Son of a gun

Today begins jury selection in another trial. It isn't a trial that was instigated by people who ran for DA to "get" a US citizen. It isn't a trial designed to destroy a political campaign. It is a trial that is the culmination of many years of "investigation." Some may argue that it is already tainted because the prosecutor allowed the more serious charges to slip away by marking time as the statute of limitations ran out. As we recently learned in Manhattan, the statute of limitations doesn't mean much anymore.
Are parts of this story salacious?
Let's see. The president's son cheated on his wife with numerous prostitutes. Then he cheated on his wife with his dead brother's widow. Then he cheated on his dead brother's widow with her sister. His brother's widow asked him to stay away from her niece. Then he impregnated a stripper and denied the child was his. He made a fortune selling his father's influence with many countries, some were US adversaries. He has an enormous crack cocaine addiction. Unlike the sham trial in New York; irrelevant salacious material will be denied to the prosecution in this case.
The focus of today's trial will be extremely narrow and focuses on the most minor offenses that Hunter Biden is accused of. Hunter will face three criminal counts for allegedly buying a gun while in the throes of addiction to crack cocaine. The key evidence against him is contained in the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop, which the prosecution finally informs the nation is real. During the 2016 election that information was censored by the government and lied about by 51 "former intelligence officials."
Two witnesses who may testify against him are the mothers of five of the president’s grandchildren.
We almost never made it to this trial. Hunter Biden's lawyers and the so-called "prosecutors" appeared in the Wilmington courthouse for a hearing they hoped would lock in a ridiculous sweetheart deal. But instead, Judge Maryellen Noreika asked everyone concerned if they had ever heard of such a deal. Nobody could defend it, so the "prosecution" was forced to take the certified imbecil president's degenerate son to trial.
In other news:
The Biden administration expects Israel to go along with a framework proposal that Israel felt was far from complete. Benjamin Netanyahu wants Hamas to eliminate first.
China successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon.
The U.S., in a reversal of the usual flow of energy, is sending more electricity to Canada than Canada is sending here.
A wave of House members will not be seeking another term this year. Some say serving in Congress is demeaning.
The 9th Circuit Court ruled that Oregon must release all Defendents who don't have a lawyer. The 9th Circuit has a higher-than-average reversal rating.
Mexico just elected its first female & first Jewish President, Claudia Sheinbaum — the former mayor of Mexico City.
Good morning.

Ashely Biden arrives this morning at the courthouse in Wilmington, where her brother is coming for his trial.
yeah, that trial is over and the jury has rendered it's verdict...
Not quite.
We have an election in November.
The orange jumpsuit is a nice touch. Certain skin tones need to be accessorized carefully.
at least his comb over isn't looking like a birdnest in the video, like it did during his trial...
So you agree with critics of DoJ and think that it has been politicized.
Hunter broke the law multiple times. A proven fact.
Democrats always think they are above the law; and only those they say are accountable to it.
Seems this time they might be wrong.
Hunter made false claims on the ATF form required to legally purchase a handgun. A documented crime.
Anti gunners should be all over this and yet they aren’t.
SOP, hypocrisy, for many of my friends on the left.
Wonder what you will think if/when the time comes President Biden decides to PARDON his son. It won't be political. It will be A PARDON.
maga's will have forgotten all of trump's pardons of criminal associates by then ...
So you don't believe the gun laws should be enforced?
Surely a pardon for a beloved son is better than a pardon for a complete stranger. . . surely MAGA will understand that if and when it is done and not stir up shit. /s
Whew, you convinced me to not vote for Hunter.. Thanks!
House Speaker Mike Johnson says Republicans are now investigating Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Special Counsel Jack Smith for targeting political opponents.
Bragg and Matthew Colangelo have been called to appear before a House Committee.
Republican senators signed a public letter to the White House on Friday, vowing to prevent the upper chamber from accomplishing anything – from appropriations to confirmations – in the wake of former President Trump's guilty verdict.
"As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart," read a letter led by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.
Republicans vow to upend Dem-led Senate after Trump's guilty verdict (
I disagree with this, the work of the people should not be stopped. I didn't like it when Pelosi did it and stated she refused to hand Trump a win, and I don't like this now. Partisan politics should not be a weapon against the American people.
You know what, I wish there were more like you, but those days appear to be over.
BREAKING: JD Vance and other Senate Republicans Vow to BLOCK DOJ FUNDING, Biden Nominees: ‘We No Longer Cooperate’
Democrats set the bar; Republicans are picking it up and beating them with it.
Democrats never think about the future consequences of their actions.
Seems like Republicans have finally had enough of Democrat BS. It is too little too late. They never should have let Democrats get started.
Agreed, but it would be a meaningless effort considering the others sides complete disregard for the same
You are right. I'm never voting for Hunter Biden again.
I usually am.
Breaking: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee announces pancreatic cancer diagnosis.
June 3 (UPI) -- Longtime U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee announced that she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and will be missing certain dates in Congress for treatment.
Jackson Lee, D-Texas, made the announcement in a post on social media on Sunday.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee announces cancer diagnosis, will miss time for treatment (
No comment.
Dont be a low life.
Obviously, I took the high road. Learn from it.
The high road would have been not mentioning the story at all, and not mocking it with "no comment".
It is an important news story.
more important than a former president being judged a convicted felon for the first time in american history?
Today is Monday. We have new stories.
Don't tell us you only have one subject
the difference being that I can accept and live with the jury's verdict in hunter's trial...
You know they are just going to cry about itinstead.
I guess the 8 year attempt to get hunter is a "new story" to some...
“Today is Monday. We have new stories.”
All anecdotal. All partisan. All offered in the ignorance and fear that define the times.
I don't the origins of covid or how the medical experts handled it are anecdotal.
Nor is the trial of the son of a president who benefitted from influence peddling.
how about a son in law, would that count?
it's sad when people suffer from life altering ailments, like watching a former president and current candidate descend into dementia...
There you are John.
You were saying...
You "reported" that someone you likely believe to be a communist has a possibly fatal illness, and then mockingly said "no comment". It is what it is Vic. Your daily bs is transparent.
I said nothing about her being "a Communist." As a matter of fact, I said nothing at all about her personally.
A sharp contrast to what some on the left have said about people who just died.
You have a lot to learn about virtue.
Virtue signaling is a no-no for (religious) MAGAs, and I am pretty sure you know this. If you don't have genuine concern for all of the living maybe reserve 'signaling' about the dead until you can fix the other, in my opinion.
It won't go away lefties.
Hunter is on trial.
The people on the left.
Brandon will give a fuck if Hunter rolls over on him in order to avoid prison.
The right wing propagandists who post articles and comments about it. They seem to think it's the most important thing that ever happened. Of course, if some right winger or anti-American militia freak was charged with the same crimes the shrieking about "2nd Amendment rights" from them would deafening.
Nope, you are wrong. Break the law you should pay the price. Everyone, equally. No exceptions.
Next …..
it won't go away trumpsters.
trump is a convicted felon.
The little boy project?
And of course for consistency sake, let every would be gun owner be held to the same level of scrutiny.
Yes, why have the law if there is little interest in enforcement.
Here is another thing the left doesn't want to hear.
Right now, Dr Fauci is testifying before a House committee.
Democrats are trying to cover for him.
oh look, trump supporters are trying to revise the historical incompetence of pandemic mismanagement by trump...
So if trump mismanaged it and got his results, how do you explain Biden with the Benefit of Vaccines and treatments his entire presidency still killing off more Americans than trump did.
does the term contagious virus mean anything to you?
It means even given tools trump never had Biden managed fuck everything up more than the idiot trump. How fucking stupid do you have to be to support a failure like that? Someone stupider than trump.
Oh, that was the selling point of the media. Trump followed every suggestion Dr Fauci ever made.
Today we found out that Dr Fauci was a pretty slick customer. From the moment the outbreak happened he realized that any investigation of the Wuhan lab might find his fingerprints all over it.
Former CDC chief Redfield says he thinks COVID-19 originated in a Chinese lab | Reuters
And now finally:
At long last, National Institutes of Health (NIH) principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress Thursday that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China in the months and years before the COVID-19 pandemic.
NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials (
It’s good to know that now everyone who lies on an application to obtain a firearm will now be prosecuted vigorously. Oh, wait …
I wanted him on tax evasion.
I would hope so...........if, like Hunter, they get caught.
It happens all the time and no, prosecution is extremely rare. You’d know this if you’d change the channel once in a while.
You mean like charging a misdemeanor as a felony?
It’s a shame that all the armchair attorneys here like yourself aren’t allowed honorary passage of the bar and the opportunity to oversee court cases everywhere you feel that justice was not served.
You can't answer my question so you opt for the personal attack.
You’re not an attorney and your armchair opinions aren’t even worth discussing.
As far as you know.
Are you trying to imply that you are an attorney?
Whether I am or not is irrelevant.
No, but I am a Fudge Advocate and once I judged the 4-H Speech Contest and the pumpkins and gourds at the County Fair!
No, it is not irrelevant. Not irrelevant at all. Ask "The Bar"...
You are not.
As far as you know.
It is a real shame that all of the leftist arm chair quarterbacks here that pretend to know the law; or even care about it unless it is being used against someone they don't like; don't have bobble heads made in their likenesses. The bobbleheads opinions would matter just as much; and would be based in the law just as deeply. They could even be made to nod or shake in unison.
If on more person tries to pass Braggs charges/indictment off as a factual interpretation of the law- they should be forced to go to law school and pass the bar just the learn that states don't have the right to prosecute federal law!
The FEC, who has exclusive jurisdiction, chose not to charge Trump; but New York thought it could?
Ridiculous. We are watching Trump supporters bend over backwards trying to deny the fact that Trump has been found legally guilty of felonies.
It is pathetic.
What's pathetic is watching the Biden supporters bend over backwards trying to justify what circumventing was outlined in 8.2.13
Is that all you have to offer ... rephrasing my criticism using a Pee Wee Herman 'I know you are but what am I' pattern?
I'm pointing out the obvious that you apparently can't see or are willfully ignoring. Not my problem if you don't like it.
They didn't.
A little research will show many have been.
Hunter being charged isn't unique in any way shape or form.
His sweetheart plea deal that fell through was.
So was Weiss allowing the statute of limitations to run out on the most serious of tax evasion charges.
How many other people would have had the same federal government courtesy extended to them?
They can put him in the same prison cell as Trump for all I care... Hahahaha! Fuck 'em all.
If only that were the case.
Unfortunately Bill, Hillary, Obama, and Brandon still walking free and clear prove otherwise.
No one has brought forth evidence of criminal wrong doing by Bill, Hillary, Obama or Biden. Not for lack of trying by those same people who keep crying about 'lawfare' though.
We can determine at least one of three things here... One - The Clinton's, Obama and Biden are so smart they masterfully hid all their crimes so well a decade of digging couldn't find anything but conjecture. Two - The incompetence of everyone looking for those crimes makes Larry, Curly, Shemp and Moe look like MESA members. Three - their only 'crime' is having a D (and not an R) after their names.
Until someone actually convinces a grand jury to indict them I'll have to go with option no three. You guys can let me know when that happens.
So, Democrats are prosecuting felonies as misdemeanors and Democrats are prosecuting misdemeanors as felonies. I can hardly wait to see how the case against Bob Menendez turns out.
In news ignored by most and denied by those of a certain partisan persuasion, OPEC+ has voted to continue the squeeze on oil production; will Biden grovel again? EV manufacturers are beginning to drop like flies; amazing how corporate mismanagement is China's fault. No worries, Biden is going to tariff the industry into good corporate governance. Cruise ships are experiencing a resurgence in slacker tourism. Boeing may have found a way to save itself with spacecraft that never fly; NASA seems pleased with the results. Space Command headquarters has been located in Colorado Springs; legal weed will allow them to fly high. And, finally, tornados do not respect wind turbines -- who knew?
REPORT: Dr. Fauci , who is accused of lying under oath, admits he made up cov*d rules including social distancing & masks for children despite not having scientific data to back it up.
Chairman Brad Wenstrup reminds us of all the ways Americans were punished for daring to push back on or question Dr. Fauci’s recommendations :
"Any dissent...was immediately labeled as anti-science. Anything less than complete submission to the mandates could cost you your livelihood, your ability to go into public, your child's ability to attend school...Dr. Fauci, you oversaw one of the most invasive regimes of domestic policy the U.S. has ever seen." on X: "Chairman Brad Wenstrup reminds us of all the ways Americans were punished for daring to push back on or question Dr. Fauci’s recommendations: "Any dissent...was immediately labeled as anti-science. Anything less than complete submission to the mandates could cost you your" / X
Dr. Fauci, and all the other doctors, were trying to limit or end the transmission of a possibly deadly infectious disease. Whether it was 5 ft or 6ft or 7 ft is immaterial. If there was no social distancing at all the spread of covid would have been much worse, and some victims would have died who could have been spared through social distancing. The doctors did the best they could. The political right did the best they could to delegitimize efforts to limit the spread.
“I don’t agree with the tone and sort of breathlessness” behind Wenstrup and other Republicans’ questions, said Holden Thorp, editor of the journal Science. “At the same time, I think that the scientific community has made a number of mistakes that don’t look super good for us all … [and] that have made it easier for them to make this case.”
It is an investigation not a trial.
The House can move to impeach Fauci; but at this point it would be rather worthless since he no longer works for the government. Also Democrats control the senate- they won't even bring a House bill to the floor that actually addresses border security. What makes anyone think they would bother to take up a trial for any impeachment the House puts forth?
Fauci has lied repeatedly to the House. They are trying to get Fauci to lie himself into being charged. With Garland running the DOJ that will never happen. He only charges Republicans, former Trump administration officials, Jan 6th rioters- even those that never entered the capitol now, and parents that have the temerity to question what their children are taught in schools.
Party before country always for the left.
Fauci made millions from Covid and contracting gain of function research overseas. The fact that it bit the whole world in the ass doesn't seem to matter to leftists.
One thing they could have done is not fund gain of function research in China.
Fauci should go down in history as one of the most prolific mass murders in history. up there with Stalin and Hitler.
What a spectacularly ridiculous thing to say.
Fauci funding the plague that killed millions John, he paid for Covid to be developed and lacked control of his monster. anything else is left wing bullshit, I don't blame Obama for this happening under his watch, but Fauci is absolutely responsible, and the proof is he lied to cover it up.
would you like to change what you said ?
No, Fauci paid for a plague designed to kill millions. Period.
You do know that there are different degree of murder right?,still%20result%20in%20serious%20sentences .
Jump straight to Third degree murder. Emphasis on the killed more than one person.
If nothing else Fauci could be charged with millions of cases of negligent homicide.
Fauci has also lied to Congress several times in testimony; but that only seems to matter when Democrats claim it does.
This is hilarious. Watching folks here who are normally rabid anti gun advocates, defending an illegal act related to guns.
Shameless, absolutely shameless be they …..