The spies who lied and the liar-in chief

Some say that had the deep state not interfered with the 2020 election, Trump would have likely won. Shortly before election day a story broke that Hunter Biden had left & likely forgotten a very incriminating laptop at a computer repair shop. The laptop was incriminating not only for himself but for his father as well. Social media refused (with a lot of encouragement) to censor the news story, which came from the New York Post. Then came the infamous "letter" from 51 "former" intelligence officials signing onto the claim that the laptop, which the FBI had and already knew was real, looked like Russian disinformation. That much is now known to all but the most radical leftist who refuse to accept facts.
Now comes the incredible second chapter: revealed by the CIA former Chief Operating Officer Andrew Makridis to congressional investigators. A revelation which is without a doubt, an act of sabotage against the American people in the 2020 election. It wasn't the Chinese who interfered, nor the Russians, nor Iran. It was our own CIA. Here is what we now know:
"Makridis has testified to the House Judiciary Committee that he was sent a draft version of the letter by the CIA’s Publication Classification Review Board on Oct. 19, 2020, and recognized it as an inherently political document.
Because of its political sensitivity, he walked across the hall from his office to inform Director Haspel about the letter.
The letter claiming the laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian intelligence operation” was instigated by Biden’s campaign adviser Antony Blinken (now secretary of state) in a phone call to Mike Morell, a former acting CIA director, five days after The Post began reporting damaging material from the laptop in October 2020.
Morell would testify that Blinken’s call prompted him to write the letter and organize 50 colleagues to sign it.
Five former CIA directors — Mike Hayden, Leon Panetta, John Brennan, John McLaughlin (acting) and Morell (acting) — signed, as well as former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Forty-one of the 51 signatories were ex-CIA.
The Dirty 51 letter, as it came to be known, was timed to appear two days later, on the eve of the final presidential debate, to maximize its benefit to Biden by giving him a “talking point to push back on [President] Trump on this issue,” as Morell put it in an email obtained by the committee.
Sure enough, Biden used the letter in the debate to claim the laptop was a “Russian plant” and “garbage,” and successfully kill the issue.
The disclosures form part of a report by the House Intelligence Committee and the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released Tuesday.
It also reveals that some of the Dirty 51, including Morell, were on the CIA payroll as active contractors at the time they cooked up the dishonest letter.
Morell denies the claim, but his name appears on a list of contractors provided to the committees by Robert Dugas, CIA deputy general counsel for litigation and investigations.
Makridis has since walked back his testimony to say that he might not have shown the letter to Haspel but only to her deputy, Bishop."
How CIA interference with the ‘Spies Who Lie’ letter made Biden the president (
I'm sure we will be hearing a lot more about this and I am sure the Committee will be calling CIA director Haspel in.
Another issue than needs to be covered is the lies that a stumbling, bumbling Biden told during the debate:
1. Border Patrol Endorsement
Biden claimed he was endorsed by America’s Border Patrol union. That is not true. In fact, the Border Patrol Union issued a real-time fact-check Thursday night stating: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”
2. Trump Bleach Lie
Biden claimed Trump told people infected with Covid to inject themselves with “bleach.” Trump did not tell people to do that.
3. Illegal Border Crossings
Biden claimed “there [are] 40 percent fewer people coming across the border illegally” under his presidency than Trump’s. That isn’t true, as illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to record highs under Biden’s presidency.
4. Military Deaths
Biden claimed he’s the “only president this … decade” who “doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world” under his presidency. That is false. Thirteen service members were killed during Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.
5. Inflation
Biden claimed inflation was at 9 percent when he came into office. That statistic is false. The inflation rate when Trump left office was 1.4 percent .
6. Late Term Abortion
Biden claimed that Democrats “are not for late-term abortion.” As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd noted , Biden “has repeatedly promised to legalize unlimited, on-demand abortion through all nine months of pregnancy via a sweeping bill and routinely promoted taxpayer-funded abortion policies.”
7. Cages at the Border
Biden claimed Trump was “separating babies from their mothers [and] putting them in cages” when he was president. That statement is misleading. As admitted by the left-wing Associated Press , these were “chain-link enclosures” inside alien-holding border facilities that were created by the Obama-Biden administration.
8. No New Taxes
Biden claimed he “didn’t” raise taxes for “anybody making less than $400,000 a year.” That is false .
9. Hitler
Biden claimed Trump once said, “Hitler has done some good things.” As admitted by left-wing Snopes, there is no proof that Trump ever said this. The allegation has also been denied by Trump’s staff.
10. Biden Repeats Debunked ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ Hoax
Biden repeated the lie that Trump called deceased American soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Numerous former Trump administration officials have publicly refuted the phony story. Even left-wing Snopes admitted , “there appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes’ authenticity.”
11. Trump’s Iran Policy
Biden claimed Trump “did nothing” to stifle Iranian aggression. That is false. For example, Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in 2020.
12. Trump’s NATO Remarks
Biden claimed Trump told Vladimir Putin, “Do whatever you want,” regarding Russia’s invasion of Eastern Europe. But that’s not accurate.
Trump’s remarks came during a South Carolina rally, during which he recounted a story from when he was president and speaking with a NATO member. Trump purportedly told this state that he would withhold U.S. support if they didn’t pay their minimum defense spending obligations.
13. Climate Alarmism
Biden falsely contended that the “only existential threat to humanity is climate change.”
14. Efforts to Stop J6 Riot
Biden insinuated Trump made no effort to ensure demonstrators wouldn’t breach the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. That isn’t true. Trump sought to deploy 10,000 National Guard troops to the Capitol ahead of Congress’s certification of the 2020 election results.
15. Roe v. Wade
Biden claimed the “vast majority of constitutional scholars supported [ Roe v. Wade ] when it was decided” by the Supreme Court in 1973. There is no evidence that’s true.
16. Beau’s Death
Biden claimed his son Beau died in Iraq. Beau was not killed in action in Iraq but died from brain cancer in 2015.
17. ‘Very Fine People’ Lie
Biden repeated the lie that Trump called white supremacists who participated in a 2017 Charlottesville march “very fine people.” Even left-wing “fact-checker” Snopes recently admitted that claim is untrue.
18. Unemployment Under Trump
Biden claimed the unemployment rate was at 15 percent when he came into office. That isn’t true. The unemployment rate was 6.4 percent when Biden was inaugurated in January.
19. Trillionaires
Biden claimed there are “1,000 trillionaires in America.” There are not , in fact, any trillionaires in America or the world.
20. NATO
Biden claimed Trump “wants to get [the United States] out of NATO.” There is no evidence to suggest that’s true. In fact, Trump regularly pressed NATO countries during his presidency to meet their defense spending commitments.
Still voting for Biden?
Today's news:
It should be a momentous day for the SCOTUS as important decisions are expected later today.
S everal US military bases in Europe were put on high alert this past weekend over a possible terror attack in the region that could target American personnel, according to multiple reports. The alert is the second highest state of alarm issued by the US Army, and an American official at one of the bases said they hadn’t witnessed that level in at least a decade.
US military bases in Europe on high alert over possible terrorist threat: reports (
A new bill granting state law enforcement officials more power to remove squatters and raising criminal penalties for offenders went into effect Monday, potentially giving Florida homeowners the tools to protect their property while circumventing lengthy court processes. In a video posted to X, Gov. Ron DeSantis said his state is "ending this squatter scam once and for all" with HB 621.
Florida homeowners fight squatters with new law that ends 'scam,' governor says | Fox News
A nti-Israel protesters clashed with police in New York City on Friday as they aimed to disrupt a big-money fundraiser for President Biden, which was held 24 after his disastrous debate with former President Trump. "There is only one solution — Intifada revolution!" demonstrators chanted as they marched from Madison Square Garden toward the Hammerstein Ballroom on West 34th Street in Midtown Manhattan where the swanky political gathering was taking place.
Anti-Israel protesters arrested trying to disrupt Biden's megabucks fundraiser (
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According to AAA A record-setting number of nearly 71 million Americans are expected to travel for the Fourth of July holiday this year, making it the busiest summer travel period yet.
Good for them. The economy must be great !
Sad when that misinformation is the only thing Joe supporters can say to try and get some more votes for Joe
This has been proven over and over again. Sorry.
Ah… the “ pro democracy” party that uses government officials to collude with the corporate media to push lies upon the American people and censor the truth. Whether it’s Covid, Biden’s laptop or Biden’s senility, the playbook is the same.
This time it came back to haunt them.
Collusion isn't a crime...... Remember?
I didn’t say it was a crime. But I’m not a fascist, so I don’t approve of the government colluding with a supposedly independent media to lie to the american public. But I guess you don’t have that problem.
Today's question of the day:
Has any political candidate in recent memory had a more devastating debate performance than Joe Biden had last week?
Well, Gerald Ford comes to mind. And there was a little known President named Obama that had a bad night, too.
Ford couldn't recover (he had committed the sin of pardoning Nixon, after all). Nobody really noticed Obama's bad night since the Republican opponent was lackluster.
I believe both were running for a second term and the theory is that they get very complacent after having people tell them they are right about everything.
Ford couldn't recover (he had committed the sin of pardoning Nixon, after all).
One can't overcome the pardon of the bogey man.
Nobody really noticed Obama's bad night since the Republican opponent was lackluster.
That was a mismatch if there ever was one.
I still think Biden's night was far more consequential.
Yeah, I can agree with that primarily because I don't see a way for Biden to recover. That's going to have a larger effect on down ballot races. Part of Democrats' panic arises from fears that Biden has upset the strategy for regaining control of the House and locking in control of the Senate.
Too bad Doonesbury isn't around anymore. Biden could be depicted as a forked vegetable.
It is safe to say that Ford and Obama were rusty, but Joe was spaced out completely.
Please don't forget those military service members killed in Jordan just this year.
Other than that, thank you for pointing out Biden's debate lies that CNN instant fact checking did nothing about.
Let the "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" screams from the left commence.
That one should have got a follow up question, but evidently, the last thing that Tapper or Bash wanted to do was add any more fuel to the fire consuming Biden.
The "Pride Parade" came to an abrupt end in St Louis as Pro-Palestinian protestors hi-jacked it. And that was that.
Imagine if some anti-gay group had tried to do that?
They shouldn't be called Pro Palestinian demonstrators if they are chanting/supporting Hamas. Hamas definitely isn't pro Palestinian.
The demonstrators also don't know anything about Hamas; because Hamas wouldn't have just hijacked the Pride Parade- they would have grabbed all of the participants and dropped them off the highest building they could find.
So an anti-gay group did hijack the parade. It was just a leftist anti-gay group- so that makes it OK.
Yup, t is the only time we'll see that.
Yep, that's why Dana Bash and Jake Tapper couldn't fact check the debate. Snopes and other fact checkers really have been debunking Democrats' lies about Trump (which Biden still thinks is campaign fodder). Democrats want to selectively deny witness testimony, documented facts, and real-time observation of both Trump and Biden.
Democrats fear any sort of objective comparison of Trump's and Biden's records. Democrats are purging the news archives, skewing AI search bots, and planting fake facts in the record (using cheap, deep, or creepy means). There really is a reason Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies want backdoor access to all these bright, shiny toys.
I'm not sure who the other fact checkers are, but it didn't take much for Snopes to achieve credibility.
Democrats fear any sort of objective comparison of Trump's and Biden's records.
That is the understatement of the year.
Democrats are purging the news archives, skewing AI search bots, and planting fake facts in the record (using cheap, deep, or creepy means). There really is a reason Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies want backdoor access to all these bright, shiny toys.
And unfortunately, they have all the power to do it.
A lot of good points. I hope people will take the time to think about it.
Well, most notable of late is the editorial board of The New York Times.
The all-too-obvious response to a bad debate night is to push the candidate in front of the cameras. Isn't that what Obama did after whiffing the first debate with Romney? Of course today's problem is that higher visibility for Biden may make things worse. (BTW that may become the strategy to remove Biden from the ticket. If Biden becomes Democrats' scapegoat down ballot then he's done, stick a fork in him.)
This one debate debacle ensures that Biden becomes a lame-duck on Nov. 6th IF (big if) Biden can stay in the race and win on Nov. 5th.
They have to convince him to give it up. They need to get by his sister and wife who want him to go on.
Then there is the matter of all those pledged delegates.
No matter what they do now it won't be easy.
Hey, there's always the 25th amendment. (Remember when that was a thing?) All it takes is one doctor willing to certify that Joe Biden is no longer competent to manage his own affairs (or the country's). Hell, Alvin Bragg could open a competency hearing in New York. (It'd be a hoot if Joe Biden could be President everywhere except New York. A new precedent!)
At least that way wouldn't make all the millions of people who voted for him in the primary not feel disenfranchised via a brokered convention.
It will leave egg on the face of all those who lied about his mental condition.
This is what we get when he is NOT hopped up on something. They couldn't afford to have him tested if it would have been a requirement.
You actually have to have some integrity to have "egg on your face" the far more likely scenario is the Reid response, well we won didn't we.
Either that or they gave it to him so late it didn't take effect until the debate was over.
Her new spin is that the moderators should have come after Trump.
Naw, Democrats could just claim Russians poisoned Biden. Putin's denials would seal the deal. After all, the CIA is on Democrats' side.
Trying to spin Biden's debate debacle has blown up a whole omelet in the faces of Democrat leadership. (If you pay attention, some of that spin has talked about Biden's Presidency in the past tense. Some of Pelosi's remarks have been quite telling.)
I'm trying not to pile on poor Joe and the media but:
Not sure how Traitor Joe or his handlers can think that the Border Patrol union would support them after everything he did to them.
If you can't remember where and how you own child died, it's time to step down. You're not only a failure as a politician but a failure as a father. Although I think he is trying to use his sons death trying to get a pity endorsement from veterans.
Jill Biden graces the cover of the August issue of Vogue . The first lady's profile by the prestigious fashion magazine comes after her predecessor Melania Trump was famously snubbed by the publication.

Jill Biden Gets 'Vogue' Cover After Melania Trump Was Snubbed by Magazine - Newsweek
That cover photo of Dr. Jill isn't retouched at all.........................../S
Let's just say she was put in the best possible light.
A cheap fake? Say it ain't so ...
Glamor magazines routinely "retouch" photos to put the subject in the best possible light.
Where have you been for the past hundred years?
I know that FFS
Did he say something that was incorrect, like 9.2?
Thanks for agreeing.
Because she poses nude and is a disgusting whore.
Because she poses nude and is a disgusting whore.
Misogyny is never far from the surface…
The folks that complain about her the most were probably the first to try and find her pictures on line
So what is worse? separating children from the people who they crossed the border with for a short period of time until you can verify who they are and that they are actually related to the children or give them to human traffickers like Obama did?
The 18% who think Biden inspired confidence are taking today off.
I'd be curious to see just how many independents and non-Maga thought Trump looked "presidential" . I suspect that is a tiny number. The idea that Trump was presidential during a debate where he lied more than 30 times is ludicrous.
Of course ludicrous is where the modern GOP is most of the time these days.
You always fantasize that people are afraid to post on your columns, because , I guess, they cant counter your infallible reporting and commentary. It is very weird.
Sounds about right
I guess they always knew I was coming. In 1957 they had me writing for the New York Globe and dining at Toots Shor's Restaurant and giving advice to a Senator with Sidney Falco and everyone in Manhattan wanting to please me. It's true, despite what they did to Donald Trump, I love that dirty town:
I think Burt captured my personality fairly well / S
If he ends up being the only viable other option? Absolutely.
I'd write in Mickey Mouse before I'd vote for a known national security threat, a malignant narcissist, a pathologically lying mythomaniac with a god complex, and a demagogic tyrant who has already tried to destroy the republic once.
No patriot of this republic can support someone who tried to pull off a self-coup that went so far as to culminate in a violent attack on the US Capitol to stay in power after losing an election.
Don't forget what old Ben said, "A republic, if you can keep it."
Support for Trump is literally anti-American. What the hell is wrong with you people who support him?
How about reading the rest of the sentence you quoted?
And when you're done explain your support for a proven tyrant.
The only thing the democrats have proven is that they'll break any law or norm to beat Trump.
You think Democrats will stop at Trump?
If they have proven anything else it is this.
If you let Democrats get away with their tactics once; they will keep pushing and expanding until they are stopped.
The only way to stop them is to vote every damn one of them out of office. Neuter their power until they learn that the law really does apply to everyone equally; including them!
God I hope not.
You realize there are other people on your ballot besides he who shall not be named and Joe Dementia right? every think about breaking free of your party shackles and choosing another path? Have you looked at Chase Oliver? a former Obama supporter? or Jill Stein? or any of the other candidates?
So, I'm free to waste my vote on a non-viable?
You first!
The party thanks you for your loyalty, Generally you only hear that in communist countries but it appears to be welcome here now also.
You claim to live in NY, so that makes your vote for a democrat for president as worthless as a republican vote in Mississippi.
I'm not a member of any party, and thus have no shackles. Third party candidates will not be viable, as everyone should know.
The republic will easily survive another Biden term. Benedict Donald has already tried to usurp power and destroy it. Do you actually support that?
You have that ass backwards. Votes for the minority party in perennially red or blue states are the ones that are worthless, because they never make it out of the state. They are essentially nullified at the state level by the electoral college.
You might as well join a party you are definetely doing their bidding, and as long as you have that mindset there is no reason for them to every give you better choices.
So is Joe Dementia worse than Voldemort? sorry if you didn't get the reference.
Biden is absolutely incompetent to continue in role of President.
And yet we heard if elected he would never leave, and yet he left. do you have so little faith in our Military, the people i severed with would never allow a president to stay in power after his term was up and would remove him in a matter of hours.
Sigh......I will not be voting for either major candidate, since both are unacceptable, but if you choose to shoot yourself in the right foot instead of the left that is up to you.
“Do you actually support that?”
The attacks on Biden and all things Democrat are in direct proportion to their support of the convicted felon and all things he, even in the abomination, represents.
It is unsupportable, but it matters little in their ignorance and hatred and ultimately, their fear. Fear that is palpable in knowing that the world they have created is being threatened.
No i actually don't, if you don't live in a swing state your vote is worthless for the off party. you have that assbackwards.
No. you got everything bassackwards...
Your vote for democrats in NY is like pissing in the ocean.
Doing who's bidding? If there are only ever two viable candidates, and one is a fucking tyrant, not voting for the tyrant does not amount to doing anyone's "bidding".
Granted, he's old, but after one term we are still doing much better than our peer countries (economically), our alliances are still strong, and the republic still stands. The same will very, very likely be true in another four years, especially the part about the republic still standing, which is really the most important thing.
Yeah, after his coup attempt failed. Big fucking deal. That's what you do when your coup attempt fails. The attempt itself what matters.
You're certainly free to do that, but voting for someone who will undoubtedly lose is a waste of a vote that could otherwise be cast to protect the republic from a tyrant.
There are only 2 viable candidates because of closed minded bigotry and partisan brainwashing of the electorate.
That was exactly my point. Should I have phrased it differently? You stated the opposite originally, calling a red vote in a red state (and vice versa) a worthless vote. The ones for the party with no chance of winning are the worthless ones, because only the winning ones count and advance to the national level in the electoral college.
Sigh. So if I vote republican in Mississippi you feel my vote matters? It matters even less than a democrat vote does.
Here's your original comment to JBB that I responded to:
NY is a solid blue state and MS is a solid red state. What you're saying there is that blue votes in blue states and red votes in red states are worthless.
I pointed out that it's actually the opposite, and then you say this:
That's what I said. That was my point. If you live in a solid red or blue state (not a swing state), then votes for "the off party" are the worthless ones, because at the end of the day they don't actually matter.
That's not what you said in your first statement. You changed your position there.
Well put. Jan6th and the surrounding facts of the coup attempt disqualify Trump for all time.
And exactly what LEGALLY disqualifies him?
The Court just said that a President is allowed to use passionate and persuasive language.
So morals do not count at all for you?
so you can't find anything that LEGALLY disqualifies him.
And with you supporting Pedo Joe, your "morals" argument is worthless.
And the only place we see the "incitement" are those who can't PROVE it happened. Remember, Pelosi and her misfit band of brainless lemmings investigated and come up empty handed.
HOW has Trump tried to destroy the Republic? The dweeble peebles blame Trump for NOT calling out the military which would kinda be necessary for a coup. And only one person was shot to death during the attack on the Capitol --- by a scared-shitless Secret Service agent.
So, how could the Senate certify the (uncertifiable) election results on the same day as the violent overthrow of the US government without the military being present? The fate of the entire Republic rested on the shoulders of rent-a-cops defending one chamber of the Capitol. Biden's FBI could stage a better coup than that.
It is amazing that the masses have been brainwashed into believing that Trump led a coup without any military support, of course this is the same media who said that 9 intelligence agencies said trump colluded with Russia, they didn’t. Or that Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation, it wasn’t, there was no gain of function research at Wuhan. There was.
Immunity it is.............mostly
Some folks give Trump alot more credit then they should. They would rather just say but but but Trump and have the rest of the hive shake their collective heads yes.
For official acts.
“…how could the Senate certify the (uncertifiable) election results…
And yet they did in their understanding of the importance of our long standing tradition of a peaceful transition of power, doing so at demonstrable personal risk.
That it was delayed speaks to the intentions of one who had absolutely no interest in the understanding of our proud history.
That people were injured and one died that day lies solely on him.
That you still think the vote was somehow ‘uncertfiable’ lies solely on you.
Are you honestly unaware of the fact that if elections don't matter, if someone can actually take power regardless of the result, then we won't be a republic anymore? Trying to nullify an election and take power is an act of a tyrant. Trump tried to do that. In plain sight, no less. Starting only a couple of weeks after the election and running all the way through Jan 6.
He knew he'd lost. He was informed of the result just like every candidate before him in history. And what did he do?
Even after Republicans checked, rechecked, and checked again nobody could support his claim of "massive fraud", because he was flat-out lying in an attempt to usurp power from the legitimate winner. Had he succeeded it would have ended the republic. He's a tyrant.
He never ordered his supporters to riot and break into the Capitol. The riot was spontaneous and there was little he could do to stop it. Prove otherwise.
“He never ordered…”
God gawd man. From election night to 1/6 he fomented doubt, not tacitly but explicitly encouraging his brainwashed followers to disrupt the ceremonial proceedings.
And it inexplicably proceeds to this day.
Didn't Obama have a US citizen killed simply because he declared him a terrorist?
I would be concerned if I were Donald. Joes minions are probably already asking Hillary for the name of a couple friends she has used in the past.
a couple of them, and then killed a 15 year old boy by mistake while he was eating a sandwich.
That is hysterical, how many congressmen and woman have used their office for personal gain though criminal insider trading?
That should have set a precedent for Trump's case..........
Oh, the one who sees the law through the eyes of a what did she call herself?
Why the hell isn't Donald Trump still in the White House? How could Joe Biden be inaugurated on schedule without interference?
Trump threw a tantrum. So did Hillary Clinton when she lost. You know, when Trump won in 2016 Democrats were calling for resistance and insubordination by bureaucrats. Why wasn't that attempt to deliberately interfere with official performance of executive activities the same as a 'deep state' insurrection and coup?
And no one can certify that mail-in voting wasn't tainted by electioneering, buying votes, or coercing votes with threats. You are aware that bundling a ballot with campaign literature would be a violation of election laws -- at a polling station. You are aware that someone showing you how to vote on a ballot would be a violation of election laws -- at a polling station. There's no way to certify that voting irregularities monitored at polling stations didn't happen with mail-in ballots.
The majority decision was based on the Court's disgust with lawfare IMO.
The decision btw rejected the extreme arguments on both sides. I think they did a great job.
You do realize the the SCOTUS decision squeezes the official authority of the President. Granting a President more authority also gives the President more immunity. The only way to avoid that is to limit the official power of the President.
Normally, I doubt they would have taken it on, but something had to be done.
The lawfare finally got checked. It had to finally stop.
It was ok back then for a president to have some breathing room.
Its hard to say if the Trump cult is incredibly stupid or incredibly malicious.
It wasn't hard for Hillary.
Why not, he learned to be a murdering piece of shit from another murdering piece of shit, Obama was the best terrorist trainer there was, [deleted][✘]
Spare us the dishonest garbage in your COMMENTS.
He ordered the murder of American citizens without due process. Period!
They don't drink the same hair on fire kool aid some folks do
[✘] Nothing in the above statement if true or logical. The problem is not Trump but the radical agenda of the progressive left and their ongoing attempts to destroy our country. There were concentrated efforts by the Dems to interfere in the 2020 election and it's blatantly obvious this time around.
Yes, it most certainly is
Whatever source you used lied about Biden lying about Beau at the debate.
He lied, his son didn’t come home with glioblastoma.
imperial presidency, imperial court...
meh, time for joe to grab the reins and get busy on his official acts as POTUS for the next 6 months ...
No president in history lied as much as trump, that's been proven time and time again.