Thank you America

The House of Representatives finally passed a foreign aid bill Saturday. Speaker Johnson put his job on the line and said let the chips fall where they may. He was determined to put the bills on aid to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan to a vote, passing every one of them with widespread Democratic help. The primary bill was part of a wider $95 billion package providing foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and various US allies in the Pacific region. Ukraine got nearly $61 billion. The House also passed funding worth $26.4 billion for Israel and $8.1 billion to counter China’s actions in the Indo-Pacific.
The Speaker now faces an uncertain future:
“The pressure is already building,” Massie said after the slew of votes Saturday. “It’s going to be inevitable, especially now that he’s chosen his path with the Democrats. Like once you go there, it’s hard to go back.”
Johnson temporarily dodges ouster vote as House passes foreign aid - POLITICO
Aside from the precarious position of depending upon democrat support, Johnson may have held off MTG's threat to call for the Speaker to vacate by one simple visit to Mar-a-Lago. Support from the people's choice might just be enough to save Johnson.
The Senate may take up the aid bills and vote on them as early as today.
In the meantime, there have been protests/near riots spreading on college campuses across the country:
NEW YORK (AP) — Columbia canceled in-person classes, dozens of protesters were arrested at New York University and Yale, and the gates to Harvard Yard were closed to the public Monday as some of the most prestigious U.S. universities sought to defuse campus tensions over Israel’s war with Hamas .
More than 100 pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had camped out on Columbia’s green were arrested last week, and similar encampments have sprouted up at universities around the country as schools struggle with where to draw the line between allowing free expression while maintaining safe and inclusive campuses.
At New York University, an encampment set up by students swelled to hundreds of protesters throughout the day Monday. The school said it warned the crowd to leave, then called in the police after the scene became disorderly and the university said it learned of reports of “intimidating chants and several antisemitic incidents.” Shortly after 8:30 p.m., officers began making arrests.
Pro-Palestinian protests sweep US colleges after Columbia arrests | AP News
Joe Biden who was giving a rambling speech on climate change was asked if he condemned antisemitism on campus. He finally condemned antisemitism from the left but with a very revealing caveat:
"Do you condemn the antisemitic protests on college campuses? " Biden was asked.
"I condemn the antisemitic protests. That’s why I have set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians," he said.
Biden crushed for equivocating on antisemitic protests: 'Very fine people on both sides' moment (
Equating antisemitic protests with people who do not understand the plight of the Palestinians has created a lot of concern for the Biden campaign.
As for what we are seeing on campus, it seems that anti-Israel went to antisemitic very quickly.
In other news:
David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer, was the bogus NY "hush money" trial's first witness yesterday. The court will publish transcripts of each day’s proceedings. Testimony will resume this morning but first the conflicted judge will decide whether to hold the former President in contempt.
Universities are struggling to contain pro-Palestinian demonstrations; protesters are building encampments, and Harvard closed its yard to the public.
The British Parliament passed a wonderful law that allows the government to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda.
On Earth Day, Biden announced grants for solar power and opened applications for the American Climate Corps. (shades of the Kennedy Peace Corps) An important concession to what democrat strategist believe is of prime concern to younger voters.
The prime minister of Papua New Guinea criticized Biden for suggesting that cannibals on the island had eaten Biden's uncle. The prime minister also took the opportunity to demand that Biden clean up some of the devastation left from WWII.
The Supreme Court seems likely to uphold local ordinances that let an Oregon city ban homeless people from sleeping or camping in public spaces. Blue localities are reluctant to remove the homeless sloth that are predominately drug addicts and mentally insane.
The Manhattan criminal case against Trump is a legal embarrassment and a historic mistake Jed Handelsman Shugerman argues.
Opinion | The Bragg Case Against Trump Is a Historic Mistake - The New York Times (
Good morning.

Today is primary day in the state of Pennsylvania for a key Senate race which could determine the Senate majority in 2024.
On the ballot are candidates for president, U.S. Senate, attorney general, and more.
Polls opened at 7 AM.
former president donald j trump, federal criminal defendant, for the first time in american history.
They call it a "hush money" trial because Bragg hasn't told us what the crime is.
Will it work? I doubt it.
34 charges, 4 years minimum sentence on the least of them...
All based on what?
trump's crimes...
The ones you can't seem to name?
Do you know why so many people support him? It is because if he was not so much of a threat to the deep state, he wouldn't be going through any of this. We appreciate him for that, and we will vote for him again!
I'm guessing willful ignorance, unamerican tendencies, and severe character flaws.
You mean like not being able to tell us what crime Trump committed?
Vic, if Trump hadn't of had the catch and kill at the Enquirer, with Pecker in his pocket, so to speak, and these OTHER stories broke, right after ole 'grab em' buy the pussy' went public, your Queen Hillary would have been elected. But just like the Supreme Court has given Trump protection with time, so did his $130,000.00 and what was it, $150,000.00 for Suzies silence, along with Comers decision to come out about Hillarys' investigation, was enuff to push POS Trumpster through the winning dumpster. `If he had paid her with his money he wouldn't be in court, but he's a scamming slamming Sc heister who has no ethics or morals, yet you worship him...Y ?
The story did break.
Yep, the election deniers are out in force. A stolen election! Just like Trump claims happened in 2020.
f he had paid her with his money he wouldn't be in court
If what he did was illegal, why wasn't he indicted by the DOJ who actually enforces election laws?
completely ridiculous.
As Andrew McCarthy wrote:
Trump says Democrats “rigged” the 2020 election against him by, for example, suppressing unsavory information about Biden-family influence-peddling. That’s exactly Bragg’s theory of how Trump supposedly stole 2016 — information suppression
Trump claims a whole lot more than that.
election interference, then covered up with additional financial crimes.
my question to you -
if you or I had violated a gag order from a federal judge 10+ times, including on the eve of the gag order violation hearing, where would we be sitting now?
you can answer my second question first.
If we were defendants without the name Trump, there wouldn't be any gag order. Gag orders are issued to protect defendants.
my question to you -
How did Merrick Galand's top dog, Matthew Colangelo, wind up in Bragg's office.
election interference, then covered up with additional financial crimes.
Then where is the evidence?
Let's see what the Senile old fool had to say about his shock troops attacking campuses yesterday.
Was this Program to attack and kill the Jewish people? because we saw how this turned out last time.
His shock troops? Really? Are you trying to imply active US military?
Never heard of a metaphor...............?
LOL! Spinning already? Not even allowing George enough time to try to justify his own statement?
Now THAT is spin.................SMH
No, i'm implying his hitler youth at the Universities. Bidens new shock troops.
So you are saying that everything Just Jim said, in trying to explain your claim, was completely false. Well thanks for clarifying.
So when you can’t address my comment you attack another poster. Thanks for clarifying.
Money to protect Ukraine but none to protect our own border.
Treasonous behavior by our elected officials.
Both our border and Ukraine's borders are being overrun but at least Ukraine is fighting the invaders,
Biden is inviting invaders in and treating them better than taxpaying Citizens
Now the left will call you a Putin puppet; and anti immigration.
They can lump me in as well then.
The whole point of funding Ukraine was to diminish Russia's military threat to the rest of Europe. Well that mission was accomplished long ago. Russia is no longer the #2 arms provider in the world. In fact they are taking tanks out of moth balls to send to the front; buying missiles and drones from Iran- and making them work better against US defense systems than the Iranians did; and buying munitions from China and North Korea.
Putin has tied Russia to China so tightly with his last economic pact- that Russia is now a surrogate of China.
But we can all look forward to Ukraine being out of money and weapons again in the next 6 to 8 months after the summer offensives are over. Wonder how many billions the Brandon administration won't be able to account for this time? Also, how many attacks Ukraine will fund using US taxpayer money in Africa, Russia, and elsewhere?
The only question left is how long the US funding of the sink hole that is Ukraine will go on; and how many millions more illegal immigrants Brandon will allow into our country.
in 1940 Germany had overrun almost all of western Europe , France had submitted and Britain had been driven off the continent. wouldnt that have been the time to not throw any more money into that "sinkhole" ?
Until Donald Trump is elected President, and that war is finally brought to an end.
You think Russia is 1940 Germany?
1940 Germany that revolutionized military technology and the way wars are fought?
Russia is still stuck in WWI trench warfare and ground and pound. Using tanks that they had to take out of moth balls. In a stalemate with a country that has far fewer people, assets (outside of what the US gives them), and resources. A country they should have taken over easily in under a month.
Wake us all when they learn how to fight a modern war.
Until then stop using history analogies for your own sake.
Ukraine does not want to cede territory to Russia. Is there something about that you dont understand ?
Irrelevant by the way.
In true Chamberlain style. Both meanings are intended
I don't give a flying fuck what Ukraine wants.
They offer the US jack shit of nothing except for an eternally corrupt money pit for politicians to dump US tax payer dollars so they can get kick backs for both themselves, their family members, and cronies. They have no resources that we can't supply ourselves.
They will never get Crimea back- as it was never a part of Ukraine to begin with. It was a paper transfer by the USSR- which controlled both Ukraine and Crimea at the time. As for the Donbass region; maybe if Obama wouldn't have backed a coup ousting a duly elected pro Russian president Ukraine wouldn't have had a civil war and Russia wouldn't have invaded.
If Zelenskyy wants to fight to the very last Ukrainian more power to him. Let Europe honor their commitments to Ukraine. The US has done more than enough already.
Russia isn't a threat to the rest of Europe or NATO (unless they decide to go nuclear- in which case the whole world is fucked). No matter how much TDS sufferers who can't get over their queen losing in 2016 want to stick it to Putin.
And Russia not being able to fight a modern war is very relevant when Brandon's #1 reason to send US tax money, military equipment, and train Ukrainian troops (many of which are full blown Nazis) was to stop Russia from invading all of Europe. What a fucking joke that was.
If you are so desperate to aid Ukraine head on over. They are running out of their own people willing to fight the Russian meat grinder. No matter the age or shape you are in I am sure they can find something for you to do.
US taxpayer dollars need to stay here. Brandon, Democrats, and Establishment Republicans need to stop priming the inflation pump.
Another analogy comparing Russia to Germany.
Just as laughable as the first one.
Even if by some miracle Russia manages to take all of Ukraine- do you think they can hold it? Afghanistan and Chechnya prove otherwise.
Given the state of their economy how long do you think it will take them to rebuild their military back to the inept, ill equipped, ill maintained, and ill trained fighting force it was before the start of the war? How much longer to actually turn them into a modern fighting force capable of taking on even inept NATO countries?
You mean like this:
"I condemn the antisemitic protests," Mr. Biden told reporters after an Earth Day Event in Northern Virginia Monday. "That's why I've set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians."
Another comment that misses the point entirely.
The point is appeasement. The way Donald Trump plans to end the conflict is to cut funding to Ukraine. Without the munitions available from the US, the depth of the Russian forces is such that they could win by attrition, as they are currently doing, albeit slowly.
No. That is a different war.
The fact that you think the quote of Biden proves anything means you are of the latter group that he mentioned.
Did you ever stop to think that Biden being president contributed to the launch of both wars.
Did you ever stop to think that Trump being president contributed to the launch of both wars? We can play this game all day.
Why don't you invest some time into research and give a well-reasoned argument for your contention?
Trump was President. Neither Putin nor Iran's proxies made a move.
Those are the FACTS.
I had breakfast today. That is a fact also.
Any thinking person can easily see past feeble attempts to gaslight the truth. Not sure why so many of my friends on the left insist on using that tactic.
I suppose they fool a few useful idiots but that’s about it.
Then I guess we can agree on all of the above.
That is the first requirement in a legitimate debate.
In fact, it wasn't until Traitor Joe released all the frozen Russian and Iranian assets that the attacks took place.
That made it all possible.
Joe's weakness towards Iran was the icing on the cake.
Joe's weakness in general contributed to all the problems we are seeing.
He is like a green light for all of our enemies.
That's exactly what it was. Hamas / Iran attacks, Russia attacks, China starts their shit, North Korea firing ballistic missiles... The list goes on.
“He is like a green light for all of our enemies.”
Our enemies? More akin to your enemies, real and/or imagined.
The idea of one not having the capability to understand that the US has enemies is mind boggling. Really makes me wonder exactly what rock they live under so that I can avoid that area.
You listed one fact and two (or three) assertions. You did not invest any time or energy into proving that the fact is directly relatable to any of the assertions. As such, they are bare assertions.
If you are going to debate then it is incumbent upon you to show how, "...Biden being president contributed to the launch of both wars," because that was your contention.
Bottom line is that Democrats finally stood up and accepted full responsibility for Biden's quagmires. The press has tried to spin the House votes as Democrats helping Republicans (an Iraqi deja vu?). But Chuck Schumer's Democrat controlled Senate passed the aid package first. Biden lied the country into this quagmire.
And Zelensky seems to be well aware that the sole interest of Democrats has been saving Biden's backside. Just keep in mind that Ukraine had been in Russia's pocket (or Putin's pocket, if you prefer) since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Ukraine has already bitten the hand of its benefactor by staging a coup and disenfranchising a sizeable portion of the voting population. The alliance between Democrats and Ukraine has been built upon a foundation of self-interest; an unreliable partnership, at best. Democrat support for Ukraine will very likely fade away come November. Ukraine is not a gateway for satisfying the self-interest of Democrat voters.
Do not forget that the US military can't meet recruiting goals. And fighting European brush wars won't turn around that trend. The very old, very white Democrat leadership is riding a dead horse into the sunset. We're seeing more Palestinian flags waved on US streets than US flags. And Democrats are having a difficult time claiming support for these quagmires is a defense of democracy. The pertinent question is who gets thrown under the bus first?
The last gasp of neoliberal politics in the United States ain't gonna be pretty.
Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz stated he no longer has any “loyalty” to the Democratic Party on Monday, and that he would not exclusively vote Democrat in future elections.
Dershowitz, a long-time Democrat who has been a major critic of President Joe Biden and the current administration, said his party has been an “extraordinary disappointment” because they have not been very vocal about the pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University, which have been ongoing since last Wednesday.
“We're hearing nothing from Democrats. We are hearing nothing from Chuck Schumer,” Dershowitz said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. “We're hearing nothing really direct from President Biden. He made a very disappointing statement. In the same breath, he talked about the demonstrators in passing and he said, ‘but you have to understand the Palestinian situation.’ No, you don't have to understand the Palestinian situation. When people are calling for rape and murder and beheading. The Democrats are an extraordinary disappointment."
"I am no longer presumptively voting for Democrats," he said. "I'm gonna vote for whoever is the best candidate, that may include Democrats, but I have no loyalty anymore to the party.”
Alan Dershowitz says he is no longer loyal to Democratic Party after Columbia protests | Just The News
Dershowitz has made himself into a laughing stock. He and Jonathan Turley went over to the dark side, seeking fame and fortune.
So, you keep telling us. Might it be that the democrat party has gone woke?
Does anyone know who is funding the antisemitic protestors?

Who paid for those tents?
I'll take bibi and the odds and I'd start looking for torch bearers wearing maga hats...
At this point I have George Soros as an odds-on favorite.
I also have it odds-on that those young Jewish students will be voting for Trump in November...and not telling mom & dad.
anything's possible, but about as likely as kushner getting his foreskin reattached for saudi citizenship...
We are talking about the probable now.
Why would you think MAGA OR Bibi would be protesting Israel and paying for tents? Weird.
why would you still think bibi didn't financially support hamas thru qatar right up until 10/7? weird.
Because I have never seen reference to that BS (unless he supported for humanitarian reasons). I don't suppose you have a link to that pile do you?
Yes and the Mossad blew up the twin towers ……. Tin foil beanie adjustment required …
We give a lot of power and immunity to prosecutors. We have up until now had complete faith in them that they would serve the law fairly.

Does anyone think that it is time to put certain restraints on prosecutors, such as allowing for their disbarment and prosecution if they target individuals for political or private reasons?
Example # 1
cool, that puts bill barr at the front of the line...
Only in the Twilight Zone of the left.
I only see maga fading into the political darkness...
I think the left may be on the ropes.
Wishful thinking or just plain delusional.
Our loyal readers can make their choice.
Gee, everyone has forgotten about Bob McCulloch; the prosecutor that woke outrage claims justified the summer of love.
MAGA Lives Matter. How ironic is that?
Perhaps one of our "lawyers" can explain this. In opening statements, the prosecution stated :
Since the "affair" with Daniels is said to have occurred in 2006, and the "secondary" crime that allows the DA to upgrade the misdemeanor charges to felony charges is a supposed campaign donation violations, why are there not any indicted charges from 2016? If you read thru the indictments, all of them occurred in 2017.
The whole thing is a farce. As Andrew McCarthy wrote, Bragg's just an election denier.
It's adding context to the case. Will it make a difference? I don't know. The defense's opening statement says none of this rises to the level of criminal conspiracy. We'll see.
I would hope not, since there's no criminal conspiracy alleged.
NDAs are not illegal. Nor is trying to keep bad information private. See the Clintons "bimbo eruption squad."
I don't remember any charges about NDA's.
That seems to depend on the HOW and WHY it was done considering one person has already been sent to prison for it.
There isn't, but the case is commonly called hush money case, which it isn't, or that its about a criminal conspiracy, which its not either. The only illegal allegation I'm aware of is a bookkeeping dispute which Bragg retroactively criminalized, but didn't for Hillary Clinton when her campaign did the same thing.
was done considering one person has already been sent to prison for it.
But that wasn't why Cohen went to prison. And if Trump is found guilty, it's incredibly unlikely he'd go to prison.
What precisely are you accusing Clinton of?
Let's see... After he made the payment to Daniels...
Since the money Cohen paid Daniels is the excessive campaign contribution and the 'bookkeeping dispute' is for the same act I think there is a change Trump could be found guilty.
Here I agree.
I have a dental appt and won't be back until tomorrow... have a good evening.
So why did you claim you'd have to wait and see if there's proof of a criminal conspiracy, even though this case has nothing do with a criminal conspiracy and the prosecution doesn't claim one existed?
What precisely are you accusing Clinton of?
et's see... After he made the payment to Daniels.
Yes, but he didn't go to jail because of that. He went to jail because "Be tween 2012 and 2016, COHEN concealed more than $4 million in personal income from the Internal Revenue Service, avoiding more than $1.3 million in income tax." and he's not a Biden.
a me act I think there is a change Trump could be found guilty.
Given the Judge and Jury I think it would take a small miracle for him to be found not guilty. Whether he can he get overturned on appeal is a different issue.
I said I'll wait to see what the prosecution presents to build their case, which has nothing to do with what people commonly refer to something as.
I don't see where Clinton was accused of NY business laws covering the purchase up?
Cohen was charged for it and pleaded guilty for it.
Okay. While I'll concede the point of 'jailed' the larger point are the charges and guilty plea are relevant to the context of case against Trump. The prosecution is building the case around Trump telling Cohen to break the law, or at least knew what Cohen was doing. And that Pecker along with others, including Trump, were complicit in the cover up. Pecker got immunity to testify.
I don't see the inherent bias in the judge you guys do and I'm not speculating on jurists I haven't heard of yet. IF the blatant bias people claim is there he most likely would get an appeal for a new trial. Again I'll wait until it all plays out and not Monday morning quarterback everything.
"New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft pulls support from Columbia over antisemitism"

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft pulls support from Columbia over antisemitism - Washington Times
Dumbasses don't realize how this may just be the beginning of "benefactors" pulling funding.
I see Ivy League endowments shrinking.
About damn time and they are doing it to themselves.
It is amazing that anyone donates to these institutions to begin with.
I proudly gave to my university $$ every year after I graduated, for about 20 years and then they just got too woke and progressive.
They haven’t gotten a dime since and never will again. And I’m far from alone.
The beleaguered
Not sinking as fast as Democrat/leftist morals.
Will love the screaming from leftists when the next Republican president pulls this shit on his main Democrat rival. State AG's and DA's getting legal advice from the White House and DOJ to tack on their own charges.
The perfect response will be "They have to be guilty of something. Just look at all of those charges!"
The right in congress has been saying this for months and have yet to back it up with anything that does not reek of innuendo.