The battle for the life of two democracies

As most everyone knows the democracy of Israel has been fighting against the terrorist group known as Hamas for the past 6 months. A few days ago, the IDF accidently took out a convoy of trucks that were operated by civilians. Immediately the certified imbecile Joe Biden went on the air to trash Israel. He said:
“This conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed,” President Biden stated. He underscored that such incidents “should not happen” and insisted that Israel “has not done enough” to protect aid workers and civilians.
President Biden "Outraged and Heartbroken" Over Israeli Airstrike Killing Aid Workers in Gaza (
In fact, the only country in the entire middle east trying to deliver aid to the Palestinians is Israel. No army has been more careful about civilian casualties than the IDF and that includes when Biden ordered that air strike which killed 7 children following the chaotic flight from Afghanistan. Btw once Biden announced the date of the withdrawal our enemies in Afghanistan went on the offensive and over 5,000 civilians were killed. In the meantime, Hamas has used civilians as shields and lied about civilian casualties. Biden knows that. Evidently Biden feels that he has to let Israel go down simply to win an election. He must feel he has the black vote in his back pocket. so, it is " the river to the sea" crowd that he must appease, which is the far left of the democrat party. Biden's policy toward Israel will likely destroy it if the Israeli Prime Minister goes along, and Biden has worked diligently at getting Netanyahu replaced.
That leads us to the second democracy in peril: The United States of America. What is Biden doing here? He opened the border the moment he took office, adopted a fantasy green energy policy and most notably has weaponized the DOJ to go after his opponent in the 2024 Presidential election. All of the deaths that were a result of the open border are Biden's responsibility and that includes 100,000 deaths from fentanyl in one year alone. The ridiculous lawfare cases coordinated against Donald Trump have only served to galvanize decent people against the Biden regime, but the threat to our democracy is still very real. The radical left now controls most of our institutions. We are on the verge of one-party authoritarian rule.
Only one election away.
In other news:
The Israeli military has reduced its forces in Gaza, but an operation to take the border city of Rafah is still in the works.
“I am still learning how to forgive”: Rwandans marked 30 years since a genocide that killed 800,000 people. It wasn't any colonial power that did it. It was Africans.
The U.S. will experience its second total solar eclipse in seven years today.
Donald Trump outlined his abortion stance. He is leaving it to the people.
A good deal of the jobs created in the past 3 years were government jobs.
Good morning

In Mexico. Henry Romero/Reuters
Today is the deadline for Merrick Garland to produce subpoenaed audio recordings of former special counsel Robert Hur's interview with President Biden to House Republicans or risk being held in contempt of Congress.
Will he?
The DOJ has declined to produce the recordings. Ball back in court on the House side.
Even though there will be no consequences Garland should be held in contempt.
That will leave Garland & Holder in unique company as the two Attorney Generals held in contempt of congress. Obama replaced his wingman, but Biden is too stubborn & stupid to do the same.
Wow. So the 'get 'em' ' card is its own reward. Ruin reputations "for all time" . . . that will make people rush to get themselves elected and accepting cabinet level jobs - just so their legacies can be abused by pen. This country in the near future ought to get the leaders and officials it justly deserves: Less than the best and the brightest.
That way, chicken shallow lines about those officials caught up in this pathetic sickness that is the 21st century in the United States won't matter or carry nearly the significant meaning it could have represented.
. No army has been more careful about civilian casualties than the IDF and that includes when Biden ordered that air strike which killed 7 children following the chaotic flight from Afghanistan.
The difference between how Biden/Blinken handled those two things would shock anyone who thought principles were involved in this.
As I recall, immediately after the disaster, Biden went to Rehoboth Beach and left John Kirby to explain the incident.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Nancy Pelosi, former House speaker and a key ally of Joe Biden, signed a letter on Friday from dozens of congressional Democrats to the president and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, urging a halt to weapons transfers to Israel.
Pelosi joins call for Biden to stop transfer of US weapons to Israel (
Complete and utter hyperbole. There is absolutely no chance of Israel's destruction because of Biden's mention of reconsideration of support.
There is no question that Hamas attacked to provoke an overreaction by Israel. I wonder how it feels getting led along by the gonads because you are trying desperately to hold onto power?
He is asking Israel to let Hamas survive. He is also interfering in an election. There is no question that he is a threat to them.
There is no question that Hamas attacked to provoke an overreaction by Israel.
So you deny that Hamas intended to spark a wider conflict and to gain support by hiding under hospitals?
Hamas simply wanted to kill as many Israelis as possible and took hostages in order to get away with it.
It is always best to stick with the most obvious explanation.
Why would Hamas only want to "...kill as many Israelis as possible and took hostages in order to get away with it," when they knew that the government of Israel would feel compelled to avenge the deaths and horrific means by which they occurred by pummeling Hamas? Or, in other words, they knew that Israel would kick the shit out of them precisely because of the attack. I think they had counted on help before now (wrongly) in the form of Military Aid from arab governments.
Just one more day in the existence of useless religious groups.
You are assuming that radical terrorists make rational decisions.
Read the Hamas charter. It is right there for you.
Lol. Imagine how it must feel to be led along by the gonads by Hamas? Knowing they intentionally provoke civilian casualties by ignoring the laws of war and using hospitals, churches and schools for military purposes because they know useful idiots in the West will use any civilian deaths to help Hamas by demanding an immediate ceasefire and allow Hamas to escape justice.
And sure enough....
...and yet you follow. And willingly it would seem.
you got me. I've been following Hamas lead and calling for a ceasefire since Oct 8th. Astute analysis there.
You aren't paying attention. Why did Hamas attack Israel in such a barbarically gruesome fashion?
Let's see if you are. Do you think Hamas prefers that it's soldiers are killed, it's leaders hunted down and killed/captured, its military infrastructure (including tunnels) destroyed making it difficult to exist as a functioning military or being given aid to distribute to Gazans to reward followers and punish dissent as well as time to regroup, rearm and plan its next assault on the Israeli state in peace, all while its western allies use Hamas produced propaganda to help them?
You did not answer my question.
Hamas wants to cause a war with Israel as the enemy. In order to do that, it attacked Israel in an exceedingly gruesome fashion, the purpose of this attack was to make the Israeli response severe enough that the rest of the Muslim and Arabic world would spring to the aid of Hamas. You have recognized the Palestinian plight
Hamas is a terrorist organization with the objective of destroying Israel. The deaths of Palestinian civilians, while distasteful, was an intermediate objective in a scheme to cause a larger conflict. It explains why they would attack Israel so viciously even though they could expect Israel to rain down its righteous wrath.
The purpose of this attack, and everything Hamas does, is the destruction of Israel. So long as Hamas exists and has the means, it will continue to launch the most severe and barbaric attacks it can.
Yes, it is shocking that Palestinians support a government that intentionally sacrifices them to gain support from western progressives. You'd think Palestinians would object to being used as human shields by their government and western progressives would see through the tactic, but obviously they either don't, or they don't care.
Since the literal day after the attack (see the Secretary of State's twitter) Hamas aligned progressives have demanded a ceasefire and exploited the deaths of civilians being used as human shields to justify it. Anyone falling for that is either being led along by the gonads by Hamas or agrees with Hamas' goal.
Nice to see you admit it. Fully.
There are ways to accomplish the dissolution of Hamas without the destruction of the Palestinian people and the assurance of decades more conflict. But of course it doesn't feel quite like killing a whole bunch of people.
Some people only know how to break things. One of those people would be Netanyahu. Until the realization is reached that constructive engagement is necessary, all people who think that the only way to solve a problem is to break it are doomed to live through terrorist attacks. But don't take my word for it. Ask the Palestinian people and the people of the countries in the Middle East.
Yes, I think Hamas should be destroyed. Guilty as charged.
Some people only know how to break things. One of those people would be Netanyahu.
Yep. He broke the cease fire on October 7th. He's responsible for his forces raping women, slaughtering kids and murdering thousands in total. He's the guy who breaks things.
The weird logic that comes for war-time intellect is telling on itself: A diabolical thing occurred in Israel on October 7, 2023 and Israel was 'perfectly' within its rights to defend its citizens, populace, and territory/ies. There does 'become' a sense of proportionality that takes hold at some point that shouts out: "Enough! It is Enough!"
In part, because of the casualties of the innocent lives being poured out and bleeding into the ground (such that it groans and cries out for relief). In part, because reality stipulates that what is broken requires. . . repairing.
So here comes the 'builders' talking about expenditures on how to restore Gaza to its old 'digs' or 'haunts' if you will or, simply make it better than it was before as a "consolation prize." The United States is 'up' for it, of course!
The "ha-ha" is this: Why break the damn Gaza Strip down like this and that, explode its buildings to smithereens , and know in one's heart of hearts that it will cost exorbitant amounts of payment and services to restore?
Why, oh why, do we have these 'new' republicans (if you will) dead-set on supporting the bombing of Gaza (and its people) back to the stone ages . . . where they can never compete and probably understand Israel's 'worldview' even less. . . because of w hat their new perceptions and realities of themselves (a high pecentage of Palestinians are considered: "youths") will be looking at the rubble that is theirs, then 'turn-to' to support :
1. Humanitarian aid. If you did not destroy the foundations of Palestinian life. . . you would not have to feed them or give them medicines . . . or the proverbial, "pot to piss in, because they had one, several, thousands, maybe even millions of those 'pots' already. They were even feeding themselves without "food/soup kitchens everywhere.
2. Medical aid. Because their doctors routinely and regularly kept their illnesses under repair and control and systemically rendered safe. Now, there is little practical medicine or facilities standing to visit.
3. Infrastructure aid. Billions will be spent from Israel's and the U.S. of A's international funds to help rebuild what may be did not need tearing down in the first place.
All the while REPUBLICANS will cry foul about the 'exploding' U.S. national debt . . . while supporting "yahoo-ism" that shortsightedly labels itself justice instead of endearing "yankee-ism" that sets proportionality as a rewarding (end to higher cost for rebuilding Gaza and making it safe) stopping point!
And still, you don't see.
Friend you said: "Gonads." LOL. Emphatically! The pull alone is estatic, but when the twist happens it brings 'otherworldliness' to a full-on ache.
I know.
Kinda freaks them out
Israel is trying to deliver aid to the Palestinians? So those were Israeli drivers and aid workers that were killed; and the aid convoy was protected by the Israeli military who somehow mistakenly still bombed it?/S
Israel is only allowing a small amount of aid to enter Gaza at this time. They are not purchasing it (it is all foreign money and aid), distributing it, or protecting it in any way shape or form. Let's all applaud them for doing the bare minimum and actually allowing it in!/S
I keep hearing this repeated endlessly with absolutely no proof being provided.
At least 1 part is right- Brandon is a hypocrite. No one will ever be held accountable for his over the horizon gaff that took out a US ally and his family.
Hamas is using the same tactics as Al Qaeda and the Taliban did against both Russia and the US. The US supported them both with weapons and training when they were fighting Russia. It is the same tactic the Viet Cong used against US troops in Vietnam. Acting like what Hamas is doing is somehow unique in history is disingenuous at best- a complete lie at worst. Why is it so shocking when Hamas doesn't have tanks, cannons planes, or ships that they fight using guerilla warfare?
Everyone is lying about the number of civilian casualties. Nothing will be know for sure until the end of the military action and Gazans can finally dig everything/everyone out from under all of the rubble and reach heavily bombed areas they were forced out of. Given all of the heavy machinery has been destroyed it is going to take several long months; and an exact count probably will never be known. Throw in all those that die from starvation, exposure, and lack of medical care the 33,000 total looks overly optimistic. Especially considering Israel's claim that there were supposedly 50,000 to 60,000 Hamas fighters in Gaza- and Israel claims to have killed the majority of them. So until everything is said and done both sides are playing political football with Palestinian civilian lives.
Yes, Brandon is trying to win in 2024 by any means necessary. But claiming his policy "likely destroy Israel" is laughable. Israel is the powerhouse militarily in the ME. We made them that. It isn't going to change if Bibi gets removed (especially if you follow Israeli elections- and know that hard liners have been in charge for over 20 years. There are politicians far to the right of Bibi waiting in the wings). Obama sought to get Bibi removed as well (even used US taxpayer money to try and do it). How did that work out?
Hamas and Hezbollah don't have the means to defeat Israel- even with Iran's backing. That isn't going to change. Oct 7 only happened because Bibi turned stupid and diverted security forces to the West Bank- for his push to grab more land. Oct 7th took how many years of planning and prepping? It came no where close to defeating Israel.
Israel also has nuclear weapons- as of right now they are the only country in the ME. Though Iran is supposedly getting close to having them as well. Maybe they finally will turn the ME into the world's largest glass sculpture between the two of them.
Frankly it is past time the US stopped funding to the ME and stepped back- that includes withdrawing troops from Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. Cut off aid to all of them. Can they be any more dysfunctional than they are now?
First of all, World Central Kitchen is not a country in the middle east. Second, it was a mistake that followed a misidentification at night.
I keep hearing this repeated endlessly with absolutely no proof being provided.
"The IDF has telegraphed almost every move ahead of time so civilians can relocate, nearly always ceding the element of surprise.
This has allowed Hamas to reposition its senior leaders (and the Israeli hostages) as needed through the dense urban terrain of Gaza and the miles of underground tunnels it’s built.
Hamas fighters, who unlike the IDF don’t wear uniforms, have also taken the opportunity to blend into civilian populations as they evacuate.
The net effect is that Hamas succeeds in its strategy of creating Palestinian suffering and images of destruction to build international pressure on Israel to stop its operations, therefore ensuring Hamas’ survival.
Phoning evac pleas
Israel gave warning, in some cases for weeks, for civilians to evacuate northern Gaza’s major urban areas before it launched its ground campaign in the fall.
The IDF reported dropping more than 7 million flyers, but it also deployed technologies never used anywhere in the world, as I witnessed firsthand on a recent trip to Gaza and southern Israel.
Israel has made 70,000 direct phone calls, sent 13 million text messages and left 15 million pre-recorded voicemails to notify civilians they should leave combat areas, where they should go and what route they should take.
It deployed drones with speakers and dropped giant speakers by parachute that once they hit the ground began broadcasting for civilians to leave combat areas.
It announced and conducted daily pauses of all operations to allow any civilians left in combat areas to evacuate.
These measures were effective."
Israel Defense Forces work to protect civilians — not kill them (
“This conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed,” President Biden stated. He underscored that such incidents “should not happen” and insisted that Israel “has not done enough” to protect aid workers and civilians.
Correct Joe, it should not happen. Wars should not happen. But they do and in a war civilians(and aid workers) get killed. In reality it can be argued that Israel has done more than anyone ever to help make sure civilians(and aid workers) don't get killed. But since Joe knows better than anyone else exactly what should Israel do to make sure no civilians(and aid workers) are killed while achieving their mission of destroying a group that hides behind civilians (and aid workers).
This is nothing more than Joe backing down over his concern he is losing votes even if it means throwing one of our closest allies under the bus.
How will the true historians rate him?
Probably exactly what he is, a feeble old man that was in way over his head (both physically and mentally). Bottom 10.
“…true historians…”
’True’ only if you agree?
It is such condescending and conditional phraseology that invalidates any contention.
I say Trump got it right. Biden is bottom, right below Carter.
Remember Marx was supposedly a historian.
Coming from a true historian.
There have been great ones:
15 Most Famous Historians of All Time - Have Fun With History
The idea is not to be an ideologue and to take a bird's eye view.
“Remember Marx…”
He will be debated forever. You and I will fade away as soon as we are gone.
Enjoy your self and revel in your self importance. It is as transparent as every comment.
He was responsible for more deaths and agony than any other man in history.
In the words of Princess Grace:

I'll be back
So the first democracy is going to be destroyed by Biden following what Reagan did in 1983. Talk about smoke getting in your eyes.
And our democracy is being destroyed by what again, I was laughing too hard to try and digest your litney of ''the sky is falling'' history.
If he has his way.
And our democracy is being destroyed by what again
Biden and the left.
All he has to do is follow Reagan's example with Begin and there it is.
And there you go again with the hyperbole, entertaining to a point if nothing else.
At this point he probably doesn't remember who Reagan was.
And there you go
Yes, that is why I'm here.
Good point, cuz Reagan couldn't remember who he is either.
If hyperbole is why your here, you're doing a hell of a job at it.
Reagan was a great President for the country. Perhaps that is the problem?
If hyperbole is why your here
Let's leave me out of it for a change.
Nope, that isn't the problem, it's some of the stupid things he managed to do.
You do realize that you put yourself in it, not me.
“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
― Golda Meir, A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography
That was a great line and symbolic of Jewish values.
And it is to their shame. Be ashamed of yourselves Rwandans, very ashamed. I feel bad for how ashamed Rwanda and all other places that declare war on themselves should feel: ASHAMED.
We need more democracies on the continent of Africa.
Probably. But, that is not my reason for posting today.
Tragic news: According to Yaron Avraham on Channel 12 Israel news, Hamas has told the mediators that it does not have 40 hostages in the humanitarian category that are still alive. That is a category of women, children, the elderly, and the sick. The number that they say is alive, which is significantly lower, has not been made public.
Time to attack Israel because Hamas killed hostages.
I think it was best said: Israel needs to get it over with."
What does international nationals mean? And should we be surprised that the World Central Kitchen casualties were mostly British and Canadian Marines? Oooorah! And was the Palestinian driver associated with Hamas? Inquiring minds want to know. But Biden just issues flat condemnation of an ally without delving into facts. Biden doesn't need stinkin' facts -- he's a Democrat.
Biden certainly won't be running for reelection by highlighting his diplomatic successes. So far Biden has raised alarms in India with a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, fully reignited a Cold War confrontation between the US and Russia, convinced the Nordic countries to abandon any pretense of neutrality, and has given a full throated endorsement to Hamas opposition to a two state solution. With friends like Biden, our allies don't need any enemies.
Too bad Biden can't put pressure on Hamas like he does on Israel. Biden thinks he can get away with the chickenshit politics of blaming Netanyahu and not the Israeli people. That has never worked for Pelosi and Biden ain't got the balls to outdo Pelosi.
In less than four years, Joe Biden has made the world an enemy of the United States. Biden's foreign policy failures is why we get nonsensical things like 'international nations'.
World Central Kitchen went in a dangerous place of their own decisions knowing the risks and they took their chances and lost. Not Israel's fault.