enough and not leadership.
I know Fetterman tried, but the democrats in the senate care more about power than integrity.
Now there is a guy who has really surprised everyone.