
Biden's plan to admit Gazans to US could backfire: 'Brainwashed by Hamas,' expert warns


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  monstermash  •  5 months ago  •  15 comments

By:   Yahoo News

Biden's plan to admit Gazans to US could backfire: 'Brainwashed by Hamas,' expert warns
Amid the displacement of Palestinians in Gaza because of Hamas' war against Israel, President Biden weighs allowing a new wave of immigration. Local Gazans gave their take.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Benjamin Weinthal May 18, 2024

JERUSALEM — The White House is considering the resettlement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the United States, sparking warnings from experts about the potential for terrorism and failed assimilation.

"We are constantly evaluating policy proposals to further support Palestinians who are family members of American citizens and may want to come to the United States," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced in early May.

Hamas invaded Israel Oct. 7 and murdered nearly 1,200 people, including over 30 Americans. Video footage shows Gazans cheering Hamas terrorists as they returned with over 250 kidnapped people from southern Israel. Palestinian civilians, according to the footage, also desecrated the bodies of dead Israelis and Europeans.

Palestinians in the war-torn Gaza Strip have been steeped in Hamas's terrorist ideology since 2007, according to experts. The U.S.-designated terrorist organization Hamas has instilled a dangerous mix of antisemitic, anti-Christian, anti-American thinking into large swathes of the over 2 million Gazans.


Pinhas Inbari, a veteran Arab affairs analyst and correspondent in Israel who spent over 14 years covering the West Bank and Gaza, told Fox New Digital, "I think that the core issue is whether all Gaza is Hamas or as Biden tries to convince us that there is a difference between Hamas and the Gazans, and we have to treat them differently.


"I cannot say all Gazans are Hamas, but you can say they are brainwashed by Hamas. Muslims are indoctrinated with Islam and jihad [in Gaza]. You can't take them as they are now and plant them in the U.S. Biden has to see Europe to understand."

Inbari pointed to the late April march of over 1,000 radical Islamists in the northern German city of Hamburg. The Islamists announced that "Caliphate is the solution." A Caliphate is an Islamic state where Sharia law governs all walks of life. Inbari is fluent in Arabic.

It "will take years of education to teach them not be jihadi Muslims," he said.

He compared Biden's plan to "taking al-Qaeda to the U.S. They are educated to hate America and Christians. They think if they hate Jews they will not hate Christians. They are mistaken. Al Qaeda hates Christians before Jews."


Biden's immigration plan and the pro-Hamas protests on college campuses were recently discussed by some Palestinians in Gaza.

Israel's TPS-IL news agency published video footage of Gazans speaking about immigration and anti-Israel protests on U.S. campuses.

"Everything that's happening here is according to their plan," one elderly Palestinian man said in an apparent reference to Israel. "They attacked Gaza with all of their military might but achieved nothing. But now they're working on a new plan. They claim their hearts are with the people of Gaza, that they want to bring them out and ease their burdens.

"And this is the core plan of America and the occupation — to force us to emigrate. I will not emigrate — even if the entire universe demands it."

There is no evidence Israel or the United States wishes to push Palestinians to immigrate. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, and the Palestinian terrorist movement seized power in 2007.


A younger man, however, in the TPS video clip states he wishes to relocate.

"Why stay here? No one will stay. Everything is ruined. Why stay?" he said.

A middle-aged man added, "I am personally 55 years old. I don't care to emigrate. But for my kids, I'll tell them to go."

One Palestinian man vehemently opposes immigration.

"Who's emigrating? God forbid," he said. "Whoever emigrates has no [love of] country, no religion and no belief. "This is someone who has no loyalty to Gaza … who has no real ties to Gaza or to Palestine."


The pro-Hamas protests on American college campuses were addressed by a Palestinian woman, who said, "I think Hamas supports the protests in the USA. Thank you to the students in the USA who stand by the Palestinian people."

A Palestinian man added, "Surely Hamas supports these college students and should support them for that."

"The United States has provided support for over 1,800 eligible individuals from Gaza who have departed or want to depart," a U.S. State Department spokesperson told Fox News Digital. "This includes U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs) and their families, many of whom have come to the United States. This also includes particularly vulnerable individuals such as children with serious health conditions, including cancer and physical disabilities, often a result of the war, who require acute or specialized care in the United States or in the region."

The State Department spokesperson made clear all will be carefully checked.

"Any individuals from Gaza who have traveled or would travel to the United States are thoroughly vetted, as the safety and security of the American people is our top priority," the spokesperson said. "We have been clear and consistent: The United States categorically rejects any actions leading to the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza."

Syrian-born American journalist and Middle East expert Hayvi Bouzo reviewed the interviews on TPS-IL.

"The Biden administration's immigration policies and open border approach have long been problematic due to inadequate vetting for legal immigrants," Bouzo told Fox News Digital. "In Gaza, for nearly two decades, Hamas has controlled the content of textbooks, media and mosque khutbahs (sermons).

"Most people working in Gaza have had to affiliate with Hamas or other radical groups to find employment, complicating efforts to identify those deeply involved with Hamas' terrorist activities. This situation underscores the critical need for thorough vetting to identify potential national security threats, a measure that has yet to be effectively implemented by the Biden administration.


"The administration's efforts to evacuate civilians from conflict zones in Gaza, which is traditionally, internationally praised as a humanitarian effort to save live — are perceived by many Palestinians and Arabs as a 'conspiracy' to force Palestinians from their homes. I believe the Biden administration's policies have not earned gratitude from any party involved are not particularly perceived as helpful to the Palestinians in Gaza, and come with a national security risk.

"On the other hand, Egypt should continue to welcome Gazan refugees, while the U.S. should assist by providing aid, shelter, food and medicine until it's safe for them to return to their homes."

In December, a shocking survey revealed 57% of Palestinian respondents in Gaza and 82% of Palestinians in the West Bank (known as Judea and Samaria in Israel) agree with Hamas' terrorism attack Oct. 7.

Inbari, an expert on Palestinian society, provided some optimism. He said if the United Arab Emirates, which has diplomatic relations with Israel, takes responsibility for the rebuilding of Gaza, the Emirates "will bring a positive Islam" to the enclave.

He said there is a possibility "Gazans will learn they were brainwashed by Hamas. I think they will sober up. It happened in Syria with the people who were brainwashed by Assad.

"Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's Baath Party has spent over 50 years socializing Syrians to hate Israel, Jews and the United States. After Assad started to wipe out Sunni Syrians protesting against his regime in 2011, many Syrians "understood that Assad played with them," Inbari said.

Original article source:Biden's plan to admit Gazans to US could backfire: 'Brainwashed by Hamas,' expert warns

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jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Quiet
1  seeder  MonsterMash    5 months ago

I am firmly against bringing Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to America. Why does Biden want to put out the welcome mat to terrorist?

Professor Quiet
1.1  Ronin2  replied to  MonsterMash @1    5 months ago

Because not all Gazans are terrorists or even support Hamas.

Do you think the women do? How about the children? Better still babies. How about those just born? Think they are already Hamas by just being born? Should children that have lost their families be forced to grow up into whatever shithole Israel allows in Gaza?

Want to end terrorism? Get the weak, defenseless, homeless, and parentless young that will have no one else to turn to the hell out of Gaza!

There are Gazans that can be transplanted into the US and thrive being Americans.

I just don't trust the Brandon administration to be the ones that do the vetting. They fucked up royally bringing in unvetted Afghans. Anyone lucky enough to make it into the Kabul airport was let into the US no questions asked. The questions came once Brandon ended the air lift and stranded thousands of Americans and special VISA holders in Afghanistan. Those had to be vetted outside the country- even though the rescuers had already done that. Can't have any Americans Brandon left behind just walking freely back into the US. That right is reserved for unvetted illegal immigrants crossing our southern border. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
2  Right Down the Center    5 months ago

Just when you think brain dead Biden can't get any dumber, he does.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Right Down the Center @2    5 months ago
Just when you think brain dead Biden can't get any dumber, he does.

It's really something. It's like he wakes up in the morning and slowly thinks what is the worst thing I can do to America.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Right Down the Center @2    5 months ago

No, Biden isn't brain dead, he knows what he's doing, he's simply BEGGING America's Muslims and the "From the river to the sea" protesters of voting age to vote for him in November.  I do hope that America's Jews smarten up and refuse to cast votes for him and the Democrats, even if they sit back and vote for nobody, or write the name of a person with integrity into the ballot (I believe there MUST still be a few American politicians with integrity). 

Professor Participates
2.2.1  Snuffy  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.2    5 months ago

Agreed. Somehow I doubt if any do actually get admitted into the US. I believe this is more of him playing identity politics for the fall election. 

Professor Quiet
3  Ronin2    5 months ago
"The administration's efforts to evacuate civilians from conflict zones in Gaza, which is traditionally, internationally praised as a humanitarian effort to save live — are perceived by many Palestinians and Arabs as a 'conspiracy' to force Palestinians from their homes. I believe the Biden administration's policies have not earned gratitude from any party involved are not particularly perceived as helpful to the Palestinians in Gaza, and come with a national security risk.

"On the other hand, Egypt should continue to welcome Gazan refugees, while the U.S. should assist by providing aid, shelter, food and medicine until it's safe for them to return to their homes."

In December, a shocking survey revealed 57% of Palestinian respondents in Gaza and 82% of Palestinians in the West Bank (known as Judea and Samaria in Israel) agree with Hamas' terrorism attack Oct. 7.

This guy is an expert in the region?

Egypt has stated repeatedly and forcefully that they will not accept any Palestinian refugees.

Once they are out of Gaza Israel will never let them back in.

Egypt already has over 270,000 Palestinians. They don't need or want any more to take care of.

Nor should the US be on the hook to take care of the Palestinians. They are an Israeli problem as the occupying power. Expecting the rest of the world to foot the bill for Israel is asking far too much.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4  Buzz of the Orient    5 months ago
"The U.S.-designated terrorist organization Hamas has instilled a dangerous mix of antisemitic, anti-Christian, anti-American thinking into large swathes of the over 2 million Gazans."

WITH the assistance of the UNRWA school teachers, which. of course, would never be admitted by Guterras, the UN's leader, who denied UNRWA's involvement in the Oct 7 slaughter, but is tight-lipped about the recent drone-recorded videos of UNRWA cooperating with the Hamas militants.

"I cannot say all Gazans are Hamas, but you can say they are brainwashed by Hamas. Muslims are indoctrinated with Islam and jihad [in Gaza]. You can't take them as they are now and plant them in the U.S. Biden has to see Europe to understand."

AND they have been spoon-fed, supported by UNRWA for generations.  I'm sure UNRWA will be happy to have America take over the spoon-feeding for the next generations, at the expense of the American taxpayers.  

"Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005"

That was probably a mistake.

Professor Participates
4.1  Snuffy  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4    5 months ago

The USA is already the number 1 donor to the UNRWA for 2023.

overall_donor_ranking_.pdf (unrwa.org)

charger 383
Professor Silent
4.1.1  charger 383  replied to  Snuffy @4.1    5 months ago

what a waste of my tax money

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Snuffy @4.1    5 months ago

So that means that the American taxpayers have been made to support the terrorists.  NICE!!!!

charger 383
Professor Silent
4.1.3  charger 383  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4.1.2    5 months ago

Well, I don't like it

Professor Quiet
4.2  Ronin2  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4    5 months ago
"Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005"
That was probably a mistake.

Because Gaza would be so much more peaceful being the West Bank 2.0 with massive Israeli settlements everywhere; settlers and IDF forcing Palestinians out of their homes; and unwarranted arrests and killings of Palestinians. With the US helping to foot the bill the entire way for the Israeli government and whatever puppet government gets put in place to control the Palestinians.

I will agree with you that the US needs to stop funding aid to the Palestinians. We also need to shut off the spigot to Israel. Throw in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, whatever rebels we are still funding in Syria, Kuwait, and any other countries in the ME that we are sending any type of aid to. Time for the US to get out of the most dysfunctional sand box on the planet.

US taxpayers deserve better than the Establishment POS in Washington that can't stop wasting US taxpayer money creating new enemies of regular Americans.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5  charger 383    5 months ago

We already have too many problems

Professor Quiet
5.1  Ronin2  replied to  charger 383 @5    5 months ago

Unfortunately we helped create this problem. Every dime we send to Israel, PA, and now Gaza is making the problem that much larger.

I know real Palestinians that are living in the US. Right now they want to keep a very low profile and protect their families from the blowback the "protestors" are creating. One family isn't allowing three of their nieces to return to the West Bank and Gaza that are here on student VISA's. The West Bank is a less much less publicized disaster with Israeli settlers and IDF killing Palestinians wantonly; forcing them from their homes; and thousands of unwarranted arrests. The one from Gaza has no family to return to- even if Israel would let her in. Her last relative from Gaza is now a nurse in Qatar. That is it- the rest of her family is dead.

Screw the illegals coming into this country over our southern border; and those unvetted ones that Brandon is flying in on the US taxpayer dime. These three girls/women should be put at the front of the line for US citizenship and granted amnesty. The family is working for that. Hiring the best immigration lawyers they can afford; and sponsoring all three. They aren't a threat to the US; but the Brandon administration prefers it's immigrants to be illegal. 

As for problems- so long as Brandon and Democrats are in charge those problems will continue to grow. After all the number of voters doesn't matter anymore- it is the size of the population in a district/state that does. Voters are such a nuisance always expecting things; or worse still expecting the government to stay out of their lives (damn conservatives and libertarians). Much easier to placate illegals using US taxpayer money.


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