Murder in the Golan Heights

On Saturday there was a missile attack on the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The target was a football pitch that killed at least 12 people, including children. Hezbollah is denying responsibility and claims that it had targeted the Hermon Brigade with an Iranian-made Falaq missile , one of several attacks carried out on that day. The base, on the slopes of Mt Hermon, is about two miles from where the explosion happened, raising the possibility that the missile missed its target. A spokesman for the Israeli military, said intelligence information indicated that the attack had been carried out by Hezbollah in Lebanon , declaring the group’s denial as “a lie”. Meanwhile the Druze population is probably asking the Israeli's why they weren't protected by the Iron Dome. The challenge for Israel is to move Hezbollah out of the area south of the Latani River in Lebanon.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken agrees with the Israeli assessment and has stated that there is every indication that the attack was the work of Hezbollah. Yet there was very little outrage coming from the Biden administration over the vicious attack. The only question now is when and how will Israel respond. Hezbollah is much more powerful than Hamas and the last time Hezbollah and Israel went to war was in 2006, which ended in what best could be described as a bloody stalemate.
“Israel will not overlook this murderous attack,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, according to a statement released by his office. “Hezbollah will pay a heavy price which it has not paid up to now.”
Israel’s largest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, quoted unnamed Israeli officials as saying Israel’s response would be “limited but significant”.
In the news:
The former top prosecutor in Baltimore, convicted of fraud for lying about financial hardship during the pandemic in order to buy a beach house with money from the federal government, will serve no prison time .
Marilyn Mosby , 44, was sentenced to 12 months of house arrest, 100 hours of community service and three years of supervised release Thursday, Erek Barron, United States Attorney for the District of Maryland announced.
The ex-prosecutor was found guilty of multiple felony charges in two separate trials, one that took place this year and one last fall.
Marilyn Mosby sentence avoids prison time for ex Baltimore prosecutor (
Venezuela’s government-controlled election authority declared the nation’s authoritarian leader, Nicolas Maduro the winner of the presidential election. Officials at some voting centers refused to release paper tallies of the electronic vote count, and there were reports of fraud and voter intimidation. As we all know, once the votes are counted and filed away nothing can be proved.
Lame Duck president Joe Biden is expected today to propose a radical Supreme Court overhaul, which includes term limits. The effort will never get passed by the Republican controlled House and is seen as a campaign ploy to excite the democrat far left base.
Mayor Eric Adams blocked elements of a law that would have banned solitary confinement in New York City jails a day before it would have taken effect.
During the early days of the pandemic, police traffic stops fell across the U.S. In many places, proper traffic law enforcement never really returned.
Good morning.

Senate Leader Chuck Schumer was a guest on Face the Nation this week.
He spoke with the radical activist/reporter Robert Costa.
ROBERT COSTA: And finally here, Senator, President Biden this week is going to make a push on the Supreme Court to reform the Supreme Court. What's really possible there, what's realistic? Give us your real view about whether this can happen this year on a- in a bipartisan way.
SEN. SCHUMER: Well, first, let's start off. The Supreme Court is a morass. First, it's an ethical morass. The idea that wealthy individuals, many of them right-wing, can both have pay for cases before the Court and at the same time, give justices gifts or trips is outrageous. And frankly, Chief Justice Roberts isn't doing enough to curb it. But it's a morass and even a worse way this is a MAGA, right-wing Court. It's already taken the right away, the right to choose, it could very well go further on that, I fear it will. It's siding with the wealthiest of individuals and the powerful interests over the average working family. And it even threatens democracy when it says that a president can get immunity even for certain acts in the presidency. So, this Court is- is just a morass, both ethically and substantively. And I think we will look at all the various proposals and see what should be done.
Transcript: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on "Face the Nation," July 28, 2024 (
"Yet there was very little outrage coming from the Biden administration over the vicious attack. The only question now is when and how will Israel respond."
Yep, Joe doesn't want to piss off the Dearborn faction or their benefactors in Tehran.
I guess we can now call them the Kamala crowd.
This is a bit off topic, but this is a small error in the article. Where it says:
On Saturday there was a missile attack on the Druze town of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
The Golan Heights is not "occupied" by Israel-- rather it has been annexed by Israel. (When an area is "occupied" the implication is that eventually the occupiers will leave. But when annexed it means is has officially become part of the previously occupying country).
Israel considers The Golan to be a part of Israel. (BTW they have never annexed Gaza-- so it is not considered to be part of Israel)
meh, in the grand scheme of bibi's style of israeli politics, 12 dead for the recent illegal "annexation" of 92 square miles of palestinian owned west bank land, passed by religious radicals in the israeli government, seems like a bargain ...
A grand scheme? Hum?
Oh, I just noticed it is 11:09 AM.
I'll be back after lunch.
He was just full of talking points wasn't he? Sounds like Chucky is crying, just like every other Democrat that things didn't go their way.
By the end of the day the Campus Nazi's funded by Iran will decry Genocide in Lebanon.
Chances are close to 100%
You gotta love the irony. When calling for an 18-year term limit for justices, his first sentence was to note he spent 36 years in Congress.
A lot of irony there.
How about the hypocrisy?
Chuck Schumer says the Supreme Court "threatens democracy," as democrats just installed Kamala Harris as their presidential nominee without a primary.
Careful, someone will come along and tell you this is a non-issue.[✘]
It's really something to watch their orwellian assault on the english language. The Court suppedly "threatens democracy" by taking power from the executive and returning it to the democratic process in Congress or the States. Meanwhile, Schumer threatens the justices with harm if they don't vote the way he dictates.
They know, but when it comes to trump they just don't care.
Let us not leave out Kamala's meaningless word salads. And she isn't suffering from dementia.
The Court suppedly "threatens democracy" by taking power from the executive and returning it to the democratic process in Congress or the States. Meanwhile, Schumer threatens the justices with harm if they don't vote the way he dictates.
It is as they all read "1984" and said to themselves, "this is great, let's do it!" Now we are hearing the narrative about the "prosecutor" who is running against the felon. I'll bet they did a lot of brainstorming to come up with that. I have an idea. How about we get to look at the cases Kamala prosecuted in SF? I'd love to see what she personally litigated.
I think Biden is too far gone cognitively to even recognize irony or hypocrisy.
No, he isn't. We get it. You really hate Biden. Who do you like?
Just to clarify things there, there's zero chance any court reform happens.
So why even bring it up?
Attacking and delegitimizing the court makes Democratic voters happy, so Biden obliges.
At least the senile old fool hasn't put a bullseye on any of them......yet.
But Chuck put one on Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and somehow that was OK with most of the left
They don't think they have anything better to do?
Yeah, I know. IMO they don't want a Constitutional Convention as that lets the states call the shots. But with our current Congress there's no way they get 2/3rds of both houses to vote for an amendment. This is just partisan bullshit for the election.
It's an election year and politicians say dumb things like - SCOTUS reform and If you vote for me you'll never have to vote again... US Politics these days seems a little dumb all over (and maybe a little ugly on the side).
Are you aware that appointments and elections are two different things? How is it irony exactly?
If you can't see it, that would be your problem.
Can Supreme Court justices be voted out?
No but they aren't voted in either.
Making for an even less ironic comparison.
Does the proposal require leaving Congress at 18 years?
Why don’t you ask snuffy since he’s the one who irrelevantly brought Congress into a discussion about Supreme Court term limits.
Actually it was Joe Biden who brought Congress into the discussion, so you should reach out to him. But with his recent stepping down, perhaps it is him who is irrelevant.
You are conflating two unrelated things. He also talked about his office. Maybe you can find a connection between the Supreme Court and a file cabinet since there’s one in his office.
Wow.. can't defend what you said so you try this tactic?
You are comparing lifetime appointments to elected positions. Elected positions cease to exist when they are voted out. Lifetime appointments are not subject to elections. Your comparison is moronic.
Yes and no. They are not voted in by the voting population of the U.S.-- but there also has to be a vote.
Its actually a two step process:
1. First They must be nominated by the president of the United States, but then
2. They must be voted in by the Senate (with a simple majority).
Caught a bit of an interview with a paid influencer from Virginia (I didn't catch her name) who claimed there is more excitement for Kamala Harris now than there was for Barack Obama in 2008. Is this the same Kamala Harris that some Democrats thought should be replaced on the ticket last fall before the primaries? Now that the primaries have been binned Democrats can spin whatever they want with impunity. Also learned the Democrat heavy hitters are requiring Harris to name a VP by Aug. 7th (first I heard, anyway). Democrats may want Harris but they don't seem to trust Harris.
The gist of the interview was that we could expect the racist/sexist cards will be played a lot over the next 100 days. Democrats are not planning to run on issues (sorry cat ladies). Democrats are planning a big push to turn the country's attention back on Trump. This paid influencer made it sound like the DNC convention would be more about Trump than Harris. As said earlier, Democrats want Harris but don't trust Harris. That should change some perspectives for who will be the VP. Who do Democrats trust for their hoodoo?
It has been reported that Harris raised $200 million in donations since the great discard. Just keep in mind that's $160 million in 2020 dollars before Bidenomics took hold.
I guess we can put the female voters into two baskets : cat ladies and happy women

It has been reported that Harris raised $200 million in donations since the great discard.
Let us not forget that donors had absolutely stopped giving money to Biden, so that money represents what would have come in over many weeks or months.
Well, country cats and city cats just ain't the same.
The hymns of joy that Biden is gone has been rather amazing. The one thing that's not surprising is how Democrats put dollar signs on voter excitement. Are Dems only workin' hard for the money?
It's the power they crave.
Are those two cuties the MAGA that think Trump is a god or the MAGA who don't know who their U.S. Senators are?
They are normal well-adjusted women as opposed to angry feminists.
They don’t teach civics on reality tv shows.
You get all that from clothing and a smile?
Nor do they in leftist controlled public schools.
what macho male doesn't love trump bimbos? [deleted][✘]
You know I find this whole thing insulting. I have had cats my entire life. My beautiful Wally just died and I know I will get another cat. I had cats when I was single and when I am married. This is just another way of taunting people and I just don't like it.
I guess they think cats are for ladies and dogs are for men, or something like that.
Cats can bring much joy and happiness
If you were aiming for a juvenile playground insult, you nailed it.
"Cat ladies" is Vance's "Basket of deplorables" moment. You continue to bitch about Clinton's choice of words, but will spout cat ladies like it's gospel?
You took that as an insult to cat owning women?
The context was aimed at childless women who were miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve quote JD Vance.
My daughter owned cats her entire life and if you think it was aimed at women who owned cats, you got it very, very wrong.
You know better, why don't you tell her what Vance was talking about.
I did and that is gross. Two bad remarks don't make a good one.
Women are childless for many reasons, just like men are, yet the men are not being called out for it. The whole concept that children are the only way to happiness for everyone is just wrong. There are lots of couples who wish they never had children.
I liked my dog Bailey, but I loved my cat Fidget. Fidget was my buddy for 17 years and I will never forget him. Does that make me a "cat-man"?
I guess we can put the female voters into two baskets : cat ladies and happy women
So which basket would you put Taylor Swift in? Is she a "Cat Lady" or is she a "Happy Woman"?
Thanks for the affirmation, Greg.
To be fully qualified you have to be a "childless cat lady" or a "childless cat man".
(Although if you were a cat-loving man with children you good probably also qualify as a "Katmantoo"!)
Although I've never been to Nepal I guess I would have eventually qualified as a Katmantoo, because although I was single for the first few years of Fidgets's life and after a couple years of marriage we had our first child. Fidget was very special, he was given to me when a tiny kitten by my neighbour and friend, Gale Garnet, who wrote and sang "We'll Sing in the Sunshine".
I understand that, Perrie. I wish Vance hadn't said that, but it was a statement he made in 2021 and it is being dredged up now by the Harris campaign as a kind of distraction.
The whole concept that children are the only way to happiness for everyone is just wrong.
I agree.
Now that the context of his statement is understood, you put forward the correct argument.
Very happy.
You are VERY perceptive.
The attention will turn heavily toward Trump, which is completely justified towards a traitor who tried to overthrow the US government. People like you are just going to have to deal with it Nerm. For the next 100 days you are going to hear people disparaging Trump all day every day. That is how it should be.
In the past week , after his convention bounce and his assassination attempt bounce , Trump has lost 8 points in his favorability rating. People are comparing him to the alternative, sanity, and Trump is taking on water. Get used to it.
All that means is they are taking the Joe formula from 2020. People might be interested in where she would want to take the country and what she has accomplished. You know, normal stuff for a job interview.
It absolutely can't be on Biden's policies or Kamala's ideology.
That much we know.
Which put the election back to where it was before Biden screwed up. Harris is not going to provide an advantage. Get used to it.
This week Harris has to act Presidential. Next week is the phone-in nomination and VP announcement. Then there's a week of stump rallies, interviews, and focus group testing for the Harris/VP(?) ticket. (There have already been questions about why the VP pick must be a white man.) The DNC convention consumes a week followed by bounce rallies over the weekend.
So, there's basically 5 weeks from the end of the convention to the start of early voting to 'shape the race'. And the Dems' message will be competing with school supplies inflation, unofficial start of the Christmas season, rising gas prices (caused by Middle East uncertainty), disappointment that harvest time won't bring price relief, and new warnings about COVID, flu, and a host of plagues. The return to school will reignite the keffiyeh campus protests at the wrong time for Democrats, too. Dems needs a peace deal before school starts; can Biden get it done? Will Harris claim credit in her absence?
While Democrats are struggling to find their feet, the political witch hunts will reach a crescendo that turn Trump into a martyr. World leaders are already talking to both Biden and Trump. World leaders are already planning for Trump to return and the press is reporting that. Democrats and the press are already attacking J.D. Vance like he is a consequential political force. (Trump picked good.) Trump's message will be breaking through and Democrats are going to help him out?
It's still very, very likely the election will be decided by a few thousand votes. Will it be a repeat of 2016 or 2020? Tough to say since Republicans have warmed to the idea of mail-in voting. Biden would likely have recovered by the start of early voting. And there wouldn't have been a need to waste time on a beauty pageant. Yeah, Biden blew up the plans to make the election a referendum on Trump but Democrats had a better chance of recovery with Biden than with Harris. Biden could have stepped aside after the election. Democrats were suckered by the experts and now must live with the consequences.
No, not going to happen. Get real, the left has milked the conspiracy about that so called coup for all it's worth. For close to 4 years the voters have heard nothing but negativity about Trump. Very few normal average people care about a half assed riot that temporarily delayed a traditional ceremonial procedure. It appears that the rights of many of the attendees were violated and their excessive sentences may be vacated.
The truth about Kamala's awful record and unfitness is going to become daily news fodder that she and the left can't defend. It's all there on tape and video. It won't be kind ot her....get used to it.
You have demonstrated time after time after time that you know absolutely nothing about Jan 6th.
Then why hasn't he been charged with that? At the end of the day, Nothing you've claimed has been proven anywhere up to and including the "J6 Committee".
And much of it is fiction. Just as we've already seen for the past 8 years.
Here you go again with "traitor" routine. Once again, when was Trump tried and convicted of treason in a real and legal court of law? Oh that's right, he has not been except in the hateful imagination of the hard core leftist liberals and their kangaroo courts of public opinion.
What? Members of one political party are beginning to talk about the leader of opposing party?
That's never happened before!
I am shocked, shocked I tell you!
I say screw Congress writing an amendment to change the constitution, let's go straight to the people and hold a convention of states, we can start with term limits for Congress and work out from there, balanced budget amendment anyone?
Kamala made a big production of how she won't be silent about children being murdered in Gaza.
She sure isn't doing much about Iran and their proxies murdering kids in Israel...
She's probably too busy spinning how the Biden admin waiving sanctions in Venezuela in return for a promise to hold free elections isn't the disaster it so obviously turned out to be. After her administration set the world on fire for the last years, she's lucky her campaign is based on demands for racial and gender identity voting. The "White Women for Kamala" will be too busy patting themselves on the back for using their privilege to act as saviors for the poor minority girl to worry about actual policies.
Or about those being trafficked along the southern border or dieing trying to get in or on their way to it...
FIRST ON FOX: As details slowly emerge about the assassination attempt against former President Trump , one Republican lawmaker is introducing a bill to force the federal government to declassify all information related to the event.
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., will introduce the "Trump Assassination Attempt Transparency Act" on Thursday, just a day after FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee about the Trump rally shooting and investigation into gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks.
"We need the truth about the assassination attempt against President Trump," Hawley told Fox News Digital in a statement. "We can't let the federal government hide behind the ‘classified’ label."
Hawley introduces 'Trump Assassination Attempt Transparency Act' to declassify key information (
why didn't thumper josh just dial up the maga overlord and ask him to fully cooperate with the FBI instead?
Prove that Trump isn't cooperating with the FBI investigation into his assassination attempt.
There is a lot of evidence the FBI/Secret Service are withholding information. Releasing only very selective bits of information.
Try to pretend that the FBI and Secret Service are pro Trump.
Morass must have come up on Chucks word of the day calendar. His talking points are ludicrous. His issue with the supreme court is it is not full of left leaning justices so he feels calling them MAGA, right wing and a threat to democracy will fly. He then goes on to lie by saying it has taken away the right to choose.
The only proposal he is looking for is one that will make the court liberal so the liberals get what they want. Talk about a danger to democracy.
The nation's highest Court is the last American institution not yet hollowed out by the left.
Which is why it is no surprise the left are going after it.
It only took a Conservative majority.
And it will disappear when there is a liberal majority.
Then maybe they'll want to completely rewrite the Constitution.
Or burn it along with the flag.
And Joe Biden just told the media the Speaker of the House is Dead on Arrival for saying the same about his proposal.
If Trump , or any Republican, ever said Harris was Dead on Arrival for opposing something, imagine the reaction from the media. But Biden is a progressive, so it just gets ignored.
S en. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., called for creating a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants on Sunday, arguing Vice President Kamala Harris is the candidate to "get it done."
Warren made the comments during a Sunday morning appearance on CNN's "State of the Union" with host Jake Tapper. Tapper pressed her to defend the immigration policies of the Biden-Harris administration, which have been historically unpopular.

Elizabeth Warren calls for granting citizenship to illegal immigrants, says Harris 'will get that done' (
Open borders to create millions of democratic voters. It's not like its very subtle.
They've come out of the closet since Trump got elected in 2016.
Why start now? She's had 4 years to put something together and has failed at it.
Her legacy is there for all to see on the southern border.
The other night Kevin McCarthy was a guest on Mark Levin's show.
The topic was Kamala Harris CA legacy:
That whole show last night was great.
The last two nights. He had a great Saturday show as well.
I think any Christian who votes for them needs a head exam as well.
I feel the same way about anyone that uses religion as justification to vote for somebody that's a convicted felon and indicted for election interference, willful retention of classified documents, and his part in the attempted insurrection...
Wow...The hypocrisy in that whole statement is just mind boggling.
Nothing legally stopping it from happening.
An indictment is no where near a guilty verdict. When are we going to see those charges brought out? It's been 4 years. And while we're at it, the SCOTUS immunity ruling put some of these into limbo.
And yet you were 100% behind Biden who has done the same.
Even the J6 Clusterfuck couldn't prove it to bring charges.
Last year.
The Defendant's conspiracy to impair, obstruct, and defeat the federal government
function through dishonesty, fraud, and deceit included the following manner and means:
The Defendant and co-conspirators used knowingly false claims of election
fraud to get state legislators and election officials to subvert the legitimate
election results and change electoral votes for the Defendant's opponent,
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to electoral votes for the Defendant. That is, on the
pretext of baseless fraud claims, the Defendant pushed officials in certain
states to ignore the popular vote; disenfranchise millions of voters; dismiss
legitimate electors; and ultimately, cause the ascertainment of and voting
by illegitimate electors in favor of the Defendant.
The Defendant and co-conspirators organized fraudulent slates of electors
in seven targeted states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New
Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), attempting to mimic the procedures
that the legitimate electors were supposed to follow under the Constitution
and other federal and state laws. This included causing the fraudulent
electors to meet on the day appointed by federal law on which legitimate
electors were to gather and cast their votes; cast fraudulent votes for the
Defendant; and sign certificates falsely representing that they were
legitimate electors. Some fraudulent electors were tricked into participating
based on the understanding that their votes would be used only if the
Defendant succeeded in outcome-determinative lawsuits within their state,
which the Defendant never did. The Defendant and co-conspirators then
caused these fraudulent electors to transmit their false certificates to the -5
Case 1:23-cr-00257-TSC Document 1 Filed 08/01/23 Page 6 of 45
Vice President and other government officials to be counted at the
certification proceeding on January 6.
The Defendant and co-conspirators attempted to use the power and
authority of the Justice Department to conduct sham election crime
investigations and to send a letter to the targeted states that falsely claimed
that the Justice Department had identified significant concerns that may
have impacted the election outcome; that sought to advance the Defendant's
fraudulent elector plan by using the Justice Department's authority to
falsely present the fraudulent electors as a valid alternative to the legitimate
electors; and that urged, on behalf of the Justice Department, the targeted
states' legislatures to convene to create the opportunity to choose the
fraudulent electors over the legitimate electors.
The Defendant and co-conspirators attempted to enlist the Vice President to
use his ceremonial role at the January 6 certification proceeding to
fraudulently alter the election results. First, using knowingly false claims
of election fraud, the Defendant and co-conspirators attempted to convince
the Vice President to use the Defendant's fraudulent electors, reject
legitimate electoral votes, or send legitimate electoral votes to state
legislatures for review rather than counting them. When that failed, on the
morning of January 6, the Defendant and co-conspirators repeated
knowingly false claims of election fraud to gathered supporters, falsely told
them that the Vice President had the authority to and might alter the election
results, and directed them to the Capitol to obstruct the certification
proceeding and exert pressure on the Vice President to take the fraudulent
actions he had previously refused.
After it became public on the afternoon of January 6 that the Vice President
would not fraudulently alter the election results, a large and angry crowd—
including many individuals whom the Defendant had deceived into
believing the Vice President could and might change the election results—
violently attacked the Capitol and halted the proceeding. As violence
ensued, the Defendant and co-conspirators exploited the disruption by
redoubling efforts to levy false claims of election fraud and convince
Members of Congress to further delay the certification based on those
show_public_doc (
I'm going to keep hitting at Kamala Harris radical Socialist views...every day.
Here is her report card from 2019.
Ranked most liberal compared to All Senators
Sad thing is that they "hid" that page. Clicking on your link got a 'Page Not Found' error. But it is a true rating. Supposedly the organization behind that said they would no longer rate based on a first year...
Interesting. Try this link. Also note
Was 3 rd most absent in votes compared to All Senators
Harris missed 61.9% of votes (265 of 428 votes) in 2019.
that is from the Jan 6th indictment of Trump.
Trumps own aides will testify against him. Of course he wants to weasel out of it.
And how about Buddhists?
(But perhaps we should exclude Atheists?)
Good for you.
(I think many people here underestimated how truly powerful you are!
My right hand hasn't seen my left hand in years.
I think the above, especially Atheists are well served by the democrats.
Every day!
Thank you I've been looking for that.
Let everyone see that the list was taken down a few years ago.
what else can you do besides ignore reality?
Luckily there is a archive of her report card still available so people can be shown her record while a senator
Personally, I think that a person of any religion that doesn't think exactly the way I do needs to have their head examined!
(But maybe that's just me...?)
One only needs to look at how the left talks about Christians.