A chaotic G-7 Summit
It began with Joe Biden awkwardly kissing Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the forehead, seemingly sniffing her hair and then saluting her as he shuffled off. Later during a power shoot, Biden began wandering around and as people looked on uncomfortably, Italy's Prime Minister escorted him back to the group. When it was time for his little joint speech wit Ukraine leader Zelinsky, Joe got distracted by a plane flying overhead. After making a mockery of his own speech, Biden accepted questions from 4 designated reporters. (2 from the US and 2 from Ukraine) He got angry at one reporter from Bloomberg who actually dared to ask a question that was off script. Reporters were evidently only supposed to ask questions approved by the Biden White House.
The only issue that Biden felt was pressing was his little proxy war with Russia. After sleepwalking Ukraine in the beginning, Joe seems prepared to allow Ukraine to have anything they ask for as he puts handcuffs on Israel. Still no word from anyone on US hostages. Thus far $174 billion has gone to Ukraine and $12.5 billion has gone to Israel. For the radical base which runs the democrat party and Joe Biden, nothing should be given to Israel. Those are the people that hate the American system, the country and its people.
Biden demanded abortion be included in the language:
"Under a tentative agreement, this year’s language will not explicitly mention the word abortion, which Meloni may count as a win. However, it will restate the G-7’s endorsement of last year’s agreement, which did use that term. It will also say that the G-7 leaders support universal health-care access for women, including comprehensive sexual and reproductive health rights.
Biden’s aides said the explicit reiteration of support for last year’s communiqué — issued when the leaders met in Hiroshima, Japan — will amount to a broad international embrace of abortion rights.
“The president felt very strongly that we needed to have at the very least the language that references what we did in Hiroshima on women’s health and reproductive rights,” said a senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing talks. “The communiqué will have, will reiterate, the commitment made in Hiroshima.”
Biden presses to keep reproductive rights in G-7 agreement (msn.com)
That is why Joe Biden must be voted out of office.
Meanwhile former President Trump was warmly greeted on Capitol Hill.
The GOP is united at long last.
I think Meloni won on the language.

The American people will win when they remove Biden.
One thing I heard yesterday is that Biden has the highest approval rating among most of those leaders. Many of them could be gone from the next meeting.
A very nice picture indeed!
How anyone pretends this is acceptable is beyond me.
... in contrast to supporting a 34x convicted felon?
Utter, dishonest, nonsense.
We are at the point where nothing these people say about Biden can be trusted. They are in the "at all costs" mode because they know how mentally and morally unfit Trump is to lead the nation. RNC Research , a twitter group, is an official arm of the Trump campaign.
And there's the obligatory "but Trruuummmmppppp" comment. Gotta keep distracting from the embarrassment the Democrats and left make pathetic excuses for.
The seeded article is based almost completely on lies.
I do my best to test the written statements some MAGAs share here every day. Low credibility. No credibility. Get Daniel Dale (CNN fact-checker) on my line!
Another obligatory "but Trruuummmmppppp" comment.
Agreed. it was on TV in the office all day yesterday, nothing remotely like Vic's "interpretation".
Apulian food, beautiful location.
5 star hotel with 6 restaurants including one with a Michelin star, spa and several pools. The eye candy is nice and non-fattening as well.
Give me that chaos every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
the rupert murdoch version of the news...
“…Vic's "interpretation".”
As weak as his incessant and heartless interpolations…
Too strong for the lefties, evidently.
nah, too fascist...
Take a good look at it:
your game is up vic.
look at the comments you are getting
I'm supposed to get those comments from the radical left.
Yes John, I am against everything you stand for.
if you want to look at something look at this
Once Upon A Time The Ny Post Used To Be A Respectable Newspaper - No More - John Russell | The NewsTalkers
almost every day your "weekly" column is filled with lies. This is just the latest example. The New York Post is lying about what happened.
Why do New Yorkers keep buying this shit?
No thanks John. The New York Post ran a true story on the Hunter Laptop, and it was censored.
FACT John.
I tell the truth and I back it up as I did here.
They discard facts. One claims to be waiting for them to come in.
you must be joking
The film doesn't lie.
Now tell us he walked off to shake hands with somebody...
He took a couple steps to give some soldiers the "thumbs up" sign.
Meloni didnt put her hands on him because he was "wandering". She was ready to line them all up for the group picture and Bidens back was turned, and she wanted to let him know they were lining up for the photo.
For gods sake man, get a grip.
And almost every day you fail to prove this "weekly" column as lies.
He couldn't seem to find the guy in the sky either.
They now deny literal video. It’s like watching a cult at work,
next they’ll say Biden shot a 25 for 18 holes at Augusta national (not on video of course) and call Anyone who dispute their claims a conspiracy theorist.
Now everyone should understand why Biden must be voted out in November.
It goes beyond Biden.
As Meloni starts to organize the group photo she notices that Biden has his back turned and goes to him and takes his arm to let him know it is time for the picture. The other world leaders still have not faced the camera for the group photo. This is exactly 10 seconds after Meloni noticed the camera man was ready.
The problem is that the GOP has put forth a convicted felon who is the only PotUS in our history to try to steal a presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement.
One should take that into consideration. Instead we tend to see GOP loyalists ignore everything bad by Trump and absurdly exaggerate every action by Biden.
Why not post the whole video? Trying to pull a Nancy Pelosi?
Many have. Some won't vote, others who didn't like Trump will vote for him now because of it.
The one thing I'm certain of is that conviction will eventually be overturned.
The only thing you have correct in that statement is the convicted felon part. The rest, has yet to be proven. FYI, you opinion isn't proof.
what is supposed to be "awkward" about it?
Saluting a female Prime Minister, or kissing her on the head?
Which is it?
Let's not be ridiculous. This is right-winger added commentary. Apparently, people have parachuted down and landed and are folding their chutes. President Biden is giving a thumbs up to somebody or some group of people out of frame, and finally a lady (not sure whom she is) let's him know (like unscripted events do happen at any occasion for any of us) there is something else the leaders are focused on in the moment; maybe a(nother) round of camera shots.
This OBSESSION with trying to make old people look more older or even sickly than is routine is now the expected norm for insensitive some MAGAs. This. . .will carry on through November, I guess. Of course, it is not the 'job' of some MAGAs to point out the failings of their own leader (who I am sure is somewhere lying his backside off, because well he is a proliferating liar). That is why liberals have to point out his deficiencies.
Alas, the game continues.
We have two elderly mature candidates this year. . . and that's the way it is. Like it or lump it. We all will watch one or the other ELDERLY PRESIDENTS age farther in office.
President Reagan Hugs President Portillo
was reagan groping this man ?
he didnt kiss her at all. maybe you dint watch your own video.
the "whole video" has been posted on this seed, a few times.
It may very well be taken into some consideration. Some won't vote for Trump because of it and some don't think it raises up to voting for Joe. And some will vote party because they don't like what the other party is doing to the country.
It happens on both sides. Only a partisan would think only one side exaggerates what the other side is doing while playing down their side.
And yet you cherry picked this ONE moment.
I prefer to be called "reactionary."
Apparently, people have parachuted down and landed and are folding their chutes. President Biden is giving a thumbs up to somebody or some group of people out of frame, and finally a lady (not sure whom she is) let's him know (like unscripted events do happen at any occasion for any of us) there is something else the leaders are focused on in the moment; maybe a(nother) round of camera shots.
Why not just admit that he is totally spaced out there. If the DNC decides to convince him to quit the ticket, will you still be defending him? I don't think so.
This OBSESSION with trying to make old people look more older or even sickly than is routine is now the expected norm for insensitive some MAGAs. This. . .will carry on through November, I guess. Of course, it is not the 'job' of some MAGAs to point out the failings of their own leader (who I am sure is somewhere lying his backside off, because well he is a proliferating liar). That is why liberals have to point out his deficiencies.
Biden does not represent "liberals," he represents the radical left. I don't care how dysfunctional he has become. It is those terrible policies he saddled the country with. He must be defeated, and all the democrats must also be defeated with him.
Alas, the game continues.
The longest campaign ever.
And it seems...to no avail.
Weak, John.
another lie from the seeded article
Your daily "column" here is an absolute joke.
For God's sake he took several steps towards a service member and gave him a thumb's up sign.
He could very well have been talking to that guy when she tugged his sleeve to have their pictures taken.
I think you proved it to be right on the mark.
I can't thank you enough.
If you're ever in Boston, the drinks are on me.
You don't want to hear from someone who has hateful opinions.
Its best we go our separate ways.
You are correct, it seems to be mass hysteria over NOTHING but your world view.
To ageism and partisan ignorance?
Please don't tease us with promises you never keep.
Even a broken clock is correct once or twice a day.
Here's the Sun's political editor:
As this person noted, we've seen that look before.
Just keep pretending Joe has so much energy his 30 year old staffers can't keep up with him (but only when there are no camera's around, of course)
There's literally no amount of evidence that will convince the true believes that a 78 year old man is slipping mentally.
Remember how the media treated a relatively youthful Bob Dole in 96? Funny to look back on some of those clips, given the current media cheerleading.
I not only looked at the RNC/NY post video, I broke it down for you.
I dont care what British tabloid this appeared in. It is a lie.
Still blindly trusting Murdoch?
Of course it does; but you (of course) miss the point.
Vic spoke of voting out Biden so I noted that the problem with voting out Biden is that gives Trump the presidency. Follow the context.
Since you misrepresented what I wrote, here it is again (read it in context of the comment to which I replied):
One cannot vote out Biden without voting in a convicted felon and traitor who is the only PotUS to attempt to steal a presidential election.
Yes, some will vote party no matter what. Even if that means putting Trump (felon, traitor, irresponsible, loose-cannon, narcissist, asshole) back in office.
This is akin to saying Trump does not represent 'republicans', he represents the radical right. Try harder, it stinks of amature revisionism.
Nice rant. Unfortunately it in no way actually responds to the point I was making, probably because it was more important to once again give a list of Trumps transgressions.
For God's sake toddlers walk better than Biden does!
Every last movement he makes is slow, tired, mechanical, and painful as hell to watch!
Yet here everyone on the left is still defending the piece of trash just because he isn't Trump!
That BS worked in 2020; but it is 2024 now and Biden has his for shit record he and the Democrats can't run on!
People see these videos. And they are truly bad, but the refusal of so many progressives and their captive media to acknowledge the reality of the issue makes them so much more damaging. The overwhelming majority of Americans see them on social media and are horrified, while the true believers just live in some alternate reality where these videos are all hoaxes.
then they get angry and confused when they see trump is winning in states where he has no business winning, like Virginia and Minnesota.
I was thinking the other day about all the hell Murdoch is creating in this country (and others). In a way, he is the fount that has sprung up other sources of division and crawling hatred across the country. Conservatism may have existed in its proper lane without exceeding it had Murdoch not arrived and grifted some conservatives with a new national outlet/'voice.'
To be clear, our history shows there has always been some conservatives voices (mostly democrat at that time) that wished to lock-in some conservative SUPREMACY which belongs to a bygone era then and now (mostly republicans at this time).
Murdoch has been permitted to grift the citizens of our country for too long with his Fox News Channel.
A succinct answer as to why someone would think that voting for a candidate so obviously addled, for whatever reason, is their choice. Given the choices we have, I don't think letting the blind lead the blind is gonna be popular. Even if the "other" is the anti-christ...
The choices are set. It is either Trump or Biden. That is it. Barring an extraordinary event, one of those two will be PotUS.
If you see a difference between the two in terms of what is best for the nation, then consider voting for the better of the two. Seems like a very rational way to vote.
Those who cannot discern a difference are not paying attention ... at all.
One can always not vote for either but in doing so one is letting others decide which of the two is better for the nation.
Biden is not hired for his steps. He is hired for his 'big brain' coupled with his empathy for all the citizenry.
BTW, the great FDR served as president with polio ravishing his body. He served three terms and developed other chronic maladies: like reduced lung capacity (probably from all the prior presidential years of standing up with the aid of others and steel braces).
Indeed, FDR is the reason why there is a cap on presidential terms of two-terms. He being a disabled America too!
Riiiggghhhttt.... he's been abysmal on the border. How many people have died trying to cross? What was it he said?... something about Americans have the money to spend? Empathy???
The United States now has a highly functional government that is successfully leading the world economically post-Covid while America is winning the worldwide battle for freedom against the forces of violent religious fananatism and Putin's expansionism.
After this election win by Biden, surely republicans will get onboard with fixing the abysmal border problem. Something they just could not bring themselves to get onboard after Donald directed them to not work with Biden. Now it's a timing matter.
True. So a correctable policy failure is enough to cause you to vote for a convicted felon, traitor, narcissist, loose-cannon, irresponsible, vindictive, asshole for PotUS?
Yeah, I know. Not the point and never suggested otherwise.
What does "correctable policy failure" mean to you?
The question (and point) was:
A correctable policy failure is enough to cause you to vote for a convicted felon, traitor, narcissist, loose-cannon, irresponsible, vindictive, asshole for PotUS?
CB did not blame Trump. You dishonestly misrepresented what he wrote.
CB referenced Trump's coercion of the GOP to NOT act on border legislation that Biden wanted so as to mitigate Biden's recent efforts to address the border issues.
The reality is that most replies from select individuals are deflections, whining or faux obtuse retorts.
The fact that so many refuse to honestly deal with the point made simply illustrates the failure to put forth a cogent rebuttal.
With the exception of convicted felon, I think your attempt to differentiate the candidates kinda falls flat among non-partisans.
It seems everyone in the world wants to become American!
We must be doing a lot of things right, or that would not be.
So, again, you state the obvious as if that was a point in contention.
You are trying to change the topic. Biden's policy was, in effect, to ignore the problem. His current policy is to humanely deal with illegals while providing support to cut down on illegal immigration.
And you of course ignore the question I asked and the implicit point made:
Is a correctable policy failure enough to cause you to vote for a convicted felon, traitor, narcissist, loose-cannon, irresponsible, vindictive, asshole for PotUS?
You think that non-partisans do not care about Trump being a traitor, narcissist, loose-cannon, irresponsible, vindictive, asshole??
By what bizarre logic do you come to such a conclusion?
No. I didn't say that. I said that non-partisans might view Biden in the same way, with the exception of convicted felon, so far......
Except Americans know Biden to be an honest decent man! They do not have to love him to know that he serves with honor!
“…with the exception of convicted felon…”
….an unprecedented and huge albatross to have hanging around one’s neck…he can’t even vote for himself given his self imposed transgressions.
Non-partisans might view Biden as a traitor, narcissist, loose-cannon, irresponsible, vindictive, asshole?
I think it is mostly R partisans who would attempt to project Trump's most obvious negative characteristics onto Biden.
They do it every day in an attempt to equate Trump with Biden in order to disguise the glaring negatives of Trump.
It sounds as if you think that we are exceptional.
Cut the crap. It's unfortunate that Donald can micro-manage the GOP as its troll guarding the troll farm in the house and senate. It does not matter the motivation of the sitting president to do a thing. . . the window opened up to do something. . . it reopened a second time in front of MAGAs and Donald stuck his big fat mouth into the breach and shouted: 'Do not touch that. Or else.' Thereabouts. And so like the good MAGAs followers they are the house and senate MAGAs took a knee.
I hope MAGAs lose the house, lose more seats in the senate, and Bide wins over Donald. As for me and my house. . . this country has endured enough lies and slanted truths. Come clean. Come clear. Or go home!
The Democrat Presidential candidate is consistently behind in polling for the first time since 2004, and is somehow losing to a convicted felon with major, disqualifying issues of his own.
The idea that Biden isn't a massive, massive disaster of a candidate with major flaws that could easily encompass those adjectives is just silly. He's losing to Trump because he's at least as flawed as he is. There must be some major psychological issue that prevents his supporters from seeing how Biden is viewed by most Americans.
Mmmmm.... I think that's wishful thinking...
No, because Biden is fundamentally unlike Donald Trump!
They're very clearly not alike. Saying they are is ridiculous...
The epitome of irony.
Now that you mention it, I cannot think of any positive characteristics for Trump. He is not even a good father or husband.
I suppose those who admire con-men would find positive characteristics. And, of course, there are millions who admire qualities that Trump does not possess but are somehow ingrained in their minds as truth.
That is exactly what GOP partisans have been doing Greg.
The typical attempt to equate Biden with Trump. No matter how ridiculous, posts like @3.4.94 just keep coming. Understandable since there is no defending Trump. All Trump supporters can do is engage in dishonest deflection and fantasy.
And yet trump is somehow wining despite having “ no positive characteristics.”
That might prompt critical thinkers to reassess their opinions.
It is amazing. I suspect most supporters ignore his negative characteristics and just focus on imagined policy accomplishments he claims he will effect.
What are Trump's positive characteristics? Not imagined accomplishments (e.g. Trump will produce the greatest economy, will solve all the world's problems, etc.) but real, demonstrable, personal qualities that intelligent individuals can rationally discuss.
Does he have any personal characteristics that are admirable? I guess maybe not drinking is one. Anything else?
What could possibly offset his plethora of negative qualities?
Also, are you aware of argumentum ad populum? Probably best to not engage in fallacious arguments.
Define, "most Americans," please.
The thing that is to access is the 'impossible' amount of scoundrels seeking to force ownership of a country that never could be theirs alone. It's unforgivable what such scoundrels are attempting to do. I pray all rascals are never forgiven for this ne-er-ending outrage, until they receive a proportionate set of consequences.
Well, we know he is not a friend of liberals. In fact, he hates liberals. Moreover, he appears to be passionate about hating liberals. Biden supporters surely are not telling pollsters he is bad for the country! So since you are here, do offer up a name for those "most Americans' who tell pollsters they do not like Biden-if you know it. Or, just go on now.
Expenditures, excessive or not, is not the point of the thread. Biden's administration has not ignored the border. Period. SCORE!
Don't play yourself. It is what you wrote and it speaks for itself in telling on you!
Bull. It is sad that some MAGAs behave more like 'bots' than a conversationalist.
Spin spin spin
Don't you just love when the dementia kicks in and Geriatric Joe becomes a Roomba and becomes the embarrassment the Democrats and left make pathetic excuses for.
What I don't love is Vic's hateful opinions on his entire commentary;
The G7 site is in the flight path of the Bari Airport. Some sort of low & slow commercial jet drowned out Biden and he waited a minute so the audience could hear him after the plane and noise passed.
They had just watched a paratrooper exercise and Biden went to watch a trooper pack up his chute quickly and cleanly
while the trooper in front of the group struggled with a mass of tangled lines and material.
Emphatically. I wanted to mention the slant, the negativity, the un-balance, but could not see my way through to using the word, 'slant.' You got it right (to some of our minds here). One would get the impression that nothing good has happened up to this point at the G7 of significance. And, I presume that would be a lie, because world leaders don't just come together to blow smoke up each other's. . . noses and play tiddlywinks all-around.
Seems our weekly report is an exercise in an alternate reality
And the reporters were asked to ask questions about the G7 or something relative like Ukraine or Putin
So the Bloomberg reporter goes right to Israel/Gazza...
He wasn't mean or angry but obviously they agreed to stay on topic and should have while it was live on the air.
Trump had nothing to do with my comments
The people who have been full of hate, SP are the people who falsely accused Trump of colluding with Russia, the politicized FBI who wrongly investigated Trump and his people, the democrats led by Pelosi who staged two farcical impeachments and the state DA's who ran on "getting Trump."[✘]
How dare he!
Obviously they didn't agree to stay on the Topic Joe wanted because they didn't. I wasn't aware the Administration could dictate to the free press what they can and can not ask. So much for transparency.
In this case they dictated who could ask a question and what the question could be.
Sounds like it's your problem to work out and none of my concern.
So you are making excuses for Traitor Joe's inability to stay focused.
And where did you pull that little bit from. Surely not the article. Either way, its still making excuses for the Roomba routine that Traitor Joe has become known for.
[✘] Although I'm not sure what President Eishenhower has to do with any of this.
There is a lot of evidence that Trump walked a very fine line with Putin.
The FBI isn't politicized, it follows the money in pursuing the truth.
As opposed to the GOP which impeached Clinton for a blow job? What goes around often comes around.
Even Lindsey Graham knows that.
As opposed to Trump who ran with "lock her up" against Hillary?
The Outer Limits...
Good point, That's exactly what progressives argued in Leonard Peltier thread.
so many progressives can never, ever be honest about shilling for a President who perjured himself and obstructed justice.
Oh, Duh?
There are always rules of engagement between politicians and reporters especially if they are live at a summit as was the case, especially if travelling on AF1 or AF2
So much for your journalistic experiences. Josh Wingrove just made his own job much, much harder.
The FBI was prejudiced against American Indians since it's inception, that's a flaw but it isn't political.
So you believe the FBI is racist and biased but not political. Seems to me arresting a political activist does in fact involve politics, but whatever floats your boat. It's also not like there is volumes of evidence of the FBI involving itself in politics, documented by democrats in the Church Committee, back before so many Democrats became toadies for authoritarianism.
Are you projecting again?
Well, we know you are deflecting. Instead of making personal attacks, try and engage on substance.
The perfect euphemism for Trump defenders.
plenty of warts...
In 2024, we have two, count them: One, two, mature elderly candidates running for president: We KNOW who the other mature elderly candidate is, too!
One that has been deemed unfit to stand trial yet can run for [office.][✘]
Robert Hur certified him as unfit for trial. As a certified imbecile he is immune to prosecution.
Maybe Hur is right. I'm not sure.
From what we've seen from Biden for the past 50+ years, Hur may be\correct.
Wouldn't be the first time the Democrats and left try to hide stuff.
I agree with the diagnosis. It's the prescription that concerns me.
What concerns me is that they are running him (and people are supporting him) for office despite the diagnosis.
The film may have all the elements of "Russian disinformation." /S
He is only a vessel for the left. If he dies, they may just leave him on the ticket.
Remember the work horse in Animal Farm (Boxer?) They just kept using him.
"Weekend at Bidens" comes to mind
Why repeat untrue Twitter BS from Marjorie Greene?
What diagnosis? Bunch of retired old wannabe's proclaiming medical diagnosis on social media
as fact?
Did I specify?
Put it right up there with those claiming Trump is unfit. Although, a special prosecutor didn't determine that Trump was too mentally deficient to stand trial.
How is a convicted felon who is distinguished as the only PotUS who attempted to steal a presidential election through coercion, fraud, lying, and incitement fit to hold the office of the presidency??
Look at it the same way you are supporting a person who was deemed unfit to stand trial for mishandling classified documents fit to hold the office of the presidency.
You mean like the Democrats after the 2016 election?
The obvious deflection. Exactly what I expected.
Where is your logical rebuttal that shows how Trump is fit to hold office?
You have no argument.
Silly, everyone knows it is ok when they do it
in 4.2.19.
Can you quote the part of Hur's report that use those words exactly?
How so? Hillary conceded in less than 24 hours. Then she pretty much disappeared for a few years. She bitched off and on and wrote in a book that the election was stolen. Trump's most recent trial pretty much proved that his dream team was involved in dirty tricks which influenced the election.
A concession is meaningless. She then joined a lawsuit to overturn the Wisconsin vote, her campaign tried to get electors to flip their votes, and her party in Congress tried to "overturn the election" by challenging the certification in Congress.
Any prosecutor has to determine if he can win a case, if the case is important enough or if the crime deliberate.
Hur determined that Biden, ( like Mike Pence) had cooperated fully and was just too much like Mr. Rogers,
a likeable sympathetic figure he would never get 12 people to convict a year or 5 years down the road since
we cannot drag a sitting POTUS into court.
All attempts to impeach Biden so far have failed because most people in Congress realize the same thing
Yet another extremely hyperbolic claim. The reality is that Rep Lee and a few others attempted to challenge the electoral counts in 2016 but VP Biden shut her down since no D senator would support her motion.
And you compare this to Trump’s Big Lie con-job where he attempted to steal the election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement.
A feeble motion by a few reps killed by the Ds in general at its inception compared to a multi-month campaign of unconstitutional / illegal actions by the sitting PotUS.
Besides as a prosecutor, Mr. Hur inserted into an official record that questionable verbiage that may have been superfluous. The one about 'doddering and old' (paraphrase) Why did he insert it? More importantly, who was his audience that needed a 'permanent' explanation of why he couldn't and wouldn't be charging Biden?
Because he could have easily have told that 'line' to that audience, but he wanted it to be permanent (as if so they could argue with the report and leave him out of it).
Yep, Democrats, including the hypocrite Jamie Raskin, objected to the certification of the votes for 8 states . Thanks for proving me correct.
not after initiating the "Russia Collusion" hoax. But lets ignore that and run with your fantasy.
And so no prosecution will occur. It is what it is. (Another) Easy one.
The original comment is with SP; you did not have to insert yourself since you have nothing new to offer.
No it isn't.
It was a lawsuit to force a recount...
It was Christine Pelosi, several Hollywood personalities and liberal activists, but not Clinton
It wasn't the party, it was the electors themselves that tried to rebel against the Electoral College and get Republicans to follow suit by throwing their votes to Kasich, Collin Powell or Ron Paul.
Although several faithless electors voted for Kasich, Powell and Paul, more fled Clinton by also voting for Powell or Spotted Eagle or Berni Sanders.
House Democrats Did challenge the certification 11 times as allowed by the House Rules
and then VP Biden gaveled them down for not having the appropriate signatures.
The Whataboutism is ironic.
I'm good with you commenting, but then don't expect me to over-explain the obvious: The original comment was to another site user, first and foremost.
The DOJ confirmed that the DNC was indeed hacked by the Russians.
But lets ignore that and run with your fantasy.
No it isn't
really? What legal effect does it have?
It was a lawsuit to force a recount...
No kidding. The point of which was…..
It was Christine Pelosi, several Hollywood personalities and liberal activists, but not Clinton
Again, the ultimate distinction without a difference. and yes, it failed.
So no collusion. Thanks for proving, yet again, the point proven by mueller.
Except that Mueller did not prove there was no collusion despite Bill Barr's interpretation of it.
Except your link is from the section of the Report dealing with obstruction, not collusion with Russia. It misleadingly makes it appear that Mueller was discussing the collusion allegations when discussing exoneration. When it came to actual collusion with Russia, the Report concluded the "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
What was Bobbie Meuller supposed to be looking into? TRUMPS collusion with Russia.
What did Bobby Meuller find? DEMOCRATS collusion with Russia.
The 'cast' of females labeled, "Tokyo Rose" would love these little daily news from the Front "sessions" on NT!