Top 10 Things For Indians to Say When You Meet a White Person
Top 10 Things to Say When You Meet a White Person
All Native Americans have had those encounters -- meeting a stranger of a different race who reacts to Indian-ness with a predictable comment about your racial makeup, or a common misconception about Indians, or a (probably false) story about his or her grandmother. It's weird, it's sometimes offensive, it's sometimes oddly touching.
This list turns the tables, offering the NDN side of the conversation. Thanks goes to Last Real Indians for posting this one to their Facebook page .
Top 10 Things Natives Should Say to White Folks
10. How much white are you?
9. I'm part white myself, you know.
8. I learned all your people's ways in the Boy Scouts.
7. My great-great-grandmother was a full-blooded white American Princess.
6. Funny, you don't look white.
5. I'm not racist, my best friend is white!
4. Do you live in a covered wagon?
3. What's the meaning behind the square dance?
2. Can I touch your facial hair?
1. Hey, can I take your picture
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It's humor, but these questions to non Indians, are the reverse of questions asked of us.
My all time favorite when I'm asked if I speak Indian. My answer is, No, do you speak Caucasian?
"Can I touch your hair"???
It's interesting Cerenkov, that most of these are actual experiences that we, as Indians, have on a rather regular basis.
One can only hope JR.
No, you may not 1st...LOLOLOL
Love it, this one is special
Indeed, Kavika, indeed
LOL, the expressions on their faces are priceless Palma.
You forgot one....
What does "How" mean?
LOL, good one Perrie.
white-eyes!!!!! Robert that's not very PC.
I prefer has a certain ring to it, and it isn't derogatory.
ROTFL, good one Nona.
I have been asked if I can make spaghetti! Well....DUH!!
I hear that your pretty good at making ''frizza''...
ROFL !! I'm the only person in the world that can make "frizza"
I think you miss the point or are taking this personally. These are the standard things that are said to Indians, but reversed. Kind of like the shoe on the other foot.
And I am not sure why you would take so little pride in being Indian... no matter how much Indian you are.
I KNOW this has to be tiresome, at best. And your realm of experience is likely very different than mine. But, I don't honestly think everyone that asks these stupid questions really mean any harm, they are just curious. I mean, most people are well-meaning, and just trying to assuage their curiosity, I honestly don't think they are trying to be mean.
We have all asked stupid questions, sometimes, or used the wrong language choices. Perhaps, we can all look at this as an opportunity to really help someone learn something. The indian stereotype is pretty much beaten into our brains, and it takes a rare, intelligent person to look past that and see the human standing next to you. Most of us are not exposed to real indian culture, and when we see a glimpse of it, we find it fascinating. In my case, anyway, it stirs my blood. It makes me happy to see and hear. Perhaps most of us just want to know more, and don't know of a polite way of going about asking for knowledge.
Then again, I would imagine that you are tired of dealing with ignorant, if well-meaning people.
Remember the joke you posted, Kavika, a couple of weeks ago, how many different indians view the same thing? There are as many different viewpoints as there are people. In every simple question-- such as why did the chicken cross the road-- there are pitfalls and dangers and it hurts someone or angers someone.
Personally, no matter what I say, I feel that I'm going to offend someone. I guess you could say that I'm obviously very ignorant, but well-meaning. Perhaps there are more of us out there than we think.
Maybe someday, we will all be as one, and at peace with one another.
I'm not offended, but I am sad. I am sad that these are standard things said to indians, because there needs to be more education out there about indians. Embarrassed, because I have likely said some of them myself, in ignorance. I am sad that people know so little about indians, and, with this huge dearth of knowledge, are grasping for any straw to understand. I would LOVE to hear more and learn more, but the information is not forth coming. Even blocked in many places.
I have been told that it is private. Well, folks, you can't have it both ways. If you hide the meat of the culture from people, because it is private, then you can't gripe if people don't understand.
I understand how formerstew feels. Of late, I have felt that my pride and love for my great-grandmother has been a source of contention among my friends. No, she was not a princess. But she was a real person. My mother loved her, my Grandpa loved her, and I love her, even though I've never met her. I hope to live my life so that she will be glad to meet me someday.
This article brought tears to my eyes, for so many reasons...
"I've actually gotten that request several times in Japan."
As have I
Probably because your Ojibwe Buzz.
I was very blond, naturally, years ago when we went to Acapulco. Everyone wanted to touch my hair, and did!
We don't hide the meat of our culture from people. Pow Wow's are open to everyone. There are some ceremonies that are private, and mostly have to do with sacred ceremonies. There is a reason for this, as I explained earlier.
There are many groups that have restricted meeting/ceremonies, we are no different then those groups.
As always, please feel free to ask questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
I don't quite understand what your driving at. Could you explain your comment Being Indian, I would think that you would have understood the humor in it. If you want, I'll explaineach ofthe 10 points to you.
Let me know.
Thanks, Kavika-- I think I understand a little better now.
I've been to a pow wow . It gave me a headache ...
Same thing happens to me at the opera Petey.
Yeah, it really is MM.
Robert, why would we want to ditch those items. They have a very special meaning to us. Cannot people differ and still be accepted?
I would suspect that you know that wouldn't change anything. Let me put it this way, why is it acceptable to have a football team named the ''Red*kins'', when it's a racial slur and very offensive to most Indians. Yet, it seems to be very acceptable to many non Indians.
Perhaps if they ditched the name, and quit all the other stereotyping, things would change.
Maybe if you ditched the feathers and the tomahawk, Why should they??
Give us your recipe for a yummy sauce, please.
(that would be something said to an Italian too) lol
ha ha. You got my joke. hee hee hee.
lol...I may be blond, (with chemical help) but I catch a lot of beware! lol
Even Mozart ?
yup, even Mozart Petey.
Let's agree to not go to concerts together !
That's a deal Petey.
And proud of it!!!
It's an Indian approved list, after all. That's gotta count for something, I figure.
LOL, smart ass.
"Do you people still do the Square-Dance"?
Though off-topic, I have a question for you Kavika. As an avid cigar smoker for 4 decades, I have nearly always seen outside or in a tobacconist shop a "cigar-store Indian". Usually a life-size statue of a Native-American in traditional garb and full headdress. I have always viewed it as honoring the Native-Americans gift of tobacco to the rest of the world and in no way demeaning. Do you feel offended by it or know if there is any general consensus regarding it?
pokermike, I feel that it's way past time to put it on the shelf. Although your view is not stereotyping, the actual statue is something that I rather not see.
I know many Indians that view it as just the same old stereotyping, others that simply ignore it. Some could care less.
Usually pokermike, the regalia is incorrect, as is the headdress in most instances.
Hope that I answered your question.
I have no attachment to the tradition and certainly would not oppose its disappearance. My question was merely a matter of curiosity and you have answered it sufficiently. As long as I can keep my beloved cigars, though the Federal government is currently seeking ridiculous restrictions on premium cigars which will serve no purpose other than driving up the prices.
Nothing better than a good cigar while sipping of a fine brandy pokermike.
Of course. My ass may be the smartest thing about me.
Whiter than Gwen Stefani..LOL...Now that is white Thee.
Thanks for the story my friend.
Let's have lunch at "The Cracker Barrel".....roflmao
Larry, Grump and 1stwarrior eat there all the time. I wonder if 1st is asking Grump to lunch at ''Cracker Barrel''....LMAO.
Or let's get a drink at "The Honky Tonk"
Your on a roll Larry....
When I was at the Rez we referred to them as the "Flour Children"..
Yeah, we did as well...It's perfect. If I remember right, in the ''Hippy era'', the SW rezervations were over run with ''flour children'', hoping to become Indian. Most were run off the rez and told not to return.
Most were run off the rez and told not to return.
As well they should have been.
OK , that would be funny even to Conan O'brian !
Uh....Number 5? It should be 'I'm not racist I have a white friend'.
Not on the Rez RL...They were Flour Children..
LOL, yes that correct Spike. I do have a white friend..Therefore I'm not racist.
That counts RL.