Expanding the base - Trump in the Bronx

First, I have to apologize to Donald Trump. He was right about going to the south Bronx. There he began appealing to people outside of his base. I was too concerned about the opposing mob that might present a problem. I forgot that there are those Trump supporters who show up in massive numbers wherever he goes. They more than outnumbered the anti-Trump protestors. Yesterday he even drew people from the south Bronx. Only 3,500 were permitted to enter the Bronx park, but the crowds outside the check-in gates well exceeded the capacity cap in hopes of watching the rare event of former President Trump finally holding a rally in New York. In this case a borough which is overwhelmingly Hispanic and Black, and with approximately one third of its residents living below the poverty line.
Trump began with "Hello to all the strong, hard-working American patriots right here in the Bronx." Within no time he was extending an olive branch to the state of New York:
"If I win in November, I'm going to call your mayor and your governor and I'm gonna say, 'I wanna help.'"
"Sadly, this is a city in decline," he declared. "I've never seen it like this. We have filthy encampments of drugged-out homeless people living in our places where we spent so much time with our children that they used to play, lunatics killing innocent bystanders by pushing them on the railroad tracks."
"We are going to turn New York City around," Trump said. "We're going to bring safety back to our streets, we're going to bring success back to our schools. We're going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood in every borough of the greatest city of our land."
"We're going to make New York bigger, better and more beautiful than ever before, and that includes right here in the Bronx and it's going to be done and funded, starting on Jan. 20, directly from our great and beautiful White House," he added.
But Ruben Diaz, Sr., a conservative Democrat from the Bronx who represented the borough on the City Council and in the state Senate, came up onstage to laud Trump after his speech. Diaz has stirred controversy in New York with homophobic remarks and by welcoming Sen. Ted Cruz to the borough in 2016.
"As a Puerto Rican, as a Hispanic, I want to apologize to you for the conduct of Judge Juan Merchan," Diaz told Trump, referring to the judge in Trump's trial for allegedly falsifying business records to cover up payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.
Donald Trump makes pitch to cut into Democratic voting blocs at rally (usatoday.com)
In other news:
Biden held a dinner in honor of Kenya, but the night was also meant to rally Democratic supporters. He plans to will designate Kenya
The Supreme Court allowed South Carolina Republicans to keep a state voting map that some felt gave too much power to white voters.
Voters in Portland, Ore., this week ousted woke mayor Mike Schmidt.
Israel said it recovered the bodies of hostages overnight in northern Gaza.
The U.S. military has delivered aid to Gaza through a temporary pier. But aid groups have struggled to distribute the supplies as "the Palestinian people" have stopped and looted the trucks.
T he House of Representatives advanced a bill Thursday to repeal a Washington, D.C. law that allows noncitizens to vote in local elections. 52 Democrats joined Republicans on the measure, with 143 Democrats voting against it, for a final 262 to 143 vote.
Good morning.
On their way to the Bronx rally.
Armando Bennett (@Tesla_Armando) / X
For my liberal friends who try not to let politics get the better of them, remember the words of Bill Maher: "Woke is not an extension of liberalism, it is the opposite of liberalism."
Fox News dominated late-night ratings this week as Gutfeld! beat out The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel Live . On Monday, the show saw its highest ratings ever with Bill Maher in his first-ever appearance on the program.
Gutfeld! Posts Its Highest-Rated Broadcast Ever — With Bill Maher As Guest (msn.com)
You knot that picture is going to trigger a lot of people. Our left leaning "friends" are of the mindset that blacks can't support anybody but a democrat.
I think they are in for a surprise.
Rep. Crockett: "I currently hold an honorary doctorate; I also hold a juris doctorate. I also hold a bachelor’s. I also technically hold the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Civil Air Patrol, and I actually practiced law for almost two decades, in addition to serving on various boards, in addition to being a prior state lawmaker"
When you have to tell people how intelligent you are, you probably aren't.
You dont say !
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="j6PXFI7jAyw"]
At his worst he is a zillion times smarter than Biden or Newscum for that matter.
The key word was "probably." Trump is definitely intelligent.
And guess who made a surprise appearance.......................
His mentor....the great divider
The contrast between the candidates public appearances yesterday shows why trump is winning. Biden looks dazed and confused, trump actually has a pulse
Now the White House is out correcting his speeches:
White House officials went into cleanup mode after President Biden delivered a gaffe-riddled speech to the NAACP in Detroit Sunday — making a whopping nine corrections to the formal transcript.
The changes fixed both trips of Biden’s tongue — such as calling Capitol rioters “irrectionists” — and flagrant retellings of history, like claiming he was still vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here are the nine adjustments that were made in the official transcript :
Vice president during the pandemicDuring his opening, Biden conveyed his “love” for Detroit, before slipping up and suggesting he was the vice president during the outbreak of COVID-19.
“And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic [recession], and what happened was Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit and help fix it,'” the transcript said.
Honored to receive this organizationPart of the impetus for Biden’s speech was to accept a lifetime achievement award from the Detroit branch of the NAACP, but he mangled that part during his acceptance.
“Folks, I’m humbled to receive this organization [award], which defines the character and consequence of what we do,” Biden said.
‘Truly inspiresing’
Biden’s swing through Detroit came on the heels of his commencement address at Atlanta’s Morehouse College, an all-male historically black institution that bestowed an honorary degree on him.
“It was truly inspiresing [inspiring]: over 400 young Black men who will do extraordinary things,” the transcript said.
$800,000 in health care premium savings see also editorial Biden’s divisive, defeatist HBCU speech proves he has nothing to offer black voters
Back when Democrats had control of Congress, Biden was able to push through an expansion of subsidies in the Affordable Care Act. The administration estimates that can save families up to $800 annually, but Biden mangled it and said $800,000.
“I protected and expanded the Affordable Care Act, saving millions of families $800,000 in prem- — $8,000 [$800] in — a year in premiums,” the president said.
Fighting landlords who keep rents down
While touting efforts to lower the cost of living, the president inadvertently claimed to be fighting unscrupulous landlords who are trying to keep rents down.
“We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who [to] keep rents down,” Biden said.
Black women ‘have nearly three times more likely to die’
In another verbal flub, Biden swapped in the word “have” when he meant to say “are.”
“He [Trump] not only denies reproductive freedom but worsens the mortality rate for Black moms, who have [are] nearly three times more likely to die from pregnancy complications than a white woman,” the president declared.
Some politicians have mangled the word “insurrection ” (which Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer once called an “erection”), but Biden had a unique fumble on that front.
“He [Trump] calls the irrectionists [insurrectionists] who stormed Capitol Hill ‘patriots.’ He says, if re-elected, he wants, quote, ‘every’ one of them pardoned,” the transcript noted.
Back in March, former President Donald Trump warned there would be a “bloodbath” in the auto industry if he loses the 2024 election. Biden misquoted him as saying “bloodshed.”
“But that’s not Donald Trump. Donald Trump has said, if he loses again in November, there will be, quote, ‘bloodshed‘ [‘bloodbath’]. What in God’s name are we talking about here?” Biden said, according to the transcript.
And to cap things off, Biden butchered the very name of the organization to which he was speaking.
“Earlier this month, I posthumously awarded Medgar Evers the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian honor. His spirit endures. The NAAC [NAACP] spirit endures,” the transcript said.
The commander-in-chief, who has been open about growing up with a stutter, has been no stranger to rhetorical doozies during some of his public outings.
Between the start of the year and late last month, the White House made at least 148 adjustments to transcripts of his remarks, according to an analysis by the Daily Caller.
Ahead of Biden’s Nov. 5 rematch with Trump, the issue of age has loomed large. Biden is already the oldest president in US history and would be 86 at the end of a second four-year term.
Trump and Biden are slated to square off in a CNN-hosted debate on June 27 in Atlanta.
White House makes nine brutal corrections to Biden’s NAACP Detroit speech (msn.com)
Donald Trump tried to steal the 2020 election and is a mentally ill (malignant narcissism) serial liar and crook.
I assume all this means that if Biden drops out you will endorse the new Democratic nominee.
You couldnt still be planning to promote Trump in that event could you?
You have tried over the years to say you are not a Trump guy. But your comments belie that every day.
I have a question for you John:
If Donald Trump wins the 2024 election, will you accept the results?
I will accept that he won the election. There is nothing in this universe that would make me accept the worst human being in American political history as a "leader".
Oh I have to apologize. I thought I was responding to Sean when I said
"You have tried over the years to say you are not a Trump guy. But your comments belie that every day."
You have always been an ultra sincere Trumpster.
That is good John.
There are rumors that democrats are considering taking away the delegates if he should win.
Yes sir. I like him a lot.
And as Bill Maher recently pointed out: even those who don't like him will vote for him because he is a bulwark against the radical left.
So the real answer is no. Got it.
And you have always been a hyper biased partisan against Trump. That and a few bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
I would rather live in a shack and eat worms for the rest of my life than vote for Donald trump.
Not in Biden's economy.
So you are good with the failure that is in the WH right now?
That’s luxury.
I would rather live in a used refrigerator box, be forced to crawl through molten broke glass and eat a handful of gravel for meals than vote Biden. I would rather be forced to read the the drivel here 24/7 than vote for Biden
I would rather be a card carrying Democrat than vote for Biden.
I guess that explains the Biden election.
like this summary too:
The population in the Bronx is predominantly black and Hispanic. Like most of America’s urban centers, the Bronx suffers from disproportionate amounts of crime, poverty, drug use and gangs. With that in mind, let me tell you what did NOT happen at this rally:
1. Trump did not put on an affected, fake accent of an A.M.E. Zion minister or Chi Chi Rodriguez ( See : Hillary). He was simply Trump, without airs or any patronizing words or thoughts.
2. He did not tell the people of the Bronx that they were victims. He told them that they were powerful and could solve their community’s problems themselves
. 3. He did not demonize any groups of Americans as the evil “Other.” Yes, he criticized the failed policies of Democrats and poked fun at their foibles, but he reminded everyone that we are all Americans first, from coast to coast.
4. He did not promise to solve the problems of the Bronx with handouts or wealth redistribution. He merely promised that he would help set the national economic conditions so the community itself could solve its own problems through jobs, business and education.
He promised empowerment, not victimhood.
Contrast all of this with what a Democrat would say under the same circumstances. Heck, contrast it with the vile speech of hate and victimhood Biden gave at Morehouse College this past weekend. The difference is stunning. What scares Democrats about this rally is that it shows them that the people whose votes they have taken for granted for many decades are starting to leave the Democrat Plantation of Victimhood in favor of the uplifting, empowering message of Donald Trump and his aspiration to make America a place that is “great again” for ALL Americans.
nice to see a canidate campaign with a positive message and not pander with freebies and race baiting.
It was a very unifying speech. At one point Trump said, as only Trump can say it: It makes no difference if you are black, white, Asian or whatever the hell you may be ....
I just hope he wasn't the one who fixed the sign to the podium.
Trump does a campaign stop in the Bronx, Biden holds one for Kenya......How desperate is Biden getting for votes?
He had to go to New Hampshire!
And look who showed up unannounced.
Like it says in the article you submitted, Obama's father was born in Kenya and right now Biden desperately needs Obama.
That question answers itself: Norway isn't a shithole country.
was this a coincidence ?
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="KLcfpU2cubo"]
Hey look an off topic deflection.
Bill Clinton practically lived on Epstein's island.
We were told by democrats that policy is what counts.
John fears a referendum election on Biden's radical policies; thus he has to try and smear Trump.
I was merely pointing out the stupidity of asking if a natural association of two people could ever be described as a "coincidence".
Biden and Obama , Trump and ....whoever.
Try to bear in mind that there were a multitude of people who, one way or another were involved with Epstein, for various reasons, but the most involved was Bill Clinton.
I believe Obama was already in Kenya when Joe got there. Joe needs all the help he can get right now.
What they never mention is when trump saw epstein hitting on an underage girl he banned him from Mara Lago, The clintons invited him and Bills Girlfriend ghislaine maxwell to Chelsea's wedding.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have another example of a pathetic deflection.
He's been trying to do that for 7 years. And for 7 years, he's alomost at a Joe Biden level of failure.
What you're doing is trying to deflect.
How could I forget that.
We know because you just told us.
Cool, so don't vote for him... Trump's name was all over the flight logs to pedo island, and you'll vote for him.
It's pretty obvious that this is Obama's third term. He's likely manipulating the strings of his puppet; old, slow, Joe.
It sure as heck looks like most of the people there were white.
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="e9hg9rm1iZ4"]
Appears to be a lot of selective editing of those unverified shots
I don't know John., looks like there's a lot of Blacks and Hispanics in that crowd.
The Polls Don't Lie: Thousands of People Show Up to Trump Rally In Deep-Blue State (townhall.com)
The New York Times says the crowd was in the neighborhood of 1,000.
Looked to be 999 more than AOC had at her counter "rally".
How is it that anyone is still using the times as a source? because they reinforce the lies we want to believe?
NY1 said the crowd was in the 1000's, not singular but plural.
Axios reporting:
Since only 3500 were allowed in, and there was still supporters outside.........The NY times once again proves itself to be nothing more than a lying piece of propaganda.
That quote is from the New York Post, one of the most right wing newspapers in America
That's a weird way to admit your pushing fiction.
So that was a lie, then?
So is it better or worse than the times who have been caught lying repeatedly? and who are an extreme left wing paper.
I don't think that Trump will "steal" any black votes. Minorities are leaving the party of lies and broken promises in record numbers to rally around Trump.
... so, more than 10?
That may be the dumbest thing i have heard, Does Melvin think that his neighbors are stupid? how exactly does a white person steal black vote? Melvin sounds like a racist or a moron, generally those traits go together, so he may be both.
maga ...
Actually a typical democrat nowadays.
According to most liberals, blacks don't even know how to get an ID to vote.
Plus if they vote for Trump, they ain’t black, according to shotgun Joe
So he thinks they are going to vote Democrat style? Just come into an area they don't reside and vote?
Melvin needs to get a grip. I don't think the even was restricted to just people who live in the Bronx.
A fitting description of the racist democratic worldview.
This is the crowd at Trumps speech in the Bronx
That very small crowd included many many many whites.
here is a video from New York news that objectively portrays what it was
Notice in your NYN clip that there were many MANY people not at the stage that were still there for the event...........
And at what point in time was this taken?
Was it when the gates opened?
Was it when he was on stage?
Were these people still hanging around for a chance to shake his hand?
Shit, for all we know this is a photo from a mime convention.
The images were captured by the ABC7 helicopter and showed a large crowd of supporters creating a 'U' shape around the podium in the middle of the grassy hill within the barriers.
The permit for the rally in the outer borough park only allowed for 3,500 to attend.
But many of the supporters who showed up for a chance to see the Republican presidential nominee were unable to get into the event and remained standing behind the barricades at the bottom of the hill, making it hard to estimate just how many MAGA die-hards really showed up.
The Trump campaign in a victory lap over the success of the event on Thursday declared 25,000 loyal Trump fans flocked to see the ex-president speak despite it taking place in one of the bluest districts in the country.
Aerial shot of Trump's rally in the Bronx reveals true size of crowd (msn.com)
Why John, don't tell me you left out the commentary!
You don't have to ask why.
It looks like about 1,000 people at most in that photo. The close-up videos of the crowd shows them to be about 99% white Trumpists who were bussed in from other states.
Wow, such deduction to be bussed from out of state to a Bronx rally. I’ll bet Biden sees the same.
That was from media reports. Take it up with them.
Are you enthusiastic enough to be bussed across state lines to attend a Biden rally?
Should be noted that the max capacity for that park is 3,000 people.
“ Trump took the stage in Crotona Park in front of several thousand people at around 6:30 p.m.”
More CBS lies:
How many ride a long bus ride to attend a Biden rally?
Your arguments are pathetically weak and not based on reality.
Speaking of pathetically weak, did you see Trump's Bronx speech? The MAGA walked out half way through it!
He Bombed!
Unless you were there, you have no clue who did what..........except what you have read here which is quite a bunch of crap observations
His speech was resounding success, and the whiny race baiting lefties can't stand it!
Rep. Ritchie Torres Plays the Race Card on Trump Bronx Rally and Gets BURIED by the Receipts – Twitchy
Yep, in a deep blue state no less.
Dumbo would be lucky to draw a 1000. Most of which would likely paid to be there. The people hating on this are such strange creatures.
Not necessarily the first time.
more lies
Nowhere near 25,000 attended. The venue max is half that and it was only half full. The best estimate was 7,500...
That aerial photo doesnt show 7,500 people. Not even close.
Oh, look, green shoots and brown shats. Where's the resident curmudgeon? Seems rather too obvious that more is going on than just Trump.
You know, the occupancy limit of the park is 3,500 people. Why? Maybe that's some of New York's famous broken window policies to lower the body count. Who knows for sure, it's New York after all. And those with the newly stained frillies want to gaslight us into believing the reported turnout is phony. The unbiased liberal press tries to rig the news the same way they rig elections.
Looks like those of the newly immigrated majority just don't understand the American tradition of gaslighting in today's civil rights movement. Democrats' efforts at DEI indoctrinated assimilation has been working as well as the rest of their academic political indoctrination. Some of these illegal immigrants are better educated than many in the grievance class of Americans. It's a helluva note when housing illegal immigrants gentrifies a neighborhood.
I hired a guy to do some home improvements a couple weeks ago. He was a really nice guy, spoke just enough English to communicate, could barely write in English, but did great work. None of his crew spoke any English. He told me he has seven kids from his first wife and two from his second wife. I can’t imagine that he has citizenship, but that’s not something I would ever ask. I was blown away when he arrived on his last day finishing up with a fucking maga hat on. We are in strange times.
He, and many thousands of Hispanics, know the truth about Biden and the Dems. Which is that lefties don't care about them. What exactly has Biden and his lackeys done for minorities in the last four years except tell more and break promises they never intended to keep in the first place.
______ wants him and his large family deported back to a dangerous country with no employment opportunities.
A. Trump
B. Biden
He is most likely what is known as a legal immigrant.
Maybe he wears the hat to deter trumptards from harassing him?
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="LPa_c7rZKlg"]
Judge for yourself:
Meh, Trump is known to exaggerate. He’s not the only one. Trump is a rookie compared to Biden. Bidens exaggerations and plagiarisms are copious and expansive. Spanning decades. People forget he got broomed from one his earlier runs for President for just that reason.
76th of 85 ….. top 90% of his class …..
Per Schumer,Democrats are now explicitly running on giving citizenship to all 20 million illegals. That's how they plan to expand their base.
It's not working for them. The larger electorate is not woke, but they are gradually waking up to the travesty of the Biden administration