America's Golden Age

Fox News has just projected Donald Trump as the winner of the 2024 election.
Now that I am fully awake it is time to fill in this article. Trump won a clear victory in the presidential election over Vice President Kamala Harris, likely including in all seven battleground states. He also won the popular vote. Trump campaigned on sealing the border and deporting those who Biden allowed in, across-the-board tariffs, oil drilling, regulatory rollbacks, tax cuts, and drastic foreign policy changes. During his 20-minute victory address Trump did not mention any democrat and called for healing:
“It's time to put the divisions of the past four years behind us,” he said. “It's time to unite ... success will bring us together.”
Harris’s defeat was a rejection of both Biden’s performance as president and her own brief campaign as well as Obama's coalition based on identity politics.
Republicans have also won back the US Senate. It is unclear which party will control the House. The Republican Party appeared to expand its electorate in meaningful ways, especially among Latino voters.
It is the greatest comeback in the history of US politics. The campaign is over. The country has been saved.
The vice president who will have to certify the election, wasn't able to make a statement last night.
This is breaking news.
How did this happen??? Kamala got queen latifah’s endorsement!
i never watch msnbc… its other worldly.
And they spent a $ Billion and had the media lie for them.
But the people beat them! is it really really over??
We’re just getting started.
Evening..ohhh gawd...just shoot me now..
Another 4 years of this crud..
Isn't there meant to be a God, somewhere, anywhere..
Kamala Harris as vice president will have to swear Donald Trump in as the new President.
It was quiet at the Harris HQ last night.
Um...I thought it was the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS who did the swearing in?
You are absolutely correct, Roberts will swear trump in, Harris will have to certify the election results officially making him president elect.
There is no God
Then tell Vic. He got it wrong again below
It appears i don't have too since you already did, Thanks!
he fucked up twice. He's not hearing or seeing the message. I really hate when people don't know their POD
Please stop you're scaring everyone, er, I mean annoying.
Be prepared for a very quiet day!
So will democrats first move be to push for the end of the filibuster or to add more Supreme Court justices?
After all, they are the party of principle.
At least hopefully we won’t have to worry about whining about the popular vote for 4 years.
We are still going to hear about American being too racist and sexist to understand the Brilliance of Harris even though she did worse among women and minorities.
That’s easy, democrats will explain to them how they voted against their own best interests and will help them understand how they are unable to succeed without their support.
Trumps entire political career is based on racism. If you dont know that you dont know anything.
“Trumps entire political career is based on racism.”
So that’s why so many blacks and hispanics voted for him!
You didn't know? He is so racist that people from every demographic voted for him.
In record numbers
This morning, I bought breakfast for the next person in line at Dunkin Donuts.
What a great morning it is.
I will be very interested to see what tone Democrats take after somehow losing an election they spent ungodly amounts of money, had the legacy media working full time pushing their narratives and to a guy who isn't that popular. They really need to stop focusing on being moral scolds and start focusing on economic issues and what people actually care about. Calling people who people disagree with you garbage, Nazis and fascists and going into hysterics over a freaking joke from a warm up comedian only appeals to the hive minded.
Nobody worried over rent cares about a joke. That's for rich, bored people with nothing better to do to obsess over.
It won't be like last time. His aides have spent months planning for a second term and vetting potential appointees to ensure that his administration is staffed with loyalists rather than the establishment Republicans who were part of the resistance in his first term. He will have strong support from Senate Republicans this time as well.
In short there isn't much more the left can do.
Thanks to the Democrats destruction of the filibuster for presidential nominations and 52 or more Republican Senators, Trump won't have a problem with his appointments. Still not sure they will win the House or even have a working majority if they do though. Though with Trump in charge I expect Republicans will not be as fractious as they have been and will instead operate more like Pelosi's Democrats and always vote together.
You are right. The Republican party has been changed forever. It is the party of working men and women of all races and religions. Last night was a victory of the common people over the elite.
Yes, a political realignment, the newer Party of the working class breached racial walls.
Yes men who will not try to restrain him. I would rather he try to appoint people who know what they're doing instead of the ones who won the butt kissing contest, but oh well.
You got it!
Like Rob Malley?
He really knew what he was doing.
Not sure who you are trying to fool but the common folks have replaced the elite with a 'new' old one. New waves are like the old waves, wet and you can't breath.
Maybe you can tell us what happened to that women's vote the dems were counting on?
What about the women who were going to win it for Kamala?
They didn't know they were women.
Evidently Bucks County near Philadelphia forgot who they were too. They went for Trump.
Beats me, the wonder of why Americans vote the way they do evaporated in 2016. You got what you wished for and time will want that bill paid in full.
Sean, you backed the worst person to ever run for president of the United States, and one day you will take that to the grave with you.
Lighten up, JR.
It is understandable that Harris supporters are experiencing anger on the scale of defeat, but I feel like some will remain on that stage for the next four years and never embrace acceptance.
We can just hope they at least get out of the angewr stage.
"It's time for the Democrats to take a good, long hard look at how this happened, and if they just say 'Trump bad, Democrats virtuous' they're gonna keep losing. This is not about just Trump; this is about the Democrats and being radically disconnected from rest of the country." ... Morning Joe this morning.
No shit Joe.
Where has that been for the last 8 years? Seems like he's been one of the main enforcers of that mindset.
He is also a Monday morning QB.
It must have pained him to do the show today.
Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC: "...there are a lot of men, black and white, who just simply don't trust a woman to be chief executive, Commander in Chief..."
It is finger pointing time.
As expected. Much easier to fall back on the isms than exercise any self reflection.
She got the message. She is going to retire.
Just heard on the radio that Trump got 41% of the Hispanic vote
That is great to hear. It means that Hispanics are just like everyone else.
I'm interested in the numbers on the black voters.
At least this election explained the psychology behind the democrats “Walls don’t work” their blue wall collapsed like it was made of paper in a’s no surprise they don’t trust them.
Working people stood tall in the so called "blue wall."
Dems liked to brag that they are the Party of college educated, but that didn’t win the election.
Nope, the white supremist minorities cost them the election.
So how many pardons for Oprah, J-lo and others will Biden give out before he leaves to protect Hollywood from what is coming in the Diddy case? do you think they are all more or less nervous today now that Kamala lost?
Joe is now feeling the pressure to pardon Hunter.
And Kamala has one duty left: to swear in Donald Trump as the 47th President.

It's almost over Kamala.
Heehee. I bet she calls in sick that day.
She looks tired & beat!
$50 that she'll screw it up.
They are all upset today.
That's the way it goes some times.
The Chief Justice of the SCOTUS swears him in! Geeze, Vic! How many inaugurations have you watched?
She has to certify the election results in January
$50 that she'll screw it up.
I'll be back to discuss America's coming Golden Age.
For now, I have some business to attend to.
We needed a Raoul Duke to chronicle this race.