An American story

Link to quote: 'A night of hope': JD Vance accepts GOP vice president nomination. Read his RNC speech. (
He was born in 1984 in very humble beginnings. Middletown is a small working-class town in southwestern Ohio. His mother was an alcoholic & a drug addict and his parents divorced when he was very young. Under the guidance of his maternal grandmother, he would complete his high school education and then he enlisted in the US Marine Corps. (Some may say the Marines have served those from broken homes well) He served in the Iraq war and after that he attended Ohio State University and Yale Law School and eventually became a successful businessman. "Only in America, " we used to say.
I don't want to leave out the noteworthy book he wrote: "Hillbilly Elegy." The book is both a memoir of J. D. Vance's lifetime experiences and a chronicle of the forgotten Americans who were the losers to globalization. Now Vance has just been named as Donald Trump's Vice-Presidential nominee. He may be the perfect choice.
Last night he accepted the nomination before a crowd of enthusiastic Americans who were optimistic about the nation's future.
This is what he said about the GOP's Presidential nominee:
"Tonight is a night of hope. A celebration of what America once was, and with God’s grace, what it will soon be again.
And it is a reminder of the sacred duty that we have to preserve the American experiment, to choose a new path for our children and grandchildren.
But as we meet tonight, we cannot forget that this evening could have been much different. Instead of a day of celebration, this could have been a day of heartache and mourning. For the last eight years, President Trump has given everything he has to fight for the people of our country. He didn’t need politics, but the country needed him.
Prior to running for president, he was one of the most successful businessmen in the world. He had everything anyone could ever want in a life. And yet, instead of choosing the easy path, he chose to endure abuse, slander, and persecution.
But don’t take my word for it, go and watch the video of a would-be assassin coming a quarter of an inch from taking his life. Consider the lies they told you about Donald Trump. And then look at the photo of him defiant – fist in the air.
When Donald J. Trump rose to his feet in that Pennsylvania field – all of America stood up with him.
Even in his most perilous moment WE were on his mind. His instinct was for US. To call us to something higher. To something greater. To once again be citizens who ask what our country needs of us.
He called for national unity, for calm. He remembered the victims of the terrible attack, especially the brave Corey Comperatore, who gave his life to protect his family.
And then President Trump Flew to Milwaukee and got back to work.
That is the man I’ve gotten to know personally over the last few years.
He is our once and future president future president of the United States."
'A night of hope': JD Vance accepts GOP vice president nomination. Read his RNC speech. (
What a positive speech! Very refreshing.
An American success story.
Good morning.

To the forgotten Americans:
We won’t import foreign labor, we’ll fight for American citizens. We won’t buy energy from countries that hate us, we’ll get it right here from American Workers. We won’t sacrifice our supply chains to unlimited global trade, we’ll stamp every product Made in the USA. We will build factories again, put people to work making real products for American families, made with the hands of American workers. Together, we will protect the wages of American workers—union and non-union alike—and stop the Chinese Communist Party from building THEIR middle class on the backs of our hard-working citizens. Together, we will make our allies share in the burden of securing world peace: no more free rides for nations that betray the generosity of the American taxpayer. Together, we will send our kids to war only when we must. But as President Trump showed with the elimination of ISIS, when we punch, we will punch hard. Together, we will put the citizens of America first, whatever the color of their skin. We will, in short, make America great again. I am married to the daughter of South Asian immigrants to this country, incredible people, people who genuinely have enriched the country in so many ways. And of course, I'm biased, because I love my wife, but I believe that it's true.
'A night of hope': JD Vance accepts GOP vice president nomination. Read his RNC speech. (
just wait until his dirty laundry gets hung out for all americans to see...
Is that what the democrat party is working on?
I think the American public is fed up with dirty politics.
that what the democrat party is working on?
what else do they have but fear mongering and personal attacks? Vote for the senile guy who can’t talk without a script and calls his secretary of defense the black guy? Not working well.
i didn’t think they would, but i think they dump him in the next week or two. He’s indefensible.
Once Pelosi started making phone calls it became inevitable. I agree with you.
I wonder if the same donors that are withholding funds from Biden are also doing it for the down ticket candidates. They will kick him to the curb because he is senile, how are the going to spin it is the question and how stupid do their supporters have to be to parrot their excuse for him leaving the race?
I thought the assassination attempt saved him as it changed the topic of the day away from his incapacity. . But once dems started leaking the contents of that batshit crazy phone call from saturday and that Schumer had met with him and told him to quit, it’s clear they aren’t giving up. Covid probably buys him some time but I think it’s just a matter of days at this point.
He’s probably negotiating payoffs for his kids and Jill. They’ll get promised cushy appointments in non profits and then he’ll go.
That is a great question.
Those down ticket candidates are leading the charge on replacing Biden. And of course, those who now dominate the democrat party are not going to accept a defeat. It will be interesting to watch it all play out.
I'm sure they will leave him the choice of going by his own volition with all of those things or be pushed out by unpleasant measures. That will be spelled out to his sister and Jill.
Yeah, jill still wants to be President. She's not going to quit easily.
why am i hearing the song "dirty laundry" by the Eagles ?
If you follow his rhetoric, he is setting the stage for his exit, no matter how much he denies he is leaving.
Now this could be him setting the stage......Or more likely demonstrating that his cheese has slipped completely off the cracker.
Especially when the likely beneficiary will be the woman who called her husband a "racist."
Isn't there a line in there submitted by Hillary Clinton?
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em all around
I'm going to go with the latter.
tell that to the delusional participants at the scumbag convention in milwaukee...
Another great response, though not really a surprise.
The "American public" is an abstraction, what about you?
So, you've told us. [Deleted][✘]
Today, I'm simply telling an American story.
There were democrats in Milwaukee?
A yarn by any other name is still a yarn.
You are free to call it whatever you want.
Does that mean my comments will no longer be flagged? Such generosity should be handed over to Johnny Appleseed ...
It is called freedom of speech.
welcome to the 2024 party of law and order convention, featuring 3 convicted felons on stage every night.
kid rock, hulk hogan, dana white, and tucker carlson, all featured warm up acts for Trump today. It sounds like a telethon to raise money to send extreme MAGAs to mental institutions.
Joe Rogan must have felt left out.
He is a kingpin in the mixed martial arts fighting world. A promoter. Trump has attended some of his shows here and there.
The word is the "booster king" has covid.
Question of the day: Could this be the beginning of the end for Joe Biden?
Thus, it would be that it was covid that got him to the Presidency and covid that began his downfall.
Strange how he’s not wearing a mask with Covid, after all his preaching on the subject.
Why would he? he already allegedly has COVID, do you think he has the capacity to consider anyone else? If someone doesn't hand him a mask, and show him how to use it he won't have a clue.
Wearing a mask was a just a prop I guess.
I'm glad you used the word allegedly.
Having covid might have been an excuse for his debate performance, except that these days it has become incredibly mild.
tell that to the ethics challenged walking pile of shit parading an ear bandage for the morons in milwaukee...
The bandage might be serving a purpose though, preventing another brain infection.
Yeah, it's not. Remember, the doddering fool told everybody he was healthy. That performance was "uninfected" Geriatric Joe Biden.
I do remember that.
Wasn't that just before to told us that he was "involved in the civil rights movement" and used to participate in "sit-ins" and even "got arrested for being on the porch with a black family?"
Wasn't that about the same time he talked Strom Thurmond into signing the Civil Rights act?
Who else could convince Strom? Strom always said Joe was one of his closest friends.
MAGA overconfidence is, um, reassuring...
CNN's Van Jones: "A bullet couldn't stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden... The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together."
CNN's Van Jones concedes 'a bullet couldn't stop Trump' but a 'virus just stopped Biden' (
I would hope not, the bullet grazed his right ear.
I heard that some of the more, uh, religious, MAGA have been suggesting that the blood on Trump's face nicely echoes the blood from Christs side as he hung on the cross.
Ya, religion bad!
I have a problem with it myself. Especially the Christian idea of forgiving the worst kind of people.
I can imagine that's a great conflict with the maga concept of morality...
Revenge will turn one into the worst kind of people, few Christians practice what they preach.
you could fit all the real xtians in that crowd into a minivan ...
forgiveness for every sin is in every christian's heart, unless you're a democrat...
Wait a minute……what happened to the glass shard from the teleprompter conspiracy…….or the “it was a staged event” conspiracy theory. You guys really need to get your conspiracy theories in some sort of order.
Wow, that is quite a potent argument. / S
Interesting, since it was Vance's argument.
But you were the one who invoked Christ.
while maga compares trump to him...
Question: Why did Time change the cover?
boredom? overkill ?
corporate policy of no free campaign ads...
Seeing as it is dated August 5, 2024, my guess is it's a fake. The latest issue has Noah Lyles on the cover.
So it's next month's cover.......magazine companies alway print in advance to my recollection........
I keep coming up with covers for Aug. 5 ... here's another one:
Weird. Maybe they haven't decided??? Or like USA Today do they have regional magazines??
That is when it was going to appear.
They can't change the cover after it is issued.
So, I have you down as calling the whole story "fake."
You defined me a long time ago, were wrong then and still are. I merely questioned the pic because of the date. Taking too many things personally is a poison.
Could well be so, but then there have been a number of fake Time covers. I believe one of them is hanging on some gold-leafed wall ... somewhere.
You know they can't change a cover after publication. Next month is August.
I do? Including your 'cover' there are two others so far for Aug. 5th.
That said I did some research and you may be correct:
Thanks for all the info.
J.D. Vance = Sarah Palin with a beard.
Palin didn’t get a law degree from Yale or her selected editor of the Yale Law Journal.
Palin is a bigger buffoon. Vance is more dangerous. That shows what a Yale law degree gets you.
Josh Hawley has a Yale law degree. Ted Cruz went to Harvard. Neither of them is the least bit impressive, except for how awful they are.
damn those elitist colleges with tenured radical marxist professors... /s
sarah palin with a beard? I thought she had a man-patch...