My "Neighbors" Drop by for a Photo Op (Every Day). I Live in a Mixed Neighborhood.
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Category: Photography & Art
Via: a-macarthur • 11 years ago • 43 comments
Isn't Nature beautiful? And you bring out the bright colors and vivid details so well I feel like I am close enough to see them at the photos' size(s). Thank you, A Macarthur.
Simply love the Catbird, what with their crazy songs and all. A couple of times in the heat of middle summer, one can hear the Catbird going bezerk with their mimicry in the middle of the night for hours on end...and they can be quite loud so it can wake-up an entire neighborhood!
Indeed they do have a different style than other birds for sure; they are a really fun bird to watch/listen to!
Ya know A. Mac birding is something I've gotten into for years. Off-line it's one of my favorite hobbies; however, I have been hesitant about blogging about birding. I recognize it as a conscious's almost like it's too special to sully with blogging (if that makes any sense). Perhaps though it's time to get over myself and start digging into that a little. It's gotta be better than political crap.
I have been hesitant about blogging about birding.
I agree it won't attract a wide audience on a site that isn't wildlife, nature or photography-oriented. But I think when a viewer sees a full-frame, fairly large (even life-size) image of a creature they ordinarily only view casually and at a distance, the very freshness of such a view almost compels them to look. Feather details alone plus the "body language" captured in a moment frozen in time, is often enough to say, "hey, look what you've been missing!"
Most newbies first get into birding and ya hear them say the same thing, "hey! I had no idea that bird was full of so many colors!". And it's true. I mean, from a distance a Common Grackle looks like just some ol' black bird; but, up-close, their effervescent coloring andintense eyes reveal something else entirely!
Ornithological Diversity!
The colors are amazing! Beautiful photos again. I just sit back and take it in. Thanks for sharing them A. Mac.
My distinct honor and pleasure.
Great photo's AMac, keep them coming.
The Blue Jay is just a youngster IIRC from your explanation months ago ...
The Blue Jay seems to be saying:
"Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?"
The Mourning Dove seems to be saying:
"Sorry, but you shouldn't have walked under me."
Your neighbors are cool.
I love ''mixed neighborhoods''. Mine is as well, but the neighbors are a bit different.
There are currently 4 Blue Jays who regularly visit
This is the one you likely recall
"Are you Mitch Williams?"
And classy.
Vulture capitalist.
Living in a ''mixed neighborhood'', we must have the RED race represented.
Thus, I present ''RED BIRD"...
Actually, we have a lot of cardinals around here, quite the beautiful bird.
Serious pecking order too, I would imagine.
Here's one.
There are some peckers in my neighborhood.
But generally, it's a nice place to live.
I'm beginning to thinkyou are a genius with a camera, those are some beautiful pictures!
Are we talking about Joe Carter's biggest fan?
That's EXACTLY what A.Mac is talking about.
We have Woody Peckers as well, amazing non flying, errrrr thingy.
Mac, I think you stole my Blue Jays!! I haven't seen any for quite some time. These are tremendous pic's! (of course)
Thank you for a most generous comment, Leotle.
God/Nature/The Cosmos has created the beauty, I just take pictures.
I have obtained many copies of that video
They don't easily flush.
Still, I'll keep on flushing.
I didn't steal them; they apparently have a grievance and came to me for counsel and representation.
I told them that we could likely settle out-of-tree.
Otherwise, put out some pieces of crackers and they'll show up.
Yes, A.Mac, but you have the talent to FIND the beauty...
lol... I put peanuts out for them, but the dumb squirrels steal them!!
Cardinals show up though!
Our Phillies sir. But as Chase F'in Utley said...well you know what he said.
Ahhh! A kindred spirit who feels the pain.
I love your neighborhood. Can I move in?
This is a lovely selection Mac!
But I need more chipmunk action.
Isn't Nature beautiful? And you bring out the bright colors and vivid details so well I feel like I am close enough to see them at the photos' size(s). Thank you, A Macarthur.
My pleasure, KatPen.
Thank you.
I'd like that a lot.
And your wish granted.
A Mac, you have some wonderful neighbors there. Really beautiful!
And the birds here are also beautiful.
Simply love the Catbird, what with their crazy songs and all. A couple of times in the heat of middle summer, one can hear the Catbird going bezerk with their mimicry in the middle of the night for hours on end...and they can be quite loud so it can wake-up an entire neighborhood!
I have quite a few Catbird images; they display some interesting body language. Maybe I'll post an article featuring just such pictures.
Indeed they do have a different style than other birds for sure; they are a really fun bird to watch/listen to!
Ya know A. Mac birding is something I've gotten into for years. Off-line it's one of my favorite hobbies; however, I have been hesitant about blogging about birding. I recognize it as a conscious's almost like it's too special to sully with blogging (if that makes any sense). Perhaps though it's time to get over myself and start digging into that a little. It's gotta be better than political crap.
I agree it won't attract a wide audience on a site that isn't wildlife, nature or photography-oriented. But I think when a viewer sees a full-frame, fairly large (even life-size) image of a creature they ordinarily only view casually and at a distance, the very freshness of such a view almost compels them to look. Feather details alone plus the "body language" captured in a moment frozen in time, is often enough to say, "hey, look what you've been missing!"
Most newbies first get into birding and ya hear them say the same thing, "hey! I had no idea that bird was full of so many colors!". And it's true. I mean, from a distance a Common Grackle looks like just some ol' black bird; but, up-close, their effervescent coloring andintense eyes reveal something else entirely!
That's what I'm talkin' about; awesome A. Mac and thanks!