Word Salad City

Yesterday former Obama White House advisor, David Axelrod stated the obvious after Kamala Harris turned in another terrible performance at a CNN town hall event Wednesday night. She was supposed to close the deal at that event but somehow, she made things worse. Dana Bash said it. Unfortunately, her handlers, they will have to rely on entertainers and the likes of Barack Obama to carry on. I think everyone can now admit that letting her do interviews of any kind was a mistake.
Frank Luntz put it this way:
Then In an interview aired on Thursday's edition of 'Morning Joe,' HBO host Bill Maher told MSNBC's Joe Scarborough that Vice President Kamala Harris needs to make voters believe she is not a "stealth version of the worst excesses of the left."
Bill Maher: Kamala Harris Has To Convince Voters She's Not "A Stealth Version Of The Worst Excesses Of The Left" | Video | RealClearPolitics
All of this has the Harris campaign in a frenzy and Harris is closing out her campaign by calling Trump a "fascist."
That on serves to energize the left, nobody else!
In the news:
There are 3,000 North Korean troops which boarded ships in the port city of Wonsan earlier this month and made the journey up the coast to Vladivostok, in Russia’s southeastern corner. From there, they moved to three military training sites in Russia’s Far East, according to U.S. officials. All of it is part of a new coalition against the west formed by Russia, China, North Korea and Iran during the Biden years.
An Israeli strike supposedly killed three journalists according to Lebanese officials.
Sunnis and Shiites are now waging war in Pakistan.
The far left woke Los Angeles County district attorney plans to ask a judge to resentence the Menendez Brothers. It seems that a documentary highlighted the fact that the father abused the boys. People may recall how vicious those murders were: the brothers shot their father, carefully reloaded and then blew the face off their mother, who still clings to life.
The companies behind the container ship that slammed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore agreed to pay around $100 million to settle a government lawsuit.
CBS still refuses to turn over the full transcript of the Kamala Harris interview.
Good morning

V eteran pollster Nate Silver said his “gut” right now is that former President Trump will win the election in less than two weeks, but he cautioned against putting faith in anyone’s gut feeling.
Nate Silver: ‘My gut says’ Trump will win
Silver is probably the best statistical analyst out there, but it all comes down to how accurate are the polls. They are so close that if they are off by a point either candidate could still win a large majority in the electoral college. It's a true toss up at this point, and I don't think either side has any reason for confidence.
I tend to agree.
And only racist if the US does it.
I'm going to vote by mail for the first time. Mostly for health reasons, but I also have developed a curiosity about it. After a 10 day wait, the ballot finally came yesterday. In the instructions it says to try and be precise with your signature and that it matches the signature on your registration form.
They match your signature on the ballot envelope to the signature when you registered to vote. If they dont match your vote is not counted.
That is all that is needed. The rest is bullshit.
Cook County election judges have a long standing history of enforcing the rules and weeding out fraud.
Yeah, your recent complaints about a Cook County election almost 50 years ago is so persuasive /s.
As far as I know everyone's signature is on their voter registration form. That signature is immediately available on the laptops of the election judges . When you go into the polling place to vote on election day you sign a form. That signature is then compared to the one on your registration form on the screen.
Easy peasey. That is how they do it in Illinois and that is more than sufficient to prove voter eligibility in every precinct in the country.
Think about that. Millions of ballots having poll workers match signatures. It is really hard to believe anyone is doing all that.
Do you know how many were rejected as not matching?
They must be bleary eyed already!
Yeah, they forged 100,000 votes and only got caught because one of the participants got screwed out of a job and snitched.
Democrats are much, much more honest now. It's why they fight all attempts at ballot security. They are just so pure.
It is sad but true. They could have had recount after recount and never known.
If some election judge would let a person vote whose signatures dont match, they could just as easily let someone vote whose picture on their drivers liscense or id card doesnt match the person standing before them. The picture ID is no more fail proof than the signature system.
You have to be kidding.
[✘] but reason dictates that compasring signatures on millions of ballots is an enormous task. Comparing a person to a picture is not.
Americans Endorse Both Early Voting and Voter Verification
The mail in ballot has a bar code right above the signature box. That bar code contains your name address etc. The person doing the matching scans the bar code and your registration signature pops up on their screen. A matter of a couple seconds.
Millions of mail in ballots John.
Again: Do you know what percentage get rejected for a bad match?
Did you know that in 2020 when mail in voting was at an all time high the percentage of rejected signatures actually went down?
Election results, 2020: Analysis of rejected ballots - Ballotpedia
So all the people checking the signatures are certified forensic document examiners? and whose signature hasn't changed since the registered to vote depending on how long they have lived there, My signature has changed in the last 30 years.
Millions of people vote on election day. So what? I dont see much reason why processing a mail in vote would be slower than processing an in person vote.
So has mine..........a couple of times. The sig on my SS card when I was 16 is nowhere near what it is today let alone the change that has occurred just over the last 15 when I moved where I am now............
You do remember the 2020 election?
As a result of a large number of mail-in ballots, some swing states saw delays in vote counting and reporting; this led to major news outlets delaying their projection of Biden and Harris as the president-elect and vice president-elect until the morning of November 7
2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
I believe in some cases that is because they dont start counting the mail in votes until after the in person votes are counted.
You mean like PA. And who was it that pushed for that law?
At least in CO, those tasked with verifying signatures go through a series of training sessions, including on-line testing.
During the course of the election as envelopes are received, should one member question the validity of any signature, the bi-partisan team must all agree before it is bounced back to the clerk’s office. At that point, the voter is contacted and given an opportunity to ‘cure’ any discrepancy. The software also has recorded signatures from previous elections in which a voter has participated, allowing verifiers to see any changes in those signatures.
In my most recent session, yesterday as a matter of fact, our team of four, two from each party, processed ~ 3500 envelopes with nine sent back to be ‘cured’. A rather typical example. It’s important to know the vote is not thrown out as the voter still has the opportunity to verify their signature. It is also important to know that the only job being done at this stage is matching signatures…no ballot is opened nor counted
The process, in my experience, works as intended. It would take a conspiracy of dozens of people, from both parties to engage in widespread fraud.
Hope that helps.
The bottom line is you dont have a good rationale for saying mail in voting is fraudulent.
The fact is Trump always claims he is being cheated. He has never run in an election where he did not claim he was being cheated, often doing so before the election has even occurred. When it becomes such a pervasive pattern with a person you know they are full of shit.
And contrary to commentary, /S is for sarcasm, not satire..................
“The bottom line is you dont have a good rationale for saying mail in voting is fraudulent.”
This cannot be said often enough.
To do so in willful ignorance of the procedures in place is to foment fear and condone those who would play on that fear for their own nefarious means.
Someone who wanted to forge your signature on a ballot would be purely guessing and 999 times out of a thousand it would look nothing like yours. The complaint about signature matching is just an attempt to sow mistrust about fair elections.
That is what I thought
They need the handwriting experts from Pawnstars,
Link that it is truth?
Glad you get the chance.
It’s an opportunity to give a little bit of time and gain a deeper appreciation for and play an important part in helping our democracy function as intended
Please share your experiences if comfortable doing so. The more real information the better. Good on you!
“…do you have to bring your own food, snacks, water, etc.?”
Good question. Our county clerk staff hosts a potluck on the Monday before and on Election Day, when those working those long days bring in their favorite things to share. Good stuff! I make my homemade arancini.
On other days, there are always snacks, water and coffee available. Guessing you will find the same. Enjoy the experience, T.
Proud of you.
Canada allows the use of literally dozens of IDs:
And let the deflections to the opponent begin.
Hillary Clinton said that former President Donald Trump will “reenact” a 1939 Nazi event at his Madison Square Garden rally in New York City on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton says Trump's MSG rally will 'reenact' Nazi event - Washington Examiner
Didn't Bill and Hillary had a giant rally at Madison Square Garden for the Democrats way back in 1992 when Bill accepted the nomination at the Democratic National Convention?
And somebody better warn Pope Francis who had his own event at MSG in 2015.
She's stopped claiming the 2016 election was stolen from her long enough to call her opponent a Nazi.
But Trump is too divisive....
What did they call George W Bush?
nice doctored photo of hillary.
If we did that to Melania you know he would flag it
Here is a more current photo:
That's what AI will get you
I agree, she never looked so good
At least her skin isnt nauseatingly orange.
That is enough to ruin anyone's threesome fantasy.
Migrant crisis cost $150 billion in 2023, with crisis zones having to cut police, fire and services to cover costs: report:

Migrant crisis cost $150bn in 2023, local towns cutting costs to cope
We just need billionaires to pay there "fair share" and everyone can have a free lunch, and 20,000 dollars, and free college, etc. S/
Everyone's complaining and warning about what Trump will do. Tariffs? Immigration? Taxes? Revenge? Dictator? We can't elect Trump because of what he'll do (real and imagined) as President.
Does anyone, anywhere, have a clue what Kamala Harris will do as President? She is an expert on all things Trump. Kamala Harris can tell us, in granular detail, what Trump will do. But that expertise has no value if Trump loses the election. So, what can we expect from Harris in the White House? No one seems to know and, apparently, no one seems to care.
At this point, the Harris campaign appears to be making the circuits building excuses for losing. Kamala Harris doesn't strike me as a 'walk in the woods', introspective kind of loser, either. Everything is going to be Trump's fault. An excuse that Harris can't use if she wins because Joe Biden really is the incumbent President.
I find it perplexing that supposed objective folks can vote for someone that can not articulate what they would do as President. Their whole policy statements is a collection of bumper stickers
And then they wonder why anyone would vote for Trump. I guess they have never heard of "better the devil you know".
Personally, I'd be more worried about a Big Government Democrat who hasn't publicly discussed their agenda. Democrats have highlighted the need to 'fix' the courts but courts are not democratic institutions. Democrats have advocated censorship, prosecution of political crimes, lackadaisical fiscal management, and increased reliance on a Deep State bureaucracy to monitor domestic threats.
What we do know about Trump should scare us less than what we don't know about Kamala Harris.
Folks would have to get past the orange man bad broken record syndrome and be able to think clearly for that to happen.
I urge all young men to come out and vote!
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for young men to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys
more like making fun of your idiot candidate
Thanks for the clarification. I never would have guessed.
"The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run. Over unsounded gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents’ beds, unerringly I rush! Naught’s an obstacle, naught’s an angle to the iron way!" (Captain Ahab / Moby Dick )

i made that photo my new avatar because it is so freaking ridiculous.
It's sickening and if I were a god-fearing Christian I would be screaming BLASPHEMY! trmp is no more of a Christian than I am
Do you believe that Trump tries to do the work of God or work for the people instead of acting in whatever fashion he believes will benefit him personally?
I dont see Paula White in there. She must be pissed.
And you still don't get Moby Dick.
Oh, I do. It was blasphemy. Trump doesn't represent Ahab. His enemies do.
Then why have so many gone down with his 'wailing'? I get the feeling you and he would have hung Ishmael for having the gall to survive.
of course not, he's the great white whale ...
You ignore the important news that Trump's longest serving Chief of State, ★★★★ General Mark Kelly has stated in clear terms that he considers Trump a fascist.
Is it now your opinion that Kelly is misrepresenting his considered opinion and just playing politics?
Why? Because he won't do what the government tells him?
Kelly explained this clearly. Listen to his explanation ... it is well reported.
What's clear is that Kelly is still crying about being fired and it fits right in with the rhetoric we've seen from the left for quite a while now. It almost looks like he is making pre-emptive excuses for nonsense (up to can including violence) in the event Harris loses.
He's trying to make statements for a candidate who, to date has not answered any interview question of substance. She's flipped on her own proposed policies, she goes off on these word salad tangents (as the article shows) when pressed about actual issues and when she can't do that, she jumps right into the typical leftist nonsense - "but Trruuummmmppppp".
Kelly is a highly respected, serious individual who has provided specific accounts of Trump and his conclusion on how Trump operates. Instead of considering that his words (which match well with what we know of Trump) are true, you leap that Kelly has the grit of a child and an intent to violate the principles that he has held throughout his career.
Yet another pathetic attempt to defend Trump.
Only for those partisans railing against Trump. I lost respect for him when he took on the same rhetoric as the partisan hacks claiming "Trump is a fascist".
Another wrong opinion.
Depends on who you ask.
There's plenty of other testimony from people who worked with him in the same vein.
Here's Fox News calling for Kelly to resign in 2018 over covering up domestic abuse allegations against Rob Porter
You actually are attempting to discredit Kelly while supporting Trump (of all people).
What drives people to defend Trump no matter what ... and no matter how feeble the defense?
How many top GOP officials who worked directly with Trump must weigh in on his unfitness before it sinks in? The idea of many top officials with direct contact with a former PotUS coming out and deeming him unfit to serve is a historical first in our nation. And that means nothing to you? You ignore this and all other observable facts about Trump and deem those criticizing Trump to have no credibility??
And then he became a useful idiot for the left and they forgave everything.
Always question when someone complains about his employer after he is fired.
He isn't the first to go to the dark side by speaking ill of Trump, then magically be loved by the left when they were calling him fascist the day before.
Funny thing is anyone can get a number of people to say a good or bad thing about any candidate. It is all about who one chooses to believe. As we get closer to election some are willing to believe any wild ass thing they feel trashes who they want trashed. Rationality or objectivity is stripped away.
Sounds like a lot of people are speaking out against him.[✘]
Removed for context
And it will all be ignored since it does not fit the narrative of not only is orange man bad he is a fascist.
They still don't know the definition of the word.
Some folks just make up new definitions for words
Why not, we have seen Clapper and Brennan lie, we had a whole bunch intelligence professionals lie about hunters laptop and they did that in writing. I have no doubt that Kelly would lie, why do you think he wouldn't?
You too would discredit General Kelly with his distinguished career and instead put your faith in the credibility of Trump?
Just amazing ... there seems to be no logic whatsoever applied in Trump circles.
And you are allowing your hate of trump to give credit to someone without evidence, simply because it reinforces your confirmation bias.
More irrational 'logic' from you. General Kelly is just the most recent of a string of high-ranking GOP officials who worked in the Trump administration or worked with him who have deemed him unfit to serve.
You are ignoring the consistent assessment of all these Republicans regarding a former PotUS of their own party.
You projecting confirmation bias on me is pathetic.
And because you don't hate Trump your logic is irrational.
That seems to be the common thought among trump haters. That and unpatriotic, stupid, racist.....,.............
The hysterical screeching is getting louder and louder from some on the left now that they see the writing on the wall.
Trump will be their next president.
Show us where that shrieking is coming from and be specific.
Fellings and emotions not apply.
So what?
94 percent of Harris staff over the past 4 years have left because of her irrational behavior, he unpreparedness for anything, and her knack for not listening to who is advising her (does that one sound familiar?).
Do you take that into account for voting for her or is "not Trump" your primary reason.
Will you willingly accept Trump as your president if he wins next month?
Not sure he will be but the fear and bullshit is raising every day. I am waiting for the bombshell saying Trump is anti environment because he uses two sheets of toilet paper instead of one.
”I am waiting for the bombshell saying Trump is anti environment because he uses two sheets of toilet paper instead of one.”
Go ahead and ply away…for most, wiping right down the center does the trick.
That is coming. And that "bombshell" will be impeachable if he is elected and far worse than Watergate.
I put that last question out there to see if I would get an answer.
I feel that deflection will be the order of the day with it.
I have seen more than one here stating if he were elected and the dems took the house he would be impeached within 6 weeks. No reason given but based on past impeachments no reason needed,
And they are the same ones that screech that Trump is a fascist.
I recently bought a deluxe bidet seat, an awesome gift to myself although the wife likes it as well. No more TP stockups when bad weather or port strikes are eminent. Trump might have a gold bidet.
Aren't those the same ones who were silent when the Biden administration censored the people?
I hope he doesn't use too much water.
Although a good bidet would explain why Hillary disappears for a few months between Trump is Hitler bashings.
Why, yes Jeremy, yes they were.
Imagine that. Imagine their faces if they realized what they were supporting.
OK so you know how to cut and paste.
Now, answer the request of you.............or can you?
I learned from guess who?
North Korea sent 3,000 troops into Russia to fight in Ukraine? Really? That sounds like the type of analysis that Marine General John Kelly would provide. In true military fashion, that's a boneheaded attempt to fight the war that Marines think they can win. (Hasn't worked for 80 years but don't mess with the status quo.) Let's step back and take a look at the bigger picture.
Yes, Russia is mired in Ukraine. But that's a no win war; Russia knows, NATO knows it, the EU knows it, the US knows it, but Kiev is a slow learner. At this point Russia only needs to maintain a stalemate to pose a threat to Europe and tie up the west's military.
Which is to China's advantage. China recognizes a golden opportunity when it sees one. China and Russia have been setting aside centuries of conflict to establish a tentative coalition, if not an alliance. With a little bit of coordination, Russia and China can pursue their own goals without make hard, fast commitments to each other. A coalition; not an alliance.
So, enter North Korea. North Korea has been blowing up bridges and roadways that connect to South Korea just so NK troops could fight in Ukraine? Not likely. It's far more likely that North Korea has sent troops to Russia to train on coordinating with Russian troops. Even the US Marines understands that type of training. North Korea appears to be preparing to threaten Seoul.
Crystal balls are always fun to play with. Here's one scenario that the crystal ball presents. Russia continues to threaten Europe in Ukraine. Iran destabilizes and threatens the Middle East. China threatens Taiwan. North Korea threatens South Korea. And hoards of illegal immigrants could flood and overwhelm the southern US border. A five front war.
That scenario could come to fruition in the first 100 days of a Kamala Harris administration. Harris is to plainly unprepared, not adequately informed, and may not possess the abilities to confront a five front war. Harris relying on the expertise of the Deep State bureaucracy means the US response would be very, very predictable.
The recent BRICS conference doesn't provide confidence that a five front war couldn't come to pass. A coalition really is being established to plan for the downfall of the United States. Missteps by the US could transform that coalition into a bloc very quickly.
At this point, India is sitting in the catbirds seat.
I think they may still be trying to translate her word salads into something comprehendible.
Too bad alan Turing is dead
And far right wing fascists will always lie and twist her words to make her sound bad.
Kamala will be the best president since Obama.
Lol, she needs no help making herself sound like a dumbass.
Even the talking heads at CNN are seeing it.
That tells you something.
The Washington Post will NOT be endorsing anyone for PotUS
Interesting when a lefty paper won't endorse a far left wing nut
The pussies are just afraid of far-right wing death threats.
That's how the far right works these days.
Threaten all liberals with far-right wing death squads.
They won't endorse Harris over Hitler?
It's not word salad, it's 'weaving'.