The worst antisemitic riot in American history

Normally, I would post this to the Movie Group, but there is a rule there about politics and this is very political. It seems that The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Opinion section has collaborated with Palladium Pictures to launch a new series of short documentary films, starting with the release of “Get the Jew”: The Crown Heights Riot Revisited.
I'm sure that many don't remember, but that was a three-day riot which took place in the Crown Heights section of NYC. Right from the start the New York Times mischaracterized it as a dispute between two groups. But the violence was not two-sided, it was an attack on the Jews by the neighborhood’s Caribbean community, fueled in part by race-baiter Al Sharpton, now an MSNBC host and former adviser to President Obama.
Here a brief summary from the Jewish Press:
"On August 19, 1991, screaming rioters set upon the local Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish community in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn following a car crash in which a Hasidic Jewish driver’s car was struck by a bus at the intersection of Utica and President Streets, causing him to accidentally hit and killed a black child, seven-year-old Gavin Cato.
Jews were terrorized and attacked in the streets, along with Jewish stores, homes and cars. One Hasidic man was stabbed to death. An Italian Gentile man was yanked out of his vehicle and set upon by rioters who believed he was Jewish.
Mayor David Dinkins and Police Commissioner Lee Brown allowed the riot to rage for three full nights, egged on by racial provocateurs, while many in the media played down or excused the antisemitism at the heart of the violence.
Featured interviews in the documentary include conversations with WSJ Opinion writer Elliot Kaufman; Chabad-Lubavitch leader Rabbi Shea Hecht, Chairman of the Board at the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE); former New York Times reporter Ari Goldman; former NYPD Police Chief Ray Kelly; and Rev. Al Sharpton."
‘Get the Jew:’ A New Documentary on the 1991 Crown Heights Riots | The Jewish Press - | Hana Levi Julian | 8 Tishri 5785 – Thursday, October 10, 2024 |
photo removed because of copyright.
The most likely reason that Mayor Dinkins didn't do a damn thing was because he was concerned about part of his voting base on the far left. A sick precedent that was repeated during the 2020 riots by democrat officials in impacted areas.
After three days and four nights, the NYPD finally restored order, although sporadic violence against Jews continued for weeks after the riot was contained.
Much of that terrible time has been forgotten. As I said, Sharpton wasn't condemned, instead he was given a voice and credibility by MSNBC. As for Dinkins, there was a bit or irony. His winning margin was due to the fact that Jews had voted for him in overwhelming numbers which gave him a narrow victory over Rudy Giuliani in 1989. Those same Jews switched sides, giving Giuliani the win against Dinkins in 1993.
I advise all to see it.
"Normally, I would post this to the Movie Group, but there is a rule there about politics and this is very political."
Excerpt from the MOVIES & TV - CLASSIC to CURRENT group RED BOX RULES.
"2) Discussion of politics and/or religion will be limited to the plots and themes of the movies or TV movies and series themselves and any religious comments or proselytizing or commentary concerning current political circumstances not in reference to the movies or TV movies and series themselves will be deleted..."
No problem, Vic, provided that the discussion stays relevant to the movie without any reference otherwise, but if it is expected or desired that current events be raised and/or discussed, you were right.
Star of msnbc and advisor to democratic presidents for decades…
Incredible. Future generations should be stunned by what was permitted in modern America.
Oh they will be but not at what you think.
brat is fading quickly.
She never had a vision.
Now do MTG... Space lasers and holocaust denial.
The incredible thing is that this is being presented as a story two weeks before an election. This story is 33 years old.
OBVIOUSLY there is an intention to implicate the current Democratic Party with these events from three and a half decades ago, and also, with the Carribean reference making additional aspersions on brown people here in 2024.
The whole thing smells but that is your current Republican Party and your MAGA cult.
Maybe the Democrats should show film of conservatives blocking school house doors in the 60's.
Those aren't Conservatives. They are the children of southern democrats.
They are conservatives. The liberals were the freedom marchers that were murdered in Mississippi.
Nope. democrats.
On both sides.
This is an intentionally political film.
OPINION: Palladium Pictures: Incubator for Aspiring Conservative Filmmakers (
From your linked piece:
"Aside from his career as a filmmaker, Pack served as the CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, appointed to the position in the Trump administration; before that he was a senior vice president for television programming at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
What ultimately makes his documentaries respected even by liberal peers is that his politics take a back seat to his work."
We also learned why it was released now: the one-year anniversary of the Oct 7th attack.
Thank you so much.
yeah right.
LOL. If you wish I could give you a long list of "Intentionally political films".
Sharpton and the democrats have not changed. A large number of them were and remain racists and antisemites.
That's quite an over-generalization (all though by now I've come to expect frequent over-generalization in converstions on the Internet).
Some have changed some haven't.
Interestingly, Sharpton seem sto have changed-- quite a lot actually.
How so?
He just doesn't show his blatant racism in the open now.
Even though he is on MSDNC, he still has to subtle with his hatred to Jews.
America is very forgiving towards some.
And then there is the lingering stench of Sharpton's involvement in the Tawana Brawley scandal. And he apparently owes back taxes that go back many years.
The fool has no shame.
If you want to back 37 years, let's go back 50 to when Trump was preventing blacks from living in the buildings he managed.
Do you have a source for that?
do you have a source that it didnt happen?
You made the claim. It is on you to prove it.
Greg, you seem to be doing the same thing Bret Baier did. The subject was the Crown Heights riot.
How do you let someone walk in and discuss something unrelated?
You are the one saying a 33 year old story is relevant two weeks before an election.
Those are YOUR words.
Intelligent people see right through this shit.
I said no such thing. I said it should never be forgotten. (It is relevant based on what we have recently seen on college campuses.)
Those are YOUR words.
YES, they are part of the story.
Intelligent people see right through this shit.
Intelligent people aren't blaming newly arriving Haitians for Crown Heights.
Vic, you mentioned the Carribean. The word is not in the linked article.
I mentioned it because it involved people from there.
Here, READ:
3 days of rioting shattered Crown Heights. 30 years of peacemaking helped put it back together. - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
How did he avoid jail?
How did he go so far?
I'm not going to do your reading for you.
You know next to nothing about Trump's past, and no one here is surprised.
Are you sure you want to address that to me?
See easy that was.
What was Trump's political affiliation during those years?
Himself ... that was easy.
Well, gee, Greg...I believe he was a registered Democrat until the mid 2000s.
But don't tell anyone.