Signs of Spring
Finally we are seeing some signs of spring around the yard.
We haven't seen many birds at the front yard feeders until Saturday and we got these little ones. There was a red Common Finch about, but I couldn't get a good clear shot of him.
This little one was singing from the apple tree.
The trees are budding
The raspberries are leafing
The first flower starting to bud too.
Pansies for Mom on Mother's Day from the local garden center.
Wow! Really lovely work EG.
Thanks Perrie. I'm just now starting to get some nicer pictures from the new DSLR. It's taken a couple of months to familiarize myself with it and figure out how to process them correctly (Adobe Lightroom 5 & Photoshop CC). I'm still need a lot more learning though...LOL.
Great to see you posting images!
Birds are a most challenging subject; if you can set up feeders, over time, if you observe regularly, you'll begin to be able to anticipate the actions of each given species which will allow you to pre-focus on positions where they'll land. That will save precious seconds in fine-tuning your focus on the bird(s) you photograph.
If you can get close enough to use your camera's built-in flash (assuming your camera has one) use it to fill in the shadows and/or better illuminate the subject (birds, flowers, insects) and use faster shutter speeds.
With birds, unless you can get within several feet (unlikely), and/or use a big zoom lens (300-500mm), once you get a shot that pleases you, you will likely have to crop out distracting elements to solidify compositions. Cropping is an art/skill in and-of-itself but worth the effort.
Keep posting.
I think for the birds I'll have to get a bigger lens and remote shutter trigger. Set everything up on the tripod in the front porch.
Here's a chickadee that turned out ok. I was about 4 feet from it and still had to crop the image down.
Thanks Gunny and it's nice to hear things are greening up in your area. I'll be taking pics of things as they green up around here. A lot of ice on Lake Superior still, so it's still mostly cold.
Great photos EG you got the basics the rest comes with time and trial and error (I made a lot of that last variety).
Awesome shots EG! I'm glad Spring has finally sprung for you !!
Excellent photos, eg. A great shot of the bird in the apple tree.
No. I think they are mountain ash or something similar. They do get late season red berries.
We have been 10 to 15 degrees below average temps for most of the year. 30's and rain yesterday and 50's today. This weekend will be in the mid 60's.
Totes! With this group above I took a couple of hundred pictures and less than a dozen were any good.
Thanks Squirrel!
Thanks Tzia. I have these set to auto publish on NV for the Friday Random 5.
Thanks Buzz. I think I need to get a bigger lens for the bird shots.
Some excellent photography, EG!
You're welcome eg. I have these set to auto publish on NV for the Friday Random 5.
How do you do that???
Set up your article and click the drop down on the Publish button and choose the day and time you want the article to go live. This is the second or third time I've done it.
Thanks Neetu!
One of the lenses I had with my 35mm Canon F1 SLR was a Canon 300mm that was so long and heavy that the tripod socket to be used was the one in the lens rather than the camera. I had a pile of Canon lenses starting at a 28mm up to that biggie. My camera bag was so heavy to carry with all the lenses and the F1 and 2 FTb bodies, filters, strobe flash, etc. that I eventually left it all at home and bought a Vivitar zoom - can't remember exactly the focal lengths but I think it was around 70 to 205 that I used with the F1 body.
Now I use a pocket digital with only a zoom to 3x, but I have my eye on a Panasonic pocket digital with a Leica 10x optical zoom lens.
Yeah I've got a bunch of lenses for an old Minolta 35mm SLR. I can't decide if I should try an adapter to use these with my new Canon T3 or just start purchasing some new Canon lenses. I have a 200mm zoom, 2x and 3x wide angles, a big telephoto I can't remember what size, assorted filters and such. All the things my father bought back in the 80's.
Thank you, I may get brave and try it. I'm extremely computer challenged!
Wonderful photos eg. Thanks for posting them.
Thanks Kavika.
I got my Canon F1 when they were first being sold in Toronto in the early 1970s. At the time it was the finest professional 35mm SLR available.
I sold all that equipment on
I sold all that equipment on eBay when I was preparing to move to China. It would have been a bother to have a film camera here, and digital was the way to go then. I used to develop my films and enlarge my photos back then because I had a darkroom and good equipment.
That's cool. I don't think I could give my stuff away. While cleaning I found a few rolls color35mm fuji film so I may load up the old camera this summer and run all that film through just to see what I get these days.
Don't be disappointed if the photos don't come out too well, since film is dated and does deteriorate over time.
A very nice yard, which obviously receives a lot of TLC.
Thanks Kara.
I'm liking these photos. Spring? Maybe so, but goofy weather here. Last week we had a cold snap and the furnace was running. Yesterday it was hot and I got the swamp cooler tuned up for the summer and had it turned on for a while yesterday afternoon. Strange weather but common hereabouts. At least the tomato plants didn't freeze last week when it went down to 34 degrees. Yikes.
Yeah, it's been up and down a lot lately. I stopped off on the Lakewalk yesterday afternoon. It was super foggy and temps in the mid-30's. I'll post a couple of pic I got.