Teen Says Instagram Tried To Fat-Shame Her By Deleting Her Photo
Once the victim of vicious bullying, Samm Newman struggled with self-esteem issues as a child and adolescent. She used to engage in self-harm and totally lacked confidence.
But when she got to college, Newman, now 19, experienced a transformation. She found a community of people on the Internet who supported and encouraged her, and she soon was taking part in body-positivity movements on social media sites like Instagram.
Newman, who wears a size 24, proudly posted photographs of herself in bikinis, sports bras and shorts, captioning the pics with upbeat messages.
" I'm a big girl, I'm proud, and I post lots of body love ," the Ohio college student told ABC affiliate KTRK-TV.
Um, no and no ! I think instagram was doing her a favor. Sorry, but this is just a bad idea.
She's opened herself up to all kinds of trolling and verbal abuse. I just don't see how this is a good idea.
She may be comfortable with her appearance but that doesn't make it a good idea to publish it. If she were truly confident she would have no need to even address her appearance. Just my opinion.
True. Kids don't understand the repercussions of their actions with social media. Not at all.
Ain't that the truth. I took a selfie for a profile pic, that's it.
Excuse me, but I'd like to try to answer this lovely girl.
The Sensible Response:
"Honey, your picture was banned because it was inappropriate, not because you're fat. One does NOT post pictures of oneself clad only in one's underwear on FB until one reaches a certain age, like 21. You're just a bit too young to allow young men of all ages that you do not know, become privy to your intimate pictures... By posting this picture, you may be inviting certain, unwanted elements into your life. I fear that you may find these pictures to be a tad embarrassing in the future. Be grateful that someone was looking out for your best interests."
What I really want to say:
"Honey, your picture was banned because you're STUPID, not because you're fat."
Forgive me, my impatience is showing!!!
No problem, Dowser. You're the best !