Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

Sept. 4, 2024, 10:17 PM UTC / Updated Sept. 4, 2024, 11:08 PM UTCBy Kelly O'Donnell, Gabe Gutierrez and Megan Lebowitz
WASHINGTON — Former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., on Wednesday endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president, the latest high-profile Republican endorsement for Democrats.
Cheney's comments took place during an appearance at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy.
"Because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris," Cheney said in a video of remarks posted to X. The university separately provided a clipof Cheney's remarks to NBC News.
The former congresswoman said in her remarks that it is "crucially important" for people to understand that people do not have "the luxury of writing in candidates' names, particularly in swing states."
Cheney previously served in Republican caucus leadership before being ousted for her criticism of former President Donald Trump. Cheney has also said that Trump would attempt to stay in power beyond four years if he was elected to a second term. In the same interview on NBC's "TODAY" show with host Savannah Guthrie, Cheney said that she would "never vote for Donald Trump, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that Donald Trump is defeated in 2024."
Liz Cheney on NBC's "Today Show" on Dec. 4, 2023.Nate Congleton / TODAY file
In August, the Harris campaign unveiled more than two-dozen endorsements from Republicans, many of whom are politicians who have been vocally opposed to Trump's candidacy.
Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who like Cheney served on the Jan. 6 commission, has also endorsed Harris. He had endorsed President Joe Biden when he was still in the race. Kinzinger spoke at the Democratic National Convention, where he said that Trump has "suffocated the soul" of the GOP.
In 2022, Cheney was ousted in a Republican primary by a Trump-backed challenger. She was first elected to the House in 2016.
Kelly O'Donnell
Kelly O'Donnell is Senior White House correspondent for NBC News.
Gabe Gutierrez
Gabe Gutierrez is a senior White House correspondent for NBC News.
Megan Lebowitz
Megan Lebowitz is a politics reporter for NBC News.

Excellent point. Illustrates the danger of confirmation bias and simplistic groupthink.
Bravo Liz. A Republican that America should respect even if her party is backing a criminal. There actually are Republicans who have a heart and a brain and principles and integrity who have been blackballed by those who are ignorant and less worthy.
This is remarkable. Harris is putting together a very broad coalition. Trump and the magas will, of course, spew their usual hatred, invective and abuse, but the majority of the American people understand that Trump must never be put in a position of power again.
well she is free to endorse whomever she likes , the only person she represents is herself and no one else .
she may have been a representative in the past , but she basically got fired by the people she was suppose to represent .
it is what it is .
yeah, liz's replacement in the house represents the maga values of the majority of wyoming voters so much better.
They just had the primary here a couple weeks ago, funny thing i noticed is most seats ran unopposed by democrats, even at the local level, if there was an opposition candidate it was from the same party . usually there is a democrat or two in the mix .
but i expected that , after 30 years of watching wyoming politics play out .
just remember what those in wyoming say , we dont care how you do things back where you came from .
just remember what maga in colorado says, ... oh shit, the old lefty commie libs here all own guns.
You forgot to chamber your Winchester!
you think?
only time i would have to consider that is if i were going to colorado , as it stands there ist a thing there i want or need . so no worries on my part .
Don't forget what the rest of us not in Wyoming say: Who gives a fuck?
I guess Wyoming is a provincial place.
Wyoming has the smallest population of any U.S. state at approximately 584,000 people, even less than Alaska. That's just a little more than it would take to fill Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor five times. It's about the population of a mid-size city. I'm sure it's a beautiful place though.
[deleted,] [✘] we dont talk to them , we tell others to go talk to them . usually torons who try and tell us how to do things to their liking that they think is better .
very true , and it just irks John to no end , by his own admission , that we have the same number of senators , and a representative , as his home state . according to him in the past we are over represented here and wield more political power .
as for beautiful? if there is a heaven , and it doesnt look like this ? im not going , ill stay here thank you .
it can be , and nothing wrong with that in my view , just like there is nothing wrong with larger cities , they are just places i choose not to be or waste my time in .
we shall see , Harriet Hagerman is up for re election in Nov , she is the one that beat Cheney.
most of the people seem to be ok with her , but i get the feeling they are watching closer than normal now .
Yup... Well, you didn't provide the sound effects, anyway.
I only own 1 winchester , and its not a lever gun but a bolt action it doesnt make much of a sound, its more of a big game rifle in use and set up that way .
wyoming is the world's biggest vacant lot that separates a collection of truckstops.
the locals dont call it "the big empty " for nothing .
its not for everyone .
They put the "Why" in Wyoming...
Been there and was actually considering going to graduate school there. Gorgeous country. Not many people.
don't get me wrong, there's a few hundred square miles on the west end of that antelope preserve and wind turbine lab that aren't so bad. hell, over half my state is an abandoned buffalo pasture, but I only need to drive an hour west for world class fishing and rarefied air, and the fucking wind doesn't blow 24/7...
Thats what appeals to me , i settled in a place that has less than 6 people per square mile , and sometimes i feel thats over crowded.
LOL , as is said , if the wind ever did stop , everyone in the state would fall over from the permanent lean they developed, mnt version of sea legs .
It might comfort you or amuse you that a person who is essentially a national political figure can be reduced, by those who oppose her principles, to a local failure.
History will be kind to Liz Cheney for what she did after Jan 6th , which is more than what can be said for many other people.
Her book Oath And Honor is the book to read to understand the J6 committee findings and the entire sordid saga of trump trying to steal the 2020 election.
John I never voted for her , she means nothing to me except a cautionary tale of politics , and what can happen when an elected official pisses off the voters they need to keep getting re elected .
and to those voters that mattered, those in the district she represented , she was basically fired for cause during the primary for her re election .
Like it or not , thats politics , and as i said earlier , it is what it is .
I have noticed she hasnt run for office since though, there are 49 otther states to run to represent if she chose to .
Yes ,we can see what you dont like about her.
The fact remains her impact on current events goes far beyond Wyoming. If nothing else she wrote a book that is the best retelling of the attempt by Trump to steal the 2020 election. That supersedes anything that happened in Wyoming.
this aught to be good .
what is it you think I personally dont like about her ? do keep in mind i never voted for her , not once , so i had no obligation to attempt to save her bacon when she turned the voters against her .
AND i will remind also i have never voted for trump either , so her pit bulling him doesnt factor into the matter either so no it was trump for you there .
You are the one here trying to pigeon hole Liz Cheney as nothing but a failed politician rejected by her district.
Trump won Wyoming in 2020 by a 70% to 26% margin over Biden. It is a MAGA place. Cheney was part of proving Trump tried to overthrow our government through stealing the election. It seems natural the many Wyoming MAGAs would want revenge.
I dont know what part of the statement that Cheney is not just a local Wyoming politician you dont understand , but its not worth the time it takes to type these replies.
I dont have to pigeon hole her in that respect , because thats the fact of what happened , she failed to live up to the expectations of the voters of her district and they rejected her because of those actions and with some of them , for other factors .
Liz isnt even a local politician in wyoming , she holds no influence or sway on any matter she is a simple citizen just like everyone else entitled to their own opinion
I will give her this , she is a family legacy politician , much like the Bushes , Romneys Kennedys , Gores and Pelosi herself . So many generational politicians in so few families .
I will also give her the fact sh is nationally recognized as famous , politician would be a stretch though in my view , since she hasnt run and won an election since her loss under any party banner .
Yeah, Mark, so it is. The fact that she was blackballed by the Trumpsters in her party and the voters in Wisconsin doesn't IMO say much for the critical thinking ability of those who did it. Without saying anything about Harris, cause I'm still not so sure about her stance on certain matters that I consider important, notwithstanding the fact that she had the benefit of a superior Canadian high school education, I believe that had I been an American I would have knocked on doors campaigning for Ann Richards had she been a candidate back then, and would do the same for Liz Cheney today. I have had experience in knocking on doors in a political campaign back in Toronto years ago, supporting Canada's and Ontario's Conservative Parties, and for my brother when he once threw his hat in the ring.
you mean Wyoming, to each their own .
i would point out it wasnt just those trumsters that ran her out of the state party , but also the never trumpers that claim republican designation . pretty much all the different factions within the state party said goodbye .
if i remember right , she lost the primary , by pretty much the same amount that any of her opponents lost to her, even after begging wyoming democrats to cross over and vote for her in the primary, some did , but there isnt enough registered democrats in wyoming it would have made a difference in the outcome even if they all did ..
moral of the story will always be , dont piss off the voters that you need to vote you into office , it is that simple .
Okay. You'll forgive me if I think it's the Wisconsin voters who are the losers, not her.
Buzz, she didnt represent Wisconsin , you might be thinking of the dem VP nominee , he is from Wisconsin .
Cheney represented Wyoming , and the voters here think they are glad to be rid of her from what i hear in conversations i am privy too .
and there is nothing to forgive about what you think , you can have your own opinion of the matter all you want .
LOL. I MEANT Wyoming, I just got my W states mixed up, maybe cause my son lives in Wisconsin so I was confused.
She did! I never would have guessed she would do something like that. I was sure she would endorse Trump ./s
… and theeeeeere’s your cabinet token.
at least its a position she has experience with .
That tracks. She’s genuinely conservative, but doesn’t allow that to get in the way of doing the right thing. Ironically, she’ll be called a RINO, but I think the people who support Trump are the real poseurs.
She had the most conservative voting record in Congress and was dumped for Stefanik as Party Chair with a less conservative record.
Real Republicans like Cheney will pick up the pieces post-MAGA.
She maybe not in Wyoming yet viable gop candidate nationwide...
like i said , she has 49 other states to choose from , she just hasnt yet .
Liz is a Wyoming gal, she won't be fenced in.
That sounds good to those that dont know , but the truth of the matter is she spent exactly 1 school semester in elementary school in the state in Casper , the rest of her childhood was spent in Virginia close to DC when her father was a senator , sec of defense , or VP .
she ran in Wyoming basically because she could and it is considered an easy win for a person claiming to be a republican , all she had to do is convince the majority of republican voters , with the only real ties to the state being through her father and not spending any time in the state except maybe vacations , could be why she was viewed by some as a carpet bagger politician .
Wyoming gal she is not if you ask locals that have lived here their entire lives .
Just sneaking one my all time fave tunes in. May fave version is by Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters.
And Vlad Putin endorses Harris. Ya think he sees another candyass that won’t do Jack shit? He likes her fucking laugh? Sounds like a US liberal. Last thing he wants is to face a Trump administration again. He’s hoping she’s like Biden and Obama. Pussies
Do you believe that Putin has publicly endorsed Harris because he thinks his endorsement will help her win the presidency?
he did it to confuse the maga moron media...
now liz is calling out nikki haley, and deservedly so...
I cannot say I am surprised, but hey it's a free country.