In One Or Two Sentences, What Is Your Personal Philosophy Of Life ?

In One Or Two Sentences, What Is Your Personal Philosophy Of Life ?
" Virtue consists in a will that is in agreement with Nature". This principle also applies to the realm of interpersonal relationships; "to be free from anger, envy, and jealousy", and to accept even slaves as "equals of other men, because all men alike are products of nature"
Stoicism - Wikiwand
There are three short phrases attributed to eastern philosophy that I have always liked
"Regret is vain"
"Destroy The Ego"
"All things must pass"
Cold goes to hot, what comes around goes around , you can't push a chain !
Shit happens.
I'm not a slacker...I'm surrounded by overachievers
Know your limitations and don't take yourself(or others) too seriously
"Honesty is the best policy." - I used to write this as a teen in letters to family and friends. Now I see it appearing in the mouths of television personalities here and there.
"Work smarter not harder."
"It is what it is."
"An ye harm none, do what ye will."
Live beneath your means
Don't take yourself or anything too seriously, everything deserves to be made fun of
enjoy things
Morning...if you can't change it as much you want to, then just get on with it..
What me worry?
I just read down the comments, and when I saw yours I burst out laughing.
Philosophy of Life? How about just doing what is necessary to survive in these times. Never mind the philosophy, just beam me back to the early 1950s so I can be 16 again. There are a few changes I would like to make.
Follow the evidence to wherever it leads and work very hard to counteract our natural tendency to NOT think critically.
Mine is a slight variation of that: Follow the evidence to where it leads, not to where you want it to go.
All things die.
Life is not short; we just waste most of it.
Good things happen to bad people.
Really like the second one.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Pride is a useless burden. Best to consider yourself the least important in the group.
Do what is right, even if you're the only one doing it, because doing so is its own reward.
The secret to happiness is low expectations
You can’t take it with you.
Family is fortune - if you have a strong family as a base you will always be rich in what matters most.
Ignorant people can be taught the difference between right and wrong while stupid people refuse to learn the difference.
"You Can't Fix Stupid"...
I like the one attributed to John Wayne:
Life is hard, it’s even harder when you’re stupid.
Leave it better than you found it.
Kill em all,
and let god sorta sort them out,
wood be mine if i were an exterminator, but, it mite bug me and wind up blowing under my thin skin like it was on sails, three sheets to the wind up boy toy wonder, Robin Batman of his Catwoman, cause when he slid down the pol, 45 grabbed her like a 22 long barrel with legs, made of beer, on the wall, cause BEER, IT'S WHAT'S FOR BREAKFAST these daze, and A nother thing, B sides can carry a tune, for "All Things Must Pass", when 'What is Love if not for you wah wah in from 7-11 bout me thinking id have you anytime, F not for you my sweet lord, have mercy MS Percy cause i dig love, because, isn't it a pity...? that's All the songs i could remember from that excellent album John? probably not, so all apologies and crackers...
Quotes I have in frames around my home.
“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
― Stephen King, Different Seasons
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”
― William W. Purkey
"Do not underestimate the task you undertake. Overcome your hopes and fears and meet them face to fate."
"The poisons born upon your tongue will never serve to slight me.
For I have delt with many fools and suffer your kind lightly.
Just as you sow so shall you reap, and I my friend have plenty.
So sit ye down and eat your words Now that your plate is empty."
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” —Winston Churchill
Friends and liars , don't wait for me, i'll get on all by myself'.
'with an ounce of pain, i wield a ton of RAGE'
In the 90's there was "The Ricky Lake Show" and one of the guest on the show when coming out on stage to an audience booing repeated said, "Whatever, whatever,. . . whatever."
I never forgot that. And to this day, some of you may have seen my us of "Whatever." on NT!
A musician friend of mine said Miles Davis once told him: "Just play the pretty notes."
"Go ahead and run, you'll only die tired!".
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
I'm thinking this could actually be fun.
History is not there for you to like or dislike. It is there for you to learn from it and if it offends you, even better, because then you are less likely to repeat it. It is not yours for you to erase or destroy.
I really like that.
Thanks, Veronica.
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!” --- Conan the Barbarian