Hunter Biden changes his tune

Link to quote: Hunter Biden's ex-business partner slams him for 'running away' from House hearing | Fox News
Hunter Biden who once demanded a public hearing to defend himself has now declined an invitation from Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., to attend the House Oversight Committee hearing on March 20, when committee members of both parties will get a chance to ask about alleged influence peddling and the Biden family's business dealings, his lawyer said in a letter yesterday. What changed his mind? Obviously, he has been deposed and is now at risk of perjuring himself.
Joe Biden's defenders, the DOJ, would have us believe that the only evidence provided against Hunter (and Joe) came via a single source which the FBI now claims has been talking with "Russians." The truth is that the House Oversite Committee has produced lots of evidence from multiple sources. One of those sources is Hunter's former business partner Tony Bobulinski. Bobulinki has already testified under oath in a closed hearing on the Biden family business dealings.
For the record:
"Despite Biden’s recent denials of involvement with his son’s business dealings, text messages dating back to May 2017 reveal that Biden met with Bobulinski months after he left the vice president's office. Fox News Digital first reported on the text messages and that meeting in October 2020.
"Mrng plse let me knw if we will do early dinner w your Uncle & dad and where, also for document translation do you want it simple Chinese or traditional?" Bobulinski texted Hunter Biden on May 2, 2017.
"Not sure on dinner yet and whatever is the most common for a Chinese legal DOC," Hunter Biden replied.
"Chinese legal docs can be both, i’ll make it traditional," Bobulinski said.
Hunter replied: "Dad not in now until 11- let’s me I and Jim meet at 10 at Beverly Hilton where he’s staying."
Later, Bobulinski sent a text to Jim Biden, Joe Biden's brother, on the same day, May 2, 2017, saying: "Great to meet u and spend some time together, please thank Joe for his time, was great to talk thx Tony b."
The following day, May 3, 2017, Bobulinski sent another text to Jim Biden, saying: "Morning, please let me know all set for things this mrng. I don't have credentials to get into Milken so just want to make sure not an issue to get me in, where should we meet this mrng?"
"Milken" was in reference to the 2017 Global Conference, which, in part, was held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, according to the program directory.
Joe Biden, on May 3, 2017, spoke at the conference, hosting "A Conversation with the 47th Vice President of the United States Joe Biden."
The meeting on May 2, 2017, would have taken place just 11 days before the now-infamous May 13, 2017, email, which included a discussion of "remuneration packages" for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Biden as "Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC," in a reference to now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.
The email includes a note that "Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate." A proposed equity split references "20" for "H" and "10 held by H for the big guy?" with no further details.
Bobulinski has repeatedly said "the big guy" was Joe Biden. IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who claimed that politics had influenced the yearslong federal investigation into Hunter Biden, also said "the big guy" was known to be Joe Biden."
Tony Bobulinski to testify behind closed doors part of Biden impeachment inquiry | Fox News
Bobulinski is now challenging Hunter Biden:
"If by chance March 20th really doesn't work due to your multiple criminal indictments, please name the date and time and I will be happy to join you at a second hearing for the American people," he wrote.
Hunter Biden's ex-business partner slams him for 'running away' from House hearing | Fox News
The Committee has also invited Devon Archer and Jason Galanis to testify at the 10 a.m. hearing on March 20.
In other news:
The House passed a bipartisan bill that would force TikTok’s Chinese owner to sell the app of face a US ban. The bill now goes to the Senate where Chuck Schumer may not even bring it to the floor.
A Georgia judge threw out six of the counts against Donald Trump because they were so vague Trump's lawyers couldn't prepare a defense. Those 6 counts happen to be the most important in the Willis case.
The Israeli military said it had bombed a Hamas warehouse in Rafah and killed a Hamas commander; the United Nations quickly added that the strike had also killed at least one aid worker.
The military also said it IDF said it had killed a senior Hamas operative in an airstrike in Lebanon.
A judge in Ft Pierce Florida is about to rule on an issue in the Trump documents case. Trump is looking to dismiss the entire case. The hearing with Trump in attendance is expected to continue throughout the day. Trump supporters are already at the scene. (Trump is expected to lose this one.)
A decision on Fani Willis is expected either today or tomorrow.
A US Marine anti-Terror group has been sent to Haiti to protect the US Embassy which remains opened.
Good morning

Question of the day: If Fani Willis is removed, her case will likely leave Fulton County. Will GA counties with less resources take up her case, which is starting to look like a very thin case?
He may, he might not. Why make a law ( I believe the Senate Bill has the support of 75% of the Senators but it only takes one Senator to derail )
He may wait for Steve Minuchin to buy Tik Tok.
He dismissed them with advice to Willis to either appeal, issue3 new subpoenas, or use a third mechanism to add the clarifications that the judge asked for.
Nonsense. Three were against Trump, the others against three codefendants and the judge instructed Willis' office in how to correct them. Trump still faces 38 counts and the evidence is still part o the RICO charges.
Joe and Jill Biden's taxes are public going back for decades...
Comer has the bank records and all the holding company records.
Hunter said he would face his accusers. Where is he?
Comer is a laughingstock...
If Comer had something the whole House would move to impeachment. When Comer shows up his bank records and all his holding company records I'll sit up and take notice.
I really, really, don't give 2 shits about the guy, but didn't he already do this in a closed door session? Why do it twice? Don't bother to answer... I don't care if he does or doesn't. I don't care if he goes free or gets years in prison. This circus is just bullshit and tiring and doesn't seem to be doing anyone, including the House Republicans, any good.
Biden is a poor mans Comer.
When Comer shows up his bank records and all his holding company records I'll sit up and take notice.
Comer subpoenaed 14 years of bank records in Hunter Biden probe: Raskin (
Comer Releases Direct Monthly Payments to Joe Biden from Hunter Biden’s Business Entity - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
I really, really, don't give 2 shits about the guy, but didn't he already do this in a closed door session?
The deposition, where you get people to testify under oath.
Why do it twice?
The open session which, Hunter once demanded, is where you compare the evidence & counter testimony to what Hunter said in his deposition. It is fairly standard. Your Jan 6th Committee operated that way.
is that the one you are afraid to read ?
That reminds me of Mr. Hur saying Biden has a photographic memory but would be too sympathetic to prosecute?
( Biden wouldn't stop talking for 5 hours )
Meanwhile Mr. Trump said "I can't remember" innumerable times in his recent depositions, could not remember
how long each of his marriages lasted or how long he has been married to Melania ( not a big anniversary guy I guess ).
In his fraud depositions Trump took the Fifth over 400 times....
but Hunter...
Are not mentioned. Makes me wonder why you are deflecting from their crackhead kid.
No, deflecting would be changing the subject to Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka doing way worse than Hunter, except on an exponentially greater scale, while holding official jobs both in Donald Trump's businesses and in Trump's own White House...
Or to Traitor Joe and his Assisted Living nurse.
Because ever criminal that launders money through LLC's that do nothing is stupid enough to list the income from it on their tax returns.
Also, if Brandon's family members received payment for access to Brandon he (and they) are just as guilty.
What laws are you claiming, without proof, that Joe Biden broke?
Wait until the investigation is done and the report released. You know damn well that Biden and his extended family are corrupt and dirty and don't want to handle the truth.
Wow, projection projection ….. outstanding!
All of the "evidence" above occurred after Biden was no longer VP
and not yet a candidate. He was a professor at U of Pennsylvania.
So please explain how that is "dirty and corrupt" please.
Honorary only.
Like everything else about Brandon it is a lie.
As for evidence- you are omitting one very key role he played while Vice President. So no soup for you!
Want another?
Do some research. The evidence is there. No matter how hard Garland, Wray, and the Brandon administration are fighting it's release.
He was a private citizen acting like all Presidents and VPs before him, collecting honorariums.
Not really, it's no secret that the previous Ukranian government was corrupt. What do corrupt people do? They accuse everyone else of being corrupt.
Again, Biden was a private citizen.
You would benefit by doing less "research" and avoid the conspiracy sites. If there was evidence
there would be an impeachment underway unless the House is completely inept under Johnson and Comer.
I mean lets face it, Clinton was impeached over a blow job. If there were really a paper trail of money
laundering or pay to play even the current clowns could get an impeachment, if only they had a shred of
real evidence instead of partisan "feelings".
So predictable…..
Yes, it is.
BTW, I'm worried for those guys going to Haiti.
Yep, you should be but from what I’ve heard it’s devolved into the equivalent of neighborhood gangs fighting each other. No central galvanizing faction. Which makes it marginally safer.
That’s something about that Mitch Albom rescue eh?
Yes Sir
Private citizens doing what the government won’t.
It is outstanding.
When you consider that Kenya offered to restore order in Haiti, but changed its mind, you realize how bad it must be over there.
Next question for our readers:
Fanny said under oath, “No, I did not visit the WH.”
Did she not realize they keep detailed records of everyone who visits?
Except for cocaine delivery’s. No log book for those…….
One of the two things that can't be investigated. The other being left wing leakers at the SCOTUS.
And yet again, the left has failed to back up their allegations in their selective prosecution.
It is backfiring on them.
The polls are showing Trump ahead in battleground states, much different than polling in 2020.
Polls showed Hillary way ahead too and the odds makers had her at 85% to win.
I'm curious of how restrictive the ROE is.
It is frightening.
But it's the reality of it. The politicians put very restricted ROEs in place that, basically cripples any military forces in an area.
I do recall how tight the ROE was when Obama was president.
I also recall President Trump letting the Commander in Afghanistan do what he thought necessary.
I was deployed to Afghanistan when that train wreck happened. We couldn't conduct night operations allowing the Taliban free reign at night to set up all their IEDs and hide targeted commanders, we were restricted on how we engaged the Taliban resulting in casualties.
And look how successful and fast operations were conducted. Stark difference from Obama's shitty ROE.
When I hear something like that, I have to believe that the US military is the most disciplined in the world.
And look how successful and fast operations were conducted.
Beyond debate.
US military fatalities in Afghanistan:
2001-2008 = 626
2009-2016 = 1,752
2017-2020 = 65
Those numbers really tell a story.
Thank you for posting this. It DOES indeed, tell a story.
2023 = zero
2024 = zero
Tell that to the Afghans who aided the US that Brandon abandoned. Want to guess at how many of them have been killed?
Why? Are they more important than the 13 Americans who were killed by the terrorist in 2021?
Do you think most Afghans complain all day and night about Biden while ignoring what Trump did to them
by selling them out to the Taliban, pushing the Doha Accord through without input or approval from the elected
At least Biden gave them a few extra months to see the obvious and leave their country if they heeded repeated State Department warmings.
I will light a candle or donate to a go fund me for these 11 brave Marines, Page, Pichardo, Gee, Lopez, Sanchez, Espinoza, Schmitz, McCollum, Merola, Nikoui and Hoover along with Corpsman Max Soviak and USArmy Staff Sgt Knauss. Volunteers all.
I'll let you worry about the Afghans who were too slow to see what was coming after Doha in February of 2020 and were still hanging around 17 months later.
BTW those 11 Marines, a Navy Corpsman and Army Staff Sargeant died trying to get your precious last minute Afghans out of their own country after almost all of the Americans were gone.
The bravest of the brave.
Semper Fi
Hope they don’t leave more of our brothers and sister out to dry. Let them do their job.
If you fuck with us, we will kill you ….. all.
They've done it in the past.
I know and I worry about that.
And yet you haven't shown any of this as being false. Why is that?
Please , by all means , name one of these Comer committee hearings that hasn't ended with Comer and his committee being a laughingstock.
Another long way to say you can't show that any of this as being false.
get lost
Just reminding you to show what, if anything, is false. if you can't just say so.
This is a photo of bobulinski meeting with mark meadows outside a trump rally. Bobulinski doesn't deny that the photograph is him and mark meadows, he does deny that Meadows handed in a piece of paper as Cassidy Hutchinson alleges.
What was bobulinski doing at a trump rally? Why was he meeting with mark meadows, trump's top political operative ?
Is bobulinski on the MAGA payroll now?, under the table of course.
as for the committee, I'm old enough to remember when James Comer said there would be no public hearing because it wasn't necessary. Now that the behind closed doors hearing did his witch hunt no good he wants a public hearing, a second bite at the apple.
Instead of always trying to smear someone who gave testimony that you don't like, why not try and find out who is lying? We already know that Joe & Hunter have lied about various things concerning the obvious influence peddling, but Bobulinski has yet to be caught lying.
Now that Hunter is liable for the deposition he gave, he must have that testimony scrutinized. You don't keep getting one rule for Trump and another for Biden. Hunter has to do what everyone else is required to do.
The use of a close-door deposition serves some obvious purposes. Due to years of delay, Hunter will now face a massive amount of evidence collected by the committee from accounts, messages, and prior depositions of other witnesses. Some of this material can raise confidential material that might not be subject to public disclosure.
There are also obvious tactical benefits from such depositions. They can lock in a witness on an account. Indeed, they can easily trap a witnesses who strays from a practiced narrative — conflicts that come at the risk of criminal incrimination. Finally, they allow the Committee to focus on the most productive areas for the public hearings — the very function used by Raskin and his colleagues in prior hearings.
Raskin Denounces Closed-Door Depositions Despite Conducting Closed-Door Depositions – JONATHAN TURLEY
Why was bobulinski at a trump rally meeting with mark meadows?
as for the committee, hunter Biden says that if they bring ivanka and Jared to sit at the table with him and take questions he will go. I think that's totally reasonable.
Why not?
First of all, John, you need to establish that with a link and second of all guessing at motivations is meaningless. If it meant anything all the Bidens would have been convicted of a FARA violation.
as for the committee, hunter Biden says that if they bring ivanka and Jared to sit at the table with him and take questions he will go. I think that's totally reasonable.
What would be fair & reasonable would be for the Committee to subpoena him and hold him in contempt for not showing and then for Biden's corrupt DOJ to prosecute him the same way they prosecuted Bannon and Navarro. You see John, there comes a time when all things are no longer up for debate.
Bobulinski verifies that he met with mark meadows at the time and place Cassidy Hutchinson says he did.
I'll ask you again why was bobulinski meeting with mark meadows?
is a bunch of nonsense
This is based on Hutchinson's book ?
John, please stop. She made the idiotic allegation that "someone told her that Trump wanted to grab the steering wheel." The driver has contradicted that story:
Trump driver contradicts Cassidy Hutchinson about Jan. 6 altercation, GOP report says (
Remember John, that was one of the facts you and others here wouldn't accept!
You see, John, unlike Joe Biden, I do remember.
I see you can't answer the question why Bobulinski was meeting with Meadows. The idea that Meadows simply wanted to check on Bobulinski's well-being is preposterous.
No, I'm not a mind reader. All I'm interested in is getting to the truth on the Biden family business.
I see you still won’t answer why not.
Maybe they were comparing recipes or discussing the best ways to get around DC or ruminating over why JR cares so much that they were meeting in the first place.
I submit, based on your work here, you can and will find ill intent from any two warm bodies meeting anytime. That is if you don’t agree with them politically.
What is idiotic about repeating what another had told you ?
Without a link, for all we know that photo is Biden's crackhead kid making a core. Do better.
If the thing is idiotic, it is. Furthermore, it turned out that she was writing a book !!!
Jeremy I tried to mark your comments as trolling but I'm not getting anywhere.
Not only did I give a link for information confirming that he met with meadows I posted half of the whole article. In his lawsuit against Hutchinson bobulinski acknowledges that he met with meadows at the time and place that she says he did.
That would be clear to most people
dont complain about people not taking you seriously
And at the time I made my comment, there was no link. But don't let that fact get in the way of your deflection.
I am curious, why are you deflecting to this? The article is about Biden's crackhead kid.
You know why.
I do. Hell, we all do.
What, Trump attempting to grab the wheel ? As I could see Trump being in such a hissy, that he saw , fit, to go to the Capitol after getting his flockers in a frenzy
Does anyone remember COVID? From the photo it looks like he is wearing what I believe was called a gator mask, which was to help stop the transmission of covid, not a ski mask.
As for the rest of all that, who else was he going to find to help him, the MSM wasn't going to they were still spreading the lie that the laptop was Russian disinformation, the Biden's sure weren't going to help him, and according to Raskin the only reason they wanted to question him was to publicly try and crucify him. So who was still in power and in a position to help him with any protection needed? There's nothing nefarious at all with this.
I'm sure that you and a few others could envision that.
i can also envision Trump taking you supporters over the cliff with him, Thelma and Louise style, all while, you defend till your end, and possibly that of the GOP.
help him do what?
Why would he need help?
If he actually ever had any damaging information about the bidens Donald trump's camp is the last people he should have been talking to if he wanted to have any credibility.
They thought this meeting was clandestine enough that no one would find out about it not realizing that Cassidy Hutchinson was having second thoughts about trump and everything surrounding him
Thankfully, your opinion on such matters is completely meaningless to me. So there is that …….
They didn't want anyone to find out because of #8, #8.1, #8.1.2, etc., because they knew that it would be spun as something nefarious by those that want him silenced and/or completely humiliated.
didnt Bobulinski first DENY this meeting, until he foun d out she had pictures ?
What reason would he have to deny it ?
Amazing irony.
understatement x 10
Perfect timing for this …. You know …. With costs for most goods and services being so high for consumers ….. /s
Sanders is like everyones crazy inventor Uncle.
Wild ideas, no substance.
He should just not show up. Nothing they could do to him anyway.
You are correct with this. His daddy is a D. Doesn't matter that he was subpoenaed. No way in hell Garland will charge him for defying a Congressional subpoena.
Reason? See my second sentence..
Jim Jordan... (R)
OK so you know a congressman's name
Good deal.
The current Grand Dragon Jordan never met a subpoena he couldn't ignore.
So much for the old law and order party.