
Yesterday was the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing that killed 13 US service members. It will always be remembered as Biden’s Afghanistan debacle.
Former President Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery and joined the families of the fallen to remember. Tulsi Gabbard was also there, and she gave her endorsement to Trump.
Neither Joe Biden, who was on vacation nor Kamala Harris, who had the day off, appeared.
Instead, the White House issued statements in both their names.
The Biden one even listed all 13 names, though he’d forgotten their very existence during his July debate with Trump, when he proudly boasted that no American military had died in combat on his watch. To this day Biden still considers the withdrawal a success, despite his top Generals testifying under oath that he ignored warnings about the withdrawal he demanded.
And Kamala Harris took a knee for George Floyd, but couldn’t even be bothered to show up yesterday to honor the 13 fallen heroes that lost their life in Afghanistan.
Good morning

Let us never forget those who serve this country.
This combination of photos released by the 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton/U.S. Department of Defense shows 12 service members killed in the Kabul airport bombing in Afghanistan on Aug. 26, 2021. AP
Trump Campaign Used Section 60 for Campaign Stunt
Listened to Tulsi's speech yesterday with Trump at the National Guard event in Detroit. Sooooo much easier to listen to than Harris. Wish Trump had chosen her for VP.
Actually, if the dems had chosen her over Biden. I would have voted Dem for only the second time in my life.
Right now, she is helping him prepare for the debate.
As you know, Gabbard beat Harris brains in during the DNC debate.
She sure did. I remember it well.....
That is assuming she had any to start with, She did beat here like a rented mule, or ass if you prefer.
Then why is Gabbard a has-been and Harris will be President?
Biden needed a DEI pick, and so did the bosses who run the Democratic Party.
"Neither Joe Biden, who was on vacation nor Kamala Harris, who had the day off, appeared."
Kamala is a never has been, and a never will be.
No word salads, no sudden fits of uncontrollable cackling. Dems pushed a good one out the door.
what does this picture make you think ?
A candidate reaching out to the families of fallen service members. You know, the opposite of what we are seeing from Biden, Harris and the rest of the Democrats.
Yes, that is what I see as well.
It makes me think everyone in the picture is a Trump voter doing a photo op.
What is the meaning of giving a thumbs up , in front of a camera, while standing directly over a dead soldiers grave?
John, not every person who has lost someone in the military or at the hands of an illegal migrant is a Trump voter.
I'm sure there may be one or two voting for Harris.
Ask them. Maybe there are just happy that somebody, even a former POTUS, took the time to meet with the families. Something nobody from the Biden administration has yet to do.
Was there a second anniversary ceremony at Arlington Nation Cemetery last year? Was Trump there? I couldnt find anything about that. What is so significant about a third anniversary?
Ask the families that question.
Makes me think those that suffer TDS will find any reason to hate; no matter if it is valid or not.
Who orchestrated or arranged this event?
Were the current POTUS or VP even invited?
Were the House members from each soldier's home state invited?
Why didn't they attend?
Their state Senators?
Did any Senators attend?
Why are they giving the thumbs up signs at a gravesite?
Arlington is sacred ground and should be treated as such...
I havent seen any of that information.
I think the thumbs up at the gravesite gives us a good idea of what was going on here though.
It seems to be a campaign event for Trump, in a way.
If the families are complicit with that, I dont know. I hope not.
Only 4 house members showed up. Issa, Mast, Waltz and Mills.
The organizers and families who attended hate Biden & Harris.
No Senators were present.
it was a campaign stunt, forbidden within arlington...
The families of the soldiers.
Ask the families but seeing how it was the current POTUS and VP that got their loved ones killed in the first place and Biden's disrespect when the bodies were brought back to this country, I doubt it.
Again ask the families.
Ask the congressmen.
Again ask the families.
Ask the Senators but I do not think any did.
Why not? Maybe it was to show the unity of the group in their honoring those men.
Ridiculous assertion. These were brave volunteers who enlisted or reenlisted for many reasons. No POTUS, certainly no VP has ever held a gun to someone's head and forced them to volunteer. War is a shitty unpredictable business. Some of the families understood this, it does not diminish their grief.
Yes it was so disrespectful of the aging POTUS and his wife to stand on a hot tarmac for an hour and then make sure they met each member of each family over the next few hours. The same three families who thought Biden was disrespectful are the same three that tried to organize this Arlington wreath laying. They are both angry and partisan, they invited Trump because they are Trumpers, nothing wrong with that.
What was wrong was thinking that they could give permission for the Trump campaign to use their own photographers in Area 60, It was not their place to give that permission, the cemetery supplies video and photos for non commercial and non-political events and prohibits private photographers, period.
What they did was piss off non partisan families whose gravesites were disturbed by a brazenly political photo op. they could have taken pictures with trump outside the gates of Arlington to much better effect.
but thanks for trying to be John Russell, I don't think he needs any help.
Yes it was disrespectful as he stood as he stood there checking his watch every couple minutes acting like the whole ceremony was beneath him. Maybe he wanted an ice cream or something and they were cutting into his time.
All true but the POTUS and by extension the VP being the heads of the administration are responsible for putting them in the position to be killed.
Partisan conjecture based on one picture.
Childish criticism.
Then you should have been really irate from 2017 to 2021 when 65 US troops died in combat because Trump and Pence put them into a position to be killed. 45 combat deaths in Afghanistan alone.
How many dignified transfers at Dover did Trump attend?
After being berated by a grieving father for incompetence in 2017, Trump refused to go to Dover for 2 years until deaths of four Army members from a suicide bomber in Syria.
In total Trump went to Dover 4 times for nine deaths to Mike Pence's 8 times.
Overall there were 96 dignified transfers for 127 service members that the Trump Administration put in a position to be killed
Per your logic Trump and Pence are responsible for their deaths and failed to show up for 84 of 96 dignified transfers.
Way to go team Trump./s Trump and Pence stopped going to Dover after 02/10/2020.
During the Doha negotiations, Trump declared he was done going to Dover as he had been there, "many, many" times and greeted many, many service men and women home. Ivanka doubled down later that week about attending many DTs and how it steeled Trump's commitment to end foreign wars. She was there twice. Lying seems to run in the family.
Dover personnel complained that it was like a tourist stop for Trump, sometimes bringing Melania, Jon Voight, Matt Gaetz, Ivanka and Jared, Jared's father and myriad other campaign staff, anyone who was on Trump One during the non stop campaign.
Trump breaking more protocol ? possibly the federal law again?
oops, another maga trumpster facing federal charges...
trump 2024 campaign snafu...
more pardons if Trump prevails.../s
Suddenly Trump cares about vets and honors them - after some of his past comments, this seems like blatant political showmanship more than anything real.
It was at Arlington where Trump visited the grave of John Kellys son and said "what was in it for them?".
Trump Questioned Kelly's Son's Sacrifice on Memorial Day Grave Visit: Report - Business Insider
Common out and say it for us.
I have yet to hear POS John Kelly actually tell us specifically what Trump supposedly said. Everyone else says he would never say that.
Why hasn't Kelly done an interview on it?
“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.
“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”
I think the reason Kelly hasnt said this on camera is because he is afraid of death threats that would result against his family, and himself.
A lot of the brain damaged who would threaten him cant read, so if its just in print the threats wont get as bad.
It sounded like he was simply citing what the "unnamed" had said.
No interview from him on this subject?
You can go about partisanly oblivious to Trump's character, it's your prerogative to do so. It's quite another thing to try to gaslight the rest of us on it.
Speaking of gaslighting where was the great Kamala?
Is it true she that she is hijacking Trump's policy positions?
Free country ring a bell?
For those families.
He's not President.
Where was the current president?
He has met with them. Did the current president ever meet with them.
President Biden's on vacation.
His second one. He just got back from one.
Who is running the country?
They are waiting for Trump to shoot Kelly in the middle of 5th avenue before they believe him.
Well son of a gun, but she sure is a flip-flopper... Here's the latest.
Suddenly they want a wall after letting millions walk in.
The Vice President. So, where was Kamala?
Because he is
1) the president
2) very responsible for the death of those soldiers.
Maybe they finally discovered in Chicago that walls do make an impact. hehe
Biden was looking at his watch when those bodies were returned.
If Biden had listened to his Generals, that incident could have been avoided.
Good to know.
Deflecting won't work either.
If Trump had listened to his Generals and hadn't negotiated the release of 5000 Taliban prisoners it also might have been avoided.
A $1000 says if elected she’ll flip flop again, reverting to her radical left ways.
Count on it. Right now she is doing what her handlers are telling her to. And that is "win even if you have to lie your ass off. We can make adjustments later".
removed for context
She is a liberal and a Democrat. That iß SOP for them as is spending other people's money and/or giving it to those who don't deserve it.
Like the Trump era Farm Aid packages to farmers totaling $16 as a result of damages caused by Trump China tariffs and $12 billion for Turkie and the EU tariffs?
Yet everyone else wasn't there, John Kelly was.
Photo Op ring a bell?
Did Biden extend those tariffs?
By and large Biden did nothing. In typical protectionist mode he was actually going to increase the tariffs 08/01 but delayed because of industry pushback from EV manufacturers and US steel companies.
China promises retaliation against more bullying from both Trump or Biden asking "have you lost your minds"
although I only took Mandarin long enough to realize I should stick to German and Russian....
trump negotiated the release of the taliban from an afghanistan prison without the representation of the afghanistan gov't.
Welcome to a presidential election, trump pretends to respect veterans and Harris pretends to be human and competent.
She is not good at doing either.
Trump shows up while Biden and Harris send out "statements".
What do you expect Harris - Walz to do while Trump self-immolates?
Read the article and my link. Try to pay attention.
Two of a kind.
Both dumb as rocks. Obviously, they don't respect the military.
So dumb they are going to beat Trump by ten million votes...
And lose the electoral vote?
The problem with your false bravado is that it is false...
There is no logical reason for your irrational optimism. Harris' approval is as high as it's ever going to be. She hasn't even got a convention bounce.
Apparently, he does!
Did you notice what the Harris campaign did when Trump honored those soldiers?
They talked about the debate. They implied they wanted rule changes. In other words, they tried to distract from what Trump was doing.
Too late. The nation's leading news network covered the whole thing.
No one cares? Look around you. See those hit pieces and comments all over the site? That is far from nobody.
Um, Walz served for 24 years... How many did trump serve? None.. He doesn't respect the military.
Waltz served in the National Guard ( you know what that is, the service that the left disparaged Bush 44. I guess it different when you are a lefty). He also never served in a combat zone and quit the service six months early to avoid going with his unit to Iraq. Oh and tell me what branch of the service did Harris serve in?
The ones that are dumb are those that are going to vote for the DEI candidate who has never received a single vote for president in her entire life.
only when it comes to massive defamation settlements...
How do you know they are liberals?
Thanks for denigrating the National Guard, classy.
Bussh declared a Global War on Terror in 2003 and Walz and his unit deployed to Italy and Turkey as part of Operation Enduring Freedom making Walz and his NG unit eligible to wear the Global War on Terror Serice Medal. He may not have been in a combat zone but he and his unit carried loaded sidearms and M-16s providing security for the USAF airfields overseas while the USA according to Bush was in a state of war.
Trashy misinformation. In order for Walz to have retired in May of 2005 he would have to had put in his retirement request sometime between October and December of 2004, 6 months after returning from an 8 month deployment and 7 months before the rumors of deployment started.
Thats rich considering the number of deferments Trump got for unproven bone spurs.
Kamala Harris has received hundreds of thousands of votes for several terms as a DA, an AG, millions for a US Senator and 81 million votes as Joe Bidens life insurance policy.
Certainly 82 plus million votes more than anyone here. A vote for Biden in the Democratic primaries was another nod of approval for her as that life insurance policy.
That's over 96 million votes of approval.
Don't agree, don't vote for her.
Easy Peasy
Did not and never have denigrated The National Guard. The left, however, did when Bush 44 was running for office.
There are service men stationed in the US that carry loaded weapons also. Are you claiming them to be in combat also.
Apparently he did since he did retire before his unit deployed to Iraq.
Unless you can prove did not in fact have none spurs you comment is useless. Tell me what did Billy Clinton do to not get drafted.
Oh please! Your kidding right?
The left denigrated Bush because he was a marginal pilot who never should have had wings after the first crash in training. Definitely not after the second hard landing in training. The charges of nepotism and favoritism for the Governor were real.
Even when George became fairly proficient at flying a terrible lead sled of a jet, he came back from a long patrol of the California Coast and had another hard landing in TX. That airframe had to be retired and became the static F102 mounted near the entrance to the base.
Not too many people knew about that or cared, but even after 3 crashes, the Governors son was promoted and then he deliberately sank his military career by skipping training hours and a mandatory physical, losing his pilot status and rank and not fulfilling his contract. He chose politics instead.
He deserved the criticism but overcame it because GOP voters just don't care about that shyte unless a DEM does it.
Only base Security and investigative units like NCIS or units training on a firing range, pretty much everyone else is prohibited except the Sentinels at the Tomb of The Unknown soldier.
No, how can you even ask that question? While Walz's unit was in Italy and Turkie relieving troops that had been sent to the front line, they were part of Operation Enduring Freedom and participating in Bush's War on Terror. Bush called it a war, the Army called it a war. Not everyone saw combat but it was still a war.
He applied to retire in late 2004, approved in April 2005 to retire in May 2005. The unit was warned in July that they MIGHT BE DEPLOYED in the near future. That became official 4 months later. They actually went to Iraq in March of 2006.
If you were eligible to retire and had a second career in mind would you hang around for months or years in case they needed you?
I think not.
Lol, my comment is useless?
Actually comparing both former Presidents deferment history is eye opening. Both enjoyed multiple renewed S-2 status every time they were reclassified as 1A. Trump actually was forced to go to the draft board and took the physical, possibly the first mention of bone spurs and classified 1Y eligible for war or national emergency but his lottery number was 356 and he was later reclassified 4F when 1Y was eliminated.
Clinton tried to enlist and canceled, tried for a Naval reserve position which was granted but he accepted a once in a lifetime scholarship to Oxford and went to England instead earning another "deferment" because Draft Boards across the country were routinely holding back any Rhoads Scholars' paperwork.
Clinton took the enlisted physical in between semesters at Oxford and was 1A. He returned to Oxford. Some many months later he received snail mail from the Draft board to report, but the mail had taken three months to arrive and the draft board again extended his deferment to complete the semester at Oxford. Clinton failed the physicals for both Air Force and Naval OCS. He arranged to both return to Oxford and join the University of Arkansas ROTC.
That year Nixon began to make the policy change that student deferments should be to graduation instead of semester to semester and changed the draft to a lottery system so Clinton opted out of the ROTC to finish Oxford and was reclassified 1A, taking his chances that Vietnam would be done with by the time he graduated Oxford.
When the lottery started Clinton's number was 311, virtually guaranteed to not be picked.
While Clinton did nothing illegal he certainly earned his new nickname "Slick Willie" by never giving up or leaving too much to chance. Upon being invited to Yale Law School, Clinton left Oxford early, never graduating.
Teflon Don and Slick Willie, bone spurs and the shrewd lawyer.
Exactly, like they told us McCain was a lousy pilot that got preferential treatment.
Dropping a Skyhawk into Corpus Christi Bay would probably have washed out anyone else,
but he did come from a lineage of three or four Admirals...
Two, his father and grandfather.
Dont forget how he left all those sailors to die on the USS Forrestal.
Did you forget the /s ? That is total "malarkey" ( but I wasn't there )
The only disappointments I had about McCain over the years was when he was running for POTUS were his choice of running mate and his stupid denial that the McCains were even slave holders ( let alone with black descendants. )
Sorry but he did not let any sailors die on the USS Forest Fire. (That is whatt we all called three Forestal) He did not fire the Zuni rocket. It did hit his plane and he had to crawl over the nose of his A-4. A chief was killed when he ran towards McCains plane and it blew up. My y beef with him is that he spilled his guts to the North Vietnamese interrogator almost immediately after being captured. Heard it was within 4 hours.
You heard???
good might as well go the full Monty.
did trump invite them to his arlington campaign stop?
Ask him. Although as I recall the ONLY time Biden met with the families of the fallen he kept checking his watch like he had more important places to be.
Would Harris have accepted with no TelePrompTers on site?
Think Biden was still enjoying the scenery of a private 8,000-acre ranch in Santa Barbara’s wine country.
Now the Harris campaign seems to prefer that Trump debate with an open mic:
Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller said in a statement they had already agreed to the same terms as CNN's June debate, which had muted microphones, adding: "We said no changes to the agreed-upon rules."
Trump threatens to pull out of Harris debate, hot mics an issue (
Kerry Kennedy: "I'm outraged and disgusted by my brother's gaudy and obscene embrace of Donald Trump, and I completely disavow and separate and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. and his flagrant and inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father's memory."
But the Kennedy family was OK with Ted's night of debauchery when he drowned a woman and basically went home.
Kerry Kennedy was nine years old .
But other family members agree with her. Don't you remember they made a joint statement.
RFK Jr took the high road and said we can all disagree and still love one another.
Ted Kennedy got drunk and had a tragic accident which he never live down despite everything. RFK Jr, on the other hand, has now betrayed everything his Father and his Uncles stood for for El Trumpo's $$$...
Kennedy got drunk and had a tragic accident which he never live down despite every
Then went on to collude with the Soviet Union to interfere in the 1984 election and was rewarded by his democratic cult as “the lion of the senate”
Ted's last brave act was leaving his deathbed to pass Obamacare!
Ted Kennedy never did anything brave in his life. Unless you count trusting Chris Dodd on the other Side of the waitress sandwich,
“Ted Kennedy never did anything brave in his life.”
Past is prologue if one compares him with the indicted and thus preposterous and morally prohibitive GOP nominee.
The Ted Kennedy incident was 55 years ago.
As I have told you, I am not your teacher. And I make comments, not ask incessant pointless questions.
The Justice Kavanaugh accusation happened 35 years ago. Your point?
The justice Kavanaugh accusation happened after he was nominated to the Supreme Court a few years ago.
Lets all recall what Watergate tells us about Republicans 50 years later. Maybe you would enjoy that.
Who died at Watergate?
About Repubs or just the Nixon White House?
“constantly, endlessly, ignorantly invoking Trump?”
No ignorance involved, tex. He is not worthy of the position and on that we agree.
As to the ‘constantly, endlessly’ comment…funny stuff coming from the most prolific offender hereabouts.[✘]
If Ted had been driving a VW Bug, Mary Jo would still be alive. 'Member - Bugs floated - Buick's don't.
I remember that ad:
standard trumpster/maga irrelevance to most current events?
Biden just left his week-long vacation in Santa Ynez, California for Dover, Delaware, where he’ll head to Rehoboth Beach for a 9-day vacation.
He isn't even trying to pretend he is in charge, or even relevant anymore.
He's been a lame duck POTUS since January 2021.
Did you not read my comment? There's no hidden messages.
As usual, you're far from it.
Biden also stayed at the home of a billionaire friend. During the annual democratic spring war on the Supreme Court, we are told that is evidence of impeachable corruption,
We need an ethics code for the Bidens!
Convicted Felon Trump.
Have you found in the Constitution yet where it shows that states can prosecute federal laws?
Until then Trump's conviction is nothing more than Democrat lawfare; and an example of how they are wrecking the country.
Democrats should never lecture anyone about unfair justice systems with the shit they have pulled.
Blah blah blah... Trump is still a convicted with it.
The families of the victims sure don’t seem to like joe Biden.
claiming their deaths didn’t happen on national tv during a debate will do that.
And we hear the left cry that the right supports a "felon" while she did this.
George Floyd was murdered by a cop who was convicted and is in prison today. More importantly, in terms of Kamala Harris, it became a symbol within the context of the historical civil rights movement.
Autopsy says otherwise. But don't let fact get in the way of your narrative and support of a felon.
And honestly, what does that have to do with my statement. Floyd is a felon, she took a knee to support a felon.
Which autopsy, the official one that says he was a homicide victim in 2020
or the fake BS that went viral in 2023?
Do you really think Chauvin would still be in jail or even convicted if the second, fake autopsy promoted by Carlson Tucker was true?
The one by the Medical Examiner, the original. Not the one that was paid for by the felons family.
That was a preliminary report before the tox screens and the official final report.
In the end, both autopsies agreed but with significant differences.
Chokeholds. like automatic weapons should be restricted to military service and related duties
to incapacitate or eliminate enemies.
Like it or not Floyd was not a combatant enemy.
Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole, who supported Trump, was the last surviving WWII vet who had served as a Senator. This is what Trump was doing while Dole’s memorial service was being held.
Were Dole and Trump friends? Hardly.
Were they even close? Hardly.
Did Trump serve with Dole at any time in his political career? No.
Why would Trump attend Dole's funeral? Just because Dole endorsed him? Did Biden attend the funeral of every Democrat that endorsed him?
But hey Biden actually showed up at the funeral. Good on him considering how long he served with Dole in the Senate. Even said a few flattering words that were written out in advance for him. He still fucked it up.
Of course he had to make it about himself as well.
But TDS must always rule the day for some.
"But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" The cry is getting sickening. Hopefully it will last for 4 more years after the election.
The article is about trump.
When you have nothing else to do...
The Abbey-gate families have been ignored by the media, watched as Joe Biden repeatedly checked his watch, were accused of spreading misinformation by Jen Psaki, and have never received as much as a phone call from Biden or Harris.
Now the media is smearing them over a photograph with Trump. This is one of the most depraved things I've ever seen.
This is depraved:
Trump says civilian award is ‘much better’ than Medal of Honor
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday said the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which honors civilians, “is actually much better” than the Medal of Honor, because service members who receive the nation’s highest military decoration are often wounded or awarded it posthumously.
Trump was praising Republican megadonor Miriam Adelson, whom he awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom while in office, during remarks at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.
“Miriam, I watched (Sheldon Adelson, her late husband) sitting so proud in the White House when we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian, it’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version. It’s actually much better, because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor – that’s soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead,” Trump said.
“She gets it and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman, and they’re rated equal,” Trump said.
It’s the latest in Trump’s history of making disparaging comments about military service. Early in his first presidential campaign, Trump attracted controversy by claiming then-Sen. John McCain — a political rival who served as a naval aviator during the Vietnam War and was imprisoned for more than five years by the North Vietnamese, during which he suffered injuries that would affect him for the rest of his life — was “not a war hero.”
“I like people that weren’t captured,” Trump said at the time.
Then, in 2020, The Atlantic reported that Trump said privately during a 2018 trip to France that he did not want to visit the graves of American service members and proceeded to refer to the fallen soldiers as “losers” and “suckers.” Trump has repeatedly denied making the remark.
Trump, who received five military draft deferments during the Vietnam War, also once referred to his efforts to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases as “my personal Vietnam.”
Donald gives a damn about the men buried in the ground. Let's cut through the bullpuckey "presentation' and shame on that family for letting themselves be USED for his private and political purposes! Although, I am hesitant to complain about Gold-star famiies. This is too much umbrage to let stand!
That comment has no meaning whatsoever.