Category: Photography & Art
Same Kingdom (Animal), Phylum (Chordata) and Class (Aves) they're birds!
But quite different in size, appearance and certain behaviors.
The Tufted Titmouse; small, timid, relatively quiet.
A juvenile Grackle; Nature has quite the imagination, no?
All Rights Reserved/A. Mac
Nature has quite the imagination, no?
More variety than imagination. For example, a recently caught 100 lb. alligator snapping turtle.
But in defence of your theory of nature's imagination:
All I know is you can't beat Nature!
The Titmouse, shy, dainty and the Giant California Condor, massive and powerful. Nature unleashes her beauty and imagination. All we have to do is wonder at the beauty and diversity.
39 visitors
Nature has quite the imagination, no?
More variety than imagination. For example, a recently caught 100 lb. alligator snapping turtle.
But in defence of your theory of nature's imagination:
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for? (Robert Browning)
All I know is you can't beat Nature!
The Titmouse, shy, dainty and the Giant California Condor, massive and powerful. Nature unleashes her beauty and imagination. All we have to do is wonder at the beauty and diversity.