
Decision to let cop killer Abu-Jamal give commencement speech 'despicable,' widow says


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Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  19 comments

Decision to let cop killer Abu-Jamal give commencement speech 'despicable,' widow says

Decision to let cop killer Abu-Jamal give commencement speech 'despicable,' widow says

A Vermont college's selection of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal as commencement speaker is a despicable decision that should be reversed, his victim's widow told FoxNews.com.

Maureen Faulkner, whose husband Daniel was gunned down by Abu-Jamal in 1981, was shocked to learn of the selection by undergraduate students at tiny Goddard College in Plainfield. Abu-Jamal, who will not attend the event and whose speech will be pre-recorded, received a bachelor of arts degree from the 245-student liberal arts college in 1996 through a correspondence program.

Its not appropriate, Faulkner said. His freedom was taken away when he murdered a police officer in the line of duty. It seems like our justice system allows murderers to continue to have a voice over the public airwaves and at college commencement. Its despicable.

Abu-Jamal, born Wesley Cook, was sentenced to death following a high-profile trial in Philadelphia. His sentence was later reduced to life in prison without parole for killing Faulkner, a 25-year-old patrolman who scuffled with Abu-Jamals brother during an early morning traffic stop. Abu-Jamal, a member of the Black Panther Party, was wounded by a round from Faulkners gun and a .38-caliber revolver registered to Abu-Jamal was found at the scene with five spent shell casings, according to trial testimony.

"People need to start realizing that theres right and wrong in this world. It seems like no one thinks about that."

- Maureen Faulkner, widow of former Philadelphia cop Daniel Faulkner

Sunday's event will mark the third time Abu-Jamal, 60, has given commencement speeches at colleges, including at Evergreen State College in Washington and Antioch College in Ohio. Both of those events prompted widespread protests on behalf of law enforcement officers and Faulkners relatives.

How can this go in our country? Its amazing, Maureen Faulkner continued. People need to start realizing that theres right and wrong in this world. It seems like no one thinks about that.

In a statement, Goddard College Interim President Bob Kenny said the college holds 20 commencement ceremonies annually to provide personalized graduation ceremonies in each degree program.

"As a reflection of Goddards individualized and transformational educational model, our commencements are intimate affairs where each student serves as her or his own valedictorian, and each class chooses its own speaker," Kenny said in a statement. "Choosing Mumia as their commencement speaker, to me, shows how this newest group of Goddard graduates expresses their freedom to engage and think radically and critically in a world that often sets up barriers to do just that."

A spokeswoman for the Vermont State Police also condemned the school's actions, saying the college's students and leaders are showing "blatant indifference" toward law enforcement.

"The scheduled commemoration of convicted cop killer, Mumia Abu-Jamal, demonstrates an appalling disregard for law enforcement officers, and their families, who have lost their lives in the line of duty," Stephanie Brackin said in a statement.

Goddard officials did not immediately reply to requests for comment on Faulkners comments. She intends to protest the ceremony in some way, she told FoxNews.com.

Faulkner acknowledged that Abu-Jamal remains not far from her mind. Earlier this month, the notorious inmate made headlines when an attorney nominated to lead the Justice Departments civil rights division withdrew from consideration due to his involvement in Abu-Jamals case while working with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to overturn his death sentence.

And in April, a lesson plan posted on the Oakland (Calif.) Unified School Districts website asked students to draw parallels between late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Abu-Jamal, an exercise akin to advocating violence to young students, Faulkner said.

Its a travesty, Faulkner told FoxNews.com in April. Youre going to teach children about a man who murdered a police officer? Thats not a good lesson to be teaching children. He was a radical, a militant. My question is: Are our tax dollars paying for this?

Meanwhile, a spokesman for Goddard College said university officials do not condone any acts of violence.

"Our condolences go out to [Faulkner] as they go out to the many victims and their families who have experienced senseless acts of violence, spokesman Dustin Bylerly said in a statement to FoxNews.com. Our aspiration is to make the world a less violent place in which to live by examining carefully those elements of life in this world that lead to such senseless acts. Without equivocation we do not condone any acts of violence."


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

"The scheduled commemoration of convicted cop killer, Mumia Abu-Jamal, demonstrates an appalling disregard for law enforcement officers, and their families, who have lost their lives in the line of duty," Stephanie Brackin said in a statement.

Larry Hampton
Professor Participates
link   Larry Hampton    10 years ago

Hey, at least we'll prove what a tolerant, inclusive, and progressive society we are.


Freshman Silent
link   pokermike    10 years ago

Where is the outrage by the parents? Do they really want a convicted cop-killer to speak at the last event of their children's college career? How sick is that?

Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary    10 years ago

And until that time, he should be treated as a prisoner. Nothing more.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

President, Vice President, Senator, Secretary of State, Corporate CEO, convicted murderer, .....

Role models and qualified and desirable graduation speakers one and all I guess

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy    10 years ago
The country moves further beyond satire.
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    10 years ago

Doesn't it depend on what he is going to say? Reformed drug addicts (who may well have spent time in prison) can provide a speech with hes/her experiences that would turn kids away from or keep them from trying drugs.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Very good point Buzz.

Swamijim sez
Freshman Silent
link   Swamijim sez    10 years ago

You raise an interesting point Buzz. DOES it depend on what he is going to say? Meaning-- is the students' 'right' to choose a commencement speaker, and/or the speaker's 'right' to address that request, dependent on what he/she is going to say? Obviously, no one would have a problem with 'Abu-Jamal'delivering an address that abjured violence and expressed guilt & remorse... but if he made an issue of police/judicial prejudice and violence against minorities & defended armed resistance to 'unjust' authority, lots of folks would throw a shit-fit.

IMO the ultimate irony is that most of the shit-fitters would be exactly the same folks who were all supportive of the Clive Bundy crowdand totally in sympathy with people opening fire on cops executing a 'no-knock' warrant. Apparently "when the muhfuggas come to take mah guns" is only an acceptable statement when delivered by a certain ethnic group...

Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary    10 years ago

Couldn't have been too overwhelming-obviously not enough to meet the threshold for reconsideration. Sorry, but when there is enough evidence to prove an injustice has been done, I applaud it. I really like to see the DNA Project clearing people innocent of crimes, but I'm not willing to hop on to the bandwagon of 'he might be innocent'.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
Repulsive. Another argument for capital punishment.
Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
Conspiracy alert. This thug is a convicted murderer. His support byvthe leftist fringe over the years is disgusting.
Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
Free speech is not involved. No one is suggesting the government stop him from speaking. We are expressing our outrage at a purported college that glorifies copkillers.If his speech is about admitting his guilt, apologizing, and telling the kids about his mistakes, that might be acceptable. I think we all know that won't happen.
Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
link   Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    10 years ago

Mumia Abu-Jamal is believed by many to be innocent.

The facts of the case:

On December 9, 1981, in Philadelphia, close to the intersection at 13th and Locust Streets, Philadelphia Police Department officer Daniel Faulkner conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle belonging to William Cook, Abu-Jamal's younger brother. During the traffic stop, Abu-Jamal's taxi was parked across the street, and Abu-Jamal ran across the street towards the traffic stop. At the traffic stop, there was an exchange of fire. Both Officer Faulkner and Abu-Jamal were wounded, and Faulkner died. Police arrived on the scene and arrested Abu-Jamal, who was found wearing a shoulder holster. A revolver, which had five spent cartridges, was beside him. He was taken directly from the scene of the shooting to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital , where he received treatment for his wound, the result of a shot from Faulkner.

Scads of witnesses, and yet...bothAbu and his brother used the ever-popular SODI defense: Some other dude did it. Perhaps that would have gained a little traction had Mr. Cook not forgotten that he was wearing a shoulder holster, while the gun, which was determined to be the murder weapon, was on the ground next to him. What a time to forget that he was wearing the shoulder-holster. Details, Abu, details!

But, I say let the guy speak. A pre-recorded message from a convicted cop-killer, played at acollege graduation with no more than say... 20 or 30 graduates... Who cares? I'm surethe WidowFaulker is upset,but honestly, this mess has garnered more press because of her speaking out against it, than it ever would have had she remained quiet.

Freshman Silent
link   pokermike    10 years ago

Mumia Abu-Jamal is believed by many to be innocent.

No doubt every one of those also believe O.J. is innocent.

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    10 years ago

If the issue is the "free speech rights" of the potential speaker to speak-- then would it also be a violation of the right to free speech if a KKK member was not allowed to to speak at a meeting? A Nazi?

If the NAACP refuses to lets a Klansman speak at one of their meetings-- is that an unacceptable violation of the Klansman's "right to free speech"? Regarding extreme racism vs African-Americans-- must they choose speakers who represent "both sides of the issue'?

My personal view is that these groups should-- and must-- have the right to express their views. But also: an organization has the right to choose who they want to speak at their meetings.

And another principle comes to mind (usually but not always heard in regards to issues of free speech):

Just because something is permitted under the law does not necessarily mean its a good idea to do it!

Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary    10 years ago

And yet, didn't some politicians recently (in the last few years) get invitations to speak revoked or were not allowed to speak while standing there? Because of their politics-nothing more.

Our values as a country are upside down.

Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary    10 years ago

News Story on Speakers

I don't recall the outcry of the left when Condi Rice was not allowed to speak.......and she is not a criminal, not a convicted murderer.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

No doubt every one of those also believe O.J. is innocent.( snicker!!) It wouldn't surprise me.


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