Real threats to democracy.

As most decent people already know it is the American left and the Trump haters who are a clear threat to American democracy. They twist American law to achieve their ends, they weaponize government to go after all their perceived enemies, they indoctrinate our children and they have even defamed the SCOTUS.
The latest chapter in the nonstop march of evil comes from the ultra-liberal "city" of Oakland CA. There even the citizens who have elected some of the most radical democrats to office are now trying to recall their out-of-control mayor: Sheng Thao. Her home (or is it her home?) was raided by the FBI Thursday. While the politicized FBI has yet to link Ms Thao to any wrongdoing, Renia Webb, a former confidante and chief of staff for the mayor has come forward concerning pay-to-play allegations. It is very risky to be a whistleblower against democrats these days. Webb says that a lot of what is finally coming out is why she resigned. Really?
You would have thought she would have resigned over policy:
Robberies grew 38% last year in Oakland, according to police data. Burglaries increased 23%. Motor vehicle theft jumped 44%. Roughly one of every 30 Oakland residents had a car stolen last year, according to a San Francisco Chronicle analysis .
On Tuesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced he was taking action, deploying 120 California Highway Patrol officers to Oakland and the surrounding area to conduct a law enforcement surge operation. The aim: to crack down on crime, including vehicle theft, retail theft and violent crime.
Rising crime risks turning Oakland into a ‘ghost town.’ Newsom is sending in reinforcements | CNN Business
When the likes of Newson wants action, you know there is a serious crime problem. On the other hand, the democrat citizens of Oakland voted for Thao.
When will they have enough?
In other news:
Gunmen attacked synagogues and churches in two cities in southern Russia. They used rifles and Molotov cocktails. The attackers killed police officers and a priest. Six of the gunmen died in shootouts, officials said.
Benjamin Netanyahu, in a television interview, said that the intensive phase of Israel’s war against Hamas would end soon.
Israel bombed a UN compound near Gaza City, killing at least eight people, a Palestinian news agency said. The Israeli military said militants were using the compound, which Hamas has denied.
The Manhattan district attorney declined to prosecute most of the protesters charged with taking over a Columbia University Hall, citing a lack of evidence. Many believe the New York judicial system to be a national disgrace.
Many countries in Africa resent France, a former colonial power. Rwanda seems to be a cut above the rest and is embracing French culture and courting French investment.
This week is the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade. Democrats plan on highlighting the event.
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Good morning.

As to our biased media:
A CNN anchor cut off a guest's mic for saying the debate moderators were biased.
Why not just admit the obvious?
Because that would be admitting that they are part of the problem.
Stephen Miller: "Pro tip for CNN: if you silence a guest for truthfully discussing deeply offensive commentary from a CNN host, and abruptly terminate the interview, you succeed only in calling more attention to the CNN host’s alarming bias and outrageous slanders."
This laughable claim that the Trump flunky was mistreated will serve as Trumps escape hatch if he decides to bail on the debate.
They can show the Twin Towers coming down, but they can't show the question of Tapper & Bash being biased?
“Stephen Miller: "Pro tip…”
The only ‘tip’ miller is giving up is his giving the shaft to everyone who doesn’t engage in his homo erotic fantasies.
I see him as the next Secretary of Homeland Security.
This article pretty much sums up how the so called "debate" will likely go.....
Make No Mistake, Trump Won't Be Debating Biden Even If Biden Is There – RedState
I think Trump has gone against 3-1 odds before.
You know how those questions will be stacked.
So if I am reading this correctly:
You aren't reading it correctly. No matter who wins it will be Trump vs Biden and the two moderators.
The rest of this thread was removed for no value.
... and to think you could have started at the beginning.
She went off topic, got what she deserved.
Pointing out that the two moderators once compared Trump to Hitler couldn't be more on topic.
never mind those that disavow the US constitution's principles of the rule of law and a secular democracy... /s
Why did the FBI investigate Trump?
Why did the FBI investigate Catholics?
Why did the FBI intimidate parents?
He refused to return government property.
They didn't and you know it.
Again they didn't and you know it.
You could easily find enough to criticize Democrats, liberals and the FBI without continuing to lie and make shit up. It's not even hard.
Wong. He was "investigated" because he beat the Democrats at their own game. Did you forget the open ended "Russia Collusion" hoax they and the liberal bloggers like MSNBC and CNN pushed? When that failed they concocted fictitious story after fictitious story.
You need to do better research if you are going to gaslight people.
I'm talking about the Russia hoax.
They didn't and you know it
The FBI has come under scrutiny after a leaked document showed the bureau warning that "radical traditionalist" Catholics pose as an extremist threat.
Kyle Seraphin, a former FBI special agent and federal whistleblower, obtained the document from the bureau's field office in Richmond, Virginia, and published it on the UncoveredDC website.
The FBI in Richmond discusses monitoring Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists (RMVE) and their interests in so-called "Radical-Traditionalist Catholics" or RTCs.
The memo notes that FBI investigations have found that there is a "growing overlap" between the far-right white nationalist movement and RTCs.
FBI Under Pressure for Targeting Catholics in Leaked Document - Newsweek
Again they didn't and you know it.
The FBI used “threat tags” created by the bureau’s counterterrorism division to launch dozens of investigations into parents who had protested at school board meetings, whistleblowers disclosed.
The probes targeted parents who were reported on a new Justice Department “snitch line.”
Whistleblowers: FBI probed parents under counterterrorism 'threat tag' for protesting school boards - Washington Times
Three facts and you are in denial of all three.
Complete denial.
Hey Vic, did you ever actually read the final bipartisan report on that "hoax"?
You bet. We lost 2 members that day. Both were convinced that the investigation would find Trump guilty.
It is very basic stuff.
Trump WAS found guilty, it is just that Trump wasn't found guilty of collusion, and the way the story was spun, you would think that zero evidence found , as in none. When actually it was found that Trump and friends LIED, lied about Russian contacts and persons close to Trump were charged. Trump, technically couldn't be.
Both arms or both legs ... one of each? Or to (mis)quote Lady Bracknell:
Is that a Lorraina Bobbit quote ?
A federal appeals court partially affirmed a lower court’s finding on Friday that Biden administration officials violated the First Amendment by coercing social media companies to censor speech.
The Fifth Circuit affirmed a lower court’s judgement that the White House, Surgeon General, CDC and FBI violated the First Amendment while finding that “the district court erred in finding that the NIAID Officials, CISA Officials, and State Department Officials likely violated Plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights.” Yet it found the injunction, issued by District of Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty in July, was “vague and broader than necessary.”
Appeals Court Finds Biden Admin Violated First Amendment By Encouraging Censorship (
What makes this bad is that there are many who still claim that this censorship never happened.
They don't accept facts. Instead, they write articles on what a bad guy Trump is.
It is telling that they can't tell us what Biden has done that has actually worked to benefit the country but can list off unfounded reasons of why Trump is bad.
The last conversation I had with one, they indicated that Biden failed to secure the border, but they can live with everything else that has gone on in the past 3 plus years. As for Tapper & Bash, they have already told everyone how they feel about Trump, so there won't be any surprises there, nor will the tactics of Joe Biden which will amount to him coming out like a jacked up trained seal calling Trump a "convicted felon."
Are you trying to say the Orange Man isnt bad ?
If the first words out of Tapper and Bash's mouth to Trump are not "what were you doing on the afternoon of Jan 6th?" they should resign as journalists.
You mean card carrying members of the radical left.
They are not journalists. Yesterday we saw an activist try to be a journalist:
That's right, Trump didn't have congress either, yet he got it done!
2:05 of the video
And it's been that since the day he threw his hat in for POTUS and wasn't running as a Democrat.
No shit. Look at how many "we got him now", "smoking gun" and echo chamber articles were posted that turned up to be 100% false. How many and who consistently deflect anything and everything away from Traitor Joe.
If the first words out of Tapper and Bash's mouth to Biden are not "what were you doing in the shower with your daughter that she felt was "inappropriate" they should resign as journalists.
Should Trump be asked, at the debate, about his conduct, or lack of, on Jan 6th ?
Dont the American people have a right to know that Trump committed the most egregious dereliction of duty by a president in US history?
On the afternoon of Jan 6th, Trump did not talk to any member of the defense dept or other law enforcement agencies about ending the insurrection/riot, but he did talk to members of Congress about delaying the vote count per the Eastman plan.
The plain truth is Trump did not want the riot to end, he wanted it to succeed.
There are multiple witnesses to Trumps inaction at the White House on Jan 6, 2021. If you knew the slightest thing about the report of the J6 committee you would know that.
No. The debate should be about the policies of the two men who both served as President.
Dont the American people have a right to know that Trump committed the most egregious dereliction of duty by a president in US history?
That is not true and not worthy of a Presidential debate. No more than all the dirty shit that was done to Trump beginning with the Russia hoax. Don't you want a debate based on substance?
On the afternoon of Jan 6th, Trump did not talk to any member of the defense dept or other law enforcement agencies about ending the insurrection/riot, but he did talk to members of Congress about delaying the vote count per the Eastman plan.
Who gives a fuck.
The plain truth is Trump did not want the riot to end, he wanted it to succeed.
He would have never said to go peacefully, if that was true.
Trump wanted his mob to do whatever they had to do to stall or prevent the electoral count. He didnt care if it was peaceful or not, as long as it worked.
After Trump knew that dozens of cops had been injured by his mob, he told the mob in a tweet "remember this day for the rest of your lives".
He meant that in a positive way (toward the mob) not a negative.
And you can back all this up with links to video and official documents right?
read the J6 report, or watch it on video. I am beyond tired of your silly questions and claims.
That is an opinion that you and one other here hold as a religious belief. Most people would disagree.
If we are going to use the debate to make it a "choice election," we would once again be interfering with the election. Hasn't enough election interference already taken place?
The Jan 6th Committee was deeply compromised from day 1 when Pelosi picked all the members. From there they deleted the words "go peacefully," cherry picked taped interviews, and destroyed documents as the Republicans took over. It was a sham just like the NY trials.
The "patriots" may have solved it with the NY sham trial. The polls turned out to be right, hang a conviction on him and 3 out of ten independents won't vote for him. Trump lost his lead right after the verdict.
You have shown time after time after time that you know nothing about it.
If not for free speech your laughable comments on this subject dont belong on a respectable internet forum.
Of course.
Oh, that darn free speech. If only you patriots could do away with that.
No way.
Lord only knows what this is supposed to even mean.
Remember the J6 Clown Show was comprised of the very people who tried to gaslight everybody into believing the "Russia Collusion" hoax. Only those that bought into that hoax are the ones that claim the J6 Clown Show is legitimate.
Please tell us, what steps did Trump take to try and end the riot at the Capitol?
As if Trump has not just been convicted of 34 felony counts of fraud and election crimes related to his 2016 campaign?
While don't support Trump in any way, it amuses me how the number 34 is so important to some folks as if that was worse than if he had paid back Cohen with one payment and it have been 3 counts. What's the difference between 3 counts vs 34 when the underlying activity is the same? 11 checks plus 11 vouchers plus 12 book entries vs 1 check, 1 voucher and 1 book entry?
What does that have to do with what he will do for the country if elected
Biden has done an awful lot of damage with just a phone and a pen.
It's called overcharging to get the best chance for the desired outcome for the prosecution, a conviction. The jury seen this, there was no way they could just pick out one check, voucher, or entry and dismiss the rest when all were considered equal, it would've made no sense, it was guilty of all or none no middle ground. A wise judge in this position would've demanded the prosecution lump all together or as you put it, into 3 separate charges. What's the difference between 1 felony or 34 felonies, sensationalism, headlines, campaign ads, and political hit points.
You mean the 34 misdemeanor that were filed AFTER the statute of limitations expired? And didn't the SCOTUS recently rule that a conviction must come from a UNANIMUS decision by the Jury? That kind of throws a wrench in the "conviction" you seem so proud of.
I remember something about offering to have NG on stand by. And wasn't that shot down by the Speaker at the time? The same Speaker who is on video saying "we should have done more to prevent this".
But lets forget putting things in place to prevent the protest and focus on fictional shit.
True, the problem is that trump has no policies other than revenge.
At least he knows what those items are used for.
I don't recall revenge being one of them.
That he has. The people must vote him out of office.
And the two moderators are going to push the Jan 6th riot like a hot dog cart on Coney Island.
The Biden campaign strategy: the choice between a nice old man and a "convicted felon."
Donald Trump is a known and proven scumbag. And he is your guy. Enough said.
Well, it is CNN. Not like they've been even remotely factual.
They present this debate amid a defamation lawsuit.
The Bidenistas swear they are 100% honest.
31 extra charges
Actor Thomas Guiry, best known for portraying Scotty Smalls in the 1993 movie “The Sandlot,” was arrested earlier this month in a bizarre episode during which he allegedly hurled a dumbbell into the windshield of his neighbor’s Jeep and then held a knife at his front door.

Troubled star of beloved '90s movie 'The Sandlot' busted after chucking dumbbell at neighbor's Jeep (
Gives a whole new meaning to "You're killing me Smalls!"
One of my daughters once gave me a T-shirt that had those words on it.
A Jewish mom and her husband were attacked and beaten at a Brooklyn elementary school graduation by an Arabic-speaking family — who taunted them with shouts of “Free Palestine!” “Gaza is Ours!” and “Death to Israel!” she told The Post.
The mayhem erupted at PS 682 in Gravesend just after the school’s fifth-grade graduation — which was themed, ironically, “All you need is love.”
Instead, the Jewish woman’s husband was thrown to the ground by members of the other family. One man put him in a chokehold, he said. Others grabbed his legs as they kicked and punched him. One woman repeatedly whacked him with the sharp heel of a black stiletto, the mom told police.
NYC Jewish family pummeled at 5th-grade commencement by attendees shouting 'Free Palestine,' mom says (
Unfortunately, Biden needs those antisemite votes. He is expecting the Jewish ones too, as a given.
Does 80% of US Jews voting for Biden mean they are antisemites?
You tell me.
Are you sure of that number? Biden has pissed off a lot of Jews because of his support of Hamas.
Yet, Biden's support among American Jews has increased...
Because terrorists ALWAYS tell the truth.
The American media has the IDF and Hamas somehow on the same level.
Years or decades, or whenever Netanyahu dies. Whatever comes first.
Do we really want Hamas to survive?
Whoever might carry on if Netanyahu is gone would follow the same path. It's what the Israeli people want.
Tapper and CNN's conduct is a significant part of the reason why no one trusts journalists anymore. They've destroyed their credibility. They are partisan hacks who never learned the lesson of the boy who cried wolf.
yeah, the debate will be on the up and up. /s
Tony & Nick's never had a better day:
This is the new White House Associate Communications Director.

Another box checked!
removed for context
At least your luggage will be safe.......hopefully.
Any decent person knows that sentence discredits all of the information that follows.
Can you defend your own statement?
In small MAGA minds non-MAGAs are automatically "Trump Haters"...
How else are they going to show their childish side?