Trump empties the trash

Yesterday Trump landed in Green Bay, Wisconsin. He wore an orange vest, walked to a white garbage truck, and climbed into the passenger’s seat. “How do you like my garbage truck?” he asked reporters. “This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden.”
Trump has successfully flipped the attempt by the Harris campaign to capitalize on a terrible joke by an obscure comedian. On the other hand, Biden's comment calling Trump supporters "garbage" were the words of a sitting President. In the words of Brad Parscale: “if you’re explaining, you’re losing; if you’re entertaining, you’re winning.”
When Kamala Harris was asked about it, it was clear that she was well coached and well prepped. She responded very carefully with: “First of all, he clarified his comments but let me be clear: I strongly disagree with any criticism of people based on who they vote for.”
Later in the day Brett Favre endorsed former President Trump.
In the news:
Virginia will be able to resume its program to remove suspected noncitizens from the rolls ahead of Tuesday's election. The Supreme Court on Wednesday temporarily blocked an order by a federal judge that would have required Virginia to return more than 1,600 people to the voter rolls. Three justices dissented. Guess which Justices voted to allow non-citizens to vote in our elections
A Chicago man has been charged with 14 felonies on suspicion of shooting a Jewish man who was on his way to a synagogue. But some community leaders question why hate crime charges have not been filed.
At least 95 people have died in floods in eastern Spain.
Shanghai cracked down on Halloween celebrations rounding up revelers, including some dressed as Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump.
The U.S. relies on SpaceX to build military and spy technologies. It has proven to be safer from hacking.
Massachusetts voters will consider whether to do away with the MCAS Exam. The teacher's union has weighed in.
CBS still refuses to provide the transcript of the "60 Minutes" interview with Kamala Harris.
Good morning and Happy Halloween.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA – OCTOBER 25: Visitors walk among the boats that are on display at the 64th Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show on October 25, 2023 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The boat show, starts today and runs for five days, will exhibit more than 1,300 boats from small vessels to large, expensive yachts. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
The 65th annual International Boat Show in Fort Lauderdale kicked off on Wednesday.
According to organizers, it is the largest boat show ever produced to date. It holds the title of the largest in-water boat show in the world, featuring over 1,000 exhibitors from around the globe.
2024 International Boat Show kicks off in Fort Lauderdale: What you need to know
if trump still thinks he's running against joe, he's riding in the wrong end of that trash truck ...
What happened to denying that Biden said what he said?
Kinda hard to defend the indefensible, right?
At least that is what we hear on here a lot.
is that what the "absolutely nothing to show for the last 2 years" party is running on now? americans should seize on what the alt-media claims joe said and totally ignore the mountain of offensive and divisive shit trump spews daily? fucking weak ...
Show proof of that
Bring your money.
Yesterday Kamala Harris blatantly lied, claiming that Trump will ban abortion, nationwide, stop access to birth control, threaten IVF, and follow Project 2025.
Crazy, dishonest fear mongering is her only ploy.
Meanwhile, trump is cracking jokes and wearing an orange vest. His showmanship and sense of humor may win him the election.
Trump is entertaining ... and winning!
I never got into Reality TV.
He cracks me up for hours!
You must like freak shows.
Let's leave me out of it.
you're the one that says he cracks you up. You brought yourself into the conversation
Is that because you enjoy his Fascist rhetoric and openly discriminatory tirades?
... birds of a feather.
It doesn't work that way.
oh know you brought yourself into the conversation so just stop
This coming from someone that supports the massive freak show that is the Democrat party.
She knows she is lying but she also knows her lemmings don't care.
After a week of hearing defenses for CBS editing, MSNBC comparing the MSG rally to a Nazi rally, Harris & Walz calling the former President a fascist and people trying to defend a sitting president calling Trump supporters garbage with an apostrophe, I sadly have to agree.
hilarious, coming from a trump supporter ...
the only differences between the 1939 nazi rally and trump rally were -
How about showing the participants with Nazi flags or wearing nazi uniforms.
Or how about...
Leftists know Harris is losing and will be nothing but a bitter old lady going on a "it's everybody elses fault" tour for the next ten years like the other queen Hillary
The '39 rally was held by Nazi's. The '24 rally was held by people who hurt the feelings of the left.
And THAT is what makes them equal to nazis s/
both want the identical american society, culture, and gov't ...
In their fragile state of mind I wouldn't doubt it.
That's one opinion.
Question of the day: Are you tired of being called names? Deplorable. Garbage?
Vote and put an end to it.
If so, then definitely don't vote for Donald Trump who makes up insulting names for anyone on his growing enemies list as well as the majority of Americans who do not agree with him and will never vote for him.
Is that the way it works?
I prefer voting against those who insult Americans.
Trump recognizes Memorial Day by raging against foes, ‘human …
May 28, 2024 · In an online rant spanning nearly 200 words, the presumptive GOP nominee, after condemning his perceived foes as “Human Scum,”
Newstalkers has been around about 15 years I think.
No one in the history of this site has been as easy to prove wrong as you are. And I've seen all of it but the first year.
Donald Trump was defending his supporters and Republicans have every reason to take offense at Biden’s remark.
That'll be the day!
There must be something in the MAGA water.
How anyone on this earth can say Biden said something that Trump hasnt said many times before should be the subject of an inquiry into delusion.
And Biden didnt really say what the right thinks he did.
Common sense?
It won't work anymore. People want him back in the White House.
Sometimes I think you are just pranking everyone.
Let's just say timing is everything!
He is referencing his political foes, not everyday democrats.
There is a difference.
Why dont you join Heated Discussions at long last and we can throw down before election day.
that's funny, JR
What is the difference between a never Trumper and a Trump supporter?
Never Trumpers are not all on television , many of them are just regular people. He has also called the people "surrounding " Harris "garbage."
Just stop Trump crew, just stop.
To anyone with OK hearing he did. Did he mean it? I highly doubt it. But to ignore he said it is just partisan bullshit
Ooo, ooo, What about me?! I want that badge of honor
You apparently don't pay attention. You can skip nonsense and go straight to Biden calling Trump supporters garbage at 2:30
Does that mean that if you are running for office we should not vote for you?
Is America for Americans only?
The Irony here is off the scales considering your own comment history, one could say Trump is plagiarizing from this site.
Ya know what's funny? I have a co-worker who visits with the co-worker next door. He says things and then I see those same things said here
And who was it that use the word "garbage"? Oh yeah, Joe Biden. I won't be voting for Joe Biden either nor will I vote for Donald Trump who called more than half of Americans who don't support him "human scum".
Show proof that he called half of Americans human scum
He just said out loud what many leftists feel about Trump supporters. Hell, there a few on here that have opined that Biden is right.
Do you believe Biden is right?
who's counting? He called Americans human scum and garbage, and more than once.
Okay then Vic, was The View cancelled, or not?
It's telling that the "party of inclusion and acceptance" keep calling opposition supporters childish names.
It is kind of hard to believe someone who says: "I strongly disagree with any criticism of people based on who they vote for,” one day and calls everyone she disagrees with a fascist the next.
All the while being part of the party who censored the people, put up a candidate NOBODY voted for (even during her last attempt at being POTUS) among other acts.
Time has worked against them. There was too much time between the Kamala coronation/glorification and election day.
I wonder how reliable the polling is.
They may have had a chance if they waited and coronated her a week ago. Any more time after that Americans would see what they see of her today and it's not pretty.
The democrats in power have a long history of it,
I think it energizes their base.
But watching them it's like watching a massive bumper car ride. NONE have any direction and collide with each other in the blink of an eye.
Right now, I'm just thankful that sleepy Joe spoke up.
The man does speak since being freed from the basement.
He's like a toddler. He'll say the first thing that comes to his failing mind and it's never good for the party. But remember, according to the left and Democrats, "he's doing just fine".
Do what I do. Consider source and don’t give a shit. Their whole scene is nothing but a goat fuck. Nothing more.
I wish I could.
This place is about as far from mainstream as you can get. But, it makes many of our friends on the left feel better about themselves by insulting and looking down their noses at others here who don’t goosestep to their preferred narrative.
A public service of sorts.
New Yorkers have a chance to redeem themselves.

Tina Forte is challenging Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress.
Do it for your kids!
No, Game 5 was it.
It is too bad the Dodgers left Brooklyn.
No "joy" in NYC these days.
To bad the Dodgers left their broom at home.
That's a tossup. LA or NY?
Not these days.
She'll be in the garbage dump of history in a few days.
You mean the 14th district is mostly immigrants?
I'm sure if she identified as a glass of water, liberals would be falling over themselves to vote for her.
AOC is that glass of water.
Maybe Tina should hire Kristi Noem to take care of Brownie who has a penchant for chewing kid's faces.
Are her son and husband out of jail yet?
It is absolutely hilarious how the WH and all the cockroaches are trying to play that off as "Biden misspoke".
He made his statement plainly clear. He's trying to walk it back and it won't work.
Now we all know noncitizens are not permitted to vote. Which brings 2 questions to mind:
It is truly amazing since many declared themselves non-citizens. We are constantly told that it can't happen, but it did. They were registered to vote.
And nobody can explain why Democrats are fighting so hard to keep them on the rolls.
Biden's DOJ went all out.
Progress is Democrats not screaming that the garbage truck photo was staged and Trump really isn't a garbage man.
I've guess they've learned since their McDonald's debacle.
I heard some are questioning if he had a CDL license....even though he isn't driving.
Seriously? They are that level of stupidity?
My first thought after seeing Trump sitting a garbage truck , with his name in big letters on the side of it, was that most people will associate the image with Trump being garbage.
My second thought was who gives a shit? This stunt will not win Trump a single vote of an undecided.
And there you go.
That is what we are voting against.
Get out and vote!
Probably the same people who spent three days obsessing over Trump doing an event at a Mcdonalds.
Do you know it was staged??????
Of course that was not true....but this was...
Joe Biden trips three times while boarding Air Force One
Still waiting for all of those indictments against Holder, Obama, the Clintons, etc.
Be patient, it's a virtue.
Great, another celebrity accused of mismanaging money, endorses a celebrity who mismanages money.
You're too kind. The ass was accused of fraud. He paid back the stolen $1M, but has yet to pay the statutory interest. He's lucky he's not sitting in prison.
Trump called Favre a "great leader" yesterday. After the endorsement of course.
Were they both lying in bed naked except for a pair of crocs?
those maga frauds and racists sure do stick together ...
Biden's a celebrity?
To 81 million voters, apparently...
I guess you're right. We are missing a few trillion in taxpayer money.
Look hard enough, you'll find it.
So, you have nothing but partisan inuendo, got it.
The equivelant of what we see from the left.
We? Got a mouse in your pocket?
I want to actually see trmp pick up a trash can and dump it in the truck
I want to see someone pick Trump up and dump him in the back of a garbage truck. Neither of us will get our wish though.
I tried to find the part where he stares at himself in the truck's mirror for too many seconds, but alas, the media isn't doing stills of that or missing the door handle and assist handle as he struggled to climb in.
he can't even lift his depends pail ...
One of his legs is no longer working totally normally.
doesn't that commercial vehicle needs hazmat placards displayed with that toxic POS sitting inside of it ...
I just want to see him doing some real work
I wonder what's wrong with him?
Not in this lifetime.
The only pictures of trump lifting anything usually involve a Big Mac or Fries
I saw a harris commercial yesterday that promoted women lying to their husband about who they voted for. Just when you think the harris gang couldn't go any lower..........................
Per AOC, their ideal of manhood is a married man who knocks up the nanny and slugs his girlfriend if they dare talk to to other men. That they have such an insane conception of marriage isn't a surprise, I guess.
So is one form of assault on a woman different than another?
the nerve. doesn't that campaign know that wives are required to fully submit to their maga husbands?
'The left' is not a single personality with a single viewpoint. You are treating 'the left' as some bogeyman.
There is no 'the left', that is simply a relative term referring collectively to those that an individual considers to be left of center; and the concept of center itself is ill-defined.
That ad was in response to the fact that there are plenty of women (even today) who kowtow to their husbands ... and in this case the submission is politically. The Harris campaign believes that, due to polling, they are facing a level of chauvinism. Not too surprising. Encouraging women to not simply go along with their husband's wishes (and in the case of domineering husbands to lie to them and vote their conscience) seems like good advice to me.
Yes. I should have said some on the left. Now show there is enough chauvinism to risk the vote of women that are insulted when someone claims women are not empowered enough to think for themselves and they should lie to their husband's about who they vote for
Quite a word salad.
I do not believe that many women are insulted by the obvious fact that there are domineering / controlling / etc. men who pressure (and force) their wives / girlfriends to vote a certain way.
But you have dishonestly twisted the living shit out of this and have characterized it as claiming that women are in some way not able to 'think for themselves'. The notion was that the women can indeed think for themselves and are being coerced to vote otherwise.
Now show there is enough chauvinism to risk the vote of women that are insulted when someone claims women are not empowered enough to think for themselves and they should lie to their husband's about who they vote for.
I never claimed that nor did the Harris campaign.
That is some first class denial. "That ad was in response to the fact that there are plenty of women (even today) who kowtow to their husbands ... and in this case the submission is politically. The Harris campaign believes that, due to polling, they are facing a level of chauvinism. "
You saying they did not take the total possible ramifications of the ad into account.
I am not going to keep explaining this easy to understand concept to you.
My answer was perfectly clear:
I do not believe that many women are insulted by the obvious fact that there are domineering / controlling / etc. men who pressure (and force) their wives / girlfriends to vote a certain way.
But you have dishonestly twisted the living shit out of this and have characterized it as claiming that women are in some way not able to 'think for themselves'. The notion was that the women can indeed think for themselves and are being coerced to vote otherwise.
And yet some people not targeted by the commercial are insulted for the very reason i said. And that doesn't get into the fact the commercial is calling the women in those types of relationships too stupid to already know their husbands don't go in the voting booth with them and would never know who they voted for.
I will be surprised if the ad doesn't get pulled.
Who cares if you are surprised?
No it does not. Yet another example of a ridiculously dishonest twisted interpretation. This ad is reminding women that even if you have a pushy (or worse) partner who wants you to vote for Trump that you can avoid all the bullshit of arguing with him (or worse) and just vote as you see fit.
It is not calling the women stupid any more than an ad reminding people that they can vote early is calling the electorate stupid.
More ridiculous, petty criticism of Harris while giving Trump a pass at every turn.
Resorting to nasty comments is not a good look
And you think they don't already know that?
More of the same bogus twisted accusations every post.
Just cannot wait to read the next chickenshit complaint comment you pen about Harris.
Hopefully you can tell if I am serious about it or just using it to point out they hypocrisy of some on the left getting their panties in a twist over the same things they are giving a pass for.
Since I don't know when that will be in the mean time:
What I (and no doubt pretty much everyone else) notice is that your comments constantly attack Harris (now that Biden is out) and give Trump a pass at every turn.
Trump is the most unfit nominee in our lifetimes and likely in US history yet your comments flat out ignore the outrageous rhetoric and the unconstitutional and illegal wrongdoings of Trump while PotUS while making a big deal of some of the most petty, chickenshit aspects of Harris and her campaign.
Yet another comment which, in spite of denials, expresses that you want Trump (unfit vindictive narcissistic loose-cannon scoundrel) to win. (As if this is news to anyone here.)
Outside of that, one wonders what value you think you are offering.
Really, I think the value i offer is pretty clear. Oh well
Good luck find our robust economy in the back of that garbage truck. I encourage Trump to dig until he does though.