Mexico Renames the Rio Grande River to Honor President Trump
Mexico, after extensive research and polling of the Mexican people the Mexican government has decided to honor President Trump with a name change to the Rio Grande River.
The name change was not taken lightly in Mexico, but because President Trump has expressed much admiration for Mexico and President Sheinbaum it was necessary to make this change as a gesture of good will to the leader of the free world.
Mexico has renamed the Rio Grande river to honor President Trump, it will now be known as
Perhaps President Trumps Evangelical followers can baptist him in the river which would be fitting.
Long overdue and thank you to Mexico, it’s people and President Sheinbaum for this gracious move on their part.
no comprendeh
Go to the English Spanish translator, iggy.
thanx, but i phoned a friend, and she filled me in, and i'll agree with Mexico on this one
Thanks, Iggy.
Not at all, Doc. we are such good friends Australia would certainly like to help out re the baptism..
We can send over one of our favourites to make sure you do a decent job..not that tiddler in the photo..
Nope not my photo..
LOL, perfect Shona.
Oh yes - two for the price of one - the baptizer and the baptize. YUM!!!
He's cute!
I could not resist, Mark.
Bravo. A fitting gesture.
Thank you, Buzz it was my pleasure.
I know just enough Spanish to get this right away.
Let me second that, even if it was a comment from 2 days ago
What are you seconding, Vic?